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Nonattainment Areas in the Mid-Atlantic Region

The information and links below will provide you with information about  air quality in a specific area.  Areas are designated as nonattainment when ambient air monitoring indicates that an air quality standard is not being attained.  Once an area attains the standard and makes a request for redesignation, the State must prepare a plan to show the area  will maintain the standard.  The  State's preparation of the plan and EPA's review can take a significant amount of time.  Therefore it is possible for some areas designated as nonattainment to have current ambient data indicating they are meeting the standard. 

8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment areas:

8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Areas:

1 Hour Ozone Nonattainment areas:

PM2.5 Final Nonattainment areas:

PM10 Nonattainment areas: None

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nonattainment areas:


Armstrong County - Madison Twp, Mahoning Twp, Boggs Twp, Washington Twp, and Pine Twp.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nonattainment areas: None

Nitrogen Dioxide and Lead Nonattainment areas: None

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