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A Crediting Plan is an objective statement of position qualification requirements and criteria against which employees are evaluated. The plan is developed as a result of a job analysis of the position to be filled, whereby the major job requirements (MJRs) and essential knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are identified.

The crediting plan is used to rank candidates as to the quality of their experience, education, training or other job-related factors considered in the evaluation process.

The Crediting Plan may apply to a group of positions organized by occupation and grade or to one position. It states the requirements for basic eligibility in the candidate screening process, for
evaluations based on applicable ranking factors, and for final relative ranking. The plan should show as a minimum the following:

  • The position(s) covered

  • Minimum qualification standards (for basic eligibility)

  • Other job-related selective placement factors

  • Applicable ranking factors

n 5 CFR 335
n 5 CFR 300
n 370 DM 335
RELATED TOPICS: Job Analysis, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior