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Merisol USA partners with EPA to reduce hazardous chemicals

NPEP LogoEPA welcomed Merisol USA LLC., as one of the newest partners in its National Partnership for Environmental Priorities.  Merisol joined the program by pledging to eliminate more than 2 million pounds of hazardous chemicals.

“Reducing hazardous materials is both a good environmental and smart business strategy,” said EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene.  “By joining this program, Merisol is protecting the environment and reducing the high business costs that come with managing hazardous chemicals."

Merisol has implemented a major process change in its chemical manufacturing that will lead to reductions in hazardous chemicals and odors.  The company plans to cut 87,652 pounds of dibenzofuran, 1,558,115 pounds of naphthalene, 745,032 pounds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and 645 ponds of mercury.  These reductions will make Merisol one of the largest decreasers of hazardous chemicals in EPA Region 6 to join the partnership. 

The National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) is a voluntary program in which private and public organizations work with EPA to reduce the use or release of 31 priority chemicals beyond regulatory requirements.  These chemicals are long-lasting substances that can build up in the food chain and harm humans and the ecosystem.

More information on the National Partnership for Environmental Priorities

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