List of Publications

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 U.S. Salinity Laboratory Riverside, CA 92507-4617 
1. Ayers, A.D. and J.T. Hatcher. 1939. Quantities of boron and zinc found in salts used in the preparation of culture solutions. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 4:314-315. NA.

2. Eaton, F.M. 1940. Interrelations in the effects of boron and indoleacetic acid on plant growth. Bot. Gaz. 101:700-705. NA.

3. Richards, L.A. 1940. Concerning permeability units for soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 5:49-53. NA.

4. Eaton, F.M. and C.R. Horton. 1940. Effect of exchange sodium on the moisture equivalent and the wilting coefficient of soils. J. Agr. Res. 61:401-425. NA.

5. Richards, L.A. 1941. A pressure-membrane extraction apparatus for soil solution. Soil Sci. 51:377-386. NA.

6. Eaton, F.M. 1941. Plant culture equipment. Plant Physiol. 16:385-392. NA.

7. Eaton, F.M. 1941. Water uptake and root growth as influenced by inequalities in the concentration of the substrate. Plant Physiol. 6:545-564. NA.

8. Hayward, H.E. and E.M. Long. 1941. Anatomical and physiological responses of the tomato to varying concentrations of sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, and nutrient solutions. Bot. Gaz. 102:437-462. NA.

9. Magistad, O.C. 1941. The use of softened Colorado River water for home gardens. J. Amer. Waterworks Assoc. 33:883-893. NA.

10. Moore, R.E. and K.R. Goodwin. 1941. Hydraulic head measurements in soils with high water tables. Agr. Eng. 22:263-264. NA.

11. Eaton, F.M. 1941. Use of nitric acid in control of pH and nitrate levels in nutrient solution. Plant Physiol. 16:834-836. NA.

12. Richards, L.A. and M.R. Huberty. 1941. Moisture studies under citrus using tensiometers. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 39:73-79. NA.

13. Richards, L.A. 1941. Hydraulics of water in unsaturated soil. Agr. Eng. 22:325-326. NA.

14. Lyon, C.B. 1941. Responses of two species of tomatoes and the F1 generation to sodium sulphate in the nutrient medium. Bot. Gaz. 103:107-122. NA.

15. Richards, L.A. 1942. Soil moisture tensiometer materials and construction. Soil Sci. 53:241-248. NA.

16. Hayward, H.E. and E.M. Long. 1942. The anatomy of the seedling and roots ofthe Valencia orange. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 786NA.

17. Hayward, H.E. and W.M. Blair. 1942. Some responses of Valencia orange seedlings to varying concentrations of chloride and hydrogen ions. Amer.J.Bot. 29:148-155. NA.

18. Eaton, F.M. 1942. Toxicity and accumulation of chloride and sulfate salts in plants. J. Agr. Res. 64:357-299. NA.

19. Gauch, H.G. and F.M. Eaton. 1942. Effect of saline substrate on hourly levels of carbohydrates and inorganic constituents of barley plants. Plant Physiol. 17:347-365. NA.

20. Hayward, H.E., W.M. Blair and P.E. Skaling. 1942. Device for measuring entry of water into roots. Bot. Gaz. 104:152-160. NA.

21. Wadleigh, C.H. and H.G. Gauch. 1942. Assimilation in bean plants of nitrogen from saline solutions. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 41:360-364. NA.

22. Gauch, H.G. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1942. The influence of saline substrates upon the absorption of nutrients by bean plants. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 41:365-369. NA.

23. Ayers, A.D. 1942. Comparison of the calcium and sulphur content of plant fluids expressed from tissues killed by autoclaving and by freezing with solid carbon dioxide. Plant Physiol. 17:661-665. NA.

24. Hayward, H.E. and E.M. Long. 1942. Vegetative responses of the Elberta peach on Lovell and Shalil rootstocks to high chloride and sulfate solutions. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 41:149-155. NA.

25. Magistad, O.C., A.D. Ayers, C.H. Wadleigh and H.G. Gauch. 1943. Effect of salt concentration, kind of salt, and climate on plant growth in sand cultures. Plant Physiol. 18:151-166. NA.

26. Wilcox, L.V. and O.C. Magistad. 1943. Interpretation of analyses of irrigation waters and the relative tolerance of crop plants. (Superseded by Publ. 107). USDA Circ. 8. NA. ( ).

27. Reitemeier, R.F. 1943. Semimicroanalysis of saline soil solutions. Anal. Ed., Ind. and Eng. Chem. 15:393-402. NA.

28. Magistad, O.C. and R.F. Reitemeier. 1943. Soil solution concentrations at the wilting point and their correlation with plant growth. Soil Sci. 55:351-361. NA.

29. Richards, L.A. and L.R. Weaver. 1944. Moisture retention by some irrigated soils as related soil- moisture tension. J. Agr. Res. 69:215-235. NA.

30. Ayers, A.D., C.H. Wadleigh and O.C. Magistad. 1943. The interrelationships of salt concentration and soil moisture content with the growth of beans. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 35:796-810. NA.

31. Hayward, H.E. and E.M. Long. 1943. Some effects of sodium salts on the growth of the tomato. . 18:556-569. NA.

32. Gauch, H.G. and O.C. Magistad. 1943. Growth of strawberry clover varieties and of alfalfa and ladino clover as affected by salt. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 35:871-880. NA.

33. Richards, L.A. and L.R. Weaver. 1943. The sorption-block soil moisture and hysteresis effects related to its operation. J. Amer Soc. Agron. 35:1002-1011. NA.

34. Gauch, H.G. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1943. A new type of intermittently irrigated sand culture equipment. Plant Physiol. 18:543-547. NA.

35. Long, E.M. 1943. The effect of salt additions to the substrate on intake of water and nutrients by roots of approach-grafted tomato plants. Amer. J. Bot. 30:594-601. NA.

36. Magistad, O.C. and J.E. Christiansen. 1944. Saline soils, their nature and management. U.S. Dep. Agr. Circ. 707:32. NA.

37. Hayward, H.E. and W.B. Spurr. 1943. Effects of osmotic concentration of substrate on the entry of water into corn roots. Bot.Gaz. 105:152-164. NA.

38. Christiansen, J.E. 1943. Ground-water studies in relation to drainage. Agr. Eng. 24:339-342. NA.

39. Richards, L.A. and M. Fireman. 1943. Pressure-plate apparatus for measuring moisture sorption and transmission by soils. Soil Sci. 56:395-404. NA.

40. Richards, L.A. and L.R. Weaver. 1943. Fifteen-atmosphere percentage as related to the permanent wilting percentage. Soil Sci. 56:331-339. NA.

41. Spurr, W.B. and H.E. Hayward. 1944. The tolerance of flax to saline conditions: Effect of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium sulphte. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 36:287-300. NA.

42. Wadleigh, C.H., H.G. Gauch and V. Davies. 1943. The trend of starch reserves in bean plants before and after irrigation a saline soil. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 43:201-209. NA.

43. Reitemeier, R.F. and L.A. Richards. 1944. Reliability of the pressure-membrane method for extraction of soil. Soil Sci. 57:119-135. NA.

44. Gauch, H.G. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1944. Effects of high salt concentrations on growth of bean plants. Bot. Gaz. 105:379-387. NA.

45. Magistad, O.C., M. Fireman and B. Mabry. 1944. Comparison of base-exchange equations founded on the law of mass action. Soil Sci. 57:371-379. NA.

46. Magistad, O.C., M. Fireman and L.V. Wilcox. 1944. Effect of sodium nitrate on permeability of Western soils. Calif.Citrog. (29 See also Publ. 64):196-197. NA.

47. Reitemeier, R.F. and M. Fireman. 1944. Prevention of calcium carbonate precipitation in soil solutions and waters by sodium hexametaphosphate. Soil Sci. 58:35-41. NA.

48. Magistad, O.C., R.F. Reitemeier and L.V. Wilcox. 1945. Determination of soluble salts in soils. Soil Sci. 59:65-75. NA.

49. Wadleigh, C.H. and H.G. Gauch. 1944. The influence of high concentrations of sodiums sulfate, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride on the growth of guayule in sand culture. Soil Sci. 58:399-403. NA.

50. Gauch, H.G. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1945. Effect of high concentrations of sodiums sulfate, sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sulfate on ionic absorption by bean plants. Soil Sci. 59:139-153. NA.

51. Wadleigh, C.H. and A.D. Ayers. 1945. Growth and biochemical composition of bean plants as conditioned by soil moisture tension and salt concentration. Plant Physiol. 20:106-132. NA.

52. Fireman, M. 1944. Permeability measurements on disturbed soil samples. Soil Sci. 58:337-353. NA.

53. Christiansen, J.E. 1944. Effect of entrapped air upon the permeability of soils. Soil Sci. 58:355-365. NA.

54. Reitemeier, R.F. 1945. A centrifuge tube agitator. Anal. Ed., Ind. and Eng. Chem. 17NA.

55. Hayward, H.E. and W.B. Spurr. 1944. Effects of isosmotic concentrations of inorganic and organic substrates on entry of water into corn roots. Bot. Gaz. 106:131-139. NA.

56. Gardner, R. 1945. Some soil properties related to the sodium salt problem in irrigated soils. U.S.Dep.Agr.Tech.Bull. 902NA.

57. Donnan, W.W. and J.E. Christiansen. 1944. Ground water determinations. Western Construction News. 19:77-79. NA.

58. Magistad, O.C. 1945. Plant growth relations on saline and alkali soils. Bot.Rev. 11:181-230. NA.

59. Goode, W.E. and J.E. Christiansen. 1945. Obtaining soil cores for permeability tests. Agr.Eng. 26:153-155. NA.

60. Magistad, O.C. and M. Fireman. 1945. Permeability of five Western soils as affected by the percentage of sodium of the irrigation water. Trans.Amer.Geophys.U. 26:91-94. NA.

61. Christiansen, J.E. and R.F. Reitemeier. 1946. The effect of organic matter, gypsum, and drying on the infiltration rate and permeability of a soil irrigated with a high sodium water. Trans.Amer.Geophys.U. 27:181-186. NA.

62. Reitemeier, R.F. 1946. Effect of moisture content on the dissolved and exchangeable ions of soils of arid regions. Soil Sci. 61:195-214. NA.

63. Reitemeier, R.F. and L.V. Wilcox. 1946. A critique of estimating soil solution concentration from the electrical conductivity of saturated soils. Soil Sci. 61:281-293. NA.

64. Fireman, M., O.C. Magistad and L.V. Wilcox. 1945. Effect of sodium nitrate and ammonium fertilizers on the permeability of Western soils. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 37:888-901. NA.

65. Wadleigh, C.H. 1946. The integrated soil moisture stress upon a root system in a large container of saline soil. Soil Sci. 61:225-238. NA.

66. Uhvits, R. 1946. Effect of osmotic pressure on water absorption and germination of alfalfa seeds. Amer. J. Bot. 33:278-285. NA.

67. Reitemeier, R.F., J.E. Christiansen, R.E. Moore and W.W. Aldrich. 1948. Effect of gypsum, organic matter, and drying on infiltration of water into a fine sandy loam. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 37NA.

68. Wadleigh, C.H., H.G. Gauch and O.C. Magistad. 1946. Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule as conditioned by soil salinity and irrigation regime. U.S. Dep. Agr. Tech. Bull. 925NA.

69. Christiansen, J.E., M. Fireman and L.E. Allison. 1946. Displacement of soil-air by CO2 for permeability tests. Soil Sci. 61:355-360. NA.

71. Hayward, H.E., E.M. Long and R. Uhvits. 1946. Effect of chloride and sulfate salts on the growth and development of the Elberta peach on Shalil and Lovell rootstocks. U.S. Dep. Agr. Tech Bull. 922NA.

72. Hayward, H.E. and O.C. Magistad. 1946. The salt problem in irrigation agriculture. U.S. Dep. Agr. Misc. Publ. 607NA.

73. Bower, C.A. and L.M. Turk. 1946. Calcium and magnesium deficiencies in alkali soils. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 38:723-727. NA.

74. Wadleigh, C.H., H.G. Gauch and D.G. Strong. 1947. Root penetration and moisture extraction in saline soil by crop. Soil Sci. 63:341-349. NA.

75. Christiansen, J.E. 1947. Some permeability characteristics of saline and alkali soils. Agr. Eng. 28:147-150. NA.

76. Pillsbury, A.F. and J.E. Christiansen. 1947. Installing ground-water piezometers by jetting for drainage. Agr. Eng. 28:409-410. NA.

77. Allison, L.E. 1947. Effect of microorganisms on permeability of soil under prolonged submergence. Soil Sci. 63:439-450. NA.

78. Marshall, C.E. and A.D. Ayers. 1946. Clay membrane electrodes for determining calcium activities. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 11:171-171. NA.

79. Reitemeier, R.F. and A.D. Ayers. 1947. Calcium ion activities in super-saturated solutions stabilized by sodium metaphospate as deter mined by clay membrane electrodes. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 69:2759-2761. NA.

80. Richards, L.A. 1947. Pressure-membrane apparatus -- Construction and use. Agr. Eng. 28:451-454. NA.

81. U.S.Regional Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1947. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. L.A. Richards (ed.). (157 ed.)NA.

82. Hayward, H.E. 1947. The control of salinity. In Science and Farming. Yearbook Agr.(US Dep Agr) p. 547 553.-553 US Dep Agr. NA.

83. Ayers, A.D. 1948. Salt tolerance of birdfoot trefoil. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 40:331-334. NA.

84. Wadleigh, C.H. and H.G. Gauch. 1948. Rate of leaf elongation as affected by the intensity of the total soil moisture. Plant Physiol. 23:485-495. NA.

85. Richards, L.A. and R.B. Campbell. 1948. Use of thermistors for measuring the freezing point of solutions and soils. Soil Sci. 65:429-429. NA.

86. Richards, L.A. 1948. Porous plate apparatus for measuring moisture retention and transmission by soil. Soil Sci. 66:105-110. NA.

87. Bower, C.A. and R.B. Huss. 1948. Rapid conductometric method for estimating gypsum in soils. Soil Sci. 66:199-204. NA.

88. Richards, L.A. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1952. Soil water and plant growth. In B.T.Shaw (ed.) Soil physical conditions and plant growth.Agronomy. (2 ed.):73-251. NA.

89. Bower, C.A. 1948. Rapid tests for soluble and exchangeable sodium in saline and alkali soils. J.Amer. Soc. Agron. 40:1100-1105. NA.

90. Marshall, C.E. and A.D. Ayers. 1948. The electrochemical properties of mineral membranes. VI. Clay membranes for the determination of calcium. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 70:1297-1302. NA.

91. Fireman, M. and R.C. Reeve. 1948. Some characteristics of saline and alkali soils in Gem County, Idaho. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:494-498. NA.

92. Campbell, R.B., C.A. Bower and L.A. Richards. 1948. Change of electrical conductivity with temperature and the relation of osmotic pressure to electrical conductivity and ion concentration for soil extracts. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:66-69. NA.

93. Wadleigh, C.H. and M. Fireman. 1948. Salt distribution under furrow and basin irrigated cotton and its effect on water removal. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:527-530. NA.

94. Ayers, A.D. and H.E. Hayward. 1948. A method for measuring the effects of soil salinity on seed germination with observations on several crop plants. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:224-226. NA.

95. Bower, C.A. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1948. Growth and cationic accumulation by four species of plants as influenced by various levels of exchangeable sodium. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:218-223. NA.

96. Richards, L.A. and R.B. Campbell. 1948. The freezing point of moisture in soil cores. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:70-74. NA.

97. Reeve, R.C., L.E. Allison and D.F.,Jr. Peterson. 1948. Reclamation of saline-alkali soils by leaching -- Delta Area, Utah. Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 335NA.

98. Wadleigh, C.H. and C.A. Bower. 1950. The influence of calcium ion activity in water cultures on the intake of cations by bean plants. Plant Physiol. 25:1-12. NA.

99. Wadleigh, C.H. 1949. Mineral nutrition of plants. Annu. Rev. Biochem.:. 655 678.-678. NA.

100. Hayward, H.E. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1949. Plant growth on saline and alkali soils. Advance. Agron. 1:1-38. NA.

101. Reeve, R.C. and M.C. Jensen. 1949. Piezometers for ground-water flow studies and measurement of subsoil permeability. Agr. Eng. 30:435-438. NA.

102. Richards, L.A. 1949. Methods of measuring soil moisture tensions. Soil Sci. 68:95-112. NA.

103. Richards, L.A. 1949. Filter funnels for soil extracts. Agron. J. 41NA.

104. Richards, L.A. 1949. Methods for mounting porous plates used in soil moisture measurement. Agron. J. 41:489-490. NA.

105. Hatcher, J.T. and L.V. Wilcox. 1950. Colorimetric determination of boron using carmine. Anal. Chem. 22:567-569. NA.

106. Wilcox, L.V. 1948. The quality of water for irrigation use. U.S.Dep.Agr.Tech.Bull. 962NA.

107. Wilcox, L.V. 1948. Explanation and interpretation of analyses of irrigation waters. U.S. Dep. Agr. Circ. 784NA.

108. Wilcox, L.V. 1948. Agricultural uses of reclaimed sewage effluent. Sewage Works J. XX:. 24 35.-35. NA.

109. Wilcox, L.V. 1948. Toxic effects of boron on plants. Lower Rio Grande Valley Citrus and Vegetable Inst. 3:7-12. NA.

110. Fireman, M., C.A. Mogen and G. Orien Baker. 1950. Characteristics of saline and alkali soils in the Emmett Valley Area, Idaho. Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 17NA.

111. Wadleigh, C.H. and L.A. Richards. 1951. Soil moisture and mineral nutrition of plants. In Emil Truog (ed.) Mineral nutrition of plants. Univ. Wisconsin Press.p. 411 450.-450 ed.. NA.

112. Richards, L.A., R.B. Campbell and L.W. Healton. 1950. Some freezing point depression measurements on cores of soil in which cotton and sunflower plants were wilted. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 14:47-50. NA.

113. Bower, C.A. and R.K. Petersen. 1950. Technique for determining the permeability of soil cores obtined with te Lutz sampler. Agron. J. 42:55-56. NA.

114. Richards, L.A. and D.C. Moore. 1952. Influence of capillary conductivity and depth of wetting on moisture retention in soil. Trans. Amer. Geophys. U. 33:531-540. NA.

115. Richards, L.A. 1950. Laws of soil moisture. Trans. Amer. Geophys. U. 31:750-756. NA.

116. Chapman, H.D., L.V. Wilcox and H.E. Hayward. 1947. Water quality from an agricultural point of view. In Report of Interim Fact-Finding Committee on Wate Pollution.Assembly of State of California Publ.p. 134NA.

117. Richards, L.A. 1950. Chemical and physical characteristics of saline and alkali soils of Western United States. Int. Cong. Soil Sci., Trans. (4 Amsterdam):1-6. NA.

118. Richards, L.A. 1950. Experimental demonstration of the hydraulic criterion for zero flow of water in unsaturated soil. Int. Congr. Soil Sci., Trans. (4 Amsterdam):66-68. NA.

119. Wilcox, L.V. 1950. Electrical conductivity. J. Amer. Waterworks Assoc. 42:775-776. NA.

120. Campbell, R.B. and L.A. Richards. 1950. Some moisture and salinity relationships in peat soils. Agron. J. 42:582-585. NA.

121. Bower, C.A. 1950. Fixation of ammonium in difficultly exchangeable form under moist conditions by some soils of semiarid regions. Soil Sci. 70:375-383. NA.

122. Wilcox, L.V. 1950. Pressure-control unit for use with the pressure-plate apparatus for measuring moisture sorption and transmission by soils. Soil Sci. 70:427-430. NA.

123. Reger, J.S., A.F. Pillsbury, R.C. Reeve and R.K. Petersen. 1950. Techniques for drainage investigations in the Coachella Valley, Calif. Agr. Eng. 31:559-564. NA.

124. Blair, G.Y., L.A. Richards and R.B. Campbell. 1950. The rate of elongation of sunflower plants and the freezing point of soil moisture in relation to permanent wilt. Soil Sci. 70:431-439. NA.

125. Allison, L.E. 1951. Vapor-phase sterilization of soil with ethylene oxide. Soil Sci. 72:341-352. NA.

126. Bernstein, L. and A.D. Ayers. 1951. Salt tolerance of six varieties of green beans. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 57:243-248. NA.

127. Ayers, A.D., C.H. Wadleigh and L. Bernstein. 1951. Salt tolerance of six varieties of lettuce. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 57:237-237. NA.

128. Bernstein, L., A.D. Ayers and C.H. Wadleigh. 1951. The salt tolerance of White Rose potatoes. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 57:231-236. NA.

129. Reeve, R.C. and D. Kirkham. 1951. Soil anisotropy and some field methods for measuring permeability. Trans. Amer. Geophys. U. 32:582-590. NA.

130. Wadleigh, C.H., H.E. Hayward and A.D. Ayers. 1951. First year growth of stone fruits on saline substrates. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 57:31-36. NA.

131. Fireman, M., C.W. Chang and L.W. Healton. 1951. Soils investigations on the Tucumcari, New Mexico, Irrigation Project. New Mexico Agr. Exp. Sta. Press Bull. 1054NA.

132. Fireman, M. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1951. A statistical study of the relation between pH and the exchangeable-sodium-percentage of Western soils. Soil Sci. 71:273-285. NA.

133. Wilcox, L.V. and J.T. Hatcher. 1950. Methods of analysis used in the Rubidoux Laboratory, Riverside, California. USSL Pub. (6th Edition):NA.

134. Gauch, H.G. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1951. Salt tolerance and chemical composition of Rhodes and Dallis grasses grown in sand cultures. Bot. Gaz. 112:259-271. NA.

135. Bower, C.A. 1951. Availability of ammonium fixed in difficultly exchangeable form by soils of semiarid regions. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 15:119-122. NA.

136. Ayers, A.D. 1950. Salt tolerance of avocado trees grown in culture solution. California Avocado Soc.Yearbook:. 139 148.-148. NA.

137. Ayers, A.D. and R.B. Campbell. 1951. Freezing point of water in a soil as related to salt and moisture contents of the soil. Soil Sci. 72:201-206. NA.

138. Ayers, A.D. 1952. Seed germination as affected by soil moisture and salinity. Agron. J. 44:82-84. NA.

139. Peterson, D.F.,Jr., R.C. Reeve and L.E. Allison. 1949. Removal of salts by leaching found feasible and economical at Delta. Farm and Home Sci. 10:10-11. NA.

140. Israelson, O.W., D.F.,Jr. Peterson and R.C. Reeve. 1950. Effectiveness of gravity drains and experimental pumping for drainage, Delta Area, Utah. Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 345NA.

141. Wilcox, L.V. 1951. A method for calculating the saturation percentage from the weight of a known volume of saturated soil paste. Soil Sci. 72:233-237. NA.

142. Wadleigh, C.H., H.G. Gauch and M. Kolisch. 1951. Mineral composition of orchard grass grown on Pachappa loam salinized with various salts. Soil Sci. 72:275-282. NA.

143. Bower, C.A., R.F. Reitemeier and M. Fireman. 1952. Exchangeable cation analysis of saline and alkali soils. Soil Sci. 73:251-261. NA.

144. Campbell, R.B. 1952. Freezing point of water in puddled and unpuddled soils at different soil moisture tension. Soil Sci. 73:221-229. NA.

145. Ayers, A.D., J.W. Brown and C.H. Wadleigh. 1952. Salt tolerance of barley and wheat in soil plots receiving several salinization regimes. Agron. J. 44:307-310. NA.

146. Wadleigh, C.H. and J.W. Brown. 1952. The chemical status of bean plants afflicted with bicarbonate- induced chlorosis. Bot. Gaz. 113:373-392. NA.

147. Wilcox, L.V., C.S. Scofield, C.S. Howard, C.A. Bower, C.H. Wadleigh and H.E. Hayward. 1951. Water for irrigation use. Eng News. 29:990-993. NA.

148. Ayers, A.D., D.G. Aldrich and J.J. Coony. 1951. Leaf burn of avocado. Calif. Agric. 5NA.

149. Bodman, G.B. and M. Fireman. 1950. Changes in soil permeability and exchangeable cation status during flow of different irrigation waters. Int. Congr. Soil Sci. Trans. (4 Amsterdam):397-400. NA.

150. Bower, C.A., L.R. Swarner, A.W. Marsh and F.M. Tileston. 1958. The improvement of an alkali soil by treatment with manure and chemical amendments. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 22NA.

151. Marsh, A.W., L.R. Swarner, F.M. Tileston, C.A. Bower and E.N. Hoffman. 1952. Irrigation management investigations on nonsaline soils. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 23NA.

152. Bowan, L.C., F.J. Turner, C.D. Moodie and C.A. Bower. 1952. Reclamation of a saline-alkali soil by Wadleigh, C. H., and J. W. Brown. 1952. Influence of sodium bicarbonate on mineral composition of red garden Beets. Proc. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol.:. 54 57.-57. NA.

153. Wadleigh, C.H. and J.W. Brown. 1952. Influence of sodium bicarbonate on mineral composition of red garden beets. Proc. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 54 57.-57. NA.

154. Wadleigh, C.H., A.D. Ayers and C.A. Bower. 1952. Effect of saline and alkali soil on growth of sugar beets. Proc. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. 50 53.-53. NA.

155. Soil Science Society of America. 1952. Report of the subcommittee on permeability and infiltration, committee on terminology. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 16:85-88. NA.

156. Richards, L.A. 1952. Water conducting and retaining properties of soils in relation to irrigation. Proc. Int. Symp. on Desert Research:. 1 22.-22. NA.

157. Allison, L.E. 1952. Effect of synthetic polyelectrolytes on the structure of saline and alkali soils. Soil Sci. 73:443-454. NA.

158. Fireman, M. and H.E. Hayward. 1952. Indicator significance of some shrubs in the Escalante Desert. Utah. Bot. Gaz. 114:143-155. NA.

159. Ayers, A.D. 1953. Germination and emergence of several varieties of barley in salinized soil cultures. Agron. J. 45:68-71. NA.

160. Bower, C.A. and F.B. Gschwend. 1952. Ethylene glycol retention by soils as a measure of surface area and interlayer swelling. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 16:342-345. NA.

161. Ayers, A.D., D.G. Aldrich and J.J. Coony. 1951. Sodium and chloride injury to Fuerte avocado leaves. California Avocado Soc. Yearbook:. 174 178.-178. NA.

162. Hayward, H.E. 1952. Plant growth under saline conditions. UNESCO, Paris.Provisional reproduction without figures. (63 Superseded by Pub)NA.

163. Brown, J.W., C.H. Wadleigh and H.E. Hayward. 1953. Foliar analysis of stone fruit and almond trees on saline substrates. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 61:49-55. NA.

164. Reeve, R.C. 1953. Factors influencing drainage design in irrigated areas. Agr. Eng. 34:88-90. NA.

166. Pearson, G.A. and J.A. Goss. 1953. Observations on the effects of salinity and water table on young grapefruit. Proc. Annu. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Inst. 7-6. NA.

167. Bernstein, L. and A.D. Ayers. 1953. Salt tolerance of five varieties of carrots. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 61:360-366. NA.

168. Wilcox, L.V. 1953. Irrigation water quality as affected by use and reuse. Chem. and Eng.News. 31:3448-3454. NA.

169. Bernstein, L. and A.D. Ayers. 1953. Salt tolerance of five varieties of onions. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 62:367-370. NA.

170. Hayward, H.E. 1953. Salinity in Western irrigated soils. Amer. Fruit Grower (West.Ed.). (73 West. Ed.)-12. NA.

171. Richards, L.A. 1953. Modulus of rupture as an index of surface crusting of soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:321-323. NA.

172. Reeve, R.C. 1953. A method of determining the stability of soil structure based upon air and water permeability measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:324-329. NA.

173. Bernstein, L. and G.A. Pearson. 1954. Influence of integrated moisture stress achieved by varying the osmotic pressure of culture solutions on growth of tomato and pepper plants. Soil Sci. 77:355-368. NA.

174. Richards, L.A. 1954. Multiple tensiometer for determining the vertical component of th hydraulic gradient in soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 18:7-9. NA.

175. Reeve, R.C. and R.H. Brooks. 1953. Equipment for subsampling and packing fragmented soil samples for air and water permeability tests. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:333-336. NA.

176. Wadleigh, C.H. and M. Fireman. 1954. Multiple regression analysis of soil data. Soil Sci. 78:127-139. NA.

177. Bower, C.A., C.D. Moodie, P. Orth and F.B. Gschwend. 1954. Correlation of sugar beet yields with chemical properties of a saline-alkali soil. Soil Sci. 77:443-451. NA.

178. Wilcox, L.V., G.Y. Blair and C.A. Bower. 1954. Effect of bicarbonate on suitability of water for irrigation. Soil Sci. 77:259-266. NA.

179. Reeve, R.C., C.A. Bower, R.H. Brooks and F.B. Gschwend. 1954. A comparison of the effects of exchangeable sodium and potassium upon the physical condition of soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 18:130-132. NA.

180. USSL, Staff 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali soils. U.S.D.A. Handbook No.60 . ( Click! on Index Number for available HTML / PDF Version ): (web version only).

181. Bower, C.A. 1955. Determination of exchangeable magnesium in soils containing dolomite. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. 19:40-42. NA.

182. Richards, L.A. 1954. The measurement of soil water in relation to plant requirements. Sci. Monthly. 78:307-313. NA.

184. Brown, J.W. and C.H. Wadleigh. 1955. Influence of sodium bicarbonate on the growth and chlorosis of garden beets. Bot. Gaz. 116:201-209. NA.

185. Bernstein, L., B.A. Krantz and A.J. MacKenzie. 1955. The interaction of salinity and planting practice on the germination of irrigated row crops. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:240-243. NA.

186. Hayward, H.E. 1954. Plant growth under saline conditions. In Reviews of research on problems of utilization of saline water.Arid Zone Programme, UNESCO, Paris.p. 37 71.-71. NA.

187. Hayward, H.E. 1954. Sodium hazard in Western irrigated soils. Amer.Fruit Grower (West.Ed.). (74 West. Ed.)-12. NA.

188. Hayward, H.E. 1954. Saline and alkali soils -- their diagnosis and improvement. Soil Conservation. 20:75-81. NA.

189. Reeve, R.C., A.F. Pillsbury and L.V. Wilcox. 1955. Reclamation of a saline and high boron soil in the Coachella Valley of California. Hilgardia. 24:69-91. NA.

190. Bower, C.A. and J.O. Goertzen. 1955. Negative adsorption of salts by soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 19:147-151. NA.

191. Allison, L.E. and R.C. Reeve. 1955. Lysimeters for studying effects of salinity, leaching, and position of water table on plant growth. Soil Sci. 79:81-91. NA.

192. Wilcox, L.V. 1955. Classification and use of irrigation waters. U.S.Dept.Agr.Circ. 969NA.

193. Fireman, M. and H.E. Hayward. 1955. Irrigation water and saline and alkali soils. Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.) p. 321 327.-327 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

194. Bernstein, L. 1955. The needs and uses of water by plants. Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.) p. 18 25.-25 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

195. Richards, L.A. 1955. Retention and transmission of water in soil. Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.) p. 144 151.-151 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

196. Gardner, W.R. 1956. Representation of soil aggregate-size distribution by a logarithmic-normal distribution. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:151-153. NA.

197. Allison, L.E. and D.C. Moore. 1956. Effect of VAMA and HPAN soil conditioners on aggregation, surface crusting, and moisture retention in alkali soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:143-146. NA.

198. Richards, L.A. 1955. A portable vacuum filter. Soil Sci. 79:423-425. NA.

199. Richards, L.A. 1955. Portable conductivity bridge and cells for salinity appraisal. Soil Sci. 80:55-59. NA.

200. Allison, L.E. 1956. Soil and plant responses to VAMA and HPAN soil contioners in the presence of high exchangeable sodium. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:147-151. NA.

