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User Community View

Welcome to the Geomagnetic User View for the Space Physics Interactive Data Resource.

If you would like to view the full suite of data available through SPIDR, please go here

Select Data Type, Parameters and Stations

  Data Sets   Info   Metadata   FTP   Coverage   Native Time Step   Available Dates   Server

Index Data

Geomagnetic Indices global 1, 3 hr, 1 day Jan, 1868 - Dec, 2009 Boulder

Station Data

Geomagnetic Annual Means 1 month Jan, 1813 - Jan, 2005 Boulder
Geomagnetic Hourly Means 1 hr Jan, 1906 - Dec, 2005 Boulder
Geomagnetic Minute Means 1 min Jan, 1969 - Mar, 2009 Boulder

Database Inventory

Hourly Inventory Reports geomagnetic hourly variations inventory information
Minute Inventory Reports geomagnetic minute variations inventory information

Geomagnetic Databases

View and Report Minute and Hourly Means Data View station managers and generate reports
View and Report Annual Means Data View records, stations, managers and generate reports
View/modify stations metadata View, Modify and Report Metadata