../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


This Appendix is a compilation of EEOC's GPRA measures and performance results for fiscal years 1999 and 2000.

EEOC has continually improved its measures to capture trends and help management, employees and stakeholders understand agency performance information. The wording and numbering system for the measures already published in our fiscal years 1999 and 2000 GPRA Annual Performance Plans and our fiscal year 1999 Annual Performance Report were recently revised to be consistent with the agency's revised Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2000 - 2005. Included on the compilation table for each changed measure is a cross-reference to Table A, which provides the measure's original wording and numbering used in EEOC's published Plans.

Strategic Goal 1:
Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through A Comprehensive Enforcement Program

Strategic Objective 1.1.:
Improve the effectiveness of the private sector enforcement program, including the use of charge prioritization, mediation and, where necessary, litigation, by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy that focuses on National Enforcement Plan priorities.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
1.1.1. Percent of Category "A" charge resolutions involving multiple aggrieved parties (MAPs) or discriminatory policies.

[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item C.]

4.7% 12.1% 12% 19%
1.1.2. Average time to process private sector charges.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item D.]
Reduce average processing time. Reduced from 310 days to 265 days. 220 days 216 days
1.1.3. Offer mediation under the EEOC's ADR Program.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item D.]
Double charges eligible for ADR. More than doubled- 17,800 to 41,800. Extend offers to at least 50% of appropriate charges. Offers extended to 65% of appropriate charges.
1.1.4. Percent of resolved private sector charges benefitting victims of discrimination.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item B.]
X X 20% 21.3%
1.1.5. Percent of the cases filed in court involving multiple aggrieved parties (MAPs) or discriminatory policies.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item A.]
32% 28.5% 32% 36%

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 1.2.:
Enhance the effectiveness of federal sector program by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
1.2.1. Percent of closed Hearings cases over 180 days old.
(For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item E.]
X X 5% reduction of cases over 180 days old at beginning of FY2000. 6.8% reduction.
1.2.2. Percent of closed Appeals cases 500-days old or older.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item F.]
X X 20% 33%
1.2.3. Percent of Appeals cases resolved within 180 days. X X 10% of cases received in FY2000. 21.9%
1.2.4. Develop and implement measures to assess the effectiveness of revisions to the federal sector EEO process.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item G.]
Develop measures 8 measures developed. Implement measures. Measures implemented.
1.2.5. Number of agencies provided technical assistance to develop an ADR program.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item H.]
X X at least 5 10

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 1.3.:
Strengthen partnerships with State and local Fair Employment Practices Agencies and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations to enhance effective implementation of laws addressing employment discrimination.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
1.3.1. Train FEPAs and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs).
[For original wording for FY1999 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item I.]
Train 30 FEPAs. 49 FEPAs trained. Train FEPAs / TEROs. Provide training materials on at least 2 employment discrimination subjects. 93 FEPAs & 61 TEROs trained. Materials on 2 subjects distributed.
1.3.2. The number of contracted dual-filed charges resolved by FEPAs.
(For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item J.]
X X approximately

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Goal 2:
Promote Equal Opportunity In Employement Through Education And Technical Assistance

Strategic Objective 2.1.:
Encourage and facilitate voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity laws among employers and employer groups in the private- and federal sectors.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
2.1.1. The number of consultations with employer stakeholders on operational and legal issues.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item K.]
500 1,232 1,200 1,213
2.1.2. The number of representatives of private sector and federal sector employers attending technical assistance activities, other than Revolving Fund activities.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item L.]
10,000 46,500 At least 46,500. 49,766
2.1.3. The number of Revolving Fund activities conducted for private sector and federal sector employers.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item M.]
75 292 175 296
2.1.4. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to provide education and technical assistance and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to small private sector employers and to federal sector employers.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item N.]
Develop plan. Plan developed. Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities.
2.1.5. The number of on-site evaluations of federal agency EEO programs conducted.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item O.]
X X 14 20

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 2.2.:
Increase knowledge about individual rights under equal employment opportunity laws.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
2.2.1. The number of consultations with employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item P.]
500 1,533 1,200 3,918
2.2.2. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to inform under-served constituencies of their rights, and to proactively distribute EEOC's educational and informational materials to employee stakeholders.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item Q.]
Develop plan. Plan developed. Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities.

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 3.1.:
Enhance staff capabilities and substantive knowledge to improve work processes and job functions through training, partnership, team-based approaches, and customer-based principles.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
3.1.1. Train EEOC employees.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item R.]
Train all employees. Trained virtually all employees. Train employees implementing the Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP). Trained 82% of employees implementing CEP.

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 3.2.:
Provide policy direction and guidance to achieve all Strategic Goals.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
3.2.1. Percent reduction in the average number of days to process internal EEO complaints from the previous fiscal year.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item S.]
X X 15%
Use innovative approaches, including ADR.
Implemented ADR program & other innovative approaches.

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.

Strategic Objective 3.3.:
Instill a knowledge base by attaining and maintaining a robust technological competency and through research, analysis and evaluation of organizational components, procedures and processes.


1999 2000
No. Target Results Target Results
3.3.1. Percent or number of streamlined, updated, or eliminated internal directives in effect as of September 30, 1998.
[For original wording for FY1999 and FY2000 measures, see Attachment, cross-reference item T.]
10% 5% 10% 16%
3.3.2. Implement a new integrated financial management system.
[For original wording for FY1999 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item U.]
Implement system. System implemented. X X
3.3.3. Continue development, test and pilot a number of subsystems of the EEOC's Integrated Mission System (IMS).
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item V.]
X X Continue to develop IMS. IMS development continued.
3.3.4. Develop and implement a new, standardized federal EEO Complaint Collection and Reporting System to improve the collection of data from federal agencies and provide more efficient reporting of federal EEO complaints.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item W.]
X X Initiate development of federal EEO data system. Identified requirements for a new data system and initiated contractor selection.
3.3.5. Complete installation of Windows-based local area networks.
[For original wording for FY1999 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item X.]
Install in all field offices. Installed in all but 2 offices; postponed pending relocations in FY2000. X X
3.3.6. Ensure year-2000 compliancy.
[For original wording for FY1999 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item Y.]
Correct all Y2K problems. Corrected all Y2K problems. X X
3.3.7. Provide wide area network (WAN) connectivity and Internet access.
[For original wording for FY2000 measure, see Attachment, cross-reference item Z.]
X X Connect to WAN and Internet. All offices on WAN and given Internet access.

X=the stated measure is not applicable in the fiscal year.


Table A provides the original wording and numbering used in the agency's published fiscal year 1999 and 2000 GPRA Annual Performance Plans for the measures listed in the Compilation Table.

Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through a Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 1.1.
Improve the effectiveness of the private sector enforcement program, including the use of charge prioritization, mediation and, where necessary, litigation, by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy that focuses on National Enforcement Plan priorities.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
A FY1999 Increase the proportion of cases filed in court that involve multiple aggrieved parties or discriminatory policies, so that the proportion in fiscal year 1999 is 10% greater than the proportion for fiscal year 1998. I.A.3.

(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)

Thirty two percent (32%) of the cases filed in court during the fiscal year involve multiple aggrieved parties (MAPs) or discriminatory policies.
B FY2000 Increase to 20% the proportion of resolved private sector charges that benefit victims of discrimination. I.A.5.
C FY1999 Increase the proportion of Category "A" charge resolutions that involve multiple aggrieved parties or discriminatory policies, so that the proportion in fiscal year 1999 is 5% greater than the proportion for fiscal year 1998. I.A.1.
(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)
At Least 12% of Category "A" charge resolutions will involve multiple aggrieved parties (MAPs) or discriminatory policies.
D FY1999 Reduce the average time to process private sector equal employment complaints by doubling the number of complaints eligible for the mediation-based alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program. I.A.2.
(Split Into Two Separate Measures)
Extend offers to mediate, using the ADR Program, to at least 50% of all appropriate charges received in the fiscal year.
Increase the timeliness of service to the public by reducing the average processing time for private sector charges in the administrative process to approximately 220 days. I.A.4.

Strategic Objective 1.2.
Enhance the effectiveness of the federal sector program by utilizing a comprehensive enforcement strategy.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
E FY2000 By the end of fiscal year 2000, reduce by 5% the number of Hearings cases over 180 days old as of the beginning of the fiscal year. I.B.2.
F FY2000 Twenty percent (20%) of total closures are from the oldest group of appeals cases in EEOC's inventory. I.B.3.
FY2000 Ten percent (10%) of appeals received during the fiscal year will be resolved within 180 days. I.B.4.
G FY1999 Identify and/or develop measures/indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the revisions to the federal sector EEO process. I.B.1.

(Similar Measure to FY99)

Implement measures and indicators identified or developed in fiscal year 1999 to assess the effectiveness of revisions made to the Federal sector EEO Process during fiscal year 1999.
H FY2000 Provide technical assistance to at least 5 federal agencies to develop an ADR program. I.B.5.

Strategic Objective 1.3.
Strengthen partnerships with State and Local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and Native American Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs) to enhance effective implementation of laws addressing employment discrimination.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
I FY1999 Provide training to improve charge investigation capabilities of 30 Fair Employment Practices Agencies. I.C.2.

(Similar Measure to FY99)

Provide training for FEPAs and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs), and distribute training materials covering at least 2 employment discrimination subjects to each FEPA with which EEOC has a charge resolution contract. I.C.1.
J FY2000 Contract with FEPA partners to resolve approximately 53,000 dual-filed charges. I.C.2.

Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.1.
Encourage and facilitate voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity laws among employers and employer groups in the private and federal sectors.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
K FY1999 Consult with 500 employer stakeholders on operational and legal issues. II.A.1.

(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)

Conduct at least 1,200 consultations with employer stakeholders on operational and legal issues; maintaining the high level of consultations held in fiscal year 1999.
L FY1999 Conduct 75 Revolving Fund activities for private sector and public-sector employers. II.A.2.
(Split Into Two Separate Measures)
Conduct 175 Revolving Fund activities for private sector and federal sector employers.
M FY1999 Conduct 10,000 technical assistance efforts, other than Revolving Fund activities, with individual private sector and public-sector employers. II.A.3.
(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)
Conduct at least 46,500 technical assistance efforts, other than Revolving Fund activities, for private sector and federal sector employers; maintaining the high level of technical assistance provided in fiscal year 1999.
N FY1999 Develop an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to provide education and technical assistance and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to small private sector employers and to public-sector employers. II.A.4.
(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)
Implement, as part of the agency's comprehensive outreach efforts, the plan developed in fiscal year 1999 to provide education and technical assistance and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to public, including small private sector employers, and to federal sector employers.
O FY2000 Conduct 14 on-site evaluations of federal agency EEO programs. I.B.6.

Strategic Objective 2.2.
Increase knowledge about individual rights under equal employment opportunity laws among the public and employee groups.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
P FY1999 Consult with 500 employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues. II.B.1.

(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)

Conduct at least 1,200 consultations with employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues; maintaining the high level of consultations held in fiscal year 1999.
Q FY1999 Develop an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to inform under served constituencies of their rights, and to proactively distribute EEOC's educational and informational materials to employee stakeholders. II.B.2.
(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)
Implement, as part of the agency's comprehensive outreach efforts, the plan developed in fiscal year 1999 to inform under served constituencies of their rights and to proactively distribute EEOC's education and information materials to employee stakeholders.

Enhance Agency Effectiveness to Achieve our Mission and Strategic Goals by Providing Executive Direction and Support and Building Institutional Knowledge.

Strategic Objective 3.1.
Enhance staff capabilities and substantive knowledge to improve work processes and job functions through training, partnership, team-based approaches, and customer-based principles.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
R FY1999 Provide training to all employees in skills relevant to their primary job duties and responsibilities. III.A.1.
(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)
Provide training to EEOC employees with critical skill needs relevant to implementing the Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 3.2.
Provide policy direction and guidance to achieve all Strategic Goals.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
S FY2000 Reduce by 15% from fiscal year 1999 the average number of days to process internal EEO complaints, and use innovative approaches, such as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for voluntary mediation. III.B.2.

Strategic Objective 3.3.
Instill a knowledge base by attaining and maintaining a robust technological competency and through research, analysis and evaluation of organizational components, procedures and processes.

Cross-Reference Item TABLE A -- MEASURES Number Used in Annual Performance Plan for the FY
T FY1999 Review internal directives and streamline, update, or eliminate 10 percent of them in order to improve internal processes and free resources for front-line enforcement activities. III.B.1.

(Same Measure-- Language Revised from FY99)

Continue to review internal directives and streamline, update, or eliminate 10% of those in effect as of September 30, 1998, in order to improve internal processes and free resources for front-line enforcement activities.
U FY1999 Implement a new financial management system. III.C.1.
V FY2000 Continue to develop the Integrated Mission System (IMS), which allows consolidation of EEOC's major mission-related information systems into a single, shared database that will improve functionality, expand employee access, and allow for future integration with administrative systems. III.C.2.
W FY2000 Initiate the development of a standardized federal EEO Complaint Collection and Reporting System to improve the collection of data from federal agencies and provide more efficient reporting of federal EEO complaints. III.C.3.
X FY1999 Complete installation of Windows-based local area networks in all field offices. III.C.2.
Y FY1999 Ensure year-2000 compliancy for mission-critical systems. III.C.3.
Z FY2000 Provide wide area network connectivity and Internet access throughout the agency. III.C.1.

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