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Fact Sheet

September 2008

Next Round of Chemical Oxidation Remediation to Begin, 10th Street Superfund Site, Columbus, Nebraska


In mid-September 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will begin the next round of chemical oxidation remediation of the 10th Street Superfund Site in Columbus, Nebraska.  The activities will last approximately six weeks.  The chemical oxidation remediation will be located in three areas:  in the One Hour Martinizing source area at 23rd Street and 25th Avenue; in a city parking lot located near 10th Street and 25th Avenue; and along 20th Street near 25th Avenue.

The first round of chemical oxidation activities, which was completed in April 2007, occurred on 20th Street between 22nd and 24th avenues.  The second round of chemical oxidation activities, completed in September 2007, occurred on 16th Street between 20th and 22nd avenues.  Two rounds of chemical oxidation activities were conducted at the One Hour Martinizing source area, one in September 2007 and one in May 2008.  Sampling continues to be performed at regular intervals to monitor the concentrations of the contamination. 


The planned activities are to drill approximately 140 holes into the ground spaced approximately 5 feet apart.  Once the holes are drilled, a chemical called Permanganate will be injected into each hole.  This chemical is a strong oxidizer which will neutralize the trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), both of which are in the contaminant plume that threatens Columbus' drinking water supply.

During these activities, EPA’s contractor may have several workers and pieces of equipment in parking lots and streets as they move from hole to hole.  EPA will work with the contractor to minimize any disruptions to the community, but there may be some times when traffic flow along the streets may be interrupted.  We ask for your patience while we work to clean up the contaminant plume.


Site-related documents provide details of the nature and extent of contamination and the work that has been completed at the 10th Street site.  These documents are part of the Administrative Record File, available during normal business hours at the following locations: 

Columbus Public Library
2504 14th St.
Columbus, Nebraska

EPA Region 7
Records Center
901 N. 5th Street
Kansas City, Kansas

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact:

Beckie Himes
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA, Region 7
Office of Public Affairs
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, Kansas 66101
Toll-free 1-800-223-0425
E-mail: himes.beckie@epa.gov

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