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Clean Cities

Clean Cities is a voluntary program that seeks to expand the use of clean-burning alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuels. It relies on the formation of local partnerships between government (city/state/federal) and industry in an effort to increase use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), develop a fueling infrastructure to support these vehicles and to further public awareness of the benefits of using alternative fuels. The Clean Cities Program is coordinated by the US Department of Energy (DOE), while the US Environmental Protection Agency provides advice and support.

Motor vehicles are the single largest source of air pollution in US cities. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas by-product of the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It has been estimated that 80% of ambient carbon monoxide is generated by automobile exhaust. Volatile organic compounds are associated with gasoline vapors, and oxides of nitrogen with vehicle exhaust. These pollutants react in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight to produce ozone. It has been estimated that mobile sources account for 40 to 80% of the ozone problem. Oxides of nitrogen are also a contributor to acid rain and global warming. Finally, the incomplete combustion of petroleum fuels also produces small particulate matter, which can be a major contributor to respiratory problems.

More than 195 million cars and trucks are on the road today in America, averaging more than two per family. We drive more than 6.3 billion miles every day. This fleet is 97% dependent on petroleum, and consumes 63% of all oil used in the US. America spends approximately 60 billion dollars a year to import 50% of its oil. Imports are expected to grow to nearly 70% by the end of the decade.

Clean Cities begins with a local government committing to work with DOE toward promoting the use of clean fuels. The Program calls for a city coordinator to be appointed, meetings to be held with potential stakeholders, a strategic implementation plan to be developed and approved by DOE, and that plan used to construct a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the city, its stakeholders and DOE. The MOU serves to describe the commitments being made by all parties in furthering the objectives of the Clean Cities Program.

Clean Cities/Metropolitan Areas located in Region 3 are identified below. The Region 3 offices of DOE and EPA have signed an Agreement to work toward promoting Clean Cities in their area. EPA Region 3 will provide assistance by evaluating potential emission reduction benefits associated with AFV purchases/conversions in each city. These reductions will be part of EPA's assessment of State progress in attaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards. EPA Region 3 will also steer monies available through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program toward regional projects related to alternative fuels and vehicles.

Clean Cities Coalitions in Region 3
Philadelphia, PA   Exit EPA Click for disclaimer
Washington, DC
Baltimore, MD
West Virginia
Pittsburgh, PA Exit EPA Click for disclaimer
Hampton Roads, VA Exit EPA Click for disclaimer

For Additional Information Contact:

Brian Rehn  215-814-2121

Catherine Magliocchetti   215-814-2121

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