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Clean School Bus USA: Region 3

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Tomorrow's Buses for Today's Children: Clean School Bus USA

Putting Tomorrow's Cleaner Buses on the Road Today

Clean School Bus USA is a public-private environmental partnership that seeks to reduce children's exposure to air pollution from diesel school buses. The program emphasizes three ways to reduce public school bus emissions through anti-idling strategies, engine retrofit and clean fuels as well as bus replacement. The goal of Clean School Bus USA is to reduce both children's exposure to diesel exhaust and the amount of air pollution created by diesel school buses.

EPA Region 3's Clean School Bus Pledge

"Region 3 will continue to identify voluntary actions which schools and school districts, cities, states, and local governments, communities and business leaders might take to help reduce the health and environmental risks associated with diesel exhaust from school buses. The region continues to work with these organizations to implement any possible voluntary activities including purchasing clean fuels, clean technology options, clean engines, pollution prevention, and green purchasing. Additionally, the region's active Tools for Schools Program includes information on diesel retrofitting and anti-idling in its outreach efforts. Articles containing important information on the health risks associated with diesel engine idling will continue to published in school organizational newsletters."

Since 2002 more than 2,300 engines operating in school buses throughout Region 3 have been or are being retrofitted with pollution control technology or have been replaced with "green" engines.

Region 3 Clean School Bus Leaders

Some Mid-Atlantic states and communities are working closely with school transportation associations and school districts to adopt better bus idling practices, retrofit buses with modern emission control technology, use cleaner fuels, and replace older school buses. Specific efforts in Region 3 include:

Contact Information

To find out more information about cleaning up today's school bus fleet, please contact, Michelle Moyer (215) 814-2098 or moyer.michelle@epa.gov

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