Table 3-1
Concepts and counts of S&E labor force: 2003 and 2006
Concept   Education coverage   Source   Number
Employment in S&E occupations   All   2006 BLS Occupational and Employment Statistics Survey   5,408,000
Employment in S&T or "STEM"
  All   2006 BLS Occupational and Employment Statistics Survey   7,442,000
Employment in S&E occupations   Bachelor's and above   2006 NSF SESTAT data   5,024,000
Employment in S&E occupations   Bachelor's and above   2005 American Community Survey   3,858,000
Employment in S&E occupations   All   2005 American Community Survey   5,301,000
Highest degree in S&E field   Bachelor's and above   2006 NSF SESTAT data   14,531,000
Any degree in S&E field   Bachelor's and above   2006 NSF SESTAT data   17,034,000
Any degree in S&E or S&E
  related fields
  Bachelor's and above   2006 NSF SESTAT data   21,378,000
Need for S&E knowledge            
At least bachelor's degree-level
  knowledge in S&E
  Bachelor's and above   2003 NSF SESTAT data   12,851,000
At least bachelor's degree-level
  knowledge in natural sciences
  and engineering
  Bachelor's and above   2003 NSF SESTAT data   9,211,000
At least bachelor's degree-level
  knowledge in social sciences
  Bachelor's and above   2003 NSF SESTAT data   5,333,000

BLS = Bureau of Labor Statistics; NSF = National Science Foundation; SESTAT = Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System

SOURCES: NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics, SESTAT database, 2003 and 2006 (preliminary data for 2006),; BLS, Occupational and Employment Statistics Survey, May 2006; and Census Bureau, American Community Survey (2005).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008