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n 5 CFR 335
n 370 DM 335
Reassignment is the noncompetitive movement of an employee to another position for which he/she qualifies at the same grade level and with an equivalent target grade if applicable.

A reassignment eligible is considered a noncompetitive candidate, or is a noncompetitive referral, because he/she has already competed for and currently holds, or has held, an equivalent position to the one being filled, therefore competition is no longer required. However, reassignments to restructured positions (e.g., Upward Mobility Program) which are targeted above the grade level currently held by the employee, must be processed competitively. This means that all merit promotion rules apply and competition must occur between all merit promotion candidates within the area of consideration.

Reassignments can be "management directed" - these actions are initiated by management to laterally move an employee to another position within the organization or between organizations. This often occurs when placing employees in order to avoid reduction-in- force actions or for other reasons when an employee's skills can be better utilized in another equivalent position.

A reassignment can also be a "voluntary request" - These actions are initiated by an employee wishing to move to another position who has submitted a written request to be referred noncompetitively for vacancies.

Reassignment candidates may be referred when the selecting official requests to review this recruiting source or at any time along with Merit Promotion candidates. They would be referred with other noncompetitive candidates such as change to lower grade and repromotion eligibles. 

RELATED TOPICS: Change to Lower Grade, Reduction-in-Force, Noncompetitive Actions

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior