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Content Last Revised: 6/24/83

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 17  

Intergovernmental Review of Department of Labor Programs and Activities

29 CFR 17.1 - What is the purpose of these regulations?

  • Section Number: 17.1
  • Section Name: What is the purpose of these regulations?

    (a) The regulations in this part implement E.O. 12372, 
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,'' issued July 14, 1982 
and amended on April 8, 1983. These regulations also implement 
applicable provisions of section 401 of the Intergovernmental 
Cooperation Act of 1968.
    (b) These regulations are intended to foster an intergovernmental 
partnership and a strengthened Federalism by relying on state processes 
and on state,
areawide, regional and local coordination for review of proposed Federal 
financial assistance and direct Federal development.
    (c) These regulations are intended to aid the internal management of 
the Department, and are not intended to create any right or benefit 
enforceable at law by a party against the Department or its officers.

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