201. Hayward, H.E. 1956. The salinity factor in the reuse of waste waters. In The Future of Arid Lands, Amer.Assoc.Advance.Sci.Publ. 43:279-290. NA.

202. Richards, L.A. 1956. Agricultural use of water under saline conditions. In The Future of Arid Lands, Amer.Assoc.Advance.Sci.Publ. 43:221-225. NA.

203. Wilcox, L.V. 1957. Analyses of salt balance and salt-burden data on the Rio Grande. Symp.on Problems of the Rio Grande.Albuquerque, N.Mexico State Eng.Office. 39 44.-44. NA.

204. Hayward, H.E. 1955. Factors affecting the salt tolerance of horticultural crops. Int.Hort.Congr.Rep. (14 Netherlands):385-399. NA.

205. Richards, L.A. 1956. Sample retainers for measuring water retention by soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:301-303. NA.

206. Richards, L.A. and G. Ogata. 1956. Materials for retainer plates and their use for retentivity measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:303-306. NA.

207. Brown, J.W. and H.E. Hayward. 1956. Salt tolerance of alfalfa varieties. Agron.J. 48:18-20. NA.

208. Bernstein, L. and R.S. Ayers. 1955. Sloping seedbeds. California Agr. 9NA.

209. Richards, L.A., W.R. Gardner and G. Ogata. 1956. Physical processes determining water loss from soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:310-314. NA.

210. Bower, C.A., W.R. Gardner and J.O. Goertzen. 1957. Dynamics of cation exchange in soil columns. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 21:20-24. NA.

211. Brooks, R.H., C.A. Bower and R.C. Reeve. 1956. The effect of various exchangeable cations upon the physical condition of soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:325-327. NA.

212. Allison, L.E. 1956. A study of synthetic aggregate breakdown using logarithmic normal distribution analysis. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:314-316. NA.

213. Gardner, W.R. 1956. Calculation of capillary conductivity from pressure plate outflow data. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 20:317-320. NA.

214. Bernstein, L., M. Fireman and R.C. Reeve. 1955. Control of salinity in the Imperial Valley, California. U.S.Dep.Agr.ARS. 41-41. NA.

215. Richards, L.A., C.A. Bower and M. Fireman. 1956. Tests for salinity and sodium status of soil and of irrigation water. U.S.Dep.Agr.Circ. 982NA.

216. Bernstein, L. and G.A. Pearson. 1956. Influence of exchangeable sodium on the yield and chemical composition of plants. I. Grenn beans, garden beets, clover, and alfalfa. Soil Sci. 82:247-258. NA.

217. Richards, L.A. 1955. Water content changes following the wetting of bare soil in the field. Soil Sci.Soc.Florida Proc. 15:142-148. NA.

218. Bower, C.A. and W.C. Cooper. 1956. The sodium-adsorption-ratio and its significance in irrigation agriculture. J.Rio Grande Valley Hort.Soc. 10:49-52. NA.

219. Wadleigh, C.H., L.V. Wilcox and M.H. Gallantin. 1956. Quantity of irrigation water. J.Soil and Water Conserv. 11:31-33. NA.

221. Bernstein, L., J.W. Brown and H.E. Hayward. 1956. The influence of rootstock on growth and salt accumulation in stone-fruit trees and almonds. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort Sci. 68:86-95. NA.

222. Bernstein, L. and M. Fireman. 1957. Laboratory studies on salt distribution in furrow-irrigated soil with special reference to the pre-emergence period. Soil Sci. 83:249-263. NA.

223. Brooks, R.H., J.O. Goertzen and C.A. Bower. 1958. Prediction of changes in the compositions of the dissolved and exchangeable cations in soils upon irrigation with high-sodium waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 22:122-124. NA.

224. Ogata, G. and L.A. Richards. 1957. Water content changes following irrigation of bare-field soil that is protected from evaporation. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 21:355-356. NA.

225. Pearson, G.A., J.A. Goss and H.E. Hayward. 1957. The influence of salinity and water table on the growth and mineral composition of young grapefruit trees. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 69:197-203. NA.

226. Gardner, W.R. and R.H. Brooks. 1957. A descriptive theory of leaching. Soil Sci. 83:295-304. NA.

227. Bower, C.A. and M. Fireman. 1957. Saline and alkali soils. In Soil.Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.) p. 282 290.-290 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

228. Richards, L.A. and S.J. Richards. 1957. Soil moisture. In Soil.Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.).p. 49 60.-60 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

229. Reeve, R.C. 1957. The design of a gravel envelope for title drains and methods of measuring soil permeability. In J.N.Luthin (ed.) Drainage of agricultural land.Agronomy. (7 ed.):339-344. NA.

230. USSL Staff 1958. Salt problems in irrigated soils. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 190NA.

231. Bower, C.A. 1959. Cation-exchange equilibria in soils affected by sodium salts. Soil Sci. 88:32-35. NA.

232. Allison, L.E. 1957. Effect of soil-conditioned polymers on the cation-exchange capacity. Soil Sci. 83:391-397. NA.

233. Pillsbury, A.F., L.O. Weeks, J.R. Spencer and R.C. Reeve. 1956. Discharge of tile drainage systems in an irrigated area of California. Trans.Amer.Geophys.U. 37:474-476. NA.

234. Richards, L.A. 1955. Instrument for measuring electrical conductivity of tests solutions. U.S.Patent No. 2NA.

235. Richards, L.A. 1956. Vacuum filter. U.S.Patent No. 2NA.

236. Reeve, R.C. 1957. The relation of salinity to irrigation and drainage requirements. 3rd Congr. Int. Comm. Irrigation and Drainage, 10:10.175-10.187. (Question 10R.).

239. Bower, C.A. 1959. Chemical amendments for improving sodium soils. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 195NA.

240. Bernstein, L. 1958. Salt tolerance of grasses and forage legumes. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 194NA.

241. Wilcox, L.V. 1958. Determining the quality of irrigation water. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 197NA.

242. Edminister, T.W. and R.C. Reeve. 1957. Drainage problems and methods. In Soil.Yearbook Agr.(US Dept.Agr.) p. 378 385.-385 US Dept. Agr.. NA.

243. Gardner, W.R. 1958. Some steady-state solutions of the unsaturated moisture flow equation with application to evaporation from a water table. Soil Sci. 85:228-232. NA.

244. Gardner, W.R. and M. Fireman. 1958. Laboratory studies of evaporation from soil columns in the presence of a water table. Soil Sci. 85:244-249. NA.

245. Bower, C.A. and J.O. Goertzen. 1958. Replacement of adsorbed sodium in soils by hydrolysis of calcium carbonate. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 22:33-35. NA.

246. Reeve, R.C. 1957. Drainage of irrigated lands. Soil Conservation. 23:12-15. NA.

247. Goertzen, J.O. and C.A. Bower. 1958. Carbon dioxide from plant roots as a factor in the replacement of adsorbed sodium in calcareous soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 22:36-37. NA.

248. Hatcher, J.T. and C.A. Bower. 1958. Equilibria and dynamics of boron adsorption by soils. Soil Sci. 85:319-323. NA.

249. Gardner, W.R. and M.S. Mayhugh. 1958. Solutions and tests of the diffusion equation for the movement of water in soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 22:197-201. NA.

250. Hayward, H.E. and L. Bernstein. 1958. Plant-growth relationships on salt-affected soils. Bot.Rev. 24:584-635. NA.

251. Richards, L.A. 1957. Water retention and transmission in soil. Hawaiian Sugar Technol. 43 46.-46. NA.

252. Lagerwerff, J.V. 1958. Comparable effects pf adsprbed and dissolved cations on plant growth. Soil Sci. 86:63-69. NA.

253. Bernstein, L. and H.E. Hayward. 1958. Physiology of salt tolerance. Annu.Rev.Plant Physiol. 9:25-46. NA.

254. Pearson, G.A. and L. Bernstein. 1958. Influence of exchangeable sodium on yield and chemical composition of plants: II. Wheat, barley, oats, rice, tall fescue, and tall wheatgrass. Soil Sci. 86:254-261. NA.

255. Miljkovic, N., A.D. Ayers and D.L. Eberhard. 1959. Salt-affected soils of Yugoslavia. Soil Sci. 88:51-55. NA.

256. Gardner, W.R. 1958. Mathematics of isothermal water conduction in unsaturated soils. In Water and Conduction in Soils.Highway Res.Board Spec.Rep. 40:78-87. NA.

257. Wilcox, L.V. 1958. Water quality from the standpoint of irrigation. J.Amer.Waterworks Asoc. 50:650-654. NA.

258. Richards, L.A. and H.E. Hayward. 1959. Salinity hazards. Intersociety Conf.Irrigation and Drainage, Proc.lst. 93 96.-96. NA.

259. Ehlig, C.F. and L. Bernstein. 1958. Salt tolerance of strawberries. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 72:198-206. NA.

260. Richards, L.A. 1959. Availability of water to crops on saline soils. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 2NA.

261. Reeve, R.C. 1958. Reclamation of salt-affected soils (Abstr.). Agr.Eng. 39NA.

262. Ehrler, W. and L. Bernstein. 1958. Effects of root temperature, mineral nutrition, and salinity on the growth and composition of rice. Bot.Gaz. 120:67-74. NA.

263. Pearson, G.A. 1959. Factors influencing salinity of submerged galss electrode. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 23:29-31. NA.

264. Bower, C.A. 1959. Determination of sodium in saline solutions with a glass electrode. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 23:29-23. NA.

265. Richards, L.A. and G. Ogata. 1958. Thermocouple for vapor pressure measurement in biological and soil systems at high humidity. Science. 28:89-89. NA.

266. Bower, C.A. and J.O. Goertzen. 1959. Surface area of soils and clays by an equilibrium ethylene glycol method. Soil Sci. 87:289-292. NA.

267. Gardner, W.R. 1959. Solutions of the flow equation for the drying of soils and other porous media. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 23:83-83. NA.

268. Reeve, R.C. 1960. The transmission of water by soils as influenced by chemical and physical properties. Int.Congr.Agr.Eng., Trans. 5:21-32. NA.

269. Wilcox, L.V. 1959. Salinity - a hidden danger. Cotton Trade J.26th Int.Yearbook. 58-64. NA.

270. Bower, C.A. 1960. Prediction of the effects of irrigation waters on soils. In Salinity Problems in the Arid Zones.Proc.UNESCO Arid Zone Symp.(Tehran, Iran). 14:215-222. NA.

271. Hatcher, J.T., G.Y. Blair and C.A. Bower. 1959. Response of beans to dissolved and adsorbed boron. Soil Sci. 88:98-100. NA.

272. Bernstein, L. 1959. Salt tolerance of vegetable crops in the West. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.205. 5p. NA.

273. Allison, L.E. 1959. A convenient apparatus for the quantitative estimation of carbon dioxide in a carrier stream. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 23:324-325. NA.

274. Wilcox, L.V. 1960. Boron injury to plants. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.211. 7p. NA.

276. Gardner, W.R. 1959. Soil water relations in arid and semi-arid conditions. In Plant-water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions: Rev.of Res.(UNESCO). 15:37-61. NA.

277. Ehlig, C.F. and L. Bernstein. 1959. Foliar absorption of sodium and chloride as a factor in sprinkler irrigation. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 74:661-670. NA.

278. Gardner, W.R., M.S. Mayhugh, J.O. Goertzen and C.A. Bower. 1959. Effect of electrolyte concentration and exchangeable-sodium percentage on diffusivity of water in soils. Soil Sci. 88:270-274. NA.

279. Pearson, G.A. and L. Bernstein. 1959. Salinity effects at several growth stages of rice. Agron.J. 51:654-657. NA.

280. Gardner, W.R. 1959. Diffusivity of soil water during sorption as affected by temperature. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 23:406-407. NA.

281. Nieman, R.H. and L. Bernstein. 1959. Interactive effects of gibberellic acid and salinity on the growth of beans. Amer.J.Bot. 45:667-670.

282. Wilcox, L.V. 1959. Effect of industrial wastes on water for irrigation use. Amer.Soc.Testing Materials, Spec.Tech.Publ. 273:58-64. NA.

283. Gardner, W.R. 1960. Dynamic aspects of water availability to plants. Soil Sci. 89:63-73. NA.

284. Ayers, A.D., A. Vazquez, J. de la Rubia, F. Blasco and S. Samplon. 1960. Saline and sodic soils of Spain. Soil Sci. 90:133-138. NA.

285. Richards, L.A. and H.T. Stumpf. 1960. Volumetric soil sampler. Soil Sci. 89:8-8. NA.

286. Allison, L.E. 1960. Wet-combustion apparatus and procedure for organic and inorganic carbon in soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 24:36-40. NA.

287. Ayers, A.D. and D.L. Eberhard. 1960. Response of edible broadbean to several levels of salinity. Agron.J. 52:110-111. NA.

288. Pearson, G.A. 1960. Tolerance of crops to exchangeable sodium. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 2NA.

289. Ogata, G., L.A. Richards and W.R. Gardner. 1960. Transpiration of alfalfa determined from soil water content changes. Soil Sci. 89:179-182. NA.

290. Bernstein, L. 1960. Salt tolerance of field crops. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull. 217NA.

291. Bernstein, L. and R.H. Nieman. 1960. Apparent free space of plant roots. Plant Physiol. 35:589-598. NA.

292. Pearson, G.A. and A.D. Ayers. 1960. Rice as a crop for salt-affected soil in process of reclamation. U.S.Dept.Agr.Prod.Res.Rep.43. 13p. NA.

293. Bower, C.A. 1961. Studies on the suspension effect with a sodium electrode. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 25:18-21. NA.

294. Hatcher, J.T. 1960. Wet digestion of plant material gives low boron values. Anal.Chem. 32:726. NA.

295. Brooks, R.H. and R.C. Reeve. 1959. Measurement of air and water permeability of soils. Trans.of the ASAE,. 2:125, 16, 128. NA.

296. Lagerwerff, J.V. 1960. The contact-exchange theory amended. Plant and Soil. 13:253-264. NA.

297. Ehlig, C.F. 1960. Effects of salinity of four varieties of table grapes grown in sand culture. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 76:323-331. NA.

298. Lagerwerff, J.V. and J.P. Holland. 1960. Growth and mineral content of carrots and beans as related to varying osmotic and ionic composition effects in saline-sodic sand cultures. Agron.J. 52:603-608. NA.

299. Richards, L.A. and G. Ogata. 1960. Vapor pressure depression at a tensiometer cup. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans. 1:279-283. NA.

300. Willis, W.O. 1960. Evaporation from layered soils in the presence of a water table. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.Proc. 24:239-242. NA.

301. Wilcox, L.V. 1962. Salinity caused by irrigation. J.Amer.Waterworks Assoc. 54:217-222. NA.

302. Bernstein, L. 1962. Salt-affected soils and plants. In the Problems of the Arid Zones Proc.UNESCO Symp.(Paris, France). 18:139-174. NA.

303. Richards, L.A. 1960. Advances in soil physics. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans. 7:67-79. NA.

304. Derderian, M.D. 1961. Determination of calcium and magnesium in plant material with EDTA. Anal.Chem. 33:1796-1797. NA.

305. Ehlig, C.F. 1961. Salt tolerance of strawberries under sprinkler irrigation. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 77:376-379. NA.

306. Reeve, R.C. and C.A. Bower. 1960. Use of high-salt waters as a flocculant and source of divalent cations for reclaiming sodic soils. Soil Sci. 90:139-144. NA.

307. Ehrler, W. 1960. Some effects of salinity on rice. Bot.Gaz. 122:102-104. NA.

308. Lunin, J., M.H. Gallantin, C.A. Bower and L.V. Wilcox. 1960. Use of brackish water for irrigation in humid regions. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.213. 5p. NA.

309. Bower, C.A. 1960. Sodium electrode and its use for salinity investigations. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans.7. 11:16-21. NA.

310. Bernstein, L. 1961. Tolerance of plants to salinity. Proc.Amer.Soc.Civil Eng. 87:1-12. NA.

311. Lagerwerff, J.V. and H.E. Eagle. 1961. Osmotic and specific effects of excess salts on beans. Plant Physiol. 36:472-477. NA.

312. Lagerwerff, J.V. and G. Ogata. 1960. Plant growth as a function of inter-acting activities of water and ions under saline conditions. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans. 111:475-480. NA.

313. Gardner, W.R. 1960. Measurement of capillary conductivity and diffusivity with a tensiometer. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans. 1:300-305. NA.

314. Lagerwerff, J.V., G. Ogata and H.E. Eagle. 1961. Control of osmotic pressure of culture solutions with polyethylene glycol. Science. 133:1486-1487. NA.

315. Pearson, G.A. 1961. The salt tolerance of rice. Int.Rice Comm.Newsletter. 10:1-4. NA.

316. Wilcox, L.V. 1961. The effect of irrigation on stream water quality. Proc.Conf.on Water Quality in the Columbia Basin.p. 137-141. NA.

317. Richards, L.A. and G. Ogata. 1961. Psychrometric measurements of soil samples equilibrated on pressure membranes. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 25:456-459. NA.

318. Pearson, G.A. 1961. A technique for determining the salt tolerance of rice. Int.Rice Comm.Newsletter. 10:5-7. NA.

319. Bernstein, L. and W.R. Gardner. 1961. Perspective on function of free space in ion uptake by roots. Science. 133:1482-1483. NA.

321. Reeve, R.C. 1965. Modulus of rupture. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:466-471. NA.

322. Reeve, R.C. 1965. Air-to-water permeability ratio. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:520-531. NA.

323. Gardner, W.R. 1961. Water movement and availability to plants. Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool, Ghent, Belgium. 26:647-657. NA.

324. Bower, C.A. and L.V. Wilcox. 1965. Soluble salts. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:933-951. NA.

325. Bernstein, L. 1961. Osmotic adjustment of plants to saline media. I, Steady state. Amer.J.Bot. 48:909-918. NA.

326. Richards, L.A. 1965. Physical condition of water in soil. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:128-151. NA.

327. Gardner, W.R. 1962. Approximate solution of a non-steady-state drainage problem. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 26:129-132. NA.

328. Klute, A. and W.R. Gardner. 1962. Tensiometer response time. Soil Sci. 93:204-207. NA.

329. Bower, C.A. and J.T. Hatcher. 1962. Characterization of salt affected soils with respect to sodium. Soil Sci. 93:275-280. NA.

330. Lagerwerff, J.V. and H.E. Eagle. 1962. Transpiration related to ion uptake by beans from saline substrates. Soil Sci. 93:420-430. NA.

331. Bernstein, L. 1961. Salt tolerance of plants and the potential use of saline waters for irrigation. Desalination Res.Conf., Nat.Acad.Sci., Nat.Res.Council Publ. 942:273-283. NA.

332. Gardner, W.R. and F.J. Miklich. 1962. Unsaturated conductivity and diffusivity measurements by a constant flux. Soil Sci. 93:271-274. NA.

333. Klute, A. and L.A. Richards. 1962. Effect of temperature on relative vapor pressure of water in soil: Apparatus and preliminary measurements. Soil Sci. 93:391-396. NA.

334. Ehlig, C.F. 1962. Measurement of energy status of water in plants with a thermocouple psychrometer. Plant Physiol. 37:288-290. NA.

335. Richards, L.A. and C.A. Bower. 1962. Salt in Soil. In After a hundred years.Yearbook Agr.(U.S.Dept.Agr.) p. 202-208. NA.

336. Hatcher, J.T., G.Y. Blair and C.A. Bower. 1962. Adjusting soil solutions to specified boron concentrations. Soil Sci. 94:55-57. NA.

337. Nieman, R.H. 1962. Some effects of sodium chloride on growth, photosynthesis, and respiration of twelve crop plants. Bot.Gaz. 123:279-285.

338. Bower, C.A., H.R. Haise, J. Legg, R.C. Reeve, R. Carlson, H.E. Dregne and R.S. Whitney. 1962. Soil salinity and irrigation in the Soviet Union. ARS Rept.of a Tech.Study Group. 41p. NA.

339. Richards, L.A. and P.L. Richards. 1962. Radial-flow cell for soil-water measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 26:515-518. NA.

340. Gardner, W.R. and C.F. Ehlig. 1962. Some observations on the movement of water to plant roots. Agron.J. 54:453-456. NA.

341. Gardner, W.R. 1962. Note on the separation and solution of diffusion type equations. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 26:404. NA.

342. Ehlig, C.F. and W.R. Gardner. 1962. Movement of water to plant roots studied. Crops and Soils. 14(9)::24-25. NA.

343. Youngs, E.G. and W.R. Gardner. 1963. A problem of diffusion in the infinite hollow cylinder. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27:475-476. NA.

344a. Allison, L.E. 1965. Organic carbon. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:1367-1368. NA.

344b. Allison, L.E. and C.D. Moodie. 1965. Carbonate. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:1379-1396. NA.

344. Allison, L.E., W.B. Bollen and C.D. Moodie. 1965. Total carbon. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:1346-1365. NA.

345. Bower, C.A. 1963. Adsorption of o-phenanthroline by clay minerals and soils. Soil Sci. 95:192-195. NA.

346. Wilcox, L.V. and W.F. Resch. 1963. Salt balance and leaching requirement in irrigated lands. U.S.Dept.Agr.Tech.Bull.1290. 23p. NA.

347. Gardner, W.R. and D.I. Hillel. 1962. The relation of external evaporative conditions to the drying of soils. J.Geophys.Res. 67:4319-4325. NA.

348. Nieman, R.H. and L.L. Poulsen. 1963. Spectrophotometric estimation of nucleic acid of plant leaves. Plant Physiol. 38:31-35.

349. Wilcox, L.V. 1963. Water quality requirements for agriculture. Proc.Int'l Seminar, Soil & Water Utilization (Brookings, S.D.) p. 197-198. NA.

350. Gardner, W.R. and C.F. Ehlig. 1962. Impedance to water movement in soil and plant. Science. 138:522-523. NA.

351. Bower, C.A. 1963. Diagnosing soil salinity. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.279. 11p. NA.

352. Akin, G.W. and J.V. Lagerwerff. 1965. Calcium carbonate equilibria in aqueous solutions open to the air. I. The solubility of calcite in relation to ionic strength. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 29:343-352. NA.

353. Akin, G.W. and J.V. Lagerwerff. 1965. Calcium carbonate equilibria in solutions open to the air. II. Enhanced solubility of CaCO3 in the presence of Mg2+ and SO42-. Geochimical et Cosmochimica Acta. 29:353-360. NA.

354. Bernstein, L. 1964. Effects of salinity on mineral composition and growth of plants. Plant Anal.and Fertilizer Problems. 4:25-45. NA.

355. Bernstein, L. 1963. Osmotic adjustment of plants to saline media. II. Dynamic phase. Amer.J.Bot. 50:360-370. NA.

356. Doering, E.J. 1963. A direct method for measuring the upward flow of water from the water table. Soil Sci. 96:191-195. NA.

357. Bernstein, L. 1965. Salt tolerance of fruit crops. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.292. 8p. NA.

358. Bernstein, L. 1964. Salt tolerance of plants. U.S.Dept.Agr.Inf.Bull.283. 23p. NA.

359. Richards, L.A. and D.L. Decker. 1963. Difficulties with electrolytic-resistance hygrometers at high humidity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 481p. NA.

360. Bernstein, L. 1964. Reducing salt injury to ornamental shrubs in the West. U.S.Dept.Agr.Home and Garden Bull.95. 6p. NA.

361. Bower, C.A. and M. Maasland. 1963. Sodium hazard of Punjab ground waters. West Pakistan Eng. Congr. 50::49-61. NA.

362. McNeal, B.L. 1964. Effect of exchangeable cations on glycol retention by clay minerals. Soil Sci. 97:96-102. NA.

363. Reeve, R.C. 1965. Hydraulic head. In C.A.Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis.Agronomy. 9:180-196. NA.

364. Richards, L.A., P.F. Low and D.L. Decker. 1964. Pressure dependence of the relative vapor pressure of water in soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 28:5-8. NA.

365. Yermanos, D.M. and L.E. Francois. 1963. Differences among seed samples from primary, secondary, and tertiary heads of safflower. Crop Sci. 3:560-561. NA.

366. Francois, L.E. and L. Bernstein. 1964. Salt tolerance of safflower. Agron.J. 56:38-40. NA.

367. Yermanos, D.M., L.E. Francois and L. Bernstein. 1964. Soil salinity effects on the chemical composition of the oil and the oil content of safflower seed. Agron.J. 56:35-37. NA.

368. Bower, C.A. 1963. Effect of water quality on seepage through soil. Proc.U.S.Water Cons.Lab.Seepage Symp., ARS-41-90. 76-77. NA.

369. Gardner, W.R. 1964. Relation of root distribution to water uptake and availability. Agron.J. 56:41-45. NA.

370. Ehlig, C.F. and W.R. Gardner. 1964. Relationship between transpiration and the internal water relations of plants. Agron.J. 56:127-130. NA.

371. Richards, L.A. 1964. A thermocouple psychrometer for measuring the relative vapor pressure of water in liquids or porous materials. Int.Symp.on Humidity and Moisture (Washington, D.C.). 13-18. NA.

372. Gardner, W.R. and C.F. Ehlig. 1963. The influence of soil water on transpiration by plants. J.Geophys.Res. 68:5719-5724. NA.

373. Doering, E.J., R.C. Reeve and K.R. Stockinger. 1964. Salt accumulation and salt distribution as an indicator of evaporation from fallow soils. Soil Sci. 97:312-319. NA.

374. McNeal, B.L. and T. Sansoterra. 1964. The mineralogical examination of arid-land soils. Soil Sci. 97:367-375. NA.

375. Bernstein, L. 1964. Salinity and roses. Amer.Rose Annu. 120-124. NA.

376. Bower, C.A., W.G. Harper, C.D. Moodie, R. Overstreet and L.A. Richards. 1958. Rep. of the nomenclature committee appointed by the Board of Collaborators of the U.S. Salinity Lab. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc.22. 270p. NA.

377. Gardner, W.R. 1965. Movement of nitrogen in soil. In W.V.Bartholomew and F.E.Clark (ed.) Soil nitrogen.Agronomy 10. 550-570. NA.

378. Wilcox, L.V. and W.H. Durum. 1967. Quality of irrigation water. In R.M.Hagan (ed.) Irrigation of agricultural lands.Agronomy ll. 104-122. NA.

379. Doering, E.J. and D.L. Decker. 1964. Apparatus for measuring low rates of water flow. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 28:716-718. NA.

380. Bower, C.A. and J. Lunin. 1964. Problems of soil and water. In Farmer's world.Yearbook Agr. 535-542. NA.

381. Lagerwerff, J.V. 1964. Extraction of clay-water systems. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 28:502-506. NA.

382. Gardner, W.R. 1965. Rainfall, runoff, and return. In Paul E.Waggoner (ed.) Agricultural meterorology.Meteorology. 6:138-148. NA.

383. Gardner, W.R. and R.H. Nieman. 1964. The lower limit of water availability to plants. Science. 143:1460-1462. NA.

384. Allison, L.E. 1964. Salinity in relation to irrigation. Advance.Agron. 16:139-180. NA.

385. Bower, C.A. and L.V. Wilcox. 1965. Precipitation and solution of calcium carbonate in irrigation operations. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 29:93-94. NA.

386. Bower, C.A., L.V. Wilcox, G.W. Akin and M.G. Keyes. 1965. An index of the tendency of CaCO3 to precipitate from irrigation waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 29:91-92. NA.

387. Ehlig, C.F. 1964. Salt tolerance of raspberry, bosenberry, and blackberry. Proc.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 85:318-324. NA.

388. Pearson, G.A. 1967. Adsorption and translocation of sodium in beans and cotton. Plant Physiol. 42:1171-1175. NA.

389. McNeal, B.L. and R.C. Reeve. 1964. Elimination of boundary-flow errors in laboratory hydraulic conductivity measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 28:713-714. NA.

390. Gardner, W.R. 1964. Water movement below the root zone. Int.Congr.Soil Sci., Trans,. (8 Bucharest, Romania):63-68. NA.

391. Nieman, R.H. 1965. Expansion of bean leaves and its suppression by salinity. Plant Physiol. 40:156-161.

392. Ogata, G. and C.A. Bower. 1965. Significance of biological sulfate reduction in soil salinity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 29:23-25. NA.

393. Reeve, R.C. and G. Tamaddoni. 1965. Effect of electrolyte concentration on laboratory permeability and field intake rate of a sodic soil. Soil Sci. 99:261-266. NA.

394. Reeve, R.C. and E.J. Doering. 1965. Sampling the soil solution for salinity appraisal. Soil Sci. 99:339-344. NA.

395. Bolt, G.H. and J.V. Lagerwerff. 1965. Consequences of electrolyte redistribution during pressure- membrane equilibration of clays. Soil Sci. 99:147-153. NA.

396. Reeve, R.C. and M. Fireman. 1967. Salt problems in relation to irrigation. In R.M.Hagan (ed.) Irrigation of agricultural lands.Agronomy. 11:988-1008. NA.

397. Doering, E.J. 1965. Soil-water diffusivity by the one-step method. Soil Sci. 99:322-326. NA.

398. Richards, L.A. 1965. Metallic conduction for cooling a thermocouple psychrometer bath. Soil Sci. 100:20-24. NA.

399. Gardner, W.R. and C.F. Ehlig. 1965. Physical aspects of the internal water relations of plant leaves. Plant Physiol. 40:705-710. NA.

400. Francois, L.E., D.M. Yermanos and L. Bernstein. 1964. Salt tolerance of safflower. Calif.Agric. 18(9)::12-14.

401. Lagerwerff, J.V. 1965. Multiple-rate effect in ion transfer. Soil Sci. 100:25-33. NA.

402. Slatyer, R.O. and W.R. Gardner. 1964. Overall aspects of water movement in plants and soils. In The state and movement of water in living organisms.Symp.Soc.Exp.Biology (Swansea, Wales). 19:113-129. NA.

403. Gardner, W.R. 1965. Dynamic aspects of soil-water availability to plants. Annu.Rev.Plant Physiol. 16:323-342. NA.

404. Bower, C.A. 1965. Salinity control in irrigation agriculture. In FAO Report on Seminar on waterlogging in relation to irrigation and salinity problems (Lahore, Pakistan) No.1932. 9p. NA.

405. Lagerwerff, J.V., G.W. Akin and S.R. Moses. 1965. Detection and determination of gypsum in soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 29:535-540. NA.

406. Reeve, R.C. and E.J. Doering. 1966. Field comparison of the high-salt-water dilution method and conventional methods for reclaiming sodic soils. Int'l Cong. 19:1-14. NA. (6th Cong. Int. Comm. Irrigation and Drainage (New Delhi, India)).

407. Bernstein, L. 1965. Salinity and citrus. California Citrograph, May. 1965NA.

408. Miklich, F.J. and L.A. Richards. 1965. Radial-flow cell -- Further tests. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 29:485-487. NA.

409. Rawlins, S.L. 1966. Theory for thermocouple psychrometers used to measure water potential in soil and plant samples. Agr.Meteorol. 3:293-310. NA.

410. Swartzendruber, D. 1966. Variables-separable solution of the horizontal flow equation with nonconstant diffusivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:7-11. NA.

411. Doering, E.J. and R.C. Reeve. 1965. Enginering aspects of the reclamation of sodic soils with high- salt waters. J.Irrigation and Drainage Div., Proc.Amer.Soc.Civil Eng. 91:59-72. NA.

412. Bower, C.A. 1966. Soil salinity. In Yearbook of Science and Technology.McGraw-Hill, New York.p. 374NA.

413. McNeal, B.L. 1966. Clay mineral variability in some Punjab soils. Soil Sci. 102:53-58. NA.

414. McNeal, B.L., G.A. Pearson, J.T. Hatcher and C.A. Bower. 1966. Effect of rice culture on the reclamation of sodic soils. Agron.J. 58:238-240. NA.

415. Gardner, W.R. 1966. Water movement. In Yearbook of Science and Technology.McGraw-Hill, New York.p. 371NA.

416. Reeve, R.C. and E.J. Doering. 1966. The high-salt-water dilution method for reclaiming sodic soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:498-504. NA.

417. Bernstein, L. and G. Ogata. 1966. Effects of salinity on nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and growth of soybeans and alfalfa. Agron.J. 58:202-203. NA.

418. Pearson, G.A., A.D. Ayers and D.L. Eberhard. 1966. Relative salt tolerance of rice during germination and early seedling development. Soil Sci. 102:151-156. NA.

419. Richards, L.A. 1966. A soil salinity sensor of improved design. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:333-337. NA.

420. Richards, L.A. and H.T. Stumpf. 1966. Graphical recorder for a pan evaporimeter. Water Resour.Res. 2:209-212. NA.

421. McNeal, B.L. and N.T. Coleman. 1966. Effect of solution composition on soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:308-312. NA.

422. McNeal, B.L., W.A. Norvell and N.T. Coleman. 1966. Effect of solution composition on the swelling of extracted soil clays. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:313-317. NA.

423. Gardner, W.R. 1967. Development of modern infiltration theory and application in hydrology. Trans.of the ASAE,. 10(3):379-381. NA.

424. Nieman, R.H. and L.L. Poulsen. 1967. Interactive effects of salinity and atmospheric humidity on the growth of bean and cotton plants. Bot.Gaz. 128:69-73.

425. Bernstein, L., L.E. Francois and R.A. Clark. 1966. Salt tolerance of N. Co. varieties of sugar cane. I. Sprouting, growth, and yield. Agron.J. 58:489-493. NA.

426. Bernstein, L., R.A. Clark, L.E. Francois and M.D. Derderian. 1966. Salt tolerance of N, Co, varieties of sugar cane. II. Effects of soil salinity and sprinkling on chemical composition. Agron.J. 58:503-507. NA.

427. Gardner, W.R. 1966. Soil water movement and root absorption. Proc.Symp.on Plant Environ.and Efficient Water Use. 127-149. NA.

428. Bower, C.A. and J.T. Hatcher. 1966. Simultaneous determination of surface area and cation-exchange- capacity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 30:525-527. NA.

429. McNeal, B.L. and C.A. Bower. 1970. Evaporites in soils. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science.Springer Verlag, Germany. NA.

430. Bower, C.A. and J.T. Hatcher. 1967. Adsorption of fluoride by soils and minerals. Soil Sci. 103:151-154. NA.

431. Gardner, W.R. 1967. Present knowledge of the interrelationships between soil moisture, irrigation, drainage, and water-use efficiency. In Soil- moisture and irrigation studies. Int.Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria) STI/PUB. 137:77-82. NA.

432. Gardner, W.R. 1967. Beta-ray gauging techniques for measuring leaf-water-content changes and moisture state of plants. In Soil-moisture and irrigation studies.Int.Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria) STI/PUB. 137:54-56. NA.

433. Bernstein, L. 1967. Quantitative assessment of irrigation water quality. Amer.Soc.Testing and Materials Spec.Tech.Publ. 416:51-65. NA.

434. Ehlig, C.F., W.R. Gardner and M. Clark. 1968. Effect of soil salinity on water potentials and transpiration in pepper (Capium frutescens). Agron.J. 60:249-253. NA.

435. Rawlins, S.L. and F.N. Dalton. 1967. Psychrometric measurement of water potential without precise temperature control. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 31:297-301. NA.

436. Rhoades, J.D. 1967. Cation exchange reactions of soil and specimen vermiculites. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 31:361-365. NA.

437. Gardner, W.H. and S.L. Rawlins. 1973. Hydro-physics of arid and irrigated soils. In Int.Sourcebook on Irrigation and Drainage of Arid Lands in Relation to Salinity and Alkalinity.FAO/UNESCO. NA.

438. Dalton, F.N. and S.L. Rawlins. 1968. Design criteia for Peltier-effect thermocouple psychrometers. Soil Sci. 105:12-17.

439. Weimberg, R. 1967. Effect of sodium chloride on the activity of a soluble malate dehydrogenase from pea seeds. J.Biol.Chem. 242:3000-3006. NA.

440. Bernstein, L. 1967. Plants and the supersaline habitat. Contrib.Marine Sci. 12:242-248. NA.

441. Rhoades, J.D. and D.B. Krueger. 1968. Extraction of cations from silicate minerals during the determination of exchangeable cations in soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:488-492. NA.

442. Hatcher, J.T., C.A. Bower and M. Clark. 1967. Absorption of boron by soils as influenced by hydroxy aluminum and surface area. Soil Sci. 104:422-426. NA.

443. Oster, J.D. and R.D. Ingvalson. 1967. In situ measurement of soil salinity with a sensor. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 31:572-574. NA.

444. Nieman, R.H. and L.L. Poulsen. 1967. Growth and synthesis of nucleic acid and protein by excised radish cotyledons. Plant Physiol. 42:946-952.

445. Bower, C.A., G. Ogata and J.M. Tucker. 1968. Sodium hazard of irrigation waters as influenced by leaching fraction and by precipitation or solution of calcium carbonate. Soil Sci. 106:29-34. NA.

446. McNeal, B.L. 1968. Limitations of quantitative soil clay mineralogy. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:119-121. NA.

447. McNeal, B.L., D.A. Layfield, W.A. Norvell and J.D. Rhoades. 1968. Factors influencing hydraulic conductivity of soils in the presence of mixed-salt solutions. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:187-190. NA.

448. Shalhevet, J. and L. Bernstein. 1968. Effects of vertically heterogeneous soil salinity on plant growth and water. Soil Sci. 106:85-93. NA.

449. McNeal, B.L. 1968. Prediction of the efect of mixed-salt solutions on soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:190-193. NA.

450. Gardner, W.R. 1967. Water uptake and salt-distribution patterns in saline soils. In Isotope and radiation techniques in soil physics and irrigation studies.Int.Atomic Engery Agency (Vienna, Austria) SM. 124:335-341. NA.

451. Weimberg, R. 1968. An electrophoretic analysis of the isozymes of malate dehydrogenase in several different plants. Plant Physiol. 43:622-628. NA.

452. Rhoades, J.D., D.B. Krueger and M.J. Reed. 1968. The effect of soil-mineral weathering on the sodium hazard of irrigation waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:643-647. NA.

453. Rhoades, J.D. 1968. Mineral-weathering correction for estimating the sodium hazard of irrigation waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:648-652. NA.

454. Rhoades, J.D. 1968. Leaching requirement for exchangeable-sodium control. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:652-656. NA.

455. Rawlins, S.L., W.R. Gardner and F.N. Dalton. 1968. In Situ measurement of soil and plant leaf water potential. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 32:468-470. NA.

456. Bower, C.A., J.R. Spencer and L.O. Weeks. 1969. Salt and water balance, Coachella Valley, California. J.Irrig.and Drainage Div., ASCE, Proc.Paper 6437. 55-64. NA.

457. Oster, J.D. 1968. Measuring soil salinity. California Citrograph, May. 1968NA.

458. Hoffman, G.J. and W.N. Herkelrath. 1968. Design features of intact leaf thermocouple psychrometers for measuring water potential. Transactions of the ASAE,. 11(5):631-634. NA.

459. Bernstein, L. 1969. Salinity factors and their limits for citrus culture. Int.Citrus Symp., Proc., UC Riverside. 111:1779-1782. NA.

460. Kuiper, P.J.C. 1968. Lipids in grape roots in relation to chloride transport. Plant Physiol. 43:1367-1371. NA.

461. Kuiper, P.J.C. 1968. Ion transport characteristics of grape root lipids in relation to chloride transport. Plant Physiol. 43:1372-1372. NA.

462. Nieman, R.H. and L.L. Poulsen. 1971. Plant growth suppression on saline media: Interactions with light. Bot.Gaz. 132:14-19.

463. Oster, J.D., S.L. Rawlins and R.D. Ingvalson. 1969. Independent measurement of matric and osmotic potential of soil water. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 33:188-192. NA.

464. Rawlins, S.L., G.J. Hoffman and H.T. Stumpf. 1968. A multiple temperature water bath. Agr.Eng. 49:672-673. NA.

465. Rhoades, J.D. and L. Bernstein. 1971. Chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of irrigation and soil water. In Leonard L.Ciaccio (ed.) Water and Water Pollution Handbook, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.Vol.I:. 141-222. NA.

466. Hoffman, G.J., C.J. Phene and S.L. Rawlins. 1969. Microchamber for studying plant response to environmental factors. Transactions of the ASAE,. 12(5)::598-601. NA.

467. Watson, C.L., B.L. McNeal and J. Letey. 1969. The effect of surfactants on the hydraulic conductivity of salt- affected soils. Soil Sci. 108:58-63. NA.

468. Rhoades, J.D., R.D. Ingvalson and H.T. Stumpf. 1969. Interlayer spacings of expanded clay minerals at various swelling pressures: An X-ray diffraction technique for direct determination. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 33:473-475. NA.

469. Rhoades, J.D. and R.D. Ingvalson. 1969. Macroscopic swelling and hydraulic conductivity properties of four vermiculitic soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 33:364-369. NA.

470. Muhammed, S., B.L. McNeal, C.A. Bower and P.F. Pratt. 1969. Modification of the high-salt water method for reclaiming sodic soils. Soil Sci. 108:249-256. NA.

471. Hoffman, G.J., W.N. Herkelrath and R.S. Austin. 1969. Simultataneous cycling of Peltier thermocouple psychrometers for rapid water potential measurements. Agron. J. 61:597-601. NA.

472. Phene, C.J., R.S. Austin, G.J. Hoffman and S.L. Rawlins. 1969. Measuring temperatures with P-N junction diodes. Agr. Eng. 50:684-685. NA.

473. Bower, C.A., G. Ogata and J.M. Tucker. 1969. Rootzone salt profiles and alfalfa growth as influenced by irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction. Agron. J. 61:783-785. NA.

474. Bernstein, L., C.F. Ehlig and R.A. Clark. 1969. Effect of grape root-stocks on chloride accumulation in leaves. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 94:584-590. NA.

475. Weimberg, R. 1970. Effect of potassium chloride on the uptake and storage of phosphate by Saccharomyces mellis. J. Bacteriol. 103:37-48. NA.

476. Weimberg, R. 1971. Recovery of exocellular acid phosphatase activity on Saccharomyces mellis after treatment of the organism with reagents that affect the cell surface. J. Bacteriol. 108:1097-1106. NA.

477. McNeal, B.L. 1970. Prediction of interlayer swelling of clays in mixed-salt solution. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34:201-206. NA.

478. Bower, C.A. and L.V. Wilcox. 1969. Nitrate content of the Upper Rio Grande as influenced by nitrogen fertilization of adjacent irrigated lands. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 33:971-973. NA.

479. Hoffman, G.J. and C.J. Phene. 1971. Effect of constant salinity levels on water use efficiency of bean and cotton. Transactions of the ASAE. 14(6):1103-1106.NA.

480. Gardner, H.R. and W.R. Gardner. 1969. Relation of water application to evaporation and storage of soil water. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 33:192-196. NA.

481. Hoffman, G.J. and S.L. Rawlins. 1970. Design and performance of sunlit climate chambers. Trans. of the ASAE. 13(5):656-660.NA.

482. Ingvalson, R.D., J.D. Oster, S.L. Rawlins and G.J. Hoffman. 1970. Measurement of water potential and osmotic potential in soil with a combined thermocouple psychrometer and salinity sensor. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34:570-574. NA.

483. Rhoades, J.D., R.D. Ingvalson and J.T. Hatcher. 1970. Laboratory determination of leachable soil boron. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34:871-875. NA.

484. Rhoades, J.D., R.D. Ingvalson and J.T. Hatcher. 1970. Adsorption of boron by feromagnesian minerals and magnesium hydroxide. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34:938-941. NA.

485. McNeal, B.L., J.D. Oster and J.T. Hatcher. 1970. Calculation of electrical conductivity from solution composition data as an aid to in-situ estimation of soil salinity. Soil Sci. 110:405-414. NA.

486. Weimberg, R. 1970. Enzyme levels in pea seedlings grown on highly salinized media. Plant Physiol. 46:466-470. NA.

487. Bower, C.A., G. Ogata and J.M. Tucker. 1970. Growth of Sudan and tall fescue grasses as inluenced by irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction. Agron. J. 62:793-794. NA.

488. Phene, C.J., G.J. Hoffman and S.L. Rawlins. 1971. Measuring soil matric potential in situ by sensing heat dissipation within a porous body: I. Theory and sensor construction. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35:27-33. NA.

489. Rhoades, J.D. and R.D. Ingvalson. 1971. Determining salinity in field soils with soil resistance measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35:54-60. NA.

490. Bernstein, L. 1971. Method for determining solutes in the cell walls of leaves. Plant Physiol. 47:361-365. NA.

491. Phene, C.J., S.L. Rawlins and G.J. Hoffman. 1971. Measuring soil matric potential in situ by sensing heat dissipation within a porous body. II. Experimental results. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35:225-229. NA.

492. Hoffman, G.J. and S.L. Rawlins. 1970. Infertility of cotton flowers at both high and low relative humidities. Crop Sci. 10:721-723. NA.

493. Hoffman, G.J., S.L. Rawlins, M.J. Garber and E.M. Cullen. 1971. Water relations and growth of cotton as influenced by salinity and relative humidity. Agron. J. 63:822-826. NA.

494. Phene, C.J., G.J. Hoffman and R.S. Austin. 1973. Controlling automated irrigation with soil matric potential sensor. Trans. of the ASAE. 16(4):773-776.NA.

495. Maas, E.V. and G. Ogata. 1971. Absorption of magnesium and chloride by excised corn roots. Plant Physiol. 47:357-360.

496. Oster, J.D. and L.S. Willardson. 1971. Reliability of salinity sensors for the management of soil salinity. Agron. J. 63:695-698. NA.

497. Oster, J.D. and B.L. McNeal. 1971. Computation of soil solution composition variation with water content for desaturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. (35 ):436-442. NA.

498. Rawlins, S.L. 1973. Principles of managing high frequency irrigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 37:626-629. NA.

499. Hoffman, G.J. 1971. Estimating leaf area from length measurements for hybrid Granex onion: Influence of salinity and relative humidity. Agron. J. 63:948-949. NA.

500. Rawlins, S.L. 1971. Some new methods for measuring the components of water potential. Soil Sci. 112:8-16. NA.

501. Bower, C.A. 1974. Salinity of drainage waters. In J.van Schilfgaarde (ed.) "Drainage for Agriculture", Agronomy 17. 471-487. NA.

502. Nieman, R.H. and C. Willis. 1971. Correlation between the suppression of glucose and phosphate uptake and the release of protein from viable carrot root cells treated with monovalent cations. Plant Physiol. 28:287-293.

503. Merrill, S.D. and S.L. Rawlins. 1971. Field measurement of soil water potential with thermocouple psychrometers. Soil Sci. 113:102-109. NA.

504. Bernstein, L. 1974. Crop growth and salinity. In: J.van Schilfgaarde (ed.), "Drainage for Agriculture",Agronomy 17. 39-54. NA.

506. Hoffman, G.J., J.D. Oster and S.D. Merrill. 1972. Automated measurement of water potential and its components using thermocouple psychrometers. In: R.W. Brown and B.P. van Haveren (eds.), "Psychrometry in Water Relations Research.", Utah Agric. Expt. Station, NA.

507. Rawlins, S.L. 1972. Theory of thermocouple psychrometers for measuring plant and soil water potential. In: B.P. van Haveren and R.W. Brown (eds.), "Psychrometry in Water Relations Research", Utah Agric. Expt. Station, NA.

508. Rhoades, J.D. 1996. Drainage for salinity control. Agronomy. 17:433-461. NA.

509. Heggestad, H.E., F.S.,Jr. Santamour and L. Bernstein. 1972. Plants that will withstand pollution and reduce it. In Landscape for Living.Yearbook Agr.(US Dep Agr) p. 16 22.-22 US Dep Agr. NA.

510. Bower, C.A. and J.D. Rhoades. 1972. Fractionation of cation exchange capacity for assessing soil and water sodicity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 36:174-175. NA.

511. Francois, L.E. and J.R. Goodin. 1972. Interaction of temperature and salinity on sugarbeet germination. Agron.J. 64:272-273.

512. Lagerwerff, J.V. 1969. Osmotic growth inhibition and electrometric salt-tolerance evaluation of plants. Plant and Soil. 31(1)::77-96. NA.

513. Rhoades, J.D. 1972. Quality of water for irrigation. Soil Sci. 113:277-284. NA.

514. Willardson, L.S., J.D. Oster and G.J. Hoffman. 1972. Intermittent flooding best for leaching saline soils. Calif.Farmer. 236 239.-239. NA.

515. Maas, E.V. and G. Ogata. 1972. Radial transport of sodium and chloride into tomato root xylem. Plant Physiol. 50:64-68.

516. Bower, C.A. 1972. Colorimetric, semi-quantitative test for soil salinity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 36:527-528. NA.

517. Bernstein, L. and L.E. Francois. 1973. Comparisons of drip, furrow, and sprinkler irrigation. Soil Sci. 115:73-86. NA.

518. Hoffman, G.J. 1973. Humidity effects on yield and water relations of nine crops. Trans.of the ASAE. 16(1):164-167. NA.

519. Goertzen, J.O. and J.D. Oster. 1972. Potentiometric titration of sulfate in water and soil extracts using a lead electrode. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 36:691-693. NA.

520. Maas, E.V., G. Ogata and M.J. Garber. 1972. Influence of salinity on Fe, Mn and Zn uptake by plants. Agron.J. 64:793-795.

521. Bernstein, L., L.E. Francois and R.A. Clark. 1972. Salt tolerance of ornamental shrubs and ground covers. J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 97(4)::550-556. NA.

522. Hoffman, G.J., E.V. Maas and S.L. Rawlins. 1973. Salinity-ozone interactive effects on yield and water relations of pinto bean. J.Environ.Qual. 2:148-152. NA.

523. Oster, J.D., L.S. Willardson and G.J. Hoffman. 1972. Sprinkling and ponding techniques for reclaiming saline soils. Trans.of the ASAE,. 15(6):1115-1117. NA.

524. Hoffman, G.J. and S.L. Rawlins. 1972. Silver-foil psychrometer for measuring leaf water potential in situ. Science. 177:802-804. NA.

525. Austin, R.S. and J.D. Oster. 1973. An oscillator circuit for automated salinity sensor measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 37:327-329. NA.

526. Maas, E.V., G.J. Hoffman, S.L. Rawlins and G. Ogata. 1973. Salinity-ozone interactions on pinto bean: Integrated response to ozone concentration and duration. J.Environ.Qual. 2:400-404.

527. Rhoades, J.D. 1975. Secondary mineral formations and weathering reactions in salt- affected soils. Proc., Intl.Symp.on New Developments in the Field of Salt-Affected Soils, Ministry of Agric., UAR,. 788-801. NA.

528. Wesseling, J. and J.D. Oster. 1973. Response of salinity sensors to rapidly changing salinity. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 37:553-557. NA.

529. Dalton, F.N., P.A.C. Raats and W.R. Gardner. 1975. Simultaneous uptake of water and solutes by plant roots. Agron.J. 67:334-339.

530. Willardson, L.S. and J.D. Oster. 1974. Salinity sensor control of drip irrigation water application. Proc.2nd.Intl Drip Irrig.Congress. 335-774. NA.

531. Wesseling, J. 1974. Hydraulic conductivity of natural Pachappa soil columns. Soil Sci. 118:6-10. NA.

532. Rhoades, J.D., R.D. Ingvalson, J.M. Tucker and M. Clark. 1973. Salts in irrigation drainage waters. I. Effects of irrigation water composition, leaching fraction, and time of year on the salt compositions of irrigation drainage waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 37:770-774. NA.

533. Weimberg, R. 1975. Polyphosphate levels in non-growing cells of Saccharomyces mellis as determined by magnesium ion and the phenomenon of uberkompensation. J.Bacteriol. 121:1122-1130. NA.

534. Weimberg, R. 1976. Repression of the acid phosphatase of Saccharomyces bisporus in relation to the polyphosphate content of the cells. Can.J.Microbiol. 22:867-872. NA.

535. Ogata, G. and E.V. Maas. 1974. Interactive effect of salinity and ozone on growth and yield of garden beet. J.Environ.Qual. 2:518-520. NA.

536. Bernstein, L. and L.E. Francois. 1973. Leaching requirement studies: Sensitivity of alfalfa to salinity of irrigation and drainage waters. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 37:931-943. NA.

537. van Schilfgaarde, J., L. Bernstein, J.D. Rhoades and S.L. Rawlins. 1974. Irrigation management for salt control. J.Irrig.and Drainage Div., ASCE,. (100 IR3):321-338. NA.

538. Halvorson, A.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1974. Assessing soil salinity and identifying potential saline-seep areas with field soil resistance measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 38:576-581.

539. Bernstein, L., L.E. Francois and R.A. Clark. 1974. Interactive effects of salinity and fertility on yields of grains and vegetables. Agron.J. 66:412-421.

540. Rhoades, J.D., J.D. Oster, R.D. Ingvalson, J.M. Tucker and M. Clark. 1974. Minimizing the salt burdens of irrigation drainage waters. J.Environ.Qual. 3:311-316. NA.

541. Oster, J.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1975. Calculated drainage water compositions and salt burdens resulting from irrigation with river waters in the western United States. J.Environ.Qual. 4:73-79. NA.

542. Raats, P.A.C. 1974. Steady flows of water and salt in uniform soil profiles with plant roots. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 38:717-722. NA.

543. Bernstein, L. and L.E. Francois. 1975. Effects of frequency of sprinkling with saline waters compared with daily drip irrigation. Agron.J. 67:185-190.

544. Branson, R.L., P.F. Pratt, J.D. Rhoades and J.D. Oster. 1975. Water quality in irrigated watersheds. J.Environ.Qual. 4:33-40.

545. Raats, P.A.C. 1975. Transformation of fluxes and forces describing the siumltaneous transport of water and heat in unsaturated porous media. Water Resour.Res. 11(6):938-942. NA.

546. Dirksen, C. 1975. Determination of soil water diffusivity by sorptivity measurements. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 39:22-27. NA.

547. Bernstein, L., L.E. Francois and R.A. Clark. 1975. Minimal leaching with varying root depths of alfalfa. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.Proc. 39:12-115.

548. Weimberg, R. 1975. Effect of growth in highly salinized media on the enzmes of the photosynthetic apparatus in pea seedlings. Plant Physiol. 56:8-12. NA.

549. Raats, P.A.C. 1974. Movement of water and salts under high frequency irrigation. Proc.2nd Int'l Drip Irrig.Congress. 222-227. NA.

550. Rawlins, S.L. 1974. Reverse flushing techniques for bi-wall drip tubing. Proc.2nd Int'l Drip Irrig.Congress. 209-211. NA.

551. Rawlins, S.L., G.J. Hoffman and S.D. Merrill. 1974. Traveling trickle system. Proc., 2nd Int'l Drip Irrig.Congress. 184-187. NA.

552. Hoffman, G.J., S.L. Rawlins, J.D. Oster and S.D. Merrill. 1974. Salinity management for high frequency irrigation. Proc.2nd Int'l Drip Irrig.Congress. 372-375. NA.

553. Nieman, R.H. and R.A. Clark. 1976. Interactive effects of salinity and phosphorous nutrition on the concentrations of phosphate and phosphate esters in mature photosynthesizing corn leaves. Plant Physiol. 57:157-161.

554. Hoffman, G.J., E.V. Maas and S.L. Rawlins. 1975. Salinity-ozone interactive effects on alfalfa yield and water relations. J.Environ.Qual. 4:326-331. NA.

555. Dirksen, C. 1974. Field test of soil water flux meters. Transactions of the ASAE. 17(6)::1038-1042. NA.

556. Bernstein, L. 1975. Effects of salinity and sodicity on plant growth. Ann Rev.of Phytopathol. 13:295-312. NA.

557. Raats, P.A.C. 1975. Distribution of salts in the root zone. J.of Hydrology. 27:237-248. NA.

558. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1975. Water conservation and management. Proc., Calif.Chapter, ASA, Anaheim, Jan. 1975:3-10. NA.

559. Ingvalson, R.D., J.D. Rhoades and A.L. Page. 1976. Correlation of alfalfa yield with various indices of salinity. Soil Sci. 122:145-153. NA.

560. Rawlins, S.L. and P.A.C. Raats. 1975. Prospects for high frequency irrigation. Science. 188:604-610. NA.

561. Oster, J.D., L.S. Willardson, J. van Schilfgaarde and J.O. Goertzen. 1976. Irrigation control using tensiometers and salinity sensors. Transactions of the ASAE,. 19(2)::294-298. NA.

562. Rawlins, S.L. 1976. Measurement of wate content and the state of water in soils. Academic Press. IV:1-55. NA. (In: T.T. Kozlowski (ed) 'Water Deficits and Plant Growth').

563. Raats, P.A.C. 1977. Laterally confined, steady flows of water from sources and to sinks in unsaturated soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 41:294-304. NA.

564. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1976. Water management and salinity. FAO soils Bulletin. 31:53-67. NA.

565. Rhoades, J.D. and S.D. Merrill. 1976. Assessing the suitability of water for irrigation: Theoretical and empirical approaches. Prognosis of Salinity and Alkalinity.FAO Soils Bull.,. 31:69-109. NA.

566. Rhoades, J.D. 1976. Measuring, mapping and monitoring field salinity and water table depths with soil resistance measurements. FAO soils Bulletin. 31:159-186. NA.

567. Francois, L.E. 1976. Salt tolerance of prostrate summer cypress (Kochia prostrata). Agron.J. 68:455-456.

568. Hoffman, G.J. and A.E. Hall. 1976. Performance of slilver-foil psychrometer for measuring leaf water potential in situ. Agron.J. 68:872-875. NA.

569. Hall, A.E. and G.J. Hoffman. 1976. Leaf conductance response to humidity and water transport in plants. Agron.J. 68:876-881. NA.

570. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1976. Drainage means survival on irrigated land. Drainage Contractor. 1(2)::106-108. NA.

571. Raats, P.A.C. 1976. Analytical solutions of simplified flow equation. Transactions of the ASAE,. 19(4)::683-689. NA.

572. Maas, E.V. and G.J. Hoffman. 1977. Crop salt tolerance - current assessment. J.Irrig.and Drainage Div., ASCE. (103 IR2):115-134.

573. Shalhevet, J., E.V. Maas, G.J. Hoffman and G. Ogata. 1976. Salinity and the hydraulic conductance of roots. Physiol.Plant. 38:224-232. NA.

574. Kaddah, M.T. and J.D. Rhoades. 1976. Salt and water balance in Imperial Valley, California. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 40:93-100. NA.

575. Hoffman, G.J. 1975. Salinity management with drip irrigation. Drip/Trickle Irrig.J. 1(2)::14-18. NA.

576. Rhoades, J.D. and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1976. An electrical conductivity probe for determining soil salinity. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 40:647-651. NA.

577. Rhoades, J.D. and A.D. Halvorson. 1976. Detecting and delineating saline seeps with soil resistance measurements. Proc., Saline Seep Control Symp., Montana State, Univ., Bozeman, Bulletin. 1132:19-34. NA.

578. Maas, E.V. and G.J. Hoffman. 1976. Evaluation and use of crop salt tolerance data. Proc., Saline Seep Control Symp., Montana State Univ., Bozeman, Bulletin. 1132:245-252.

579. Rhoades, J.D., M.T. Kaddah, A.D. Halvorson and R.J. Prather. 1977. Establishing soil electrical conductivity-salinity calibrations using four-electrode cells containing undisturbed soil cores. Soil Sci. 123:137-141. NA.

580. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1976. Some observations pertinent to irrigation management. In Efficiency of Water and Fertilizer Use in Semi-Arid Regions, IAEA Tech.Doc.192. 243-248. NA.

581. Suarez, D.L. 1977. Ion activity products of calcium carbonate in waters below the root zone. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:310-315. NA.

582. Rhoades, J.D., P.A.C. Raats and R.J. Prather. 1976. Effects of liquid-phase electrical conductivity, water content, and surface conductivity on bulk soil electrical conductivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 40:651-655. NA.

583. Adams, J.A., F.T. Bingham, M.R. Kaufmann, G.J. Hoffman and D.M. Yermanos. 1978. Responses of stomata and water, osmotic, and turgor potentials of Jojoba to water and salt stress. Agron.J. 70:381-387. NA.

584. Halvorson, A.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1976. Field mapping soil conductivity to delineate dryland saline seeps with four-electrode technique. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 40:571-575.

585. Shannon, M.C. and L.E. Francois. 1977. Influence of seed pretreatments on salt tolerance of cotton during germination. Agron.J. 69:619-622. NA.

586. Rawlins, S.L. 1976. Mimimized leaching for reducing water quality degradation -- Advantages and limitations. Presented at annual mtg, Calif.Chapt.ASA, Sacramento, Jan. 1976NA.

587. Rawlins, S.L. 1977. Irrigation and the energy economics of water management for hydrologic basins. Academic Press, NY. 131-147. NA. (In: William Lockeretz (ed.) 'Agriculture and Energy').

588. Maas, E.V. and G.J. Hoffman. 1977. Crop salt tolerance: Evaluation of existing data. Proc., Intl.Salinity Conf., Texas Tech.Univ., Lubbock, Aug. 1976:187-198.

589. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1977. Effect of leaching fraction on river salinity. J.Irrig.and Drg.Div., ASCE. (103 IR2):245-257. NA.

590. Oster, J.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1977. Various indices for evaluating the effective salinity and sodicity of irrigation waters. Proc., Int'l Salinity Conf., Managing Saline Water for Irrigation, Texas Tech.Univ., Lubbock, TX. 1-14. NA.

591. Raats, P.A.C. 1977. Convective transport of solutes in and below the root zone. Proc., Intl.Salinity Conf., Texas Tech.Univ., Lubbock, Aug. 1976:290-298. NA.

592. Raats, P.A.C. 1978. Convective transport of solutes by steady flows. I. General theory, and II. Specific flow problems. Agric.Water Mgmt. 1(3):201-232. NA.

593. Rhoades, J.D. and A.D. Halvorson. 1977. Electrical conductivity methods for detecting and delineating saline seeps and measuring salinity in Northern Great Plains soils. ARS W-42. 45p. NA.

594. Polemio, M. and J.D. Rhoades. 1977. Determining cation-exchange-capacity: A new procedure for calcareous and gypsiferous soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:524-528. NA.

595. Austin, R.S. and S.L. Rawlins. 1977. Optoelectronic level detector for mercury manometer. Agric.Engr. 58(8):29-30. NA.

596. Rhoades, J.D. and D.L. Suarez. 1976. Benefits and limitations of reduced leaching. Proc.Conf.on salt and salinity management, Santa Barbara, CA.Calif.Water Resour.Ctr., Rpt.No. 38:93-110. NA.

597. Cerda, A., F.T. Bingham and G.J. Hoffman. 1977. Interactive effect of salinity and phosphorus on sesame. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:915-918. NA.

598. Frenkel, H. and J.D. Rhoades. 1978. Effects of dispersion and swelling on soil hydraulic conductivity. J.Testing and Evaluation ASTM. 6:60-65. NA.

599. Nieman, R.H. and M.C. Shannon. 1977. Screening plants for salinity. In: B.P. van Haveren (ed.), Proc. Workshop at Natl. Agric. Library, 359-367.

600. Maas, E.V. and R.H. Nieman. 1978. Physiology of plant tolerances to salinity. In: G.A. Jung (ed.), "Crop Tolerance to Suboptimal Land Conditions.", Ch. 13, 277-299. ASA Spec. Pub.

601. Prather, R.J. 1977. Sulfric acid as an amendment for reclaiming soils high in boron. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:1098-1101. NA.

