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How Can I Arrange for Burial at Sea in the Mid-Atlantic?

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Burial at Sea in Other Areas
Burial at sea must take place at least three nautical miles from land. For burial of non-cremated remains, the water must be at least 600 feet deep and measures must be taken to ensure that the remains sink to the bottom rapidly and permanently. Any flowers or wreaths must be made of natural materials which readily decompose in the marine environment.

Check with the local coroner's office or a local funeral home in the area of the port from which you plan to depart to see if any permits are required. EPA only requires that the following information be submitted within 30 days after the burial. You may submit this information via the web or though the mail (address below).

Burial at sea is covered in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Section 229.1.

For burials in the Atlantic Ocean off of Delaware, Maryland, or Virginia or in Lake Erie off of Pennsylvania, send the burial information to:

Renee Searfoss (searfoss.renee@epa.gov)
Team Leader
Coastal Science Team
Office of Monitoring and Assessment (3EA50)
Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division
US EPA Region 3
1650 Arch St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029

Mid-Atlantic Region | Mid-Atlantic Env'l Assessment & Innovation | Mid-Atlantic Coast

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