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Qualification Requirements
If a new employee is assigned to an organization due to reduction-in-force (RIF), the gaining supervisor should be aware that employees who are placed in other positions under RIF must meet all qualification standards, including medical and/or physical qualifications, for the position. In addition, the employee's record must demonstrate a positive ability to successfully perform all critical elements of the position upon assignment to it, with only a need for job orientation.

In evaluating an employee's qualification for other positions, the Personnel Office reviews the entire Official Personnel Folder; specifically, current and prior work experience, education, training, relevant awards, and any special skills. The Personnel Office attempts to find the best "match" - employee with position - within the constraints of retention standing and with the goal of the least amount of disruption for both management and employees.

n 5 CFR Ch 351
n 370 DM 351
n (OPM) Operating Manual for Qualification Standards for General Schedule positions
Waiving Qualifications: If there is a vacancy within an organization which becomes available for RIF, the supervisor may be asked to consider waiving qualifications when there are no other placement offers available for an employee facing separation. Qualification requirements may be waived by the supervisor to assign an employee to a vacancy as long as the employee shows the capacity, adaptability, and special skills needed to satisfactorily perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.

RELATED TOPICS: Bump and Retreat Rights, Use of Vacancies, Qualification Standards

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior

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