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Preparations continue for potential flu pandemic

Purdue is in an ongoing process of developing and finalizing plans that will outline how the university will prepare for a potential flu pandemic.

Who is leading the effort

The university's planning committee is led by Carol Shelby, senior director of environmental health and public safety, and James Westman, director of Purdue Student Health Center. The planning committee is divided into six subcommittees that are focusing on specific areas:

• Students and residence halls.

• Academics and research.

• Health.

• Safety and security.

• Business continuation.

• Communication and education.

What is being considered

• Purdue is in the process of deciding how it will feed its students if no mass gatherings are allowed, how a potential quarantine would be handled, how health services would be staffed around the clock, how buildings would be maintained, and how to maintain animal care and keep research going.

• All offices have been asked to identify essential personnel who would need access to campus in the event of a quarantine. Some people might be able to work from home.

• The Internet will be one important source of information. The Office of the Vice President for Information Technology is laying plans for redundant servers.

How to stay updated

• Parents, students, faculty and staff can register to receive alerts via e-mail.

• The university's home page will have the latest information on news the campus and community needs to know during a crisis.