602. Rawlins, S.L. 1977. Uniform irrigation with a low-head bubbler system. Agric.Water Mgmt. 1:167-178. NA.

603. van Schilfgaarde, J. and G.J. Hoffman. 1977. Managing salt by drainage in irrigated agriculture. Proc.3rd Nati'l Drainage Symp, ASAE Pub. 1-77, 84-86. NA.

604. Rawlins, S.L. 1977. High-frequency irrigation and green revolution food production. Annals of the New York Acad.of Sciences. 300:121-128. NA.

605. Hoffman, G.J. and J.A. Jobes. 1978. Growth and water relations of cereal crops as influenced by salinity and relative humidity. Agron.J. 70:765-769. NA.

606. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1982. The apparent solubility of calcium carbonate in soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 46:716-722. NA.

607. Hoffman, G.J., C. Dirksen, R.D. Ingvalson, E.V. Maas, J.D. Oster, S.L. Rawlins, J.D. Rhoades and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1978. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management - Design and initial results of Arizona field studies. Agric.Water Mgmt. 1:233-252. NA.

608. van Schilfgaarde, J. and J.D. Oster. 1977. Irrigation management conserves water. Calif.Agric. 31(5):15-16. NA.

609. Frenkel, H. and D.L. Suarez. 1977. Hydrolysis and decomposition of calcium montmorillonite. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:887-891. NA.

610. Halvorson, A.D., J.D. Rhoades and C.A. Ruele. 1977. Soil salinity-four-electrode conductivity relationships for soils of the Northern Great Plains. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 41:966-971.

611. Rhoades, J.D. 1977. Potential for using saline agricultural drainage waters for irrigation. Proc., Water Mgmt.for Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE/Reno, Nevada, Jul. 1977:85-116. NA.

612. Frenkel, H., J.O. Goertzen and J.D. Rhoades. 1978. Effects of clay type and content, exchangeable sodium percentage, and electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 42:32-39. NA.

613. USSL Staff 1977. Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management. EPA Interagency Proj. 111p. NA. (Project No. IAG-D4-0370. EPA-600/2/77/134).

614. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1977. Minimizing salt in return flow by improving irrigation efficincy. Proc., Natl.Conf.on Irrigation Return Flow Quality Management, Ft.Collins, CO, May. 1977:81-98. NA.

615. Dirksen, C. 1977. Comment on the 'Concise Formulation of Diffusive Absorption of Water in a Dry Soil' by Wilfried Brutsaert. Water Resour.Res. 13(6):1019-1020. NA.

616. Oster, J.D. and J.D. Wood. 1977. Hydro-salinity models: Sensitivity to input variables. Proc., Natl.Conf.on Irrigation Return Flow Quality Management, Ft.Collins, CO, May. 1977:253-259. NA.

617. Wood, J.D. 1978. Calibration stability and response time for salinity sensors. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 42:248-250. NA.

619. Hoffman, G.J., J.A. Jobes, Z. Hanscom and E.V. Maas. 1978. Timing of environmental stress affects growth, water relations and salt tolerance of pinto bean. Trans.ASAE,. 21(4):713-718. NA.

620. Shannon, M.C. and L.E. Francois. 1978. Salt tolerance of three muskmelon cultivars. J.Am.Soc.Hort.Sci. 103:127-130. NA.

621. Rhoades, J.D. and D.L. Suarez. 1977. Reducing water quality degradation through minimized leaching management. Agric.Water Mgmt. 1(2)::127-142. NA.

622. Francois, L.E. and R.A. Clark. 1978. Salt tolerance of ornamental shrubs, trees, and iceplant. J.Am.Soc.Hort.Sci. 103:280-283.

623. Dirksen, C. and M.J. Huber. 1978. Soil water flow model with two-dimensional automatic gamma ray attenuation scanner. Water Resour.Res. 14(4)::611-614. NA.

624. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1976. Using our natural resources for man's benefit. Proc.32nd Ann.Mtg, SCS Am.Minneapolis, MN. 32:63-67. NA.

625. Nassery, H., G. Ogata, R.H. Nieman and E.V. Maas. 1978. Growth, phosphate pools, and phosphate mobilization of salt stressed sesame and pepper. Plant Physiol. 62:229-231. NA.

626. Nassery, H., G. Ogata and E.V. Maas. 1979. Sensitivity of sesame to various salts. Agron.J. 71:595-597. NA.

627. Dirksen, C. 1978. Transient and steady flow from sub surface line sources at constant hydraulic head in an isotropic soil. Transactions of the ASAE. 21:913-919. NA.

628. Shannon, M.C. 1978. Testing salt tolerance variability among tall wheatgrass lines. Agron.J. 70:719-722. NA.

629. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1977. Discussion: Enhancing natural resource use to increase world food production. Am.J.Agr.Econ. 59:851-852. NA.

630. Rawlins, S.L. 1978. Low-head bubbler irrigation uses plastic. Drainage Contractor. 4(1):84-85. NA.

631. Huber, M.J. and C. Dirksen. 1978. Multiple tensiometer flushing system. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 42:168-170. NA.

632. Hoffman, G.J., R.S. Ayers, E.J. Doering and B.L. McNeal. 1980. Salinity in irrigated agriculture. ASAE Monograph. 5:145-185. NA. (In: M.E. Jensen (ed.), 'Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems').

633. Nieman, R.H., D.L. Pap and R.A. Clark. 1978. Rapid purification of plant nucleotide extracts with XAD-2, polyvinylpoly-pyrrolidone and charcoal. J.Chromatogr. 161:137-146.

634. Merrill, S.D., P.A.C. Raats and C. Dirksen. 1978. Laterally confined flow from a point source at the surface of an inhomogeneous soil column. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 42:851-857. NA.

635. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1978. On-farm water management for minimal leaching. Proc., Calif.Chapt.Am.Soc.Agron., Fresno, Jan. 1978NA.

636. Oster, J.D. and I. Shainberg. 1979. Exchangeable cation hydrolysis and soil weathering as affected by exchangeable sodium. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 43:70-75. NA.

637. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1979. Progress and problems in drainage design. Proc., Intl.Drainage Workshop, The Netherlands, May. 1978:633-644. NA.

638. Merrill, S.D. and S.L. Rawlins. 1979. Distribution and growth of sorghum roots in response to irrigation frequency. Agron.J. 71:738-745. NA.

639. Prather, R.J., J.O. Goertzen, J.D. Rhoades and H. Frenkel. 1978. Efficient amendment use in sodic soil reclamation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 42:782-786. NA.

640. Rhoades, J.D. and M. Clark. 1978. Sampling procedures and chemical methods in use at the U.S. Salinity Laboratory for characterizing salt-affected soils and waters. In: Mansur Aba-Hussayn (ed.), Ministry of Agric. & Water Riyadh, 116-151. NA.

641. Francois, L.E. and R.A. Clark. 1979. Accumulation of sodium and chloride in leaves of sprinkler- irrigated grapes. J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 104:11-13.

642. Shannon, M.C. and M. Akbar. 1980. Breeding plants for salt tolerance. Faisalabad, Pakistan. 222-243. NA. (Workshop/seminar on Membrane Biophysics and Development of Salt Tolerance in Plants.).

643. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1979. Environmental and isntitutional aspects of irrigation agriculture. Transactions of the ASAE. 22:344-350. NA.

644. Oster, J.D. and A.D. Halvorson. 1978. Saline seep chemistry. ISSS Congress, Edmonton, Canada. 2-9. NA. (Proc. Dryland-Saline-Seep Control Meeting, June 1978.).

645. Suarez, D.L. 1978. Comment on 'The solubilities of carbonates and phosphates in calcareous soil suspensions' by Marion and Babcock. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 42:988-989. NA.

646. Cerda, A., F.T. Bingham, G.J. Hoffman and C.K. Huszar. 1979. Leaf water potential and gaseous exchange of wheat and tomato as affected by NaCl and P levels in the root medium. Agron J. 71:27-31. NA.

647. Merrill, S.D. and S.L. Rawlins. 1979. Observations of root growth through ports covered with polyethylene sheeting as compared with other methods. Soil Sci. 127:351-357. NA.

648. Fereres, E., G. Cruz-Romero, G.J. Hoffman and S.L. Rawlins. 1979. Recovery of orange trees following severe water stress. J.Appl.Ecology. 16:833-842. NA.

649. Hoffman, G.J., S.L. Rawlins, J.D. Oster, J.A. Jobes and S.D. Merrill. 1979. Leaching requirement for salinity control. I. Wheat, Sorghum, and Lettuce. Agric.Water Mgmt. 2:177-192. NA.

650. Oster, J.D. and F.W. Schroer. 1979. Infiltration as influenced by irrigation water quality. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 43:444-447. NA.

651. Francois, L.E. and E.V. Maas. 1978. Plant responses to salinity: An indexed bibliography. USDA, ARM-W. 6

652. Rhoades, J.D. 1978. Monitoring soil salinity: A review of methods. In: Establishment of water quality monitoring programs, L. G. Everett, K. D. Schmidt (eds.). Am.Water Res.Assoc., San Francisco, CA, June. 1978:150-165. NA.

653. Austin, R.S. and J.D. Rhoades. 1979. A compact, low-cost circuit for reading four-electrode salinity sensors. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 43:808-810.

654. Rhoades, J.D. 1979. Inexpensive four-electrode probe for monitoring soil salinity. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 43:817-818. NA.

655. Suarez, D.L. 1983. Calcite supersaturation and precipitation kinetics in the lower Colorado River, All-American Canal and East Highline Canal. Water Resour.Res. 19:652-661. NA.

656. Suarez, D.L. and H. Frenkel. 1981. Cation release from sodium and calcium-saturated clay-sized soil fractions. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 45:716-722. NA.

657. Shannon, M.C. 1979. In quest of rapid screening techniques for plant salt tolerance. HortScience. 14:587-589. NA.

658. Francois, L.E. and R.A. Clark. 1979. Boron tolerance of twenty-five ornamental shrub species. J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 104:319-322.

659. Dirksen, C., J.D. Oster and P.A.C. Raats. 1979. Water and salt transport, water uptake, and leaf water potentials during regular and suspended high frequency irrigation of citrus. Agric.Water Mgmt. 2:241-256. NA.

660. Dirksen, C. 1979. Flux-controlled sorptivity measurements to determine soil hydraulic property functions. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 43:827-834. NA.

661. Maas, E.V., G. Ogata and M.H. Finkel. 1979. Salt-induced inhibition of phosphate transport and release of membrane proteins from barley roots. Plant Physiol. 64:139-143.

662. Rhoades, J.D. 1982. Cation exchange capacity. "Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2, Chemical and Microbiological Properties", 149-157. NA.

663. Kleijn, W.B., J.D. Oster and N. Cook. 1979. A rainfall simulator with nonrepetitious movement of drop outlets. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 43:1248-1251. NA.

664. Oster, J.D. and H. Frenkel. 1980. The chemistry of the reclamation of sodic soils with gypsum and lime. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 44:41-45. NA.

665. van Schilfgaarde, J. and S.L. Rawlins. 1980. Water resources management in a growing society. Amer.Soc.Agron. 12:517-530. NA. (in: T.R. Sinclair (ed.) 'Efficient Water Use in Crop Production').

666. Hoffman, G.J. 1979. Humidity. In: T.W. Tibbitts and T.T. Kozlowski (eds.), "Controlled Environment Guidelines for Plant Research", 141-172. Academic Press, New York.NA.

667. Rawlins, S.L. 1979. Watering. Academic Press. 271-289. NA. (In: T.W. Tibbitts and T.T. Kozlowski (ed.) 'Controlled Environment Guidelines for Plant Research').

668. Hoffman, G.J., J. Shalhevet and A. Meiri. 1980. Leaf age and salinity influence water relations of pepper leaves. Physiol.Plantarum. 48:463-469. NA.

669. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1978. Mass transport in saturated-unsaturated media: One-dimensional solutions. Water Resources Program, Dept.of Civil Engineering, Princeton, Univ., Princeton, New Jersey. Res. Rept. 78 WR-11, 118 p. NA.

670. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1978. Numerical solutions of the one-dimensional saturated-unsaturated flow equation. Water Resources Program, Dept.of Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ., Princeton, New Jersey. Res. Rept. 78 WR-9, 91 p. NA.

671. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1978. Calculating the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with a new closed-form analytical model. Water Resources Program, Dept.of Civil Engineering, Princeton Univ. Princeton, New Jersey. Res. Rept. 78 WR-8, 63 p. NA.

672. Oster, J.D. and G. Sposito. 1980. The Gapon coefficient and the exchangeable sodium percentage- sodium adsorption ration relation. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 44:258-260. NA.

673. Rhoades, J.D. 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Chemical and Microbiological Properties. In: A.L. Page and R.H. Miller (eds.), "Soluble salts. In: 'Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, Chemical and Microbiological Properties'", 167-178. Agron. Monogr. NA.

674. Francois, L.E. 1980. Salt injury to ornamental shrubs and ground covers. Home & Garden Bul.No.231.

675. Shainberg, I., J.D. Rhoades and R.J. Prather. 1980. Effect of exchangeable sodium percentage, cation exchange capacity, and soil solution concentration on soil electrical conductivity. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 44:469-473. NA.

676. Maas, E.V. and M.H. Finkel. 1979. Origin of proteins released from barley roots by osmotic shock. Plant Sci.Lett. 17:7-12.

677. Francois, L.E. and R.A. Clark. 1980. Salinity effects on yield and fruit quality of 'Valencia' orange. J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 105:199-202.

678. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1979. Salinity management for soybean production. Proc., Conf.'Irrigated Soybeans Production in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions', Cairo, Egypt. 105-110. NA. (INTSOY Serial No. 20).

679. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1979. Water conservation potential in irrigated agriculture. Proc., Soil Cons.Soc.Am.'s 34th Ann.Mtg, Ottawa, Canada. NA.

680. Oster, J.D. and I. Shainberg. 1980. Predicting the hydraulic properties of sodic soils. Proc.Symp.on Principles and Practices for Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils.Central Soil Salinity Res.Inst., Karnal, India. 195-201. NA.

681. Hoffman, G.J. 1980. Leaching requirement for salinity control in agriculture. Proc., Symp.on Principles and Practices for Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils, Central Soil Salinity Research Inst., Karnal, India. 227-282. NA.

682. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 44(5):892-898.NA.

683. Shainberg, I., J.D. Oster and J.D. Wood. 1982. Electrical conductivity of Na/Ca montmorillonite gels. Clays and Clay Minerals. 30:55-62. NA.

684. Oster, J.D., I. Shainberg and J.D. Wood. 1980. Flocculation value and gel structure of Na/Ca montmorillonite and illite suspension. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 44:955-959. NA.

685. Hoffman, G.J., E.V. Maas, J.L. Meyer, T.L. Prichard and D.R. Lancaster. 1979. Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta. Calif.Agric. 33:11-12. NA.

686. Rhoades, J.D. 1979. Salinity management and monitoring. Proc. 12:73-87. NA.

687. Hoffman, G.J. 1979. Knowing evapotranspiration of orange trees essential. Calif-Ariz.Farm Press. 1(32):NA.

688. Suarez, D.L. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1981. Leaching and water-type effects on ground water quality. J. Irrig. & Drainage Div., ASAE (107IRI) pp. 35-52. NA.

689. Hoffman, G.J. 1982. Alleviating salinity stress. In: G.F. Arkin and H.M. Taylor (eds.), "Modifying the Root Environment to Reduce Crop Stress", 305-343. Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng. Monogr. NA.

690. Maas, E.V. 1979. Sprinkler system with saline water can damage your crops. Calif-Ariz.Farm Press. 1(18):

691. Rawlins, S.L. 1979. Energy economics of irrigation. Calif-Ariz.Farm Press. 11:7,42. NA.

692. Babu, D.K. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1980. A perturbation solution of the nonlinear Boussinesq equation: The case of constant injection into a radial aquifer. J. Hydrol. 48:269-280. NA.

693. Suarez, D.L. 1981. Relationship between pHc and SAR and an alternative method of estimating SAR of soil or drainage water. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 45:469-475. NA.

694. Rawlins, S.L. 1980. Irrigation in a future short of energy. Editor's Forum, Crops and Soils Magazine. 5-7. NA.

695. Shainberg, I., J.D. Oster and J.D. Wood. 1980. Sodium/Calcium exchange in montmorillonite and illite suspensions. Soil Sci.Soc.Amer.J. 44:960-964. NA.

696. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1981. Analytical solutions for chemical transport with simultaneous adsorption, zero-order production and first-order decay. J. Hydrol. 49:213-233. NA.

697. Rawlins, S.L. 1980. Irrigation to minimize salt problems. Proc. 9th Calif. Alfalfa Symp,. NA.

698. van Schilfgaarde, J. and J.D. Rhoades. 1979. Benefits from reuse of drainage water for irrigation. ASAE Paper 2552. 79p. NA.

699. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1982. The Wellton-Mohawk Dilemma. Intl. J. of Water Supply and Mgmt. 6:115-127. NA.

700. Adeoye, K.B. and S.L. Rawlins. 1980. A split-root technique for measuring root water potential. Plant Physiol. 68:44-47. NA.

701. Hoffman, G.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1983. Soil properties and efficient water use: Water management for salinity control. In: H.M. Taylor, W. Jordan and T. Sinclair (eds.), "Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Production", pp. 73-85, Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. NA.

702. Rhoades, J.D., S.L. Rawlins and C.J. Phene. 1980. Irrigation of cotton with saline drainage water. ASCE Conf. and Exposition, Portland, Oregon, Apr. 1980:80-119. NA.

703. Shannon, M.C. 1980. Crop breeding efforts toward improved salt tolerance. Proc. Inter-American Conference on Salinity and Water Mgmt.Technology, El Paso, TX. 53-59. NA.

704. Weimberg, R., H.R. Lerner and A. Poljakoff-Mayber. 1981. Kinetics of toluene-induced leakage of low molecular weight solutes from excised sorghum tissues. Plant Physiol. 68:1433-1438. NA.

705. Weimberg, R., H.R. Lerner and A. Poljakoff-Mayber. 1975. A relationship between potassium and proline accumulation in salt stressed Sorghum bicolor. Plant Physiol. 55:5-10. NA.

706. Shainberg, I., J.D. Rhoades and R.J. Prather. 1981. Effect of low electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of a sodic soil. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 45:273-277. NA.

707. Shainberg, I., J.D. Rhoades, D.L. Suarez and R.J. Prather. 1981. Effect of mineral weathering on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of sodic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45:287-291. NA.

708a. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1980. A comparison of numerical solutions of the one-dimensional unsaturated-saturated flow and mass transport equations. In. S.Y. Wang and et al. (eds.), "Finite Elements in Water Resources", Chpt. 3, pp.49-66, University of Mississippi. NA.

708b. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1982. A comparison of numerical solutions of the one-dimensional unsaturated-saturated flow and mass transport equations, "Advances in Water Resource", pp. 47-55. NA.

708. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1982. A comparison of numerical solutions of the one-dimensional unsaturated-saturated flow and mass transport equations. Advances in Water Resources 5:47-55. NA.

709. Shannon, M.C., E.L. Wheeler and R.M. Saunders. 1981. Salt tolerance of Australian channel millet. Agron. J. 73:830-832. NA.

710. Rawlins, S.L. 1980. Principles of salinity control in irrigated agriculture. Proc., Kuwait, Symp. on Food Production, 1980. NA.

711. Shannon, M.C. 1980. Differences in salt tolerance within 'Empire' lettuce. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 105((6)):944-947. NA.

712. Rhoades, J.D. 1980. Determining leaching fraction from field measurements of soil electrical conductivity. Agric.Water Mgt. 3:205-215. NA.

713. Rhoades, J.D. 1981. Predicting bulk soil electrical conductivity vs saturation paste extract electrical conductivity calibrations from soil properties. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 45:42-44. NA.

714. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1980. The interaction between irrigation management and return flow quality. Proc., Irrigation Return Flow Symposium, Denver, CO, June. 1980NA.

715. Rhoades, J.D. and D.L. Corwin. 1981. Determining soil electrical conductivity - depth relations using an inductive electromagnetic soil conductivity meter. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 45:255-260. NA.

716. Oster, J.D. 1980. The chemistry of deep percolation. Proc. of the Deep Percolation Symp. Arizona Dept. of Water Resources, Scottsdale, AZ. May 1980. pp. 70-73. NA.

717. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1980. Earth and Water. In Our Hungry World.The Antioch Review. 38(4)::421-435. NA.

718. Jobes, J.A., G.J. Hoffman and J.D. Wood. 1981. Leaching requirement for salinity control. II. Oat, tomato, and cauliflower. Agric. Water Mgmt. 4:393-407.

719. Suarez, D.L. 1982. Graphical calculation of ion concentrations in CaCO3 and/or gypsum soil solutions. J. Environ. Qual. 11:302-308. NA.

720. Lerner, H.R., G.L. Reinhold, A. Poljakoff-Mayber and R. Weimberg. 1979. Induction of membrane leakage in plant cells. Acta Hortic. 89:147-149. NA.

722. Rhoades, J.D. and J.D. Oster. 1986. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. In: A. Klute (ed.), "Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Vol. 9", :2:985-1006. Agron. Monogr. NA.

723. Grattan, S.R., E.V. Maas and G. Ogata. 1981. Foliar uptake and injury from saline aerosol. J. Environ. Qual. 10((3)):406-409.

724. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1980. Dryland management for salinity control. Proc., of Land & Stream Salinity Seminar & Workshop, Perth, Western Australia:. 18:1-18. NA.

725. Francois, L.E. 1981. Alfalfa management under saline conditions with zero leaching. Agron. J. 73:1042-1046.

726. Hoffman, G.J. 1980. Irrigation management-salinity control. Proc., ASAE Second National Irrigation Symp, Lincoln, NE. 166-172. NA.

727. Maas, E.V., R.A. Clark and L.E. Francois. 1982. Sprinkling-induced foliar injury to pepper plants: Effects of irrigation frequency duration, and water composition. Irrig. Sci. 3:101-109.

728. Maas, E.V. and S.R. Grattan. 1980. Hazards posed by salt drifts from sprinklers. Calif-Arizona Farm Press. 2:pp. ?.

729. van Schilfgaarde, J. and G.J. Hoffman. 1980. Future sources of water. Proc., ASAE Second National Irrigation Symp, Lincoln, NE. pp. 222-232.

730. Maas, E.V. 1981. Salinity and crop productivity. Proc., Calif. Plant Soil Conf., Sacramento, CA., Jan. 28-30, 1981.

731. Shannon, M.C. 1982. Genetics of salt tolerance: New challenges. "Biosaline Research: A Look into the Future", pp. 271-282. Plenum Publ. Corp., San Pitro, A. NA.

732. Oster, J.D. 1980. Gypsum usage in irrigated agriculture. Intl. Symp. on Phosphyogypsum, Florida Inst. Phosphate Res., Lake Buena Vista, Fl., Nov. 1980. pp. 177-204. NA.

733. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1980. Salinity problems in USA. Proc. of Inter-American Salinity and Water Mgmt. Tech. Conf., Juarez, Mexico. pp. 1-9. NA.

734. Hoffman, G.J. 1980. Guidelines for reclamation of salt-affected soils. Proc. of Inter-American Salinity and Water Mgmt. Tech. Conf., Juarez, Mexico. pp. 49-64. NA.

735. Suarez, D.L. 1980. Estimating soil solution composition for reduced leaching management and efficient reclamation. Proc. of Inter-American Salinity and Water Mgmt. Tech. Conf., Juarez, Mexico. pp. 134-148. NA.

736. Sisson, J.B., A.H. Ferguson and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1980. Simple method for predicting drainage from field plots. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44(6)::1147-1152. NA.

737. Ramos, C., G.J. Hoffman and A.E. Hall. 1982. Evaluation of a dual-radiosotope instrument for measuring leaf conductance and photosynthesis. Agron. J. 74:709-707. NA.

738. Francois, L.E. 1982. Salt tolerance of eight ornamental tree species. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107:66-68.

739. Hoffman, G.J. 1982. Irrigation Water Quality. CRC Press Handbook of Agriculture, Chapter 6 (In Press). NA.

740. Campbell, G.S. and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1981. Use of SI Units in Soil Physics. J. of Agronomic Educa. 10:73-74. NA.

741. Bingham, F.T., F.J. Peryea and J.D. Rhoades. 1981. Boron tolerance character of wheat. Proc. of Inter-American Salinity and Water Management Technology. pp. 208-216.

742. Kleijn, W.B. and J.D. Oster. 1982. A model of clay swelling and tactoid formation. Clay & Clay Minerals. 30:383-390. NA.

743. Thien, S.J. and J.D. Oster. 1981. The international system of units and its particular application to soil. J. Agronomic Education. 10:62-70. NA.

744. USSL Staff 1981. Minimizing salt in return flow through irrigation management-- final report. Interagency Project No. EPA-IAG-D6-0370. 160p. NA.

745. El-Mowelhi, N.M. and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1982. Computation of soil hydrological constants from field drainage experiments in some soils of Egypt. Trans. of the ASAE. 25:984-986. NA.

746. Corwin, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1982. An improved technique for determining soil electrical conductivity--depth relations from above ground electromagnetic measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:517-520.

747. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1982. Plentiful water for food production. Engineering. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. pp. 14-17. NA.

748. Rhoades, J.D., D.L. Corwin and G.J. Hoffman. 1981. Scheduling and controlling irrigations from measurements of soil electrical conductivity. Proc., ASAE, Irrigation Scheduling Conference, Chicago, IL. pp. 106-115. NA.

749. Hoffman, G.J., J.D. Oster and W.J. Alves. 1982. Evapotranspiration of mature orange trees under drip irrigation in an arid climate. Trans. of ASAE. 25:992-996. NA.

750. Hoffman, G.J. and J.L. Meyer. 1982. Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils in California. Proc., Intl. Symp. on Remote Sensing of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, Cairo, Egypt. 147-159. NA.

751. Werker, E., H.R. Lerner, R. Weimberg and A. Poljakoff-Mayber. 1983. Structural changes occurring in nuclei of barley root cells in response to a combined effect of salinity and ageing. Am. J. Bot. 70:222-225. NA.

752. Maas, E.V., S.R. Grattan and G. Ogata. 1982. Foliar salt accumulation and injury in crops sprinkled with saline water. Irrig. Sci. 3:157-168.

753. van Genuchten, M.Th. and W.J. Alves. 1982. Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional convective-dispersive solute transport equation. USDA, ARS, Tech. Bull. 1661. 151p. NA.

754. Francois, L.E. 1982. Narrow row cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under saline conditions. Irrig. Sci. 3:149-156.

755. Migliaccio, F., E.V. Maas and G. Ogata. 1983. Phosphate absorption, fluxes, and symplasmic transport in osmotically-shocked Zea mays roots. J. Exp. Bot. 35:8-17.

756. Meiri, A., G.J. Hoffman, M.C. Shannon and J.A. Poss. 1982. Salt tolerance of two muskmelon cultivars under two solar radiation levels. J. Am. Hort. Sci. 107:1168-1172.

757. Kleijn, W.B. and J.D. Oster. 1983. Effects of permanent charge on the electrical double layer properties of clays and oxides. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47:821-827. NA.

758. Taleisnik-Gertel, E., M. Tal and M.C. Shannon. 1983. The response to NaCl of excised fully differentiated and differentiating tissues of the cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, and its wild relatives, L. peruvianum and Solanum pennellii. Physiol. Plant. 59:659-663. NA.

759. Francois, L.E. and D.W. West. 1982. Reduction in yield and market quality of celery caused by soil salinity. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107:952-954.

760. West, D.W. and L.E. Francois. 1982. Effects of salinity on germination, growth and yield of cowpea. Irrig. Sci. 3:169-175. NA.

761. Dirksen, C. and M.J. Huber. 1982. Interaction of alfalfa with transient water and salt transport in rootzone. I. Experimental. NA.

762. Dirksen, C., P.A.C. Raats and J. Shalhevet. 1982. Interaction of alfalfa with transient water and salt transport in rootzone. II. Daily Irrigation. NA.

763. Dirksen, C. and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1982. Interaction of alfalfa with transient water and salt transport in the rootzone. III.Non-daily Irrigation. IV. Plant Aspects. NA.

764. Dirksen, C. 1985. Relationship between root uptake-weighted mean soil water salinity and total leaf water potentials of alfalfa. Irrig. Sci. 6:39-50. NA.

765. Dirksen, C. and P.A.C. Raats. 1985. Water uptake and release by alfalfa roots. Agron. J. 77:621-626. NA.

766. Nkedi-Kizza, P., J.W. Biggar, M.Th. van Genuchten, P.J. Wierenga, H.M. Selim, J.M. Davidson and D.R. Nielsen. 1983. Modeling tritium and chloride-36 transport through an aggregated oxisol. Water Resour. Res. 19(3):691-700.

767. Nkedi-Kizza, P., J.W. Biggar, H.M. Selim, M.Th. van Genuchten, P.J. Wierenga, J.M. Davidson and D.R. Nielsen. 1984. On the equivalence of two conceptual models for describing ion exchange during transport through an aggregated oxisol. Water Resour. Res. 20(80):1123-1130.

768. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1980. Determining transport parameters from solute displacement experiments. USSL Research Report No. 118. 37p. NA.

769. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1981. Non-equilibrium transport parameters from miscible displacement experiments. USSL Research Report No. 119. 88p. NA.

770. Hoffman, G.J. and J.A. Jobes. 1983. Leaching requirement for salinity control. III. Barley, cowpea, and celery. Agric. Water. Manage. 6:1-14. NA.

771. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1983. An Hermitian finite element solution of the two-dimensional saturated-unsaturated flow equation. Advances in Water Resources. 6:106-111. NA.

772. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1982. One-dimensional analytical transport modeling. In E. M. Arnold, G. W. Gee and R. W. Nelson (eds.), Proc. of the Symp. on Unsaturated Flow and Transport Modeling. Pacific Northwest Laboratories, NUREG/CP-0030. 231-246. NA.

773. Hoffman, G.J. 1982. Irrigation Requirement for Salinity Control. Proc., Workshop on Agricultural Water Conservation, Fresno, CA. 79-90. NA.

774. van Genuchten, M.Th. and P.J. Wierenga. 1986. Solute dispersion coefficients and retardation factors. In: A. Klute (ed.), "Methods of Soil Analysis", Part 1, Vol. 1, 9(2):1025-1054. Am. Soc. of Agronomy, Madison, WI. NA.

775. Grieve, C.M. and S.R. Grattan. 1983. Rapid assay for determination of water soluble quaternary ammonium compounds. Plant and Soil. 70:303-307.

776. Shannon, M.C., J.D. McCreight and J.H. Draper. 1983. Screening tests for salt tolerance in lettuce. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 108:225-230. NA.

777. Hoffman, G.J., E.V. Maas, T.L. Prichard and J.L. Meyer. 1983. Salt tolerance of corn in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. Irrig. Sci. 4:31-44. NA.

778. van Schilfgaarde, J. and J.D. Rhoades. 1984. Coping with Salinity. In: E.A. Engelbert (ed.), "Water Scarcity, Impacts in Western Agriculture", 157-179. Vol. 6, Univ. Calif. Press, NA.

779. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1982. Increased resource productivity through drainage. Proc. of ASAE. 4:3-3. NA.

780. Maas, E.V., G.J. Hoffman, G.D. Chaba, J.A. Poss and M.C. Shannon. 1983. Salt sensitivity of corn at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 4:45-57.

781. Prichard, T.L., G.J. Hoffman and J.L. Meyer. 1983. Salination of organic soils in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California. Irrig. Sci. 4:71-80. NA.

782. Francois, L.E. 1982. Managing alfalfa under saline conditions. Proc. Twelfth Calif. Alfalfa Symp. 53-57.

783. Weimberg, R. 1983. Elution of low molecular weight solutes from viable cells of Saccharomyces bisporus. Arch. Microbiol. 134:329-334. NA.

784. Weimberg, R., H.R. Lerner and A. Poljakoff-Mayber. 1983. Induction of release of solutes from Nicotiana tabaum tissue cell suspensions by polymyxin and EDTA. J. Exp. Bot. 34:1333-1346. NA.

785. Suarez, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, R. Lavado and C.M. Grieve. 1984. Effect of pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil dispersion. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:50-55. NA.

786. Rhoades, J.D. 1982. Reclamation and management of salt-affected soils after drainage. Proc. of the First Annual Western Provincial Conf. Rationalization of Water and Soil Res. and Management, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada. 123-197. NA.

787. Maas, E.V. 1984. Salt tolerance of plants. In: B.R. Christie (ed.), "Handbook of Plant Science in Agriculture.", 57-75. Vol 2, CRC Press Inc.

788. Nieman, R.H. 1984. Bioenergetics of osmoregulation in relation to agriculture in poor quality (saline) water and soils. Proc., ARS Long Range Planning Seminar on Bioregulation.

789. Nieman, R.H. 1983. Energetics of salt stressed plants. Proc., Plant and Soil Conference, California Chapter of American Society of Agronomy, January. 26 28, 1983. pp. 83-28.

790. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1983. Managing limited water supplies. AAAS Symp., 'Whatever Happened to Desertification?', Detroit, MI. NA.

791. Hoffman, G.J., J.D. Oster, E.V. Maas, J.D. Rhoades and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1984. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management: Arizona field studies with citrus. Agric. Water Manage. 9:61-78. NA.

793. Corwin, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1984. Measurement of inverted electrical conductivity profiles using electromagnetic induction. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:288-291.

794. Tal, M. and M.C. Shannon. 1983. Effects of dehydration and high temperature on the stability of leaf membranes of Lycopersicon esculentum, L. chessmanii, L. peruvianum and Solanum pennellii. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. Bd. 112:411-416. NA.

795. Rhoades, J.D. 1983. Salt problems from increasing irrigation efficiency. Proc., ASCE Speciality Conf: 'Advances in Irrigation and Drainage: Surviving External Pressures', Jackson, WY,. 427. NA.

796. El-Mowelhi, N.M. and L.F. Hermsmeier. 1982. Tile drainage performance compared to theory. Trans.ASAE. 981-983. NA.

797. Hoffman, G.J., J.A. Jobes and W.J. Alves. 1983. Response of tall fescue to irrigation water salinity, leaching fraction, and irrigation frequency. Agric. Water Manage. 7:439-456. NA.

798. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Wood. 1984. Simultaneous determination of calcite surface area and content in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48(6):1232-1235. NA.

799. Bresler, E., D. Yaron and A. Segev. 1983. Evaluation of irrigation water quality for a spatially variable field. Water Resour. Res. 19(6)::1613-1621. NA.

800. Shannon, M.C. 1984. Breeding, selection, and the genetics of salt tolerance. In: R. Staples and G.H. Toenniessen (eds.), "Salinity Tolerance in Plat Strategies for Crop Improvement.", 231-254. Vol 13, Wiley Int'l, New York, NA.

801. Hoffman, G.J., E.V. Maas, T.L. Prichard, J.L. Meyer and R. Roberts. 1983. Salt tolerance of corn in the Delta. Calif. Agric. 37(7 & 8):10-11. NA.

802. Prichard, T.L., J.L. Meyer, G.J. Hoffman, F. Kegel and R. Roberts. 1983. Relationship of irrigation water salinity and soil water salinity. Calif. Agric. 37(7 & 8):11-14. NA.

803. Maas, E.V. and G.J. Hoffman. 1983. Salt sensitivity of corn at various growth stages. Calif. Agric. 377 & 8. pp. 14-15.

804. Francois, L.E. 1984. Salinity effects on germination, growth and yield of turnips. HortScience. 19(1):82-84.

805. Hoffman, G.J. 1983. Leaching requirements for managing salinity. Proc., ASAE Irrig & Specialty Conf., Jackson, WY. 409-416. NA.

806. Dalton, F.N. 1984. Dual pattern of potassium transport in plant cells: A physical artifact of a single uptake mechanism. J.of Exper. Bot. 35161. pp. 1723-1732.

807. Hoffman, G.J., R.J. Hanks and L.S. Willardson. 1985. Water management (Drainage): Soil salinity and corn production. In: National Corn Handbook, NCH-9, a publication of the National Corn Handbook Project,. H.A. Wadsworth, Director, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN.pp. 1-4. NA.

808. Spencer, W.F., W.A. Jury and W.J. Farmer. 1984. Importance of volatilization as a pathway for pesticide loss from forest soils. In Chemical and Biological Controls in Forestry.ACS Symposium Series. 238:193-210. NA.

809. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1984. Drainage design for salinity control. In 'Soil Salinity and Irrigation - Processes and Management' Springer Verlag, Berlin. 6:190-197. NA.

810. Wood, J.D. and J.D. Oster. 1985. The effect of cellulose xanthate and polyvinyl alcohol on infiltration, erosion and crusting at different sodium levels. Soil Sci. 139(3):243-249. NA.

811. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1983. The Colorado River: Life stream of the West. 1983 Yearbook of Agriculture. 290-297. NA.

812. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan and E.V. Maas. 1984. Salinity effects on seed yield, growth and germination of grain sorghum. Agron. J. 76:741-744.

813. Suarez, D.L. 1984. Determining irrigation efficiency in the absence of water budget data. Proc., Int'l Workshop on Salt-Affected Soils, Marcay, Venezuela,. 133-145. NA.

814. Rhoades, J.D. 1984. Reusing saline drainage waters for irrigation: A strategy to reduce salt loading of rivers. In: R.H. French (ed.) 'Salinity in Watercourses and Reservoirs', Chapter 43. Butterworth Publ., London. 455-464. NA.

815. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1983. Analyzing crop salt tolerance data: Model description and user's manual. USSL Research Report No.120. 50p. NA.

816. Howell, T.A., J.L. Hatfield, J.D. Rhoades and M. Meron. 1984. Response of cotton crop water stress indicator to soil salinity. Irrig. Sci. 5:25-36. NA.

817. van Genuchten, M.Th. and G.J. Hoffman. 1984. Analysis of crop salt tolerance data. In: I. Shainberg and J. Shalhevet (eds.), "Soil Salinity under Irrigation, Vol. 51", 258-271. Springer Verlag, Ecological Studies, Berlin.NA.

818. Hoffman, G.J., J.D. Oster, E.V. Maas, J.D. Rhoades and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1984. Minimizing salt in drain water by irrigation management: Leaching studies with alfalfa. Agric. Water Mgmt. 9:89-104. NA.

819. Rhoades, J.D. and D.L. Corwin. 1984. Monitoring soil salinity. J.Soil and Water Conservation. 39(3):172-175. NA.

820. West, D.W., G.J. Hoffman and M.J. Fisher. 1986. Photosynthesis, leaf conductance, and water relations of cowpea under saline conditions. Irrig. Sci. 7:183-193. NA.

821. Hoffman, G.J. 1984. Optimal crop production with saline irrigation waters. State-of-the-Art Publication No. 3NA.

822. Donovan, T.J. and B.D. Meek. 1983. Alfalfa responses to irrigation treatment and environment. Agron. J. 75:461-464. NA.

823. Francois, L.E. 1984. Effect of excess boron on tomato yield, fruit size, & vegatative growth. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1093. pp. 322-324.

824. Grattan, S.R. and E.V. Maas. 1984. Interactive effects of salinity and substrate phosphate on soybean. Agron. J. 76:668-676.

825. van Schilfgaarde, J. 1983. Agricultural water use. Governor's Commission on Arizona Environment, Summer Conference Sedona, Arizona, August,. 1983NA.

826. Tal, M. and M.C. Shannon. 1983. Salt tolerance in the wild relative of the cultivated tomato: Responses of Lycopersicon esculentum, L. cheesmanii, L. peruvianum, Solanum penellii and F1 hybrids to high salinity. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 10:109-117. NA.

827. Weimberg, R., H.R. Lerner and A. Poljakoff-Mayber. 1984. Changes in growth and water-soluble solute concentrations in sorghum bicolor stressed with sodium and potassium salts. Physiol. Plant. 62:472-480. NA.

828. Grieve, C.M. and E.V. Maas. 1984. Betaine accumulation in salt-stressed sorghum. Physiol. Plant. 61:167-171.

829. Rhoades, J.D. 1984. Using saline waters for irrigation. In: H.S. Mann (ed.), Proc. Int. Workshop on Salt-Affected Soils of Latin America, Maracay, Venezuela, Oct. 23-30, 1983. Scientific Publ, Jodhpur,. 32-52. NA.

830. Rhoades, J.D. 1984. Principles and methods of monitoring soil salinity. In 'Soil Salinity and Irrigation - Processes and Management', Springer Verlag, Berlin,. 130-142. NA.

831. Suarez, D.L. 1985. Predictions of major ion concentrations in arid land soils using equilibrium and kinetic theories. ARS Modeling symposium, (Donn G.DeCoursey, (ed.). USDA-ARS(30:):170-175. NA.

832. Rhoades, J.D. 1985. Salt problems from increased irrigation efficiency. ASCE, J. Irrig. and Drainage Div. 111(3):218-229. NA.

833. Roberts, J., K.M. Carey, S. Linder, A.G. Benoit, O. Jardetzky and R.H. Nieman. 1984. Salt stimulations of phosphate uptake in maize root tips studied by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. Plant Physiol. 75:947-950. NA.

834. Farmer, W.J., W.A. Jury and W.F. Spencer. 1984. Using field measurements to assess herbicide movement in soil. Weed Sci. Soc. of Amer. NA.

835. McCreight, J.D. and M.C. Shannon. 1984. Salt tolerance of lettuce introductions. HortScience. 19(5):673-675. NA.

836. Suarez, D.L. 1985. Chemical effects on infiltration. ARS Modeling Symp. (Donn G.DeCoursey, (ed). USDA-ARS(30:)::416-420. NA.

837. Solomon, K.H. 1983. Coefficient of uniformity. Proc., Irrigation Assoc. Tech. Conf., Denver, CO. pp. 194-199. NA.

838. Oster, J.D., G.J. Hoffman and F. Robinson. 1984. Management alternatives: Crop, Water and Soil. Calif. Agric. 38(10):29-32. NA.

839. Mayer, J.L. and J. van Schilfgaarde. 1984. Case History -- Salton Basin. Calif. Agri. 38(10):13-16. NA.

840. Shannon, M.C., G.W. Bohn and J.D. McCreight. 1984. Salt tolerance among muskmelon genotypes during emergence and seedling growth. HortScience. 19:828-830. NA.

841. Dalton, F.N., W.N. Herkelrath, D.S. Rawlins and J.D. Rhoades. 1984. Time domain reflectometry: Simultaneous measurement of the soil water content and electrical conductivity with a single probe. Sci. 224:989-990.

842. Rhoades, J.D. 1984. Use of saline water for irrigation. Calif. Agri. 38(10):42-43. NA.

843. Oster, J.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1984. Water management for salinity and sodicity control. In: G.S. Pettygrove and T. Asanao (eds.), "UC and Calif. State Water resources Control Board. A Guidance Manual", Ch. 7, 1-20. UC and Calif. State Water Resources Control Board, NA.

844. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1985. Convective-dispersive transport of solutes involved in sequential first-order decay reactions. Computers and Geosciences. 11(2)::129-147. NA.

845. van Genuchten, M.Th., D.H. Tang and R. Guennelon. 1984. Some exact solutions for solute transport through soils containing large cylindrical macropores. Water Resour. Res. 20(3):335-346. NA.

846. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J.C. Parker. 1984. Boundary conditions for displacement experiments through short laboratory columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48(4):703-708.NA.

847. Parker, J.C. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1984. Flux-averaged and volume-averaged concentrations in continuum approaches to solute transport. Water Resour. Res. 20(7):866-872NA.

848. Goldberg, S. and G. Sposito. 1984. A chemical model of phosphate adsorption by soils. I. Reference oxide minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:772-778.

849. Corwin, D.L. and W.J. Farmer. 1984. Non-single-valued adsorption-desorption of bromacil and diquat by freshwater sediments. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 18:507-514.

850. Corwin, D.L. and W.J. Farmer. 1984. An assessment of the significant physiochemical interactions involved in pesticide diffusion within a pesticide-sediment-water system. Chemosphere. 13(12)::1295-1317.

851. Francois, L.E. 1986. Salinity effects on four arid zone plants. J. of Arid Environ. 11:103-109.

852. Solomon, K.H. 1984. Yield related interpretations of irrigation uniformity and efficiency measures. Irrig. Sci. 5:161-172. NA.

853. Parker, J.C. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1984. Determining transport parameters from laboratory and field tracer experiments. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ. (Bulletin 84-3):93p. NA.

854. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1983. Solute transport through structured soils. Proc., Symposia. 186(2):489-492. NA.

855. Goldberg, S. and G. Sposito. 1984. A chemical model of phosphate adsorption by soils: II. Noncalcareous soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:779-783.

856. Rhoades, J.D. 1985. New strategy for using saline waters for irrigation. In: J.A. Replogle and K.G. Renard (eds.), Proc. ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Spec. Conf. Water Today and Tomorrow. 231-236. NA.

857. Dasberg, S. and F.N. Dalton. 1984. Time domain reflectometry field measurements of soil water content and electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(2):293-297.

858. Maas, E.V. 1984. Crop Tolerance. Calif. Agri. 38(10):20-21.

859. Corwin, D.L. and W.J. Farmer. 1984. A mathematical model of diffusion under saturated conditions to assess the pollution potential of herbicides to aquatic systems. Hilgardia. 53(3):1-35.

860. Jury, W.A., W.F. Spencer and W.J. Farmer. 1983. Behavior assessment model for trace organics in soil: I. Model description. J. Environ. Qual. 12:558-564. NA.

861. Jury, W.A., W.J. Farmer and W.F. Spencer. 1984. Behavior assessment model for trace organics in soil: II. Chemical classsification and parameter sensitivity. J. Environ. Qual. 13(4)::567-572. NA.

862. Jury, W.A., W.F. Spencer and W.J. Farmer. 1984. Behavior assessment model for trace organics in soil: III. Application of screening model. J. Environ. Qual. 13(4):573-579. NA.

863. Spencer, W.F. 1985. Pesticides in surface irrigation runoff water. Proc. of the 1983 Natural Resour. Modeling Symp.(Donn G.DeCoursey, (ed.)USDA-ARS. 30:188-191NA.

864. Spencer, W.F. and M.M. Cliath. 1983. Measurement of pesticide vapor pressures. Residue Reviews. 85:57-71. NA.

865. Spencer, W.F., M.M. Cliath, J.W. Blair and R.A. LeMert. 1985. Transport of pesticides from irrigated fields in surface runoff and tile drain waters. USDA-ARS Conservation Research Report No.31. 72p. NA.

866. Grattan, S.R. and C.M. Grieve. 1985. Betaine status in wheat in relation to nitrogen stress and to transient salinity stress. Plant and Soil. 85:3-9.

867. Corwin, D.L. 1986. A one-dimensional model of chemical diffusion and sorption in saturated soil and aquatic systems. J. Environ. Qual. 15:173-182.

868. Jury, W.A., W.F. Spencer and W.J. Farmer. 1983. Use of models for assessing relative volatility, mobility, and persistence of pesticides and other trace organics in soil systems. Hazard Assessment of Chemicals. 2:1-43. NA.

869. Maas, E.V. 1985. Crop tolerance to saline sprinkling waters. Plant and Soil. 89:273-284. ((Also IN: D. Pasternak and A. San Pietro (eds.) Biosalinity in Action: Bioproduction with Saline Water. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht p. 273-284.)).

870. Jury, W.A., W.F. Spencer and W.J. Farmer. 1984. Behavior assessment model for trace organics in soil: IV. Review of experimental evidence. J. Environ. Qual. 13(4):580-586. NA.

871. van Genuchten, M.Th. and D.R. Nielsen. 1984. On describing and predicting the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils. Annales Geophysicae. 3(5):615-627. NA.

872. Nieman, R.H. and R.A. Clark. 1984. Measurement of plant nucleotides by high-performance liquid chromatography. J. of Chromatogr. 317:271-281.

873. Hoffman, G.J., M.C. Shannon and J.A. Jobes. 1985. Influence of rain on soil and lettuce yield. ASAE, Fresno, CA, 659-665. NA.

874. Shannon, M.C. 1985. Principles and strategies in breeding for higher salt tolerance. Plant and Soil. 89:227-241.

875. Jensen, M.E., D.D. Fangmeier, S.F. Scott, J.N. Christopher, R.H. Cuenca, R.W. Hill, P.E. Schleusener, K.H. Solomon and R.W. Skagg. 1984. Status of irrigation and drainage research in the United States. ASCE J. 110(1)::55-75. NA.

876. von Bernuth, R.D. and K.H. Solomon. 1985. 'Emmitter Construction', In: Nakayama, F.S. and Bucks, D.A. (eds.), Trickle Irrigation for Crop Production - Design, Operation and Management. Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands. NA.

877. Gitlin, W.I., K.H. Solomon and C.A. Saruwateri. 1985. Systems Design. In: Nakayama, F.S. and Bucks, D.A. (eds.), Trickle Irrigation for Crop Production - Design, Operation and Management. Elsevier Sci. Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 53-92. NA.

878. Goldberg, S. 1985. Chemical modeling of anion competition on goethite using the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(4):851-856.

879. Bezdek, J.C. and K.H. Solomon. 1984. Shape prototypes and class membership. In Beddow, J.K.(ed.), Particle Characterization in Technology. Volume II: Morphological Analysis. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. 114-125.

880. Solomon, K.H. 1984. Global uniformity of trickle irrigation systems. Transaction of the ASAE. 28(4):1151-1158.

881. Parker, J.C. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1985. Reply to "Comments on boundary conditions for displacement experiments through short laboratory soil columns". Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(5):1325-1326.

882. Francois, L.E. 1985. Salinity effects on germination, growth, and yield of two squash cultivars. Hort Science. 20(6):1102-1104.

883. Prichard, T.L., G.J. Hoffman and J.D. Oster. 1984. Reclamation of saline organic soil. Irrig. Sci. 6:211-220. NA.

884. Grattan, S.R. and E.V. Maas. 1985. Root control of leaf P and Cl accumulation in soybeans under salinity stress. Agron. J. 77:890-895.

885. El-Ashry, M.T., J. van Schilfgaarde and S. Schiffman. 1985. Salinity pollution from irrigated agriculture. J. of Soil and Water Conservation. 40:48-52.

886. Yaron, B., Z. Gerstl and W.F. Spencer. 1985. Behavior of herbicides in irrigated soils. Advanced Soil Sci. 3:121-211.

887. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1985. A general approach for modeling solute transport in structured soils. Proc. 17th Congr., Int'l Assoc. of Hydrogeologist. 17(2):513-526.

888. Rhoades, J.D. and J-C. Bottraud. 1985. Referencing water content effects on soil electrical conductivity-salinity calibrations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:1579-1581.

889. Shannon, M.C. and C.O. Qualset. 1984. Benefits and limitations in breeding salt-tolerant crops. Calif. Agric. 38(10)::33-34.

890. Poss, J.A., E. Pond, J.A. Menge and W.M. Jarrell. 1985. Effect of salinity on mycorrhizal onion and tomato in soil with and without additional phosphate. Plant and Soil. 88:307-319.

891. Bottraud, J-C. and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Effect of exchangable sodium on soil electrical conductivity- soil salinity calibrations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(5)::1110-1113.

892. Rhoades, J.D. 1985. Cyclic strategy for use of saline water for irrigation. Summary for the 1985 California Plant and Soil Conf. NA.

893. Kool, J.B., J.C. Parker and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1985. ONESTEP: A nonlinear parameter estimation program for evaluating soil-hydraulic properties from one-step outflow experiments. Virginia Ag. Exp. Stn., Bull. 3. 43p.

894. Kool, J.B., J.C. Parker and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1985. Determining soil hydraulic properties from one-step outflow experiments by parameter estimation. I. Theory and numerical studies. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(6):1348-1353.

895. Parker, J.C., J.B. Kool and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1985. Determining soil hydraulic properties from one-step outflow experiments by parameter estimation. II. Experimental studies. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(6)::1354-1359. NA.

897. Peryea, F.J., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Regeneration of soluble boron by reclaimed high boron soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:313-316.NA.

898. Peryea, F.J., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Mechanisms for boron regeneration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(4):840-843.NA.

899. Keren, R., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Plant uptake of boron as affected by boron distribution between the liquid and the solid phases in soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(4)::297-302. NA.

900. Peryea, F.J., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Kinetics of post-reclamation boron dissolution. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(4):836-839. NA.

901. Keren, R., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Effect of clay content in soil on boron uptake and yield of wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:1466-1469. NA.

902. Bingham, F.T., J.E. Strong, J.D. Rhoades and R. Keren. 1987. Effects of salinity and varying boron concentrations on boron uptake and growth of wheat. Plant and Soil. 97:345-351.

903. Bingham, F.T., J.D. Rhoades and R. Keren. 1985. An application of the Maas-Hoffman salinity response model for boron toxicity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:672-674.

904. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1985. Solute Transport processes in structured soils. In: H.J. Morel- Seytoux and D.O. Doehring (eds.), Joint Proc. 5th Annual AGU Front Range Branch Hydrology Days & 14th Annual Rocky Mountain Groundwater Conference. Proc. pp. 169-180, Ft. Collins, CO. NA.

905. Goldberg, S. and G. Sposito. 1985. On the mechanism of specific phosphate adsorption by hydroxylated mineral surfaces: A Review. Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 16(8):801-821.

906. Suarez, D.L. 1986. A soil water extractor that minimizes CO2 degassing and pH errors. Water Resour. Res. 226. pp. 876-880. NA.

907. Solomon, K.H. 1985. Water-salinity-production functions. Transactions of the ASAE. 28(6)::1975-1980. NA.

908. Francois, L.E. 1986. Effect of excess boron on broccoli, cauliflower and radish. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111(4):494-498.

909. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1985. Boron adsorption on aluminum and iron oxide minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49(6):1374-1379.

910. Rhoades, J.D. 1985. Management practices for the control of soil and water salinity. Int'l Symp. on Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils. NA.

911. Alperovitch, N., I. Shainberg and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Effect of mineral weathering on the response of sodic soils to exchangeable magnesium. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:901-904.

912. Grattan, S.R. and E.V. Maas. 1988. Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury. I. Influence of CaCl2/NaCl ratios. Plant and Soil. 105:25-32.

913. Grattan, S.R. and E.V. Maas. 1988. Effect of salinity on phosphate accumulation and injury in soybean. II. Role of substrate Cl and Na. Plant and Soil. 109:65-71.

914. van Genuchten, M.Th. and F.N. Dalton. 1986. Models for simulating salt movement in aggregated field soils. Geoderma. 38:165-183. NA.

915. Solomon, K.H., D.C. Kincaid and J.C. Bezdek. 1985. Drop size distributions for irrigation spray nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE. 28(6)::1966-1974. NA.

916. Dalton, F.N. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1985. The time-domain reflectometry method for measuring soil water content and salinity. Geoderma. 38:237-250.

917. Rhoades, J.D. 1987. Principles of salinity control on food production in North America. In: Wayne R. Jordan (ed.), Water and Water Policy in World Food Supplies: Proceedings of the Conference, May 26-30, 1985. Published by Texas A&M Univ. Press. 1987:141-151. NA.

918. Ali, O.M., M. Yousaf and J.D. Rhoades. 1987. Effect of exchangeble cation and electrolyte concentration mineralogy of clay dispersed from aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51(4)::896-900.

919. Yousaf, M., O.M. Ali and J.D. Rhoades. 1987. Clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of some salt-affected arid land soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 514. pp. 905-907.

920. Yousaf, M., O.M. Ali and J.D. Rhoades. 1987. Dispersion of clay from some salt-affected, and arid land soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51(4)::920-924.

921. Maas, E.V., J.A. Poss and G.J. Hoffman. 1986. Salinity sensitivity of sorghum at three growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 7:1-11.

922. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1986. Boron adsorption and silicon release by the clay minerals kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(6):1442-1448.

923. Francois, L.E. and E.V. Maas. 1985. Plant Responses to salinity: A supplement to an indexed bibliography. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agri.Res.Service ARS. -174 p.

924. Maas, E.V. 1986. Salt tolerance of plants. Applied Agricultural Research. 1(1):12-26.

925. Holtzclaw, K.M., G. Sposito and J.D. Rhoades. 1985. Improved selective dissolution method for determining calcite and dolomite in soils. Soil Sci. 142(2):63-68. NA.

926. Roberts, J.K.M., A.N. Lane, R.A. Clark and R.H. Nieman. 1985. Relationships between the rate of synthesis of ATP and the concentrations of reactants and products of ATP hydrolysis in maize root tips, determined by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. Arch. Biochem. & Biophys. 240:712-722.

928. Maas, E.V. 1986. Crop Tolerance to saline soil and water. In: R. Ahmad and A. San Pietro (eds.), "Prospects for Biosaline Research", 205-219. Univ. Karachi, Pakistan,

929. Weimberg, R. 1986. Growth and solute accumulation in 3-week-old seedlings of Agropyron elongatum stressed with sodium and potassium salts. Physiol. Plant. 67:129-135.

930. Spencer, W.F. 1987. Volatilization of pesticide residue. In: J. Biggar and J.N. Seiber (eds.), "Fate of Pesticide in the Environment", pp. 61-68. Univ. Calif. Publ. 3320, NA.

931. Goldberg, S. 1986. Chemical modeling of arsenate adsorption on aluminum and iron oxide minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(5)::1154-1157.

932. Rosenthal, W.D., G.G. Arkin and P.J. Shouse. 1985. Water deficit effects on sorghum transpiration. Proc. of the Nat'l Conf. on Advances in Evapotranspiration, Chicago, IL.

933. Suarez, D.L. 1987. Prediction of pH errors in soil water extractors due to degassing. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:64-67.

934. Solomon, K.H. 1985. Adjusting water-production-functions to account for salinity. Proc., Arid Lands: Today and Tomorrow Research and Development Conference, Tucson, AZ.

935. Dinar, A., K.C. Knapp and J.D. Rhoades. 1986. Production function for cotton with dated irrigation water quantities and qualities. Water Resour.Res. 22(11):1519-1525.

936. Plaut, Z. and C.M. Grieve. 1988. Photosynthesis of salt-stressed maize as influenced by Ca:Na ratios in the nutrient solution. Plant and Soil. 105:283-286.

937. Nielsen, D.R., M.Th. van Genuchten and J.W. Biggar. 1986. Water flow and solute transport processes in the unsaturated zone. Water Resour. Res. 22:89S-108S.

938. Francois, L.E., E.V. Maas, T.J. Donovan and V.L. Youngs. 1986. Effect of salinity on grain yield and quality, vegetative growth, and germination of semi-dwarf and durum wheat. Agron. J. 78(6):1053-1058.

939. Maas, E.V. 1987. Chloride. 1987 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Sci.& Tech. 371-373.

940. Maas, E.V., T.J. Donovan, L.E. Francois and G.E. Hamerstrand. 1986. Salt tolerance of Guayule. Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Guayule Research and Development.Univ.of Arizona, Tucson.p. 101 -107.

941. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1986. Boron adsorption on California soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:1173-1176.

943. Kool, J.B., J.C. Parker and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1986. The inverse problem for hysteric unsaturated flow. In: A. Sa da Costa, A. Melo Baptista, W.G. Gray, C.A. Brebbia and G.F. Pinder (eds.), "Finite Elements in Water Resources,Springer Verlag, NY", 337-346. NA.

944. Mitchell, A.R. 1986. Polyacrylamide application in irrigation water to increase infiltration. Soil Sci. 141(5)::353-358.

945. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1987. Effect of saturating cation, pH, and aluminum and iron oxide on the flocculation of kaolinite and montmorillonite. Clays and Clay Minerals. 35:220-227.

946. Rhoades, J.D. 1987. Use of saline water for irrigation. Nat. Water Res. Inst., Ontario Canada special issue bulletin . 12:14-20. NA.

948. Hoffman, G.J., T.L. Prichard, E.V. Maas and J.L. Meyer. 1986. Irrigation water quality options for corn on saline, organic soils. Irrig. Sci. 7:265-275.

949. Shannon, M.C., J.W. Gronwald and M. Tal. 1987. Effects of salinity on growth and accumulation of organic and inorganic ions in cultivated and wild tomato species. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112(3):416-423.

950. Kool, J.B., J.C. Parker and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1987. Parameter estimation for unsaturated flow and transport models - a review. J. Hydrol. 91:255-293.

951. Francois, L.E. 1987. Salinity effects on asparagus yield and vegetative growth. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112(3):432-436.

952. Mitchell, A.R. 1986. Infiltration and aggregate stability as influenced by application of dilute polymer solution. Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Infiltration Development and Application, Honolulu, HI.

953. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1987. Magnesite equilibrium from Dissolution and Precipitation: Has it Been Done?. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:839.

955. Rhoades, J.D. 1987. Use of saline drainage water for irrigation. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. Summer Mtg. 1986

956. Meek, B.D., T.J. Donovan and L.E. Graham. 1986. Alfalfa stand losses from irrigation: Influence of soil temperature, texture, and aeration status. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:651-655.

957. Weimberg, R. 1987. Solute adjustments in leaves of two species of wheat at two different stages of growth in response to salinity. Physiol. Plant. 70:381-388.

958. Dalton, F.N. 1986. Simultaneous measurement of soil water content and soil salinity using time-domain reflectometry technique. Proc. of the California Plant & Soil Conference. California Chapter of ASA,. 48-53.

959. Maas, E.V. and C.M. Grieve. 1987. Sodium-induced calcium deficiency in salt-stressed corn. Plant, Cell and Environment. 10:559-564.

960. Goldberg, S. 1986. Chemical modeling of specific anion adsorption on oxides, clay minerals, and soils. ENVIROSOFT, CML Publ., Ashurst, Southampton, UK. 671-688.

961. Hoffman, G.J. and M.C. Shannon. 1986. Relating plant performance and soil salinity. Reclamation and Revegetation Research, Elsevier Science Pub. 5:211-225.

962. Shouse, P.J. 1988. A simple pump for extracting water from neutron access tubes and mini-rhizotrons. Agron. J. 80:269-270.

963. Grieve, C.M. and H. Fujiyama. 1987. The response of two rice cultivars to external Na/Ca ratio. Plant and Soil. 103:245-250.

964. Goldberg, S. and S.J. Traina. 1987. Chemical modeling of anion competition on oxides using the constant capacitance model-mixed-ligand approach. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51(4)::929-932.

965. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1988. Boron and silicon adsorption on an aluminum oxide. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52:87-91.

966. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1987. Calcite supersaturation in soils as a result of organic matter mineralization. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 514. pp. 932-937.

967. Bresler, E. and G.J. Hoffman. 1986. Irrigation mangement for soil salinity control: Theories and tests. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(6)::1552-1560.

968. Jury, W.A., A.M. Winer, W.F. Spencer and D.D. Focht. 1987. Transport and transformations of organic chemicals in the soil- air-water ecosystem. Reviews Environ. Contamin. Toxicol. 99:119-164. NA.

969. Rhoades, J.D. 1988. The problem of salt in agriculture. Yearbook of Science and the Future Encyclopedia Britannica. 118-135. NA.

970. Wierenga, P.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1989. Solute transport through small and large unsaturated soil columns. Ground Water. 27(1):35-42

971. van Genuchten, M.Th. and W.A. Jury. 1987. Progress in unsaturated flow and transport modeling. Reviews of Geophysics. 25(2):135-140. NA.

972. Rosenthal, W.D., G.F. Arkin, P.J. Shouse and W.R. Jordan. 1987. Water deficit effects on transpiration and leaf growth. Agron. J. 79(6):1019-1026.

973. Schulin, R., M.Th. van Genuchten, H. Fluhler and P. Ferlin. 1987. An experimental study of solute transport in a stony field soil. Water Resour. Res. 23(9):1785-1794.

