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Linking Criteria

This document explains how we choose the sites we link to from our environmental education portal Web sites. This may be of interest to you as a site visitor, parent or teacher. If you have a Web site you'd like us to link to, then this information may be very helpful.

Who chooses the links?

The Environmental Education (EE) Web Workgroup, made up of environmental education, communication and technical experts from across EPA. The group meets monthly to evaluate new links and update the EE portal Web sites. We continually look for Web sites to supplement our content. All must meet our quality criteria.

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Our audiences

We design our environmental education portals for specific target audiences. (Grades and ages may vary for certain content.)

Our Environmental Education Portal Web sites
Site Audience We link to:
Environmental Kids Club grades pre-K-5 or ages 4-10 we only link to EPA or other federal, state or local government sites.
Student Environmetal Center grades 6-8 or ages 11-13 we link to EPA sites, other federal, state and local government sites, and educational sites (e.g., museums, educational institutions).
High School Environmental Center grades 9-12 or ages 14-18 we link to EPA and other government sites, educational sites, and some non-government sites.
Teaching Center classroom, home school, or non-classroom instructors for youth grades pre-K-12 or ages 4-18 we link to EPA and other government sites, educational sites, and some non-government sites.

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Our quality requirements (How we evaluate the sites we link to)

Does it fit EPA's mission?

Is it appropriate for the audience?

    The item has to be age-appropriate and a useful educational tool for the intended audience. We take into account reading level and various indicators of a site's complexity.

Is it easy to use and engaging?

Does it promote critical and creative thinking?

Is it interactive? Is it well-suited to the Web?

Can someone use it without being a computer whiz?

We look for resources that an average person could use on an average computer setup. We recognize that this is very difficult to quantify, and that technology changes all the time. We look for problems like these:

Is the content clear and easy to understand?

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Submit a new site for review Exit EPA Disclaimer- look for the link "Submit New Site"

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For more information on developing EE materials for the Web, please:

  1. Order a copy of Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence from EPA's Office of Environmental Education
  2. Read the addendum to the NAAEE Guidelines that addresses the development of technology education materials. It's based on a study conducted by the Council for Educational Development and Research and is published in a book entitled Plugging In...Choosing and Using Educational Technology.
  3. Contact the Environmental Education Coordinator in your Region.
  4. Contact Jeff Philip (philipp.jeff@epa.gov) at 206-553-1465 for more information.

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