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The Department's Merit Promotion Plan contains basic policy and key principles for filling positions covered by merit promotion.   Supervisors of employees should be familiar with the contents of the Merit Promotion Plan. The Merit Promotion Plan contains provisions, such as establishing the area of consideration, rating and ranking criteria, selection procedures, records maintenance and grievance procedures.

Guidance for implementing merit promotion policy is contained in the Department Implementation Guide.  Bureaus use the Guide to develop specific operational procedures to be followed in implementing the Department plan.

The Department Merit Promotion Plan, Implementation Guide, and Bureau' Implementation guidance are reviewed periodically for currency and responsiveness to increasing flexibilities provided by the Office of Personnel Management and the changing needs of managers and employees. Changes to the Merit Promotion Program cannot be implemented until obligations to negotiate with the local labor union have been accomplished.

n 5 CFR 335
n 370 DM 335
n MPP Handbook
RELATED TOPICS: Qualification and Candidate Evaluation, Candidate Referral and Selection

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior