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Finland Local time: 02:22 PM


Franchising (FRA)

The total market for franchising in Finland is estimated to be over $6 billion in 2008 with a steady annual growth rate of 8-10 percent. There are close to 200 franchising systems in Finland operating over 6,000 units around the country. more...

Travel and Tourism Services (TRA)

The United States is one of the main long-haul destinations for Finns. In 2007, over 96,000 Finns traveled to the United States. Florida, California, and New York continue to be the best prospects for the U.S. travel industry. First time travelers, families with children, and senior citizens favor Florida, whereas younger people and experienced travelers favor New York and the West Coast. more...

Medical Equipment (MED)

In Finland, the total market for medical equipment was estimated at $760 million in 2008 by the Finnish Healthcare Technology Association. The operating costs of Finnish hospitals have been reduced, and major hospital procurement is mainly replacing older equipment and buying some new. more...

Telecommunications Services & Equipment (TES, TEL)

Although with only 5.3 million people the Finnish market is small, Finnish consumers and companies have proven to be quick to adopt new technologies. more...

Computers and Peripherals (CPT)

Finland’s population of 5.3 million people comprises a highly sophisticated market for computer hardware and software. more...

Environmental Technologies (ENV)

The market for environmental technology is estimated to be over $4 billion in 2008, including professional services. The market growth is likely to slow down mostly due to the economic downturn having a heavy impact on the metals and the pulp and paper industry, the two major investors in environmental technology. more...

Computer Software (CSF)

The software industry is one of Finland’s most prominent industry sectors. The industry -- along with software entrepreneurship -- has grown rapidly since the early 1990s. more...

Energy (ELP, REQ)

Finland's energy consumption has increased more than 50 percent since the early 1970s. During the same period, industrial output and the total volume of construction have more than doubled. On an international scale, energy production and usage in Finland are quite efficient, corresponding to resource availability, production structure, and geographical location. more...

Safety and Security (SEC)

The safety and security market is estimated to be over $1 billion in 2008. The market has grown constantly in the last ten years and the annual market growth rate is estimated to be close to 10 percent. more...

Best Prospects for Agricultural Products

Finland is a sophisticated market with a high standard of living, a well-educated workforce and growing incomes. The Finnish consumer has a high acceptance of new products and concepts. more...

Best prospects for American exporters