Personnel Manager (Employee Development)

bullet2.gif (896 bytes) General Overview
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Training Policy Handbook
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) The Department of the Interior University
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Training Needs Assessment
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Approval and Funding of Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Appropriate Training Expenses
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Training, Duty Hours and Special Pay
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Subsistance Payments
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Funds Available for Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Authorizing and Paying for Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Attendance and Completion of Training
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Prioritizing the Expenditure of Training Funds
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Sources of Training
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Types of Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Self Development
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) On-the-Job-Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Interagency Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Distance Learning
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) New Employee Orientation Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Supervisory and Managerial Training
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Departmental Manager and Executive Development  Programs
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Formal Government-wide Training Programs

bullet6.gif (863 bytes)General Management bullet6.gif (863 bytes)EEO bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Classification bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Labor Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Staffing bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Development bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Electronic Forms bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Sample Letters bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Related Sites bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Email bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Help
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Office of Policy Management and Budget
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Last Updated on 1/18/07