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[print friendly version]United States map showing the location of Minnesota
DEA Offices & Telephone Nos.
Minneapolis/St. Paul—
(612) 344-4100

  State Facts
  Population: 5,132,799
  State Prison Population: 8,758
  Probation Population: 114,226
  Violent Crime Rate
  National Ranking:
  2008 Federal Drug Seizures
  Cocaine: 37.2 kgs.
  Heroin: 0.7 kgs.
  Methamphetamine: 25.4 kgs.
  Marijuana: 37.1 kgs.
  Hashish: 0.0 kgs.
  MDMA: 0.0 kgs./153 du
  Meth Lab Incidents: 21 (DEA, state, and local)

Drug Situation: : In Minnesota, Mexican traffickers control the transportation, distribution, and bulk sales of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and black-tar heroin. Numerous Mexican groups and street gangs such as the Latin Kings are operating in the state. As a general rule, the upper echelon Mexican distributors in Minnesota transport the majority of their proceeds in bulk to Mexico. At the retail level, independent African American traffickers, African American street gangs, Native American gangs, and independent Caucasian groups purchase cocaine, black-tar heroin, and marijuana from Mexican traffickers. In outlying areas of the state, independent Caucasian groups and outlaw motorcycle gangs distribute methamphetamine in small quantities. Street gang activity in Minnesota has increased dramatically over the past few years. African American gangs appear to be primarily involved in the distribution of crack cocaine.

photo - cocaineCocaine: The majority of cocaine available in Minnesota is purchased from sources of supply in California, Chicago, and Detroit. Some traffickers obtain cocaine directly from sources along the southwest border at reduced prices and transport the cocaine to Minnesota themselves. Mexican traffickers control the transportation, distribution, and bulk sales of cocaine. At the retail level, independent African American traffickers, African American street gangs (specifically the Gangster Disciples, the Vice Lords, and Crips), Hispanic street gangs (specifically the Latin Kings), Native American groups (specifically the Native Mob), and independent Caucasian groups purchase cocaine from Mexican traffickers and distribute it throughout Minnesota. In the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area, crack cocaine is controlled by independent African American traffickers and African American street gangs.

photo - opium poppyHeroin: Heroin distribution and use have not been significant problems in Minnesota, but recent reports indicate there has been an increase in heroin use, especially in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. At the wholesale level, sources of supply include Mexican traffickers operating from the southwest border and from Chicago, Nigerian/West African traffickers operating from Chicago and New York, African American street gangs with ties to Chicago. At the retail level, heroin is distributed primarily by Hispanic and African American street gangs.

photo - methamphetamineMethamphetamine: The methamphetamine threat in Minnesota is a two-pronged problem. First, large quantities of methamphetamine produced by Mexican organizations based in Mexico and operating in the states of Texas, California, Arizona, and Washington are transported into and distributed throughout the state. These traffickers typically send methamphetamine in 10-20 pound shipments via various forms of transportation, to include commercial vehicles, passenger bus-lines, and private automobile. Law enforcement has also determined that some smaller amounts are being sent through the U.S. mail or Federal Express. Second, methamphetamine is being produced in small, toxic laboratories that are capable of producing only a few ounces at a time.

photo - ecstasy pillsClub Drugs: Club drugs, including MDMA (ecstasy), Ketamine, GHB, GBL, Rohypnol, LSD, PCP, and, to a lesser extent, psilocybin mushrooms, have been reported in Minnesota. Club drugs are most prevalent in Minneapolis' gay population, and to a lesser extent, among young people at raves and nightclubs in suburban areas.


photo - marijuana plantMarijuana: Marijuana remains the most readily available and commonly used drug in Minnesota, according to public health officials. The importation of bulk marijuana shipments into the state is controlled by Mexican drug trafficking organizations. Hispanic street gangs are the major distributors of marijuana at the retail level. In addition, Asian DTOs are cultivating high grade indoor marijuana in the state. Marijuana is readily available from local cultivators in addition to the supplies emanating from the southwest border.

DEA logo Other Drugs: The use of diverted controlled substances in Minnesota continues to be a problem. The most commonly diverted controlled substances from the licit market are Nubain® Dilaudid®, Ritalin®, Vicodin® (hydrocodone combination products), OxyContin®, methadone, codeine combination products, the benzodiazepines, and the anorectic drugs phentermine and phendimetrazie. Methadone has been increasingly diverted from traditional DEA pracititioners and from Narcotic Treatment Programs via traditional doctor shopping methods and “casual distribution sharing. Nubain is a prescription narcotic that has recently emerged in the Minneapolis area. This narcotic is being used by body builders who mistakenly believe it acts as a steroid. Four deaths have occurred in the Minneapolis area as a result of Nubain® being taken with MDMA and OxyContin® being mixed with cocaine. According to local addicts, Klonopin® is more readily available than in the past from illegal sources and prescriptions are easily obtained from some doctors. In rural Minnesota, Klonopin® has appeared under its international, non-United States trade name, "Rivotril®," which suggests its importation from foreign sources. Flunitrazepam, trade name "Rohypnol®," is a long-acting benzodiapine that is typically combined with alcohol or other drugs to produce incapacitation and memory loss similar to an alcohol-induced blackout. Minnesota law enforcement agencies encountered only small amounts of the drug. Its use as a "date rape" drug is not widespread in Minnesota.

Pharmaceutical Diversion: Current investigations indicate that diversion of OxyContin® and Vicodin® continues to be a problem in Minnesota. Primary methods of diversion being reported are the illegal sale and distribution by health care professionals and workers, and “doctor shopping” (going to a number of doctors to obtain prescriptions for a controlled pharmaceutical). Benzodiazepines, methylphenidate, and Ritalin® were also identified as being among the most commonly abused and diverted pharmaceuticals in Minnesota.

Special Topics: The DEA Chicago Field Division is committed to fostering cooperative efforts among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies within Minnesota. A task force consisting of two groups (TFOs also assigned to a third enforcement group) and funded by DEA's State and Local Program is located in Minneapolis. There are seventeen Task Force Officers, representing twelve law enforcement agencies, assigned to DEA in Minnesota. There are 23 state funded task forces throughout Minnesota receiving U.S. Department of Justice Byrne Grant money. The DEA works collaboratively with the Minneapolis Gang Strike Force and Hennepin County Violent Organization Task Force, which combat escalating gang violence in the state. Currently, there are over 5,000 confirmed gang members entered into the Minnesota Gang Strike Force Intelligence System and 160 organized gangs.

More information about the Chicago Division Office.


Factsheet last updated: 4/2009

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