974. Parker, J.C. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1986. Replies to "Comments on flux-averaged and volume-averaged concentrations in continuum approaches to solute transport". Water Resour. Res. 21(8):1301-1302.

976. van Genuchten, M.Th. and R. Schulin. 1987. Modeling solute transport processes in the unsaturated zone. Transactions XIII Congress, Int'l. Soc. Soil Sci., ISSS, Hamburg, West Germany, Vol. IV. pp. 523-532.

977. Peterson, T.A., R.H. Nieman and R.A. Clark. 1987. Nucleotide metabolism in salt-stressed Zea mays L. root tips. I. Adenine and uridine nucleotides. Plant Physiol. 85:984-989.

978. Nielsen, D.R., M.Th. van Genuchten and W.A. Jury. 1987. Monitoring and analyzing water and solute transport in the vadose zone. Proc.Int'l. Symp. on Groundwater Monitoring and Management, Institute of Water Management, Berlin, GDR, No. 16. 24p.

979. Mitchell, A.R. 1987. Field elevation changes to estimate profile soil water. Proc. Int'l Conf. on Measurement of Soil & Plant Water Status, Logan, UT. 67-71.

980. Abu-Sharar, T.M., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1987. Reduction in hydraulic conductivity in relation to clay dispersion and disaggregation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51(2)::342-345.

982. Peterson, T.A., C.J. Lovatt and R.H. Nieman. 1988. Salt stress causes acceleration of purine catabolism and inhibition of pyrimidine salvage in Zea mays root tips. J. Exp. Bot. 39(207):1389-1395.

985. Abu-Sharar, T.M., F.T. Bingham and J.D. Rhoades. 1987. Stability of soil aggregates as affected by electrolyte concentration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:309-314.

986. Plaut, Z., C.M. Grieve and E.V. Maas. 1990. Salinity effects on CO2 assimilation and diffusive conductance of cowpea leaves. Physiol. Plant. 79:31-38.

987. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1988. The use of a surface complexation model to describe the kinetics of ligand-promoted dissolution of anorthite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 52:2785-2793.

988. Francois, L.E. 1988. Salinity effects on three turf bermudagrasses. Hort Science. 23:706-708.

989. Taylor, A.W. and W.F. Spencer. 1990. Volatilization and vapor transport processes. In: Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts, and Modeling. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Book Ser. No. 2. p. 213-270.

990. Wallach, R., W.A. Jury and W.F. Spencer. 1988. Modeling the losses of soil-applied chemicals in runoff: Lateral irrigation versus precipitation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(3)::605-612.

991. Wallach, R., W.A. Jury and W.F. Spencer. 1988. Transfer of chemicals from soil solution to surface runoff: A diffusion-based soil model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(3)::612-618.

992. Nieman, R.H., R.A. Clark, D.L. Pap, G. Ogata and E.V. Maas. 1988. Effects of salt stress on adenine and uridine nucleotide pools, sugar and acid-soluble phosphate in shoots of pepper and safflower. J. Exp. Bot. 39(200):301-309.

993. van Genuchten, M.Th., J.B. Kool and J.C. Parker. 1987. Parameter estimation for various contaminant transport models. In: C.A. Brebbia and G.A., Elsevier, N.Y. Keramidas (eds.), "Reliability and Robustness of Engineering Software", p. 273-295. NA.

995. van Genuchten, M.Th., J.C. Parker and J.B. Kool. 1987. Analysis and prediction of water and solute transport in a large lysimeter. In: E. P. Springer and H. R. Fuentes (eds.), "Modeling Study of Solute Transport in the Unsaturated Zone", Los Alamos Nat'l Lab., NUREG/CR 4615, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm., Washington, D.C., Vol. 2, pp. 4-31. NA.

996. Corwin, D.L., M. Sorensen and J.D. Rhoades. 1989. Field-testing of models which identify soils susceptible to salinity development. Geoderma. 45:31-64.

997. Corwin, D.L., J.W. Werle and J.D. Rhoades. 1988. The use of computer assisted mapping techniques to delineate potential areas of salinity development in soils: I. A conceptual introduction. Hilgardia. 56(2)::1-17.

998. Corwin, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1988. The use of computer assisted mapping techniques to delineate potential areas of salinity development in soils: II. Field verification of the threshold model approach. Hilgardia. 56(2)::18-32.

999. Glaubig, R.A. and S. Goldberg. 1988. Determination of inorganic arsenic(III) and arsenic(III plus V) using automated hydride-generation atomic-absorption spectrometry. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(2):536-537.

1000. Hooks, M.A., R.A. Clark, R.H. Nieman and J.K.M. Roberts. 1989. Compartmentation of nucleotides in corn root tips studied by 31P- NMR and HPLC1. Plant Physiol. 89:963-969.

1001. Weimberg, R. and M.C. Shannon. 1987. Vigor and salt tolerance in 3 lines of tall wheatgrass. Physiol. Plantarum. 73:232-237.

1002. Grieve, C.M. and E.V. Maas. 1988. Differential effects of sodium/calcium ratio on sorghum genotypes. Crop Sci. 28:659-665.

1003. Zhang, L., W.F. Spencer, M.M. Cliath and W.A. Jury. 1988. Volatilization of organic chemicals from soil as related to their Henry's law constants. J. Environ. Qual. 17(3)::504-509.

1004. Goldberg, S., D.L. Suarez and R.A. Glaubig. 1988. Factors affecting clay dispersion and aggregate stability of arid zone soils. Soil Sci. 146(5):317-325.

1005. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan, E.V. Maas and G.L. Rubenthaler. 1988. Effect of salinity on grain yield and quality, vegetative growth, and germination of triticale. Agron. J. 80(4)::642-647.

1006. Shannon, M.C. 1987. Salinity-An environmental constraint on crop productivity. 4th Australian Agron. Soc. Conf., La Trobe Univ., Melbourne, Australia, August 24-27, 1987. NA.

1007. Maas, E.V., T.J. Donovan and L.E. Francois. 1988. Salt tolerance of irrigated guayule. Irrig. Sci. 9:199-211.

1008. Hoffman, G.J., M.C. Shannon, E.V. Maas and L. Grass. 1988. Rubber production of salt-stressed guayule at various plant populations. Irrig. Sci. 9:213-226.

1009. Olszyk, D.M., E.V. Maas, G. Kats and L.E. Francois. 1988. Soil salinity and ambient ozone: lack of stress interaction for field-grown alfalfa. J. Environ. Qual. 17(2):299-304.

1010. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1988. Anion sorption on a calcareous, montmorillonitic soil-selenium. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(4):954-958.

1011. Yates, S.R. 1988. Three-dimensional radial dispersion in a variable velocity flow field. Water Res. Res. 24(7):1083-1090. NA.

1012. Suarez, D.L. 1988. The salt of the earth. Sci. of Food & Agri. 1(1):6-7.

1013. Suarez, D.L. and C.M. Grieve. 1988. Predicting cation ratios in corn from saline solution composition. J. Exp. Bot. 39202. pp. 605-612.

1014. Rhoades, J.D., F.T. Bingham, J. Letey, G.J. Hoffman, A.R. Dedrick, P.J., Jr. Pinter and J.A. Replogle. 1989. Use of saline drainage water for irrigation: Imperial Valley study. Agric. Water Mgmt. 16:25-36.

1015. Mitchell, A.R., P.J.,Jr. Pinter, J.N. Guerrero, C.B. Hernandez and V.L. Marble. 1990. Spectral reflectance measurements of alfalfa under sheep grazing. Agron. J. 82(6):1098-1103.

1016. Rhoades, J.D., R.D. LeMert, F.T. Bingham, J. Letey, A.R. Dedrick, M. Bean, G.J. Hoffman, W.J. Alves, R.V. Swain and P.G. Pacheco. 1988. Reuse of drainage water for irrigation: Results of Imperial Valley Study. I. Hypothesis, experimental procedures and cropping results. Hilgardia,. 56(5):1-16. NA.

1017. Rhoades, J.D., P.G. Pacheco, F.T. Bingham, J. Letey, P.J., Jr. Pinter, R.D. LeMert, W.J. Alves, G.J. Hoffman, J.A. Replogle and R.V. Swain. 1988. Reuse of drainage water for irrigation: Results of Imperial Valley study. II. Soil Salinity and water balance. Hilgardia,. 56(5):17-44. NA.

1018. Wallach, R., M.M. Cliath and W.F. Spencer. 1989. The concept of convective mass transfer for prediction of surface-runoff pollution by soil surface applied chemicals. Trans. ASAE. 32(3):906-912. NA.

1019. Suarez, D.L. and M.F. Zahow. 1989. Calcium-magnesium exchange selectivity of Wyoming montmorillonite in chloride, sulfate and perchlorate solutions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(1):52-57.

1020. Weimberg, R. 1988. Modification of foliar solute concentrations by calcium in two species of wheat stressed with sodium chloride and/or potassium chloride. Physiol. Plant. 73:418-425.

1021. Gronwald, J.W., C.G. Suhayda, M. Tal and M.C. Shannon. 1990. Reduction in plasma membrane ATPase activity of tomato roots by salt stress. Plant Sci. 66:145-153.

1022. Irving, D.W., M.C. Shannon, V.A. Breda and B.E. Mackey. 1988. Salinity effects on yield and oil quality of high-linoleate and high-oleate cultivars of safflower (Carthamus tinctoris L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 36:37-42. NA.

1023. Francois, L.E. 1988. Yield and quality responses of celery and crisphead lettuce to excess boron. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113(4):538-542.

1024. Goldberg, S. and R.A. Glaubig. 1988. Anion sorption on a calcareous, montmorillonitic soil-arsenic. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52:1297-1300.

1025. Yates, S.R. 1988. Seepage in a saturated-stratified aquifer with recharge. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(2):356-363.

1026. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1987. Modeling microbial fate in the subsurface environment. CRC Critical Reviews in Environ. Control. 174. pp. 307-344. NA.

1027. Chen, C.-S. and S.R. Yates. 1989. Approximate and analytical solutions for solute transport from an injection well into a single fracture. Ground Water. 27:77-86.

1028. Dalton, F.N. 1989. Plant root water extraction studies using stable isotopes. Plant and Soil. 111:217-221.

1029. Mantell, A., R.M. Mead, G.J. Hoffman and L.E. Francois. 1989. Foliar and yield response of santa rosa plum to saline water spray. Irrig. Sci. 10:19-27.

1030. Dalton, F.N. 1987. Measurement of soil water content and electrical conductivity using time domain reflectometry. Int'l Conf. on Measurement of Soil & Plant Water Status, Vol. 1:pp. 95-98.

1031. Yates, S.R. and C.G. Enfield. 1988. Decay of dissolved substances by second-order reaction. Problem description and batch-reactor solutions. J. Environ. Sci. Health. 23(1)::59-84. NA.

1032. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1987. Virus survival and transport in ground water. J. Water Sci. Tech. 20:301-307. NA.

1033. Dalton, F.N. 1987. In-Situ measurement of plant root area and mass. Int'l Conf. on Measurement of Soil & Plant Water Status, Vol. 2: pp. 213-216.

1034. Mitchell, A.R. and R.V. Swain. 1987. Controlled traffic on alfalfa in the Imperial Valley - a whole new ballgame?. Proc. 17th Calif.-Arizona Alfalfa Symp. El Centro, CA. pp. 71-76. NA.

1035. Yates, S.R. and C.G. Enfield. 1989. Transport of dissolved substances with second-order reaction. Water Resour. Res. 25(7):1757-1762. NA.

1036. Rhoades, J.D. 1988. Evidence of the potential to use saline water for irrigation. In: "Reuse of Low Quality Water for Irrigation", Proc. Symp., Water Res. Center, Egypt. pp. 133-146.

1037. Rhoades, J.D., N.A. Manteghi, P.J. Shouse and W.J. Alves. 1989. Soil electrical conductivity and soil salinity: New formulations and calibrations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(2):433-439.

1038. Rhoades, J.D. and J. Loveday. 1990. Salinity in irrigated agriculture. In: B.A. Stewart and D.R. Nielsen (eds.), No. 30. 1089-1142. NA.

1039. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Soil Salinity: Causes and controls, IN: A.S. Goudie (ed.) Techniques for Desert reclamation. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 109-134. NA.

1040. Wosten, J.H.M. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1988. Using texture and other soil properties to predict the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(6):1762-1770.

1041. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1988. Solute transport in soils. 1989 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Sci. & Tech., pp. 360-362. NA.

1042. Nielsen, D.R., M.Th. van Genuchten and W.A. Jury. 1988. Elements of groundwater management: The unsaturate zone. In: J.J. Devries (ed.), Proc. 16th Biennical Conf. on Ground Water, Report No. 66, Calif. Water Resources Center, Univ. California, Riverside, pp. 23-31.

1043. Suarez, D.L. 1989. Impact of agricultural practices on groundwater salinity. Agric., Ecosystems & Environment. 26:215-227.

1044. Rhoades, J.D., D.L. Corwin and P.J. Shouse. 1988. Use of instrumental and computer assisted techniques to assess soil salinity. Symp. Proc.of Int'l Symp. in Solonetz Soils, Osijek, Yugoslavia. pp. 50-103.

1045. Rhoades, J.D. 1989. Intercepting, isolating and reusing drainage waters for irrigation to conserve water and protect water quality. Agric. Water Mgmt. 16:37-52.

1046. Maas, E.V. and J.A. Poss. 1989. Salt sensitivity of wheat at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 10:29-40.

1047. Wallach, R., M.Th. van Genuchten and W.F. Spencer. 1989. Modeling solute transfer from soil to surface runoff: The concept of effective depth of transfer. J. Hydrol. 109:307-317.

1048. Yates, S.R. and M.V. Yates. 1988. Disjunctive kriging as an approach to management decision making. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52(6):1554-1558.

1049. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1989. Septic tank setback distances: A way to minimize virus contamination of drinking water. Ground Water. 27(2)::202-208.

1050. Yates, S.R. 1988. An analytical solution to saturated flow in a finite stratified aquifer. Ground Water. 26:199-206.

1051. Lafolie, F., R. Guennelon and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1989. Analysis of water flow under trickle irrigation. I. Theory and numerical solution. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(5)::1310-1318.

1052. Lafolie, F., R. Guennelon and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1989. Analysis of water flow under trickle irrigation. II. Experimental evaluation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 535. pp. 1318-1323.

1053. Rhoades, J.D., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse and W.J. Alves. 1989. New calibrations for determining soil electrical conductivity - Depth relations from electromagnetic measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(1)::74-79.

1054. Francois, L.E. 1989. Boron tolerance of snap bean and cowpea. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 114(4):615-619.

1055. van Ommen, H.C., M.Th. van Genuchten, W.H. van der Molen, R. Dijksma and J. Hulshof. 1989. Experimental and theoretical analysis of solute transport from a diffuse source of pollution. J. Hydrol. 105:225-251.

1056. van Genuchten, M.Th., S.M. Gorelick and W.W-G. Yeh. 1990. Application of parameter estimation techniques to solute transport studies, In: Donn G. DeCoursey (ed.),. Proc., Int'l Symp. on Water Quality Modeling of Agricultural Non-Point Sources,. (Part 2, pp. 731-753, June 19-23, 19888, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT)

1057. Yates, S.R., A.W. Warrick, A.D. Matthias and S. Musil. 1988. Spatial variability of remotely sensed surface temperatures at field scale. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 52:40-45.

1058. Rhoades, J.D., N.A. Manteghi, P.J. Shouse and W.J. Alves. 1989. Estimating soil salinity from saturated soil-paste electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 532. pp. 428-433.

1059. Maas, E.V. and J.A. Poss. 1989. Salt sensitivity of cowpea at various growth stages. Irrig. Sci. 10:313-320.

1060. van Genuchten, M.Th. and R.J. Wagenet. 1989. Two-site/two-region models for pesticide transport and degradation: Theoretical development and analytical solutions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(5):1303-1310.

1061. Gamerdinger, A.P., R.J. Wagenet and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. Application of two-site/two-region models for studying simultaneous nonequilibrium transport and degradation of pesticides. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54(4):957-963.

1062. Shouse, P.J., T.J. Gerik, W.B. Russell and D.K. Cassel. 1990. Spatial distribution of soil particle size and aggregate stability index in a clay soil. Soil Sci. 149(6):351-360.

1063. Rhoades, J.D., B.L. Waggoner, P.J. Shouse and W.J. Alves. 1989. Determining soil salinity from soil and soil-paste electrical conductivities: Sensitivity analysis of models. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53(5):1368-1374.

1064. Noble, C.L. and M.C. Shannon. 1988. Salt tolerance selection of forage legumes using physiological criteria. In: S.K. Sharma, P.V. Sabe, S.C. Bhargava and P.K. Agrawal (eds.), Int'l Congresd of Plant Physiol Soc. Pl. Physiol. Biochem., Nw Delhi, India, pp. 989-994.

1065. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan, K. Lorenz and E.V. Maas. 1989. Salinity effects on rye grain yield, quality, vegetative growth, and emergence. Agron. J. 81(5):707-712.

1066. van Genuchten, M.Th. and P.J. Shouse. 1989. Solute transport in heterogeneous field soils. In: D.T. Allen, Y. Cohen and I. Kaplan (eds.), "Intermedia Pollutant Transport, Modeling and Field Measurments", 177-187. Plenum Press, NY, pp. NY.NA.

1067. Rhoades, J.D., P.J. Shouse, W.J. Alves, N.A. Manteghi and S.M. Lesch. 1990. Determining soil salinity from soil electrical conductivity using different models and estimates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54(1):46-54. NA.

1068. Rhoades, J.D. and S. Miyamoto. 1990. Testing soils for salinity and sodicity. In: R.L. Westerman (ed.), "Soil Testing & Plant Analysis, 3rd ed. ", Ch. 12, 299-336. SSSA Book Series, No. 3.NA.

1069. Spencer, W.F. and M.M. Cliath. 1990. Movement of pesticides from soil to the atmosphere. In: D.A. Kurtz (ed.), Long Range Transport of Pesticides, ACS Symp. Lewis Publishers, pp. 1-16. NA.

1070. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan and E.V. Maas. 1990. Salt tolerance of kenaf. In: J.E. Simon and J. Janick (eds.), "Advances in New Crops", 300-301. Timber Press Portland, OR,

1071. Goldberg, S. 1989. Interaction of aluminum and iron oxides and clay minerals and their effect on soil physical properties: A review. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis. 20(11-12):1181-1207.

1072. Pratt, P.F. and D.L. Suarez. 1990. Irrigation water quality assessments. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agricultural Salinity Assessment & Management, ACE Manuals & Reports on Engineering Practices No. 71", Ch. 2, 220-236. ASCE, NY,

1073. van Genuchten, M.Th., F. Kaveh, W.B. Russell and S.R. Yates. 1989. Direct and indirect methods for estimating the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils. In: J. Bouma and A.K. Bregt (eds.), "Land Qualities in Space and Time, Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp.", 61-72. NA.

1074. Batu, V. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. First- and third-type boundary conditions in two-dimensional solute transport modeling. Water Resour. Res. 26(2):339-350.NA.

1076. Rhoades, J.D. 1989. Effects of salts on soils and plants. Proc. Speciality Conf., sponsored by Irrig.& Drainage Div., Water Resour. Planning & Manage. Div., ASCE, Univ.of Delaware, Newark, DE, July 17-20, 1989, pp. 39-48. NA.

1077. Suarez, D.L. 1989. Water quality criteria for irrigation. Proc. Nat. Water Conf., Newark, DE, ASCE, IR, WR Divs, pp. 57-66. NA.

1078. Jurinak, J.J. and D.L. Suarez. 1990. The chemistry of salt-affected soils and waters. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agri. Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Manuals & Reports on Eng. Practice No. 71, pp", 42-63.

1079. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan and E.V. Maas. 1990. Salinity effects on emergence, vegetative growth, and seed yield of guar. Agron. J. 82(3):587-591.

1080. Rhoades, J.D. and D.L. Corwin. 1990. Soil electrical conductivity: Effects of soil properties and application to soil salinity appraisal. Commun. Soil Sci. & Plant Anal. 21:837-860. NA.

1081. Corwin, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1990. Establishing soil electrical conductivity - Depth relations from electromagnetic induction measurements. Commun. Soil Sci.& Plant Anal. 21(11&12)::861-901.

1082. Yates, S.R. and . 1990. Member-ASCE Task Comm. Geostat. Techn. Geohydrol Review of geostatistics in geohydrology. 1. Basic concepts. ASCE, J.Hydraul.Eng. 116:612-632. NA.

1083. Yates, S.R. 1990. Member-ASCE TaskComm. Geostat. Techn. Geohydrol. Review of geostatistics in geohydrology. 2. Applications. ASCE, J. Hydraul. Eng. 116:633-658. NA.

1084. Yates, S.R. 1990. An analytical solution for one-dimensional transport in heterogeneous porous media. Water Resour. Res. 26(10):2331-2338.

1085. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Determining soil salinity from measurements of electrical conductivity. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 21:1887-1926. NA.

1086. Hinedi, Z.R., S. Goldberg, A.C. Chang and J.P. Yesinowski. 1992. 31P and 1H MAS NMR study of phosphate sorption onto calcium carbonate. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 152(1):141-160.

1087. Rhoades, J.D. 1989. Overview: Diagnosis of salinity problems and selection of control practices. ASCE Salinity handbook. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agri. Salinity Assessment & Management, ASCE Manuals & Reports on Eng, No. 71, ASCE, NY, pp.", 18-41. NA.

1088. Thellier, C., K.M. Holtzclaw, J.D. Rhoades and G. Sposito. 1989. Chemical effects of saline irrigation water on a San Joaquin Valley soil: II. Field soil samples. J. Environ. Qual. 19(1)::50-60. NA.

1089. Nielsen, D.R., M.Th. van Genuchten and W.A. Jury. 1989. Transport processes from soil surfaces to groundwaters. In: L.M. Abriola (ed.), Groundwater Contamination, Publ. 185, Int'l Assoc. of Hydrological Sciences, IARS Press,Wallingford, UK pp. 99-108.

1090. Luckner, L., M.Th. van Genuchten and D.R. Nielsen. 1989. A consistent set of parametric models for the two-phase flow of immiscible fluids in the subsurface. Water Resour. Res. 25(10):2187-2193. NA.

1091. Wallach, R. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. A physically-based model for predicting solute transfer from soil solution to rainfall-induced runoff water. Water Resour. Res. 26(9):2119-2126.

1092. Sisson, J.B. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. An improved analysis of gravity drainage experiments for estimating the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions. Water Resour. Res. 27(4):569-575.

1093. Suarez, D.L. 1989. Calidad y uso de aguas bicarbonatadas y sodicas en la agricultura. Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agronomos de Centro y Canarias, p. 1-36. NA.

1094. Corwin, D.L., M. Sorensen and J.D. Rhoades. 1989. Delineating areas of salinity development on irrigated agricultural land using ARC/INFO. Proc. for the 9th Annual . ESRI User Conf., Proceeding for 1989. 1-11.

1095. Goldberg, S. and H.S. Forster. 1990. Flocculation of reference clays and arid zone soil clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:714-718.

1096. Spencer, W.F. and M.M. Cliath. 1991. Pesticide losses in surface runoff from irrigated fields. "Chemistry for Protection of the Environment", 277-289. Plenum Publishing Corp., NY, p.

1097. Yates, S.R. 1989. GEOPACK: A geostatistical software system. Proc. of the ASCE Nat'l Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering & Int'l Symposium on Sediment Transport Modeling, New Orleans, LA, Aug. 14-18, 1989, p. 693-698. NA.

1098. Hoffman, G.J., J.D. Rhoades, J. Letey and F. Sheng. 1990. Salinity management. In: G.J. Hoffman, T.A. Howell and K.H. Solomon (eds.), "Management of farm irrigation systems, ASAE Monograph 18,pp.", 667-715.

1099. Grattan, S.R. and J.D. Rhoades. 1990. Irrigation with saline groundwater and drainage water. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agri. Salinity Assessment & Management, ASCE Manuals & Reports on Engineering No. 71, ASCE, NY, pp.", Ch. 20, 432-449. ASCE, New York.

1100. Simunek, J., K. Huang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. The HYDRUS code for simulating the One-Dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated porous media. Version 6.0. USSL Research Report No. 144. NA.

1101. Oster, J.D. and J.D. Rhoades. 1990. Steady-state root zone salt balance. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agri. Salinity Assessment & Management, ASCE Manuals & Reports on Engineering No. 71", 22. 469-481. ASCE, Ney York.NA.

1102. Maas, E.V. and C.M. Grieve. 1990. Spike and leaf development in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 30:1309-1313.

1103. Goldberg, S., B.S. Kapoor and J.D. Rhoades. 1990. Effect of aluminum and iron oxides and organic matter on flocculation-dispersion behavior of arid zone soils. Soil Sci. 150(3):588-593.

1104. Singh, G., W.F. Spencer, M.M. Cliath and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. Sorption behavior of s-triazine and Thiocarbamate herbicides on soils. J. Environ. Qual. 19(3):520-525.

1105. Suhayda, C.G., J.L. Giannini, D.P. Briskin and M.C. Shannon. 1990. Electrostatic changes in Lycopersicon esculentum root plasma membrane resulting from salt stress. Plant Physiol. 93:471-478.

1106. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1990. Procedure for determining sodium-calcium selectivity in calcareous and gypsiferous soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 54(4):999-1007.

1107. Hoffman, G.J., P.B. Catlin, R.M. Mead, R.S. Johnson, L.E. Francois and D. Goldhamer. 1989. Yield and foliar injury responses of mature plum trees to salinity. Irrig.Sci. 10:215-229.

1108. Goldberg, S. and H.S. Forster. 1991. Boron sorption on calcareous soils and reference calcites. Soil Sci. 152(4):304-310.

1109. Francois, L.E. and R. Kleiman. 1990. Salinity effects on vegetative growth, seed yield, and fatty acid composition of crambe. Agron.J. 82:1110-1114.

1110. Maas, E.V. 1990. Crop salt tolerance. In: Agri. Salinity Assessment and Management, K.K. Tanji (ed),. ASCE Manuals & Reports on Engineering No. 71:262-304.

1111. Dinar, A., J.D. Rhoades, P. Nash and B.L. Waggoner. 1991. Production functions relating crop yield, water quality and quantity, soil salinity and drainage volume. Agr.Water Manage. 19:51-66.

1112. Shannon, M.C. and C.L. Noble. 1990. Genetic approaches for developing economic salt-tolerant crops. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.), "Agri. Salinity Assessment & Management, ASCE Manuals & Reports on Engineering No. 71", Ch. 8, p. 161-185. ASCE, NY,

1113. Plaut, Z., C.M. Grieve and E. Federman. 1989. Salinity effects on photosynthesis in isolated mesophyll cells of cowpea leaves. Plant Physiol. 91:493-499.

1114. Rhoades, J.D., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse and W.J. Alves. 1990. Locating sampling sites for salinity mapping. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 54:1799-1803.

1115. Corwin, D.L., B.L. Waggoner and J.D. Rhoades. 1991. A functional model of solute transport that accounts for bypass. J.Environ.Qual. 20:647-658.

1116. Mitchell, A.R., P.J. Shouse and E.A. Rechel. 1993. Using acetic acid to wash roots from calcareous soil. Commun.Soil Sci.Plant Anal. 24(15&16):1845-1848.

1117. Singh, G., W.F. Spencer, M.M. Cliath and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. Dissipation of S-triazines & Thiocarbamates from soil as related to soil moisture content. Environ. Pollut. 66:253-262.

1118. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1991. Sodium-calcium exchange with anion exclusion and weathering corrections. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55(3):698-706.

1119. Shouse, P.J., J.B. Sisson, G. de Rooij, J.A. Jobes and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. Application of fixed-gradient methods for estimating soil hydraulic conductivity. Int'l Workshop Proc., UC, Riverside, CA.

1120. Corwin, D.L., B.L. Waggoner and J.D. Rhoades. 1992. Simulating the movement of a reactive solute through a soil lysimeter column using a functional transport model. J.Environ.Sci.& Health. 27(7):1875-1913.

1121. Mitchell, A.R. 1991. Soil surface shrinkage to estimate profile soil water. Irrig.Sci. 12:1-6. NA.

1122. Ellsworth, T.R., W.A. Jury, F.F. Ernst and P.J. Shouse. 1991. A three-dimensional field study of solute transport through unsaturated, layered, porous media: 1. Methodology, mass recovery, and mean transport. Water Resour.Res. 27(5)::951-965.

1123. Ellsworth, T.R. and W.A. Jury. 1991. A three-dimensional field study of solute transport through unsaturated, layered, porous media: 2. Characterization of vertical dispersion. Water Resour.Res. 27(5)::967-981. NA.

1124. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Blending saline and non-saline waters reduces water usable for crop production. In: S.C. Harris (ed.), 442-452. NA.

1125. Shouse, P.J., J.B. Sisson, T.R. Ellsworth and J.A. Jobes. 1992. Estimating In Situ unsaturated hydraulic properties. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 566. pp. 1673-1679.

1126. Corwin, D.L. and B.L. Waggoner. 1990. TETRANS: Solute transport modeling software user's guide (Macintosh Version 1.4). USSL Research Report No. 121. 92p.

1127. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Sensing soil salinity problems: New Technology. In: R.L. Elliott (ed.), ASCE, 422-428. NA.

1128. Leij, F.J., J.H. Dane and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. Mathematical analysis of one-dimensional solute transport in a layered soil profile. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 55(4):944-953.

1129. Ellsworth, T.R., C.E. Clapp and G.R. Blake. 1991. Temporal variations in soil structural properties under corn and soybean cropping. Soil Sci. 151(6):405-416.

1130. Rhoades, J.D. and A. Dinar. 1991. Reuse of agricultural drainage water to maximize the beneficial use of multiple water supplies for irrigation. Chap. 6. In: A. Dinar and D. Zilberman (eds.);. 'The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture', Kluwer Acad.Press. pp. 99-115. NA.

1131. Maas, E.V. and C.M. Grieve. 1992. Salt tolerance of plants at different stages of growth. Proc.Int'l Conf., 'Current Development in Salinity & Drought Tolerance of Plants', Tando Jam, Pakistan.

1132. Mitchell, A.R. and T.J. Donovan. 1991. Field infiltration of salt-loaded soil: evidence of a permeability hysteresis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55(3):706-710.NA.

1133. van Genuchten, M.Th., D.E. Rolston and P.F. Germann. 1990. Transport of water and solutes in macropores. Geoderma. 46(1-3)::1-297.

1134. van Dam, J.C., J.M.H. Hendrickx, H.C. van Ommen, M.H. Bannink and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1990. Water and solute movement in a coarse-textured water-repellent field soil. J. of Hydrol. 120:359-379.

1135. Kool, J.B. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1989. HYDRUS: One-dimensional variable saturated flow and transport model, including hysteresis and root water uptake. Version 3.2. User Manual. Hydrogeolic Inc., Herndon, VA. 116p.

1136. Sardin, M., D. Schweich, F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. Modeling the nonequilibrium transport of linearly interacting solutes in porous media: A review. Water Resour. Res. 27(9):2287-2307.

1137. Francois, L.E. 1991. Yield and quality responses of garlic and onion to excess boron. HortScience. 26(50):547-549.

1138. Shannon, M.C. 1990. The potential for improved salt tolerance of the cultivated soybean. Proc. Int'l Conf., Tando Jam, Pakistan. p. 9-18. NA.

1139. Dalton, F.N. and J.A. Poss. 1990. Water transport and salt loading: A unified concept of plant response to salinity. Acta Horticulturae. 278:187-193.

1140. Bleam, W.F., P.E. Pfeffer, S. Goldberg, R.W. Taylor and R. Dudley. 1991. A 31P solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance study of phosphate adsorption at the boehmite/aqueous solution interface. Langmuir. 7:1702-1712.

