Aspen Parklands Plan
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Aspen Parklands
(Area - 39,738,301 ha)

Executive Summary

Aspen ParklandsDescription - Most of the Aspen Parklands is in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, with only a small portion entering the United States in northern Minnesota.

Conservation recommendations and needs - The vast majority of this physiographic area is in Canada, with only a small portion extending into northwestern Minnesota. The Aspen Parklands are of note because this habitat harbors more species of breeding birds than any other physiographic area on the continent. In Canada, virtually the entire area is included within the boundaries of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. There will not be a separate PIF-US bird conservation plan for this area, but rather we will follow the lead of PIF-Canada.
Priority Bird Populations and Habitats
PIF Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
PIF Sprague's Pipit
PIF LeConte's Sparrow Highest percent population of any physiographic area.
PIF Clay-colored Sparrow

PIF Yellow Rail
PIF Marbled Godwit
PIF Black Tern

PIF Golden-winged Warbler

Complete Physiographic Area Priority Scores (Zipped, Dbase5 file 288K)
Key to Abbreviations: AI-Area Importance, PT-Population Trend, TB-Threats to Breeding. Priority Setting Process: General / Detailed

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Please send comments to:
Carol Beardmore, PIF Western Regional Coordinator