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Fact Sheet

October 2007

EPA Announces Record of Decision, Parkview Well Superfund Site OU2, Grand Island, Nebraska


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces a Record of Decision (ROD) for the remedial action to address the remaining ground water contamination at the Parkview Well Superfund Site Operable Unit 2 (OU2) in Grand Island, Nebraska.  The ROD was signed on September 30, 2007.  A public comment period was held July 9 - August 9, 2007, and was extended until September 10, 2007.  A public meeting was held at City Hall on July 19, 2007, in order to give the public an opportunity to comment on the Proposed Plan. 

EPA is the lead agency for the Parkview Well site, and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) is the support agency.  In consultation with NDEQ, EPA selected the Final Remedy, after considering all comments received on the Proposed Plan. 

The ROD is available to the public at the Edith Abbott Memorial Library, 211 N. Washington, Grand Island, Neb.  The ROD, along with other documents used to make this decision, has been included in the Administrative Record for this site, and is currently available in the EPA Region 7 Records Center, 901 N. 5th Street, Kansas City, Kan.  The Administrative Record will be available in the Edith Abbott Memorial Library in the very near future.


Ground water contamination was discovered in 1999 through investigations of the public water supply system by Nebraska Health and Human Services.  Industrial chemicals (chlorinated solvents) are the contaminants of concern. 

Two ground water contaminant plumes, the Northern Plume and the Southern Plume, have been identified at the Parkview Well site.  The site has been separated into two Operable Units (OUs):  (1) OU 1 - the interim remedial action to address ground water contamination within and near the Parkview Subdivision and to protect private and municipal wells impacted or threatened by the ground water contamination above cleanup levels; and (2) OU 2 - the site-wide final remedial action including the Southern Plume source area and remaining ground water contamination. 


EPA’s selected remedy for OU 2 is In Situ Chemical Oxidation and includes the following components:

The final remedy was selected because:  (1) it reduces toxicity, mobility, and volume of the contaminants; (2) it is an innovative technology; (3) the alternative is cost effective; (4) it is readily implementable; and (5) the need for further treatment can be evaluated quickly.


The Record of Decision and other site-related documents provide details of the nature and extent of contamination and the work that has been completed at the site.  These documents are available during regular business hours at the following locations:

Edith Abbott Memorial Library
211 N. Washington
Grand Island, NE

U.S. EPA Region 7 Records Center
901 N. Fifth St.
Kansas City, KS

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Beckie Himes
Community Involvement Coordinator
EPA, Region 7
Office of Public Affairs
901 N. Fifth Street
Kansas City, KS 66101
Toll-Free 1-800-223-0425
E-mail: himes.beckie@epa.gov

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