Personnel Manager (Electronic Forms)

Listed below are a number of the commonly used personnel forms available in electronic format. Some of the forms are in .wpf format (can be completed using Informs), and others are in .pdf format (can be completed using Adobe Acrobat). These forms can be downloaded to your computer or, if you have Adobe Acrobat on your computer, you can configure your internet browser to execute the program and call the .pdf form directly into it (see the manual for your web browser for complete instructions). We strongly recommend you check to ensure this is the latest version of the form, before you submit it to Personnel or the appropriate office.

DI-1892 (Dated 10/92 - 58k)
Complaint of Discrimination
[Informs Format]

DI-1935 (Dated 12/98 - 13k)
Applicant Background Survey
[PDF Format]

DI-1973 (Dated 1/93 - 20k)
Time-Off Award
[Informs Format]

DI-2002 Page 1 (Dated 8/98 - 38k)
DI-2002 Page 2-3 (Dated 8/98 - 23k)
Employee Performance Plan and Results Report
[PDF Format]

DI-411 (Dated 10/89 - 48k)
Recommendation for Monetary Award
[Informs Format]

DI-451 (Dated 2/96 - 116k)
Award Certificate
[Informs Format]

OF-8 (Dated 1/85 - 133k)
Position Description
[Informs Format]

OPM 71 (Dated 6/2001 - 181k)
Request for Leave or Approved Absence (replaces SF 71)
[PDF Format]

OPM 630 (Dated 6/2001 - 124k)
Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (replaces OF 630)
[PDF Format]

OPM 630A (Dated 6/2001 - 27k)
Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient (Within Agency) Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (replaces OF 630A)
[PDF Format]

OPM 630B (Dated 6/2001 - 26k)
Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient (Outside Agency) Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (replaces OF 630B)
[PDF Format]

OPM 630C (Dated 6/2001 - 114k)
Transfer of Leave Records for the Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (replaces SF 1150A)
[PDF Format]

OPM 1637 (Dated 6/2001 - 42k)
Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Emergency Leave Transfer Program )
[PDF Format]

OPM 1638 (Dated 6/2001 - 27k)
Request to Donate Annual Leave Under the Emergency Leave Transfer Program )
[PDF Format]

OPM 1639 (Dated 6/2001 - 94k)
Transfer of Annual Leave To or From the Emergency Leave Transfer Program )
[PDF Format]

OS-112 (Dated 11/97 - 66k)
Employee Exit Clearance Form
[Informs Format]

SF-2808 (Dated 5/93 - 105k)
Designation of Beneficiary (Civil Service Retirement System)
[Informs Format]

SF-2823 (Dated 7/95 - 136k)
Designation of Beneficiary (Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program)
[Informs Format]

SF-3102 (Dated 12/93 - 126k)
Desigantion of Beneficiary (Federal Employees' Retirement System)
[Informs Format]

SF-52 (Dated 7/91 - 118k)
Request for Personnel Action
[Informs Format]

SF-71 (Dated 12/97 - 77k)
Request for Leave of Approved Absence
[PDF Format]

TSP-1 (Dated 5/01 - 25k)
Thrift Savings Plan (Electronic Form)
[PDF Format]

TSP-17 (Dated 3/98 - 47k)
Application for Account Balance of Deceased Participant
[PDF Format]

TSP-18 (Dated 8/87 - 48k)
Validation of Retirement Information
[Informs Format]

TSP-19 (Dated 4/91 - 50k)
Thrift Savings Plan (Transfer of Information Between Agencies)
[Informs Format]

TSP-20 (Dated 2/98 - 15k)
Thrift Savings Plan (Loan Application)
[PDF Format]

TSP-3 (Dated 10/96 - 78k)
Thrift Savings Plan (Designation of Beneficiary)
[Informs Format]

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Revised: 12/31/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior