Table 3-6
Employment and employment growth in science and technology and related occupations: May 2004–May 2006
Occupation   2006
total (n)
rate (%)
All U.S. employment   132,604,980   1.7
Science and technology
  7,441,780   1.9
S&E occupations   5,407,710   3.1
Social scientists   536,880   5.4
Physical scientists   291,380   3.2
  2,743,560   3.4
Life scientists   291,980   3.2
Engineers   1,543,900   1.9
Technology occupations   2,034,070   –1.0
Technicians/programmers   1,560,250   –0.7
Technical managers   473,820   –2.1
Other S&E-related occupations
  (not included above)
  7,317,320   2.9
Healthcare practitioner/
  technical workers
  7,160,310   2.8
Other   157,010   4.4
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, May 2004 and May 2006. See appendix tables 3-1 to 3-3.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008