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n Tenure Groups
n Subgroups
n Adjusted Length of Service
Retention standing is the relative right of an employee to be retained in a position when similar positions are being abolished and employees in them are being reassigned, demoted, separated or furloughed. Retention standing also determines in what order position offers are made once employees have been released from their competitive levels under reduction- in-force (RIF) procedures. An employee's retention standing is based on the following factors:

A retention register is a listing of employees within a competitive area. It serves as the primary source document in conducting a RIF and is broken down by competitive level, tenure group, tenure subgroup (veterans preference), and adjusted service computation date, which includes additional
credit given for the last three annual performance ratings.

n 5 CFR Ch 351
n 370 DM 351
RELATED TOPICS: Competitive Area, Competitive Level, Assignment Rights and Position Offers

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior