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Belgium Local time: 12:32 AM

Standard Market Research

Each year, our trade professionals put together basic market information about a range of industry and service sectors in Belgium.

Perhaps our best-known report is the Country Commercial Guide, an overview of the Belgian economy that is updated annually. The information in this 90-page report includes political framework, business cultural tips, best prospects for U.S. businesses, macroeconomic forecasts, and more.

Shorter market briefs and studies (2-10 pages) target sectors which are experiencing high growth levels and which represent the best prospects for U.S. exporters. Among the market reports currently available are overviews of the telecommunications and IT sectors, e-commerce, energy, automotive, aerospace, and more. The following reports have been compiled and may be found on or using the search engine at

I. Automotive

  • The Belgian Auomotive Market - Auto Accessories and Specialty Equipment (03/26/2008) 
  • Importing Used Passenger Cars – Opportunity and Challenges (05/06/2004)

II. Aerospace and Defense

  • Belgian Aerospace Industry (11/07/2006)
  • Belgian Defense Procurement Opportunities (08/07/2008)
  • Security for Airport & Aerospace/Maritime & Port/High Threat Targets (09/20/2006)

III. Education, Training Services

  • Distance Education (05/03/2006) 

IV. Energy 

  • The Renewable Energy Market in Belgium (06/02/2008)

V. Environment

  • The Air Pollution Control Market in Belgium (06/05/2008)
  • The Solid Waste, Recycling and Soil Remediation Markets in Belgium (06/05/2008)
  • The Water and Wastewater markets in Belgium (06/05/2008)
  • The Medical Waste Treatment Market in Belgium (12/29/2006)
  • The Belgian Air Conditioning Market (08/11/2006)

VI. Information and Communications Technology

  • Digital Music (07/10/2007)
  • The Belgian Telecom Market (07/09/2007)
  • The Belgian Storage Area Network (SAN) Market (07/20/2006)
  • The Belgian AV Systems Integration Market (06/08/2006)

VII. Medical

  • Dental Equipment and Products (06/25/2007)
  • The Belgian Generics Market (11/27/2006)

VIII. Travel and Tourism

  • Who's Who in Travel (03/08/2007)
  • Travel and Tourism Media List - Belgium (03/08/2007)
  • The Belgian Travel and Tourism Market (03/25/2008) 

IX. Franchising

  • Fast Food and Self-Service Restaurant Market (07/02/2008)
  • Overview of Belgian's Franchise Sector in 2004 (10/25/2004)

X. Others

  • Advice for Americans Doing Business in Belgium (07/10/2008)
  • The Belgian Market for U.S. Pet Products (06/30/2008)
  • Belgium: Biotechnology (05/23/2008)
  • The Belgian Energy Market (12/28/2006) 
  • The Belgian Apparel Market (11/30/2006)
  • Interior Textiles (06/26/2008)
  • The Belgian Seafood Market (06/13/2006)

All this information is available to U.S. Companies free of charge at