


TEXT PDF300.101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF300.102 Policy.
TEXT PDF300.103 Basic requirements.
TEXT PDF300.104 Appeals, grievances and complaints.
TEXT PDF300.201 Examinations.
TEXT PDF300.301 Authority.
TEXT PDF300.401 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.402 Coverage.
TEXT PDF300.403 When commercial recruiting firms and nonprofit employment services may be used.
TEXT PDF300.404 Use of fee-charging firms.
TEXT PDF300.405 Requirement for contract.
TEXT PDF300.406 Agency responsibilities.
TEXT PDF300.407 Documentation.
TEXT PDF300.408 Corrective action.
TEXT PDF300.501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.502 Coverage.
TEXT PDF300.503 Conditions for using private sector temporaries.
TEXT PDF300.504 Prohibition on employer-employee relationship
TEXT PDF300.505 Relationship of civil service procedures.
TEXT PDF300.506 Requirements of procurement.
TEXT PDF300.507 Documentation and oversight.
TEXT PDF300.601 Purpose.
TEXT PDF300.602 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.603 Coverage.
TEXT PDF300.604 Restrictions.
TEXT PDF300.605 Creditable service.
TEXT PDF300.606 Agency authority.
TEXT PDF300.701 Statutory requirement.
TEXT PDF300.702 Coverage.
TEXT PDF300.703 Definitions.
TEXT PDF300.704 Considering individuals for appointment.
TEXT PDF300.705 Agency action following statement.
TEXT PDF300.706 Office of Personnel Management adjudication.
TEXT PDF300.707 Termination of employment.