1141. Dalton, F.N. and J.A. Poss. 1990. Soil water content and salinity assessment for irrigation scheduling using time-domain reflectometry: Principles and applications. Acta Horticulturae. 278:381-393.

1142. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1991. Soil Salinity. "Encyclopedia of Earth System Science", Ch. 4, 251-258. NA.

1143. Goldberg, S., H.S. Forster and E.L. Heick. 1991. Flocculation of illite/kaolinite and illite/montmorillonite mixtures as affected by sodium adsorption ratio and pH. Clays & Clay Minerals. 39(4):375-380.

1144. Grieve, C.M., S.M. Lesch, L.E. Francois and E.V. Maas. 1992. Analysis of main-spike yield components in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 32(3)::697-703.

1145. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan and E.V. Maas. 1991. Calcium deficiency of artichoke buds in relation to salinity. HortScience. 26(5)::549-553.

1146. Goldberg, S. 1991. Sensitivity of surface complexation modeling to the surface site density parameter. J.of Colloid & Interface Sci. 145(1):1-9.

1147. Yates, S.R., M.Th. van Genuchten, A.W. Warrick and F.J. Leij. 1992. Analysis of measured, predicted, and estimated hydraulic conductivity using the RETC computer program. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:347-354. NA.

1148. Dalton, F.N., J.A. Poss, T.J. Heimovaara, R.S. Austin, W.J. Alves and W.B. Russell. 1990. Principles, techniques, and design considerations for measuring soil water content and salinity using time-domain reflectometry. USSL Research Report No. 122.

1149. Corwin, D.L. and B.L. Waggoner. 1990. TETRANS: Solute transport modeling software user's guide (IBM- Compatible Version 1.5). USSL Research Report No. 123. 120p.

1150. Maas, E.V. 1993. Plant growth response to salt stress. Vol. 1: 279-291. In: Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant plants, H. Leith and A. Al Masoom (eds.). Kluwer Academic Pub.Netherlands.

1151. Corwin, D.L. and B.L. Waggoner. 1990. TETRANS: A user-friendly, functional model of solute transport. J.Water Sci.& Tech. 24(6):57-66.

1152. Luckner, L., M.Th. van Genuchten and D.R. Nielsen. 1991. Reply to comment on "A consistent set of parametric models for the two-phase flow of immiscible fluids in the subsurface", by J.R. Nummo. Water Resour. Res. 27(4):663-664.

1153. Baker J.M., J.M. Wraith and F.N. Dalton. 1992. Root function in water transport. ASA Monograph "Advances in Soil Science". 19:53-72. NA.

1154. Lesch, S.M., J.D. Rhoades, L.J. Lund and D.L. Corwin. 1992. Mapping soil salinity using calibrated electromagnetic measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56(2):540-548.

1155. Lesch, S.M., C.M. Grieve, E.V. Maas and L.E. Francois. 1992. Kernel distributions in main spikes of salt-stressed wheat: A probabilistic modeling approach. Crop Sci. 32(3):704-712.

1156. Feher, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, W.J. Alves and D.W. Joyce. 1991. Solute transport modeling assissted by a knowledge-based system. In: C.A. Brebbia and A.J. Ferrante (eds.), "Reliability and Robustness of Engineering Software II", p. 243-252. Elsevier Applied Science, New York.

1157. Corwin, D.L. 1991. A user-friendly, functional model of contaminant transport through the vadose zone. 1990 Int'l Winter Mtg., ASAE. 1990:1-9.

1158. Rhoades, J.D. 1993. Practices to control salinity in irrigated soils. In: H. Lieth & A. Al Massoum (eds.); Towards The Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants, Vol. 2. Proc'd of the first ASWAS Conf.Dec. 8 15, 1990 at al Ain-15. NA.

1159. Spencer, W.F. 1991. Volatilization of pesticides from soil: processes and measurement. Pesticide Res.J. 3(1):1-14. NA.

1160. Mitchell, A.R. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. Shrinkage of bare and cultivated soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56(4):1-36-1042.

1161. Dalton, F.N. 1992. Development of time-domain reflectometry for measuring soil water content and bulk soil electrical conductivity. "Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Practice.", 143-167. SSSA,

1162. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1991. Progress and opportunities in hydrologic research, 1987-1990. Reviews of Geophysics, Supplement (U.S.National Report for Hydrology to Int'l Union of Geodesy & Geophysics),. pp. 189-192. NA.

1163. Grattan, S.R. and C.M. Grieve. 1992. Mineral element acquisition and growth response of plants grown in saline environments. Agric., Ecosystems & Environ. 38:275-300.

1164. Sharpley, A.N., J.J. Meisinger, J.F. Power and D.L. Suarez. 1992. Root extraction of nutrients associated with long-term soil management. In: B.A. Stewart and J. Hatfield (eds.), "Advances in Soil Scienc", 151-217. NA.

1165. Shannon, M.C., F.N. Dalton and S.F. El-Sayed. 1993. Physiological responses of crops to sea water: minimizing constraints that limit yield. In: H. Lieth & A. Al Massoum (eds.); Towards the Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants, Vol. 2, Proc'd of the first ASWAS Conf. Dec. 8 15, 1990 at Al Ain-15. NA.

1166. Leij, F.J., T.H. Skaggs and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. Analytical solutions for solute transport in three-dimensional semi-infinite porous media. Water Resour. Res. 27(10):2719-2733.

1167. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1992. Electrophoretic mobility of illite and micaceous soil clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56(4):1106-1115.

1168. Mitchell, A.R. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. Deterministic modeling of preferential flow in a cracked soil during flood irrigation. Proc. of the National Symp. 278-287.

1169. Feher, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, G. Kienitz, T. Nemeth, G. Biczok and J. Kovacs. 1991. DISNIT2, A root zone water and nitrogen management model. In: G. Kienitz, P. C. D. Milly, M. Th. van Genuchten, D. Rosbjerg and W. J. Shuttleworth (eds.), "Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere, Soil and Vegetation", Publ. No. 204. Int'l. Assoc. of Hydrological Sci., IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. pp. 197-205.

1170. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1991. Recent progress in modelling water flow and chemical transport in the unsaturated zone. In: G. Kienitz, P. C. D. Milly, M. Th. van Genuchten, D. Rosbjerg and W. J. Shuttleworth (eds.), "Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere, Soil and Vegetation". Publ. No. 204:169-183. NA.

1171. Mitchell, A.R. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Flood irrigation of a cracked Soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:490-497.

1172. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1992. Variations in soil stability within and among soil types. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1412-1421.

1173. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1991. Predicting microbial contamination of ground water. ASCE Int'l Symp. on Groundwater Proc, Nashville, TN. 220-225.

1174. Goldberg, S. 1992. Use of surface complexation models in soil chemical systems. Advances in Agronomy. 47:234-329.

1175. Goldberg, S. 1993. Chemistry and mineralogy of boron in soils. Chapter 2 IN: U.C. Gupta (ed.), Boron and its Role in Crop Production. CRC Press. pp. 3-44.

1176. Wilson, C., R.A. Clark and R.H. Nieman. 1992. Effects of salinity, diurnal cycle and age on nucleotide pools of bean leaves. J.of Exper.Botany. 43(253):1009-1014. NA.

1177. Rhoades, J.D., D.L. Corwin and S.M. Lesch. 1991. Effect of soil ECa - depth profile pattern on electromagnetic induction measurements. USSL Research Report No. 125. 108p. NA.

1178. Suarez, D.L., J.D. Wood and I. Ibrahim. 1992. Reevaluation of calcite supersaturation in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56(6):1776-1784.NA.

1179. Grieve, C.M., S.M. Lesch, E.V. Maas and L.E. Francois. 1993. Leaf and spikelet primordia initiation in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 33:1286-1294.

1180. Francois, L.E., T.J. Donovan and E.V. Maas. 1992. Yield, vegetative growth, and fiber length of kenaf grown on saline soil. Agron.J. 84(4)::592-598.

1181. Zhang, R., D.E. Myers and A.W. Warrick. 1992. Estimating the spatial distribution of soil chemicals using pseudo-cross- variograms. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56(5):1444-1452. NA.

1182. Shannon, M.C., F.N. Dalton and S.F. El-Sayed. 1993. Salt tolerance of tomato cultivars as affected by irrigation time. In: H. Lieth & A. Al Massoum (eds.); Towards Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants, Vol. 1, Deliberations About High Salinity Tolerant Plants & Ecosystems. Kluwer Acad. Pub. Dorrecht. 185-192. NA.

1183. Corwin, D.L. 1991. Spatial and temporal estimates of hydraulic bypass in soil using chloride distributions. ASAE, 202-213.

1184. Rhoades, J.D. 1992. Instrumental field methods of salinity appraisal. In: G. C. Topp, W. D. Reynolds, and R. E. Green (eds.); Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Practice. SSSA Special Pub.No. 30:231-248. NA.

1185. Wilson, C. and M.A. Madore. 1995. Effect of mannose on the plasma membrane ATPase from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves. Plant Sci. 104:153-160. NA.

1186. Suarez, D.L. and I. Lebron. 1993. Water quality criteria for irrigation with highly saline water. In: H. Lieth & Al Masoom (eds.); Towards the Rational Use of High Salinity Tolerant Plants. Submitted. (Vol. 1)NA.

1187. Feher, J., M.Th. van Genuchten and T. Nemeth. 1991. Nitrogen leaching from agricultural soils - A comparison of measured and computer-simulated results. In: L. C. Wrobel and C. A. Brebbia (eds.), Water Pollution: Modelling, Measuring and Prediction. Elsevier Applied Science, New York. 27-41.

1188. Kamra, S.K., S.R. Singh, K.V.G.K. Rao and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. A semi-discrete model for water and solute movement in tile- drained soils. 1. Governing equations and solutions. Water Resour. Res. 27(9):2439-2447.NA.

1189. Kamra, S.K., S.R. Singh, K.V.G.K. Rao and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. A semi-discrete model for water and solute movement in tile- drained soils. II. Field validation and applications. Water Resour. Res. 27(9):2449-2456.NA.

1190. Feher, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1989. A PC-based expert system for modeling solute transport in soil and aquifer systems. Hydro. Sci. & Tech. 5:183-189.

1191. Kool, J.B. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1991. HYDRUS: One-dimensional variably saturated flow and transport model, including hysteresis and root water uptake. Version 3.3 User Manual. USSL Research Report No. 124.

1192. Wrona, A.F. 1993. Biocontrol rescues salinity research. SCS Technology Transfer Notes. p. 1-2. NA.

1193. Wrona, A.F. 1993. A new alternative for pest control. SCS Technology Transfer Notes. p. 1-3. NA.

1194. Wrona, A.F. 1993. Propagation in hydroponic culture. SCS Technology Transfer Notes. p. 20-22. NA.

1195. Shannon, M.C., C.M. Grieve and L.E. Francois. 1994. Whole-plant response to salinity. In: R.E. Wilkinson (ed.), Plant-Environment Interactions,. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 199-244. NA.

1196. Shouse, P.J., M.Th. van Genuchten and J.B. Sisson. 1991. A gravity-drainage/scaling method for estimating the hydraulic properties of heterogeneous soils. In: G. Kienitz, P.C.D. Milly, M.Th. van Genuchten, D. Rosbjerg and W.J. Shuttleworth (eds.), "Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere". Soil and Vegetation. 204:281-291.NA.

1197. Dirksen, C., J.B. Kool, P. Koorevaar and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. HYSWASOR - Simulation model of hysterica water and solute transport in the root zone. In: D. Russo and G. Dagan (eds.), "Water Flow & Solute Transport in Soils", pp. 99-122. Springer-Verlag, New York.

1198. Fuchigami, L.H., E.V. Maas, J.M. Lyons, D.W. Rains, J.K. Raison and S.A. Kenneth. 1999. Stress Physiology. In: Units, Symbols, and Terminology for Plant Physiology. F.B. Salisbury (ed.), International Association for Plant Physiologists. Plant Physiology. 18:142-159.

1199. Grieve, C.M. and L.E. Francois. 1992. The importance of initial seed size in wheat plant response to salinity. Plant and Soil. 147:197-205.

1200. Maas, E.V. 1992. Plant growth stages and salinity. Proc.Calif.Plant & Soil Conf.,. pp. 106-110.

1201. Corwin, D.L. 1992. A user-friendly, contaminant transport software package for the preliminary assessment of soil and groundwater contamination : An overview of TETrans. In: K.B. Hoddinott and G.D. Knowles (eds.), "Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies. ASTM STP1158", 65-80. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA.

1202. Amrhein, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1992. Some factors affecting the dissolution kinetics of anorthite at 25oC. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 56:1815-1826.

1203. Yates, S.R. 1992. An analytical solution for one-dimensional transport in porous media with an exponential dispersion function. Water Resour.Res. 28(8)::2149-2154. NA.

1204. Rhoades, J.D. 1992. Recent advances in the methodology for measuring and mapping soil salinity. Proc.Int'l Symp.on Strategies for Utilizing Salt Affected Lands, Bangkok, Thailand,. pp. 25-39. NA.

1205. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1992. Dynamic model for transport of water and salt (SP) in lecture series: Book 2. Centro de Investigaciones y Technologia Agrarias, Gobierno de Canarias,. pp. 59-82. NA.

1206. Maas, E.V. 1992. Salinity and citriculture. Proc.Int'l Soc.Citriculture. 3:1290-1301.

1207. Petrie, C.L., Z.J. Kabala, A.E. Hall and J. Simunek. 1992. Water transport in an unsaturated medium to roots with differing local geometries. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 56(6):1686-1694.

1208. Gerke, H.H. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. A dual-porosity model for simulating the preferential movement of water and solutes in structured porous media. Water Resour. Res. 29(2):305-319.

1209. Corwin, D.L., M. Sorensen and J.D. Rhoades. 1992. Using GIS to locate salinity on irrigated soils. Proc. 8NA.

1210. Corwin, D.L. 1992. Use of the TETrans model in predicting ET effects on groundwater quality. ASCE Water Forum. 92:152-157.

1211. Francois, L.E. 1992. Effect of excess boron on summer and winter squash. Plant & Soil. 147:163-170.

1212. Yates, M.V., S.R. Yates and Y. Ouyang. 1991. A model of virus transport in unsaturated soil. Proj.Rpt.Int.Agency Agreement #DW12933820, R.S.Kerr Environ.Res.Lab., Ada, OK. 137p. (EPA 600/2-91/062.).

1213. Corwin, D.L. 1995. Sensitivity analysis of a simple layer-equilibrium model for the one-dimensional leaching of solutes. J.Environ.Sci.& Health. 30:201-238.

1214. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1993. Modeling of carbon dioxide transport and production in soil: 1. Model development. Water Resour. Res. 29(2):487-497. NA.

1215. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1993. Modeling of carbon dioxide transport and production in soil: 2. Parameter selection, sensitivity analysis and comparison of model predictions to field data. Water Resour. Res. 29(2):499-513. NA.

1216. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1992. UNSATCHEM Code for simulating one-dimensional variably saturated water flow, heat transport, carbon dioxide production and transport, and multicomponent solute transport with major ion equilibrium and kinetic chemistry, Version 1.1. USSL Research Report No. 129. 1-204.

1217. Goldberg, S. 1993. Constant capacitance model: Chemical surface complexation model for describing adsorption of toxic trace elements on soil minerals. In: D.W. Tedder & F.G. Pohland (eds.). Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III, ACS Symp.Ser.518. pp. 278-307.

1218. Toride, N., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. A comprehensive set of analytical solutions for nonequilibrium solute transport with first-order decay and zero-order production. Water Resour. Res. 29(7):2167-2182.NA.

1219. van Genuchten, M.Th. and H.H. Gerke. 1992. Dual-porosity models for simulating solute transport in structured media. In. Proc. Scientific Colloquium "Porous or Fractured Unsaturated Media: Transports & Behavior", Monte Verita, Ascona. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPSL), University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, pp. 182-205. NA.

1220. Gerke, H.H. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Evaluation of a first-order water transfer term for variably saturated dual-porosity flow models. Water Resour. Res. 29(4):1225-1238. ( ):

1221. Simunek, J., T.N. Vogel and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. The SWMS_2D code for simulating water flow and solute transport in two-dimensional variably saturated media, Version 1.1. Research Report No. 126. 169p. NA.

1222. Singh, G., W.F. Spencer, M.Th. van Genuchten and R.S. Kookana. 1992. Predicting pesticide transport in soil. Pesticide Res. J. 4(1):1-10.NA.

1223. van Genuchten, M.Th., F.J. Leij and S.R. Yates. 1992. The RETC code for quantifying the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils. EPA Project Summary. 600(S2-91/065)::1-10.

1224. Gerba, C.P., M.V. Yates and S.R. Yates. 1992. Quantitation of factors controlling viral and bacterial transport in the subsurface. In: C.J. Hurst (ed.), "Modeling the environmental fate of microorganisms", Ch. 4, p. 77-88. Washington, DC.

1225. Goldberg, S., H.S. Forster and E.L. Heick. 1993. Boron adsorption mechanisms on oxides, clay minerals, and soils inferred from ionic strength effects. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 57:704-708.

1226. Rhoades, J.D. and L.M. Carter. 1993. New soil salinity mapping techniques. VIII Int'l Soil Mgmt.Workshop, Portland, OR. pp. 201-209. NA.

1227. Francois, L.E. and E.V. Maas. 1993. Crop response and management on salt-affected soils. Chapt. 7. Marcel Dekker, NY. (Chapt. 7):149-181. (IN: HANDBOOK OF PLANT AND CROP STRESS, M. Pessarakli (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY.).

1228. van Genuchten, M.Th., F.J. Leij and S.R. Yates. 1991. The RETC code for quantifying the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils. EPA 600/2-91/065. 1-85p.

1229. Mead, R.M., G.J. Hoffman, P.B. Catlin, R.S. Johnson and L.E. Francois. 1991. A continued salt tolerance study of mature plum trees. Visions of the Future. Proc. Nat'l Irrig. Symp., Phoenix, AZ. 625-630p.

1230. Kandiah, A. and J.D. Rhoades. 1990. Saline water: Sources, usage, problems and prospects. In: A. Kandiah (ed.), FAO (AGL) Misc. Series pub. 16:9-18. NA.

1231. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Principal effects of salts on soils and plants. In: A. Kandiah (ed.), FAO (AGL) Misc. series pub. 16/90 "Water, Soil & Crop Management Relating to the Use of Saline Water". Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome,. 19-33p. NA.

1232. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Assessing suitability of water quality for irrigation. In: A. Kandiah (ed.), FAO (AGL) Misc. Series pub. 16/90 "Water, Soil & Crop Management Relating to the Use of Saline Water". Food & Agri. Organization of the United Nations, Rome,. 52-70p. NA.

1233. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Measuring and monitoring soil salinity. In: A. Kandiah (ed.), "FAO (AGL) Misc. series publication 16/90, "Water, Soil & Crop Management Relating to the Use of Saline Water"", 71-88p. FAO, United Nations, Rome.

1234. Rhoades, J.D. 1990. Strategies to facilitate the use of saline water for irrigation. In: A. Kandiah (ed.), FAO (AGL) Misc. series pub. 16/90 "Water, Soil & Crop Management Relating to the Use of Saline Water". Food & Agric. Organization of the U.N. 125-136p. NA.

1235. Zhang, R., A.W. Warrick and D.E. Myers. 1994. Heterogeneity, plot shape effect and optimum plot size. Geoderma. 62:183-197. NA.

1236. Maas, E.V. 1994. Tolerance and responses of tropical crops to salinity stress. In: "Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment", T.L. Davenport and H.M. Harrington (eds.),. Kailu-Kona, HI. 47-56p.

1237. Jacobsen, O.H., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. Lysimeter study of anion transport during steady flow through layered coarse-textured soil profiles. Soil Sci. 154(3):196-205.NA.

1238. Parlange, J.Y., J.L. Starr, M.Th. van Genuchten, D.A. Barry and J.C. Parker. 1992. Exit condition for miscible displacement experiments. Soil Sci. 153(3):165-171.NA.

1239. Lebron, I., D.L. Suarez, C. Amrhein and J.E. Strong. 1993. Stability of mica size of domains and Distribution of the Adsorbed Na-Ca Ions. Clays & Clay Minerals. 41(3):380-388.

1240. Bohne, K., C. Roth, F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Rapid method for estimating the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity from infiltration measurements. Soil Sci. 155(4):237-244.

1241. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1991. Modeling microbial transport in the subsurface: A mathematical discussion. In: C.J. Hurst (ed.), "Modeling the environmental fate of microorganisms", Ch. 3, 48-76. Am. Soc. for Microbiology, Washington, DC.

1242. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1993. Pathogens. In: William M. Alley (ed.), Regional Ground-Water Quality. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 382-404p. NA.

1243. Jacobsen, O.H., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. Parameter determination for chloride and tritum transport in undisturbed lysimeters during steady flow. Nordic Hydrology. 23:89-104. NA.

1244. Zhang, R., P.J. Shouse and S.R. Yates. 1997. Use of Pseudo-Crossvariograms and Cokriging to improve estimates of soil solute concentrations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:1342-1347.

1245. Vogel, T.N., R. Zhang, H.H. Gerke and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. Modeling two-dimensional water flow and solute transport in heterogeneous soil systems. Second USA/CIS Joint Conf. on Environ. Hydrology & Hydrogeology. 279-302p. NA.

1246. Rhoades, J.D. 1992. Reduccion de la salinization del suelo y del agua mediante el mejoramiento del manejo del riego y drenaje. NA.

1247. Wilson, C., R.A. Clark and G.C. Shearer. 1994. Effect of salinity on the plasma membrane ATPase from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) leaves. Plant Sci. 103:1-9. NA.

1248. Wiegand, C.L., J.D. Rhoades, J.H. Everitt and D.E. Escobar. 1992. Comparison of photography, videography and SPOT-1 HRV digital observations for salinity assessment in the San Joaquin Valley of California. In: T. Younos (ed.), Nashville, TN, 268-282.

1249. Suarez, D.L. 1992. Perspective on irrigation management and salinity. Outlook on Agri. 21(4)::287-291. NA.

1250. Rhoades, J.D. 1993. Electrical conductivity methods for measuring and mapping soil salinity. In: D.L. Sparks (ed.). Advances in Agronomy. (Vol. 49):201-251.

1251. Francois, L.E., C.M. Grieve, E.V. Maas and S.M. Lesch. 1994. Time of salt stress affects growth and yield components of irrigated wheat. Agron.J. 86:100-107.

1252. van Genuchten, M.Th. and F.J. Leij. 1992. On estimating the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils. Proc. of the Int'l Workshop on "Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils". 1-14p. NA.

1253. Cliath, M.M., S.R. Yates and W.F. Spencer. 1995. Soil-pesticide interactions and their impact on the volatilization process. In: P.M. Huang, J. Berthelin, J.-M. Bollag, W.B. McGill and A.L. Page (eds.), "Environmental impact of soil component interactions, natural and anthropogenic organics", 369-379. Lewis Publ., CRC Press, Inc.

1254. Maas, E.V. 1993. Salinity and Citriculture. Tree Physiology. 12:195-216.

1255. Goldberg, S., H.S. Forster and E.L. Heick. 1993. Temperature effects on boron adsorption by reference minerals and soils. Soil Sci. 156(5):316-321.

1256. Yates, S.R., R. Zhang, P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Use of geostatistics in the description of salt-affected lands In: "Water Flow & Solute Transport in Soils", D. Russo & G. Dagan (eds.). Springer-Verlag, NY. 283-304.

1257. Rhoades, J.D. 1996. Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. In: D.L. Sparks, A.L. Page, P.A. Helmke, P.N. Loeppert, P.N. Soltanpour, M.A. Tabatabai, C.T. Johnson and M.E. Sumner (eds.), "Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3, Chemical Methods", Ch. 14, 417-435. SSSA Book Series 5, Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc. Madison, WI.

1258. Toride, N., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Flux-averaged concentrations for transport in soils having nonuniform initial solute distributions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 57(6):1406-1409.NA.

1259. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1994. Two-dimensional transport model for variably saturated porous media with major ion chemistry. Water Resour. Res. 30(4):1115-1133.NA.

1260. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1994. The SOILCO2 code for simulating one-dimensional carbon dioxide production and transport in variably saturated porous media, Version 1.2. USSL Research Report No. 127. 162p. NA.

1261. Corwin, D.L. 1993. A contaminant transport software package for the preliminary assessment of soil contamination and solute loading to the groundwater. In: P.T. Kostecki and E.J. Calabrese (eds.), "Hydrocarbon contaminated soils and groundwater", Ch. 16, 237-250. Lewis Pub. Inc.

1262. Corwin, D.L., M. Sorensen and J.D. Rhoades. 1993. Using GIS to locate areas of salinity development on irrigated, agricultural soils. Proc.Canadian Conf.on GIS, Ottawa, Canada,. pp. 1-26.

1263. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan, H. Wang, J.D. Rhoades and D.G. Cone. 1993. Coupling a solute transport model to a GIS to predict solute loading to the groundwater for a non-point source pollutant. Proc.ASAE Application of Advanced Information Technologies Conf., Spokane, WA.,. pp. 485-492.

1264. Kaveh, F. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. A further look at a new unsaturated hydraulic conductivity equation. Iranian J. of Agric. Sci. 23(3&4):24-32.

1265. Shannon, M.C. 1994. The effects of salinity on cellular and biochemical processes associated with salt tolerance in tropical plants. In: T.C. Davenport and H.M. Harrington (eds.). Proc. Symp. Plant Stress in the Tropical Environment, Kona, HI,. 56-63p. NA.

1266. Wiegand, C.L., J.D. Rhoades, D.E. Escobar and J.H. Everitt. 1994. Photographic and videographic observations for determining and mapping the response of cotton to soil salinity. Remote Sens. Environ. 49:212-223. NA.

1267. Shouse, P.J., T.R. Ellsworth and J.A. Jobes. 1994. Steady-state infiltration as a function of measurement scale. Soil Sci. 157(3):129-136.NA.

1268. Grattan, S.R. and C.M. Grieve. 1993. Mineral nutrient acquisition and response by plants grown in saline environments. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.), "Handbook of Plant & Crop Stress.", :First:203-226. Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY.

1269. Karlen, D.L., M.C. Shannon, S.M. Schneider and C.R. Amerman. 1994. Using systems engineering and reductionist approaches to design integrated farm management research programs. J.Production Agric. 7:144-150. NA.

1270. Corwin, D.L. and R.D. LeMert. 1994. Construction and evaluation of an inexpensive weighing lysimeter for studying contaminant transport. J.Contaminant Hydrology. 15:107-123.

1271. Leij, F.J., N. Toride and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Analytical solutions for nonequilibrium solute transport in three-dimensional porous media. J Hydrology. 151:193-228.

1272. Loeppert, R.H. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. Carbonate and gypsum. In: D.L. Sparks, A.L. Page, P.A. Helmke, R.H. Loeppert, P.N. Soltanpour, M.A. Tabatabai, C.T. Johnson and M.E. Sumner (eds.), "Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3 Chemical Methods.", Ch. 15, 437-474. SSSA Special Pub. No. 5, Madison, WI.NA.

1273. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Corwin. 1994. A method of modeling vertical fluid flow and solute transport in a GIS content. Geoderma. 64:139-154.

1274. Huang, K., R. Zhang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. An Eulerian-Lagrangian approach with an adaptively corrected method of characteristics to simulate variably saturated water flow. Water Resour. Res. 30(2):499-507.

1275. Lesch, S.M., J.D. Rhoades and D.L. Corwin. 1993. Statistical modeling and prediction methodologies for large scale spatial soil salinity characterization: A case study using calibrated electromagnetic measurements within the Broadview Water District. USSL Research Report No. 131. 44p.

1276. Vaughan, P.J., D.L. Corwin and H. Wang. 1993. Coupling a chemical transport model to a GIS database for assessment of non-point source pollution in irrigated agricultural areas. Proc. 13:24-28. NA.

1277. Burrough, P.A., J. Bouma and S.R. Yates. 1994. The state of the art in pedometrics. Geoderma. 62:311-326.

1278. Yates, S.R., W.F. Spencer and M.M. Cliath. 1993. Comparison between measured and predicted rates of pesticide volatilization from an agricultural field. In: Y. Eckstein and A. Zaporozec (eds.), 1-14.

1279. Yates, S.R. 1993. Determining off-site concentrations of volatile pesticides using the trajectory-simulation model. J.of Environ.Quality. 22(3):481-486. NA.

1280. Francois, L.E. 1994. Growth, seed yield, and oil content of canola grown under saline conditions. Agronomy J. 86:233-237.

1281. Sisson, J.B. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity without computing fluxes. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij, and L.J. Lund (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop, . 665-674p. NA.

1282. Feher, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, T. Nemeth, E. Molnar, J. Csillag, K. Bujtas, A. Lukacs and G. Partay. 1993. Mobility of some heavy metals in soil-plant systems studied on soil monoliths. Water Sci. Tech. 28(3-5):389-398.

1283. Lebron, I., D.L. Suarez and F. Alberto. 1994. Stability of a calcareous saline-sodic soil during reclamation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:1753-1762.

1284. Zhang, R., K. Huang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. An efficient Eulerian-Lagrangian method for solving solute transport problems in steady and transient flow fields. Water Resour. Res. 29(12):4131-4138.NA.

1285. Bohne, K., C. Nitsche and F.J. Leij. 1993. Requirements and use of indirect methods for estimating the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils. Proc.Int'l workshop, . 359-368p.

1286. Suarez, D.L. and S. Goldberg. 1994. Modeling soil solution, mineral formation and weahering. In: "Quantitative Modeling of Soil Forming Processes". R.B. Bryant and R.W. Arnold (eds.), SSSA Special Pub. No. 39. 37-60. NA.

1287. Maas, E.V. 1994. Testing crops for salinity tolerance. Vol. 94(2): 234-247. In: "Adaption of Plants to Soil Stresses", V.C. Baligar, R. Duncan and J. Maranville (eds.),. Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Support Program (INTSORMIL), University of Nebraska, August. 1-4p .

1288. Nitsche, C., L. Luckner and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1993. An expert system for planning, controlling, and analyzing laboratory measurements of the soil hydraulic properties. Proc. Int'l workshop "Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils", pp. 621-632 .

1289. Leij, F.J., M.Th. van Genuchten, S.R. Yates, W.B. Russell and F. Kaveh. 1993. RETC: A computer program for analyzing soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity data. Proc. Int'l workshop "Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils", pp. 263-272.

1290. Goldberg, S. 1995. Adsorption models incorporated into chemical equilibrium models. In: R.H. Loeppert, A.P. Schwab and S. Goldberg (eds.), "Chemical Equilibrium & Reaction Models". SSSA Special Publ. 42:75-95.

1291. Ulery, A.L., R.C. Graham, O.A. Chadwick and H.B. Wood. 1995. Decade-scale changes of soil carbon, nitrogen and exchangeable cations under chaparral and pine. Geoderma. 65:121-134. NA.

1292. Huang, K., N. Toride and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Experimental investigation of solute transport in large, homogeneous and heterogeneous, saturated soil columns. Transport in Porous Media. 18:283-302.

1293. Dalton, F.N. 1995. In situ root extent measurements by electrical capacitance methods. Plant & Soil. 173:157-165.

1294. Shannon, M.C. 1994. Development of salt stress tolerance - screening and selection systems for genetic improvement. In: J.W. Maranville, B.V. Baligar, R.R. Duncan and J.M. Yohe (eds.), INTSORMIL Pub. No. 94-2, 117-132.

1295. van Genuchten, M.Th. and S.K. Gupta. 1993. A reassessment of the crop tolerance response function. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 41(4):730-737.NA.

1296. Singh, G., M.Th. van Genuchten, W.F. Spencer, M.M. Cliath and S.R. Yates. 1996. Measured and predicted transport of two S-triazine herbicides through soil columns. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 86:137-149. NA.

