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Performance Track Gets Great Results

Companies Volunteer to Improve Performance

The National Environmental Performance Track program has just been nominated for an "Oscar" of government prizes. Performance Track was named as one of 50 top programs in the country by the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. The recognition was for uniqueness, effectiveness, significance and potential for replication.

There are many incentives at the government's disposal to achieving cleaner air and water -- incentives that are designed to encourage even better environmental behavior from companies. Programs that provide creative incentives for cleaner air and water are now achieving environmental gains beyond those required by law.

In an area like environmental protection, where enforcement is generally used to ensure compliance with our nation's environmental laws, Performance Track provides something that otherwise would be missing: recognition. In a nutshell, Performance Track highlights a group of facilities which EPA has approved for special recognition of their environmental commitment.

Performance Track recognizes facilities that work with their communities, set three-year goals for continuous improvements in environmental performance and have internal systems in place to manage their environmental impacts. Since the program's inception in June 2000, Performance Track membership has grown to more than 400 members in 46 states and Puerto Rico and those members have made more than 1,500 commitments to the environment.

Performance Track's success lies in its creative approach to winning voluntary commitments and in the recognition and public support that these high-performing facilities earn. To learn which facilities in your area are Performance Track members, visit the Performance Track Web site.

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