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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 29  

Labor Standards for the Registration of Apprenticeship Programs

29 CFR 29.12 - Recognition of State agencies.

  • Section Number: 29.12
  • Section Name: Recognition of State agencies.

    (a) The Secretary's recognition of a State Apprenticeship Agency or 

Council (SAC) gives the SAC the authority to determine whether an 

apprenticeship program conforms with the Secretary's published standards 

and the program is, therefore, eligible for those Federal purposes which 

require such a determination by the Secretary. Such recognition of a SAC 

shall be accorded by the Secretary upon submission and approval of the 


    (1) An acceptable State apprenticeship law (or Executive order), and 

regulations adopted pursuant thereto;

    (2) Acceptable composition of the State Apprenticeship Council 


    (3) An acceptable State Plan for Equal Employment Opportunity in 


    (4) A description of the basic standards, criteria, and requirements 

for program registration and/or approval; and

    (5) A description of policies and operating procedures which depart 

from or impose requirements in addition to those prescribed in this 


    (b) Basic requirements. Generally the basic requirements under the 

matters covered in paragraph (a) of this section shall be in conformity 

with applicable requirements as set forth in this part. Acceptable State 

provisions shall:

    (1) Establish the apprenticeship agency in: (i) The State Department 

of Labor, or (ii) in that agency of State government having jurisdiction 

of laws and regulations governing wages, hours, and working conditions, 

or (iii) that State agency presently recognized by the Bureau, with a 

State official empowered to direct the apprenticeship operation;

    (2) Require that the State Apprenticeship Council be composed of 

persons familiar with apprenticeable occupations and an equal number of 

representatives of employer and of employee organizations and may 

include public members who shall not number in excess of the number 

named to represent either employer or employee organizations. Each 

representative so named shall have one vote. Ex officio members may be 

added to the council but they shall have no vote except where such 

members have a vote according to the established practice of a presently 

recognized council. If the State official who directs the apprenticeship 

operation is a member of the council, provision may be made for the 

official to have a tie-breaking vote;

    (3) Clearly delineate the respective powers and duties of the State 

official and of the council;

    (4) Clearly designate the officer or body authorized to register and 

deregister apprenticeship programs and agreements;

    (5) Establish policies and procedures to promote equality of 

opportunity in apprenticeship programs pursuant to a State Plan for 

Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship which adopts and 

implements the requirements of 29 CFR part 30, as amended, and to 

require apprenticeship programs to operate in conformity with such State 

Plan and 29 CFR part 30, as amended;

    (6) Prescribe the contents of apprenticeship agreements;

    (7) Limit the registration of apprenticeship programs to those 

providing training in apprenticeable occupations as defined in 

Sec. 29.4;

    (8) Provide that apprenticeship programs and standards of employers 

and unions in other than the building and construction industry, which 

jointly form a sponsoring entity on a multistate basis and are 

registered pursuant to all requirements of this part by any recognized 

State Apprenticeship Agency/Council or by the Bureau, shall be accorded 

registration or approval reciprocity by any other State Apprenticeship 

Agency/Council or office of the Bureau if such reciprocity is requested 

by the sponsoring entity;

    (9) Provide for the cancellation, de- registration and/or 

termination of approval of programs, and for temporary suspension, 

cancellation, deregistration and/or termination of

approval of apprenticeship agreements; and

    (10) Provide that under a program proposed for registration by an 

employer or employers' association, and where the standards, collective 

bargaining agreement or other instrument provides for participation by a 

union in any manner in the operation of the substantive matters of the 

apprenticeship program, and such participation is exercised, written 

acknowledgment of union agreement or no objection to the registration is 

required. Where no such participation is evidenced and practiced, the 

employer or employers' association shall simultaneously furnish to the 

union, if any, which is the collective bargaining agent of the employees 

to be trained, a copy of its application for registration and of the 

apprenticeship program. The State agency shall provide a reasonable time 

period of not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days for receipt of 

union comments, if any, before final action on the application for 

registration and/or approval.

    (c) Application for recognition. A State Apprenticeship Agency/

Council desiring recognition shall submit to the Administrator, BAT, the 

documentation specified in Sec. 29.12(a) of this part. A currently 

recognized Agency/Council desiring continued recognition by the Bureau 

shall submit to the Administrator the documentation specified in 

Sec. 29.12(a) of this part on or before July 18, 1977. An extension of 

time within which to comply with the requirements of this part may be 

granted by the Administrator for good cause upon written request by the 

State agency but the Administrator shall not extend the time for 

submission of the documentation required by Sec. 29.12(a). The 

recognition of currently recognized Agencies/Councils shall continue 

until July 18, 1977 and during any extension period granted by the 


    (d) Appeal from denial of recognition. The denial by the 

Administrator of a State agency's application for recognition under this 

part shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons for the denial. 

The notice of denial shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, 

return receipt requested. The applicant may appeal such a denial to the 

Secretary by mailing or otherwise furnishing to the Administrator, 

within 30 days of receipt of the denial, a notice of appeal addressed to 

the Secretary and setting forth the following items:

    (1) A statement that the applicant appeals to the Secretary to 

reverse the Administrator's decision to deny its application;

    (2) The date of the Administrator's decision and the date the 

applicant received the decision;

    (3) A summary of the reasons why the applicant believes that the 

Administrator's decision was incorrect;

    (4) A copy of the application for recognition and subsequent 

modifications, if any;

    (5) A copy of the Administrator's decision of denial. Within 10 days 

of receipt of a notice of appeal, the Secretary shall assign an 

Administrative Law Judge to conduct hearings and to recommend findings 

of fact and conclusions of law. The proceedings shall be informal, 

witnesses shall be sworn, and the parties shall have the right to 

counsel and of cross-examination.

The Administrative Law Judge shall submit the recommendations and 

conclusions, together with the entire record to the Secretary for final 

decision. The Secretary shall make his final decision in writing within 

30 days of the Administrative Law Judge's submission. The Secretary may 

make a decision granting recognition conditional upon the performance of 

one or more actions by the applicant. In the event of such a conditional 

decision, recognition shall not be effective until the applicant has 

submitted to the Secretary evidence that the required actions have been 

performed and the Secretary has communicated to the applicant in writing 

that he is satisfied with the evidence submitted.

    (e) State apprenticeship programs. (1) An apprenticeship program 

submitted for registration with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized 

by the Bureau shall, for Federal purposes, be in conformity with the 

State apprenticeship law, regulations, and with the State Plan for Equal 

Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship as submitted to and approved by 

the Bureau pursuant to 29 CFR 30.15, as amended;

    (2) In the event that a State Apprenticeship Agency is not 

recognized by

the Bureau for Federal purposes, or that such recognition has been 

withdrawn, or if no State Apprenticeship Agency exists, registration 

with the Bureau may be requested. Such registration shall be granted if 

the program is conducted, administered and operated in accordance with 

the requirements of this part and the equal opportunity regulation in 29 

CFR part 30, as amended.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 


[42 FR 10319, Feb. 18, 1977, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984]
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