1297. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J. Simunek. 1994. The CHAIN_2D code for simulating two-dimensional movement of water flow, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated porous media, Version 1.1. USSL Research Report No. 136. 205p.

1298. Zhang, R. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. New models for unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. 158(2):77-85.

1299. Suarez, D.L. 1995. Carbonate chemistry in computer programs and application to soil chemistry. In: SSSA Special Publication 42 "Chemical Equilibrium and Reactions Models". 53-73p.

1300. Grieve, C.M., L.E. Francois and E.V. Maas. 1994. Salinity affects the timing of phasic development in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 34(6):1544-1549.

1301. Maas, E.V., S.M. Lesch, L.E. Francois and C.M. Grieve. 1994. Tiller development in salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 34(6):1594-1603.

1302. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan, H. Wang, J.D. Rhoades and D.G. Cone. 1993. Predicting areal distributions of salt-loading to the groundwater. ASAE Winter Meeting, NA. (Paper No. 932566.).

1303. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1994. Modeling unsaturated water flow, and CO2 and solute transport with major ion chemistry. Trans. 15:127-145. NA.

1304. Amrhein, C., M.F. Zahow and D.L. Suarez. 1993. Calcite supersaturation in soil suspensions. Soil Sci. 156(3)::163-170.

1305. Carter, L.M., J.D. Rhoades and J.H. Chesson. 1994. Mechanization of soil salinity assessment for mapping. 1993 ASAE Winter Mtg., Chicago, IL. NA.

1306. Lesch, S.M., D.J. Strauss and J.D. Rhoades. 1995. Spatial prediction of soil salinity using electromagnetic induction techniques: 1. Statistical prediction models: A comparison of multiple linear regression and cokriging. Water Resour.Res. 31:373-386.

1307. Lesch, S.M., D.J. Strauss and J.D. Rhoades. 1995. Spatial prediction of soil salinity using electromagnetic induction techniques: 2. An efficient spatial sampling algorithm suitable for multiple linear regression model identification and estimation. Water Resour.Res. 31:387-398.

1308. Rhoades, J.D. 1994. Soil salinity assessment: Recent advances and findings. ISSS Sub-Commission A Meeting, Acapulco, Mexico. NA.

1309. Maas, E.V. 1994. Salt tolerance at different stages of plant growth. Proc.Dryland Salinity Workshop, 'Causes to Cures', Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada,. (Submitted)NA.

1310. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1995. Advances in Porous Media - Book Review, Volume 2. J. Hyrdology. 171:209-211.

1311. Wilson, C. and M.C. Shannon. 1995. Salt-induced Na+/H+ antiport in root plasma membrane of a glycophytic and halophytic species of tomato. Plant Sci. 107:147-157. NA.

1312. van Genuchten, M.Th. 1994. New issues and challenges in soil physics research. Inaugural and State of the Art Conferences, Trans. 15th World Congr. of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico. 1:5-27.

1313. Rhoades, J.D., A. Kandiah and A.M. Mashali. 1992. The use of saline waters for crop production. FAO Irrigation & Drainage Paper. 48:133p. NA.

1314. Rhoades, J.D. 1999. Use of saline drainage water for irrigation. In: "Agricultural Drainage", Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt. 18. 1999. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde, (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. 18. 615-657.

1315. Gan, J., S.R. Yates and W.F. Spencer. 1995. Optimization of analysis of methyl bromide on charcoal sampling tubes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 43:960-966.

1316. Ellsworth, T.R., P.J. Shouse, T.H. Skaggs, J.A. Jobes and J. Fargerlund. 1996. Solute transport in unsaturated soil: Experimental design, parameter estimation, and model discrimination. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:397-407.

1317. Shouse, P.J., W.B. Russell, D.S. Burden, H.M. Selim, J.B. Sisson and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Spatial variability of soil water retention functions in a silt loam soil. Soil Sci. 159:1-12. NA.

1318. Francois, L.E. 1994. Yield and quality response of salt-stressed garlic. HortScience. 29(11):1314-1317.

1319. Simunek, J., T.N. Vogel and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. The SWMS_2D code for simulating water flow and solute transport in two-dimensional variably saturated media. USSL Research Report No. 132. 196p. NA.

1320. Vaughan, P.J., S.M. Lesch and D.L. Corwin. 1994. Interfacing the GSLIB geostatistics package with grid: Applied to soil salinity survey. ESRI Conference, Palm Springs, CA. NA.

1321. Karlson, J., W.T. Frankenberger and W.F. Spencer. 1994. Physicochemical properties of dimethyl selenide and dimethyl diselenide. J.Chem.& Eng.Data. 39(3):608-610. NA.

1322. Vaughan, P.J., S.M. Lesch, D.L. Corwin and D.G. Cone. 1995. Water content effect on soil salinity prediction: A geostatistical study using cokriging. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 59:1146-1156. NA.

1323. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. Calcite nucleation and precipitation kinetics as affected by dissolved organic matter at 25 C and pH > 7.5. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 60(15):2765-2776.

1324. Goldberg, S., H.S. Forster and C.L. Godfrey. 1996. Molybdenum adsorption on oxides, clay minerals, and soils. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 60:425-432.

1325. Su, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1995. Coordination of adsorbed boron: A FTIR spectroscopic study. Environ. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 29:302-311. NA.

1326. Shannon, M.C. and C.L. Noble. 1995. Variation in salt tolerance and ion accumulation among subterranean clover subspecies. Crop Sci. 35:798-804. NA.

1327. Huang, K., R. Zhang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1992. A simple particle tracking technique for solving the convection-dispersion equation. In: T.F. Russell, R.E. Ewing, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder (eds.), "Computational methods in water resources IX: Numerical methods in water resources.", Elsevier Applied Sci., 86-96p,

1328. Francois, L.E. 1995. Salinity effects on bud yield and vegetative growth of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.). HortScience. 30:69-71.

1329. Leij, F.J. and S.A. Bradford. 1994. 3DADE: A computer program for evaluating three-dimensional equilibrium solute transport in porous media. USSL Research Report No. 134. 81p.

1330. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, M.A. Anderson, W.F. Spencer and F.F. Ernst. 1994. Effect of soil properties on degradation and sorption of methyl bromide in soil. Chemosphere. 29:2685-2700.

1331. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, W.F. Spencer and M.V. Yates. 1994. Automated headspace analysis of fumigants 1, 3-Dichloropropene and methyl isothiocyanate on charcoal sampling tubes. J. Chromatography A. 684:121-131.

1332. Bradford, S.A. and F.J. Leij. 1994. Wettability effects on scaling two- and three-fluid capillary pressure saturation relations. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 29(6):1446-1455.

1333. Maas, E.V., S.M. Lesch, L.E. Francois and C.M. Grieve. 1996. Contribution of individual culms to yield of salt-stressed wheat. Crop Sci. 36:142-149.

1334. Gerke, H.H. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. Macroscopic representation of structural geometry for simulating water and solute movement in dual-porosity media. Adv. in Water Resour. 19(6):343-357.

1335. Morel-Seytoux, H.J., P.D. Meyer, M. Nachabe, J. Touma, M.Th. van Genuchten and R.J. Lenhard. 1996. Parameter equivalence for the Brooks-Corey and van Genuchten soil characteristics: Preserving the effective capillary drive. Water Resour. Res. 32(5):1251-1258.

1336. Rajkai, K., S. Kabos, M.Th. van Genuchten and P.E. Jansson. 1996. Estimation of water-retention of characteristics from the bulk density and particle-size distribution of Swedish soils. Soil Sci. 161(12):832-845.

1337. Yates, S.R., M.Th. van Genuchten and F.J. Leij. 1992. Analysis of predicted hydraulic conductivities using RETC. In: L.J. Lund, M.Th. van Genuchten and F.J. Leij (eds.), "Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils", Proc. Int'l Workshop, Riverside, CA, 273-283p.

1338. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J.C. Parker. 1994. Reply to Comments on "Boundary Conditions for Displacement Experiments Through Short Laboratory Columns". Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58(3):991-993.NA.

1339. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten and D.L. Suarez. 1995. Modeling multiple solute transport in variably saturated soils. In: K. Kovar and J. Krasny (eds.), Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection (GQ'95), Int. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., Publ. No. 225. 311-318p.

1340. Yates, S.R. and M.V. Yates. 1994. Ground water. Encyclopedia of Agricultural Sci. Vol. 2. 489-499p. NA.

1341. Gao, F.F., Y. Jin, S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik, M.A. Anderson and M.V. Yates. 2001. Theory and laboratory study of a tall passive chamber for measuring gas fluxes at soil surface. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc . 51:49-59.

1342. Huang, K. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. A comparative study of particle tracking techniques for numerically solving the convection-dispersion equation. In: A. Peters, G. Wittum, B. Herrling, U. Meissner, C.A. Brebbia, W.G. Gray and G.F. Pinder (eds.), "Computation Methods in Water Resources X", Kluwer Acad. Press, Vol. 1, 281-290p..

1343. Bradford, S.A. and F.J. Leij. 1994. Fractional wettability effects on two- and three-fluid capillary pressure-saturation relations. J. Contam. Hydrol. 20:89-109.

1344. Yates, S.R., F.F. Ernst, J. Gan and W.F. Spencer. 1994. Sampling mast for measuring volatile organic compounds in the near-surface atmosphere. J. Environ. Qual. 24:1027-1033.

1345. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1995. Modeling equilibrium and kinetic major ion chemistry with CO2 production/transport coupled to unsaturated water flow. In: G.W. Gee and N.R. Wing (eds.), "In-situ remediation: Scientific Basis for Current and Future Technologies", Part 2, Pasco, WA. 33rd Hanford Symp. on Health and the Environment. 1215-1246. NA.

1346. Enfield, C.G. and S.R. Yates. 1990. Organic chemical transport in groundwater. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Book Ser. No. 2:271-302.

1347. Yates, M.V. and S.R. Yates. 1990. Modeling microbial transport in soil and groundwater. ASM News. 56:324-327. NA.

1348. Yates, S.R. and C.V. Chrysikopoulos. 1991. Comment on 'An analytical solution for one-dimensional transport in heterogeneous porous media'. Water Resour.Res. 27:2163-2167. NA.

1349. Yates, S.R. and M.V. Yates. 1990. Geostatistics for waste management: A user's manual for the geopack (version 1.0) geostatistical software system. EPA Report 600/8-90/004. 70p.. NA.

1350. Maas, E.V. 1996. Saline environments of plants - salt tolerance. McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology. 263-264.

1351. Dirksen, C., M.J. Huber, P.A.C. Raats, S.L. Rawlins, J. van Schilfgaarde, J. Shalhevet and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. Interaction of alfalfa with transient water and salt transport in the rootzone. USSL Research Report No. 135. 127p.

1352. Suarez, D.L. 1994. Use of secondary waters in drip irrigation systems and avoidance of emmiter plugging (Spanish). Proc. Seventh Int'l Course on Drip Irrigation, Center for Agri. Res. & Tech., Canary Islands,. pp. 1-31. NA.

1353. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, P.J. Vaughan and S.M. Lesch. 1995. Salt-loading assessment methodology for managing soil salinity. USDA Clean Water - Clean Environ. 21

1354. Maas, E.V. and S.R. Grattan. 1999. Crop yields as affected by salinity. IN: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt. 3. 1999. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde, (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. 55-108.

1355. Gan, J., M.A. Anderson, M.V. Yates, W.F. Spencer and S.R. Yates. 1995. Sampling and stability of methyl bromide on activated charcoal. J.Agric.Food Chem. 43:1361-1367.

1356. Tseng, P-.H., M.Th. van Genuchten and W.A. Jury. 1995. Simulating the performance of a vacuum solution extraction device for measuring solute flux concentrations in field soils. Proc. of a Boulder Symp. "Modeling for Assessing and monitoring Groundwater Quality", IAHS Publ. No. 227. pp. 133-140.

1357. Manning, B.A. and S. Goldberg. 1996. Modeling competitive adsorption of arsenate with phosphate and molybdate on oxide minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:121-131.

1358. Yates, S.R., F.F. Ernst, J. Gan and W.F. Spencer. 1995. Quantifying methyl bromide losses from agricultural fields. Proc. Transactions of the ASAE, Kansas City, MO. 1:183-186.

1359. Tseng, P-.H., A. Sciortino and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. A partitioned solution procedure for simulating water flow in a variably-saturated dual-porosity medium. Advances in Water Resources. 18(6):335-343.NA.

1360. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. Colloid chemistry of micaceous clays (Spanish). Cicle de Seminarios, Canary Islands. 163-182.

1361. Bradford, S.A. and F.J. Leij. 1995. Predicting two-and three-fluid capillary pressure-saturation relationships in mixed wettability media. Water Resour. Res. 32(2):251-259.

1362. Huang, K. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. An analytical solution for predicting solute transport during ponded infiltration. Soil Sci. 159:217-223.

1363. Huang, K., B.P. Mohanty and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. A new convergence criterion for the modified Picard iteration method to solve variably saturated flow equation. J. of Hydrology. 178:69-91.

1364. Francois, L.E. 1996. Salinity effects on four sunflower hydrids. Agron. J. 88:215-219.

1365. Wessolek, G., R. Plagge, F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. Analysing problems in describing field and laboratory measured soil hydraulic properties. Geoderma. 64:93-110. NA.

1366. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades and P.J. Vaughan. 1994. Predicting the areal distribution of a non-point source pollutant at a regional scale. ASAE Int'l Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec.13-16, ASAE Paper No.942568.

1367. Lesch, S.M., J.D. Rhoades, D.J. Strauss, K. Lin and M.A.A. Co. 1995. The ESAP user manual and tutorial guide version 1.0. USSL Research Report No. 138. 108p.

1368. Su, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Boron sorption and release by allophane. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:69-77.

1369. Suarez, D.L. 1996. Beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium, Chapter 20, pp. 575-601.

1370. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Wood. 1996. Short and long term weathering rates of a feldspar fraction isolated from an arid zone soil. Chemical Geology. 132:143-150.

1371. Goldberg, S., H.S. Forster, S.M. Lesch and E.L. Heick. 1996. Influence of anion competition on boron adsorption by clays and soils. Soil Sci. 161:99-103.

1372. Yates, S.R., J. Gan, F.F. Ernst, A. Mutziger and M.V. Yates. 1995. Methyl bromide emissions from a covered field. I. Experimental conditions and degradation in soil. J. Environ. Qual. 25:184-192.

1373. Yates, S.R., F.F. Ernst, J. Gan, F. Gao and M.V. Yates. 1995. Methyl bromide emissions from a covered field. II. Volatilization. J. Environ. Qual. 25:192-202.

1374. Yates, S.R., J. Gan, F.F. Ernst and D. Wang. 1996. Methyl bromide emissions from a covered field. III. Correcting chamber flux for temperature. J. Environ. Qual. 25:892-898.

1375. Bradford, S.A. and F.J. Leij. 1995. Estimating interfacial areas for multi-fluid soil systems. J. Contaminant Hydrology. (In Press). NA.

1376. Shannon, M.C. 1995. New insights in plant breeding efforts for improved salt tolerance. Am. Soc. Hortscience J. 6:96-99. NA.

1377. Manning, B.A. and S. Goldberg. 1996. Modeling arsenate competitive adsorption on kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite. Clays & Clay Minerals. 44(5):609-623.

1378. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan, J.D. Rhoades and D.G. Cone. 1995. Basin-scale assessment of a non-point source pollutant in the vadose zone. Proc. Computer Applications in Water Management. GPAC Publication No.154. p. 66-69.

1379. Vaughan, P.J., J. Simunek, D.L. Suarez, D.L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. 1996. Unsatchemgeo: Modeling water flow and multicomponent solute transport in a GIS context. "Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone", Ch. 14, 235-246. SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Madison, WI.

1380. Suarez, D.L., J. Simunek and M. Sejna. 1995. Using UNSATCHEM with user friendly interface, as a water management tool. Proc. Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Mgmt., Colorado Water Resour. Res. Institute, Information Series No.79. p. 162-166. NA.

1381. Goldberg, S., J.A. Davis and J.D. Hem. 1996. The surface chemistry of aluminum oxides and hydroxides. Chapter 7. In: "The Environ. Chemistry of Aluminum, 2nd Ed., Cat. #L1030, Lewis Publ./CRC Preds, pp. 271-331.

1382. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Approximate analytical solutions for solute transport in two- layer porous media. Transport in Porous Media. 18:65-85.

1383. Simunek, J., M. Sejna, M.Th. van Genuchten and D.L. Suarez. 1995. The SWMS 2D code with a user-friendly interface in a windows environment. Proc. Workshop on "Computer Applications in Water Management", 157-162p. NA.

1384. Spencer, W.F., G. Singh, C.D. Taylor, R.A. LeMert, M.M. Cliath and W.J. Farmer. 1996. DDT persistence and volatility as affected by management practices after 23 years. J. Environ. Qual. 28:815-821.

1385. Yates, S.R., W.F. Spencer, J. Gan, W.A. Jury, M.V. Yates, F. Gao, Y. Jin, D. Wang, F.F. Ernst and A. Mutziger. 1996. Determination of the environmental fate and transport of methyl bromide used as a soil fumigant - final report. 259p. U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA.

1386. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Numerical model for simulating multiple solute transport in variably-saturated media. In: L.C. Wrobel and P. Latinopoulos (eds.), "Water Pollution III: Modelling, Measuring and Prediction", Computation Mechanics Publ. Southampton, UK, 21-30p..

1387. Spurlock, F.C., K. Huang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Isotherm nonlinearity and nonequilibrium sorption effects on transport of fenuron and monuron in soil columns. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29:1000-1007. NA.

1388. Nemeth, T., E. Molnar, J. Csillag, A. Lukacs, K. Bujtas and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1994. Model experiments to assess the fate of heavy metals in soils. Environ. Geochemistry & Health. 16:505-514.

1389. Gao, S., K.K. Tanji and S. Goldberg. 1998. Reactivity and transformation of arsenic. AAAS Book Chapter, In: L. Dudley and J. Guitjens (eds.), "Agroecosystems and the Environment: Sources, Control, and Remediation of Potentially Toxic, Trace Element Oxyanions", American Asso. for the Advancement of Science-Pacific Division, San Francisco State University, June 19-24, 1994, pp. 17-38.

1390. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, W.F. Spencer, M.V. Yates and W.A. Jury. 1997. Laboratory-scale measurements and simulations of effect of application methods on soil methyl bromide emission. J. Environ. Qual. 26(1):310-317.

1391. Rhoades, J.D. 1997. Salinization of soil and water: A review of causes, issues and control-principles. ISSS Int'l Symp. on Salt-Affected Logoon Ecosystems, Valencia, Spain, September 18-25, 1995, pp. 343-370.

1392. Grossl, P.R., M. Eick, D.L. Sparks, S. Goldberg and C.C. Ainsworth. 1997. Arsenate and chromate retention mechanisms on goethite. 2. Kinetic evaluation using a pressure-jump relaxation technique. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 31(2):321-326.

1393. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Selenium speciation of soil/sediment determined with sequential extractions and hydride generation atomic adsorption spectrophotometry. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 31(1):133-139.

1394. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1996. Solute transport modeling under variably saturated water flow conditions, Chapter 15, In: P. Lichtner, et al. (eds.), "Reactive Transport in Porous Media, Reviews in Mineralogy", Vol.24, MSA, Washington, D.C. 229-268p.

1395. Singh, G., W.F. Spencer and S.R. Yates. 1995. Pesticide leaching under different irrigation systems. Clean Water - Clean Environment 21st Century Conf. Proc., March 5-8, Kansas City, MO. 215-218p.

1396. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, P.J. Vaughan and S.M. Lesch. 1995. An integrated methodology for assessing soil salinity and salt- loading to the groundwater at a regional scale. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Bouyoucos Conf., Riverside, CA. 356-370.

1397. Corwin, D.L. and R.J. Wagenet. 1996. Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone: A conference overview. J. Environ. Qual. 25:403-411.

1398. Shannon, M.C., D.L. Karlen, C.R. Amerman and S.M. Schneider. 1995. Application of systems engineering methodology to the design of an agricultural research program. In: "Systems Engineering: A Competitive Edge in a Changing World", 4th Ann. Int'l Symp. of the National Coun. on Systems Engineering, Vol. 1, San Francisco, CA, 851-858p.. NA.

1399. Grattan, S.R. and J.D. Rhoades. 1996. Long-term consequences of recycling drainage water for irrigation. Proceedings of North American Water & Environment Congress '96. ASCE, June 22-28, Anaheim, CA.

1400. Suarez, D.L. and L. Dudley. 1997. Hydrochemical considerations in modeling water quality within the vadose zone. AAAS Book Chapter, In: L. Dudley and J. guitjens (eds.), "Agroecosystems and the Environ.: Sources, Control, and Remediation of Potentially Toxic, Trace Element Oxyanions", American Association for the Advancement of Science-Pacific Division, San Francisco State University, June 19-24, 1994, 113-136p..

1401. Simunek, J., D.L. Suarez and M. Sejna. 1995. An interactive graphics-based user interface for the UNSATCHEM model. In: L. Ahuja, J. Leppert, K. Rojas and E. Seely (eds.), "Computer Applications in Water Management, workshop proc., May 23-25, 1995, Ft. Collins, CO, 280-282p. Proc. of . NA.

1402. ///. Canceled.

1403. Dalton, F.N., G. Piccinni and A. Maggio. 1994. Validation of the concept of a dynamic salinity stress index. Proc. of the Third Congress of the European Society of Agronomy, Padova Univ.,. 468-469p.

1404. Shannon, M.C. 1997. Reuse for crop irrigation. In: Madramootoo,C.A.; Johnston,W.R.; Willardson,L.S. (eds.), "Management Guidelines for Agricultural Drainage and Water Quality", UNFAO and ICID, Chapter 4, pp.31-43.

1405. Corwin, D.L. and K. Loague. 1996. Preface: Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone. SSSA Special Publ.#48, . pp. IX-XIV.

1406. Corwin, D.L. 1996. GIS applications of deterministic solute transport models for regional-scale assessment of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone. "Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone", 5. SSSA Special Publication No. 48, 69-100p. NA.

1407. Shannon, M.C. and L.E. Francois. 1995. Sustainable management practices related to salinity control in tree and vine crops. Southwest Agric. and Landscape Tech. Seminar Proc., Nov. 28-30p. NA.

1408. Grattan, S.R., M.C. Shannon, C.M. Grieve, J.D. Rhoades, D.L. Suarez, L.E. Francois, R. Sachs and J.D. Oster. 1996. Production functions of eucalyptus for the design of saline- drainage water reuse systems. Proc. AGRITECH SPRING. 8p.

1409. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. UNSATCHEM-2D code for simulating two-dimensional variably saturated water flow, heat transport, carbon dioxide production transport & multicomponent solute transport with major ion equil & kinetic chemistry. USSL Research Report No. 128. 218p. NA.

1410. Bourgault, G., A.G. Journel, J.D. Rhoades, D.L. Corwin and S.M. Lesch. 1996. Geostatistical analysis of a soil salinity data set. In: D.L. Sparks (ed.), "Advances in Agronomy", 241-292p. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

1411. ///. Canceled. NA.

1412. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades and P.J. Vaughan. 1996. GIS applications to the basin-scale assessment of soil salinity and salt-loading to the groundwater. Chapter 18, SSSA Special Publication No. 48, . 295-313p.

1413. Su, C. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. In situ infrared speciation of adsorbed carbonate on aluminum and iron oxides. Clays and Clay Minerals. 45(6):814-825.

1414. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Rhoades. 1997. Salinization. ENCARTA '97 Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM only. NA.

1415. Manning, B.A. and D.A. Martens. 1997. Speciation of arsenic (III) and arsenic (V) in sediment extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography-hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotemetry. J. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 31(1):171-177.

1416. Vaughan, P.J., J. Simunek, D.L. Suarez and D.L. Corwin. 1996. Mapping CO2 surface flux in an irrigated agricultural area. Third Int'l Conf/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environ. Modelling, published on CD ROM, National Centrum for Geographic Info. Sys., UC, Santa Barbara, CA. 10p.

1417. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 1996. Uncertainty in regional-scale assessments of non- point source pollutants. Chapter 7, SSSA Spec. Publ. No. 48, . 131-152p.

1418. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Mineralization of selenium-containing amino acids in two California soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61(6):1685-1694.

1419. Rhoades, J.D., S.M. Lesch, R.D. LeMert and W.J. Alves. 1997. Assessing irrigation/drainage/salinity management using spatially referenced salinity measurements. Agr. Water Mgmt. 35:147-165.

1420. Rhoades, J.D., S.M. Lesch, S.L. Burch, J. Letey, R.D. LeMert, P.J. Shouse, J.D. Oster and T. O'Halloran. 1997. Salt distributions in cracking soils and salt pickup by runoff waters. J. Irrig. & Drainage Engn. 123:323-328.

1421. Shouse, P.J., J. Letey, J.A. Jobes, J. Fargerlund, S.L. Burch, J.D. Oster, J.D. Rhoades and T. O'Halloran. 1997. Salt transport in cracking soils: Bromide tracer study. J. Irrig. & Drainage Eng. 123:329-335.

1422. Maas, E.V. 1996. Plant response to soil salinity. Aust. J. Soil & Water Cons. 9(3):25-28.

1423. Huang, K., M.Th. van Genuchten and R. Zhang. 1996. Exact solutions for one-dimensional transport with asymptotic scale-dependent dispersion. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 20:298-308.

1424. Dalton, F.N., A. Maggio and G. Piccinni. 1997. Effect of root temperature on plant response functions for tomato: comparison of static and dynamic salinity stress indices. Plant & Soil. 192:307-319.

1425. Singh, G., J. Letey, P. Hanson, P. Osterli and W.F. Spencer. 1996. Soil erosion and pesticide transport from an irrigated field. J. Environ. Sci. Health. 31:25-41. NA.

1426. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Selenium speciation of marine shales, alluvial soils, and evaporation basin soils of California. J. Environ. Qual. 26:424-432.

1427. Shannon, M.C. 1997. Genetics of salt tolerance in higher plants. Ch. 13, 265-289. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co.

1428. Swartz, C.H., A.L. Ulery and P.M. Gschwend. 1997. An aem-tem study of nanometer-scale mineral associations in an aquifer sand: Implications for colloid mobilization. Geochim et Cosmochim Acta. 61(4):707-718.

1429. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, W.F. Spencer and J. Gan. 1996. Effect of soil factors on methyl bromide volatilization after soil application. Environ. Sci.& Technol. 30:1629-1636.

1430. Toride, N. and F.J. Leij. 1996. Convective-dispersive stream tube model for field-scale solute transport: I. Moment Analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:342-352.

1431. Toride, N. and F.J. Leij. 1996. Convective-dispersive stream tube model for field-scale solute transport: II. Examples and Calibration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:352-361.

1432. Ulery, A.L. and F.F. Ernst. 1997. Sorghum response to saline industrial cooling water applied at three growth stages. Agron. J. 89:392-396.

1433. ///. Canceled.

1434. Mohanty, B.P., R.S. Kanwar and C.J. Everts. 1994. Comparison of saturated hydraulic conductivity measurement methods for a glacial-till soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:672-677.

1435. Mohanty, B.P. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. An integrated approach for modeling water flow and solute transport in the vadose zone. Ch. 13, 217-233. In: Application of GIS to the Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone, SSSA Spec. Publ. #48, Madison, WI.

1436. Mohanty, B.P., W.M. Klittich, R. Horton and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Spatio-temporal variability of soil temperature within three land areas exposed to different tillage systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 59:752-759.

1437. Mohanty, B.P., R. Horton and M.D. Ankeny. 1996. Infiltration and macroporosity under a row crop agricultural field in a glacial till soil. Soil Sci. 161:205-214.

1438. Mallants, D., B.P. Mohanty, D. Jacques and J. Feyen. 1996. Spatial variability of hydraulic properties in a multi-layered soil profile. Soil Sci. 161:167-181.

1439. Mohanty, B.P., M.D. Ankeny, R. Horton and R.S. Kanwar. 1994. Spatial analysis of hydraulic conductivity measured during disc infiltrometers. Water Resour. Res. 30:2489-2498.

1440. Mohanty, B.P. and R.S. Kanwar. 1994. Spatial variability of residual nitrate-nitrogen under two tillage systems in central Iowa: A composite three-dimensional resistant and exploratory approach. Water Resour. Bull. 30:237-251.

1441. Mallants, D., B.P. Mohanty, A. Vervoort and J. Feyen. 1997. Spatial analysis of saturated hydraulic conductivity in a soil with macropores. Soil Tech. 10:115-131.

1442. Mohanty, B.P., U.S. Tim, C.E. Anderson and T. Woestman. 1994. Impacts of agricultural drainage well closure on crop production: A watershed case study. Water Resour. Bull. 30:687-703.

1443. Grieve, C.M. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea L.): A halophytic crop for drainage water reuse systems. Plant & Sci. 192:277-283.

1444. Toride, N., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. The CXTFIT code estimating transport parameters from laboratory or field tracer experiments, Version 2.1. USSL Research Report No. 137. 119p.

1445. Mohanty, B.P. and R.S. Kanwar. 1997. A relative-flux-correction scheme for analyzing three dimensional data of a tile-drained agricultural plot. J. Hydrology. 194:107-125.

1446. Yates, S.R., J. Gan, F.F. Ernst, D. Wang and M.V. Yates. 1996. Emissions of methyl bromide from agricultural fields: Rate estimates and methods of reduction. Proc. ACS Nat'l Meeting, Fall 1995, pp. 116-134.

1447. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. Estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic properties from tension disc infiltrometer data by numerical inversion. Water Resour. Res. 32:2683-2696.

1448. Leij, F.J. and N. Toride. 1995. Discrete time- and length-averaged solutions of the advection-dispersion equation. Water Resour. Res. 31:1713-1724.

1449. Ulery, A.L., J.A. Teed, M.Th. van Genuchten and M.C. Shannon. 1998. SALTDATA: A database of plant yield response to salinity. Agron. J. 90(40):556-562.

1450. Huang, K., B.P. Mohanty, F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Solution of the nonlinear transport equation using modified picard iteration. Adv. Water Resour. 21:237-249.

1451. Huang, K., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. A third-order numerical scheme with upwind weighting for solving the solute transport equation. Int'l. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 40:1623-1637.

1452. Gan, J. and S.R. Yates. 1996. Degradation and phase-partition of methyl iodide in soil. J. Agric. & Food Chemistry. 44:4001-4008.

1453. Jacques, D., J. Vanderborght, D. Mallants, B.P. Mohanty and J. Feyen. 1997. Analysis of solute redistribution in heterogeneous soil: I. Geostatistical approach to describe the spatial scaling factors. A. Soares et al. (eds.), Geo. Env. I - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. 271-282p.

1454. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Principles of solute transport. In: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt. 9. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 331-359.

1455. Leij, F.J., J. Simunek, N. Toride and T. Vogel. 1999. Mathematical solutions of the convection-dispersion equation. IN: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt.10. 1999. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde, (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. 361-403p.

1456. Leij, F.J., J. Simunek, D.L. Suarez and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Nonequilibrium and multicomponent transport models. In: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt. 11. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. pp. 405-430.

1457. Leij, F.J., N. Toride and P-.H. Tseng. 1999. Alternative approaches for modeling solute transport. In: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chapt. 12. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. pp. 431-465.

1458. Leij, F.J., W.B. Russell and S.M. Lesch. 1997. Closed-form expressions for water retention and conductivity data. Ground Water 35(5): 848-853 .

1459. Rhoades, J.D., N.A. Manteghi, S.M. Lesch and D. Slovacek. 1997. Determining soil and water sodicity from electrode measurements. Comm. Soil Sci. & Plant Anal. 28(19&20):1737-1765.

1460. Goldberg, S., C. Su and H.S. Forster. 1998. Sorption of molybdenum on oxides, clay minerals, and soils: Mechanisms and models. "In: E.A. Jenne (ed.) 'Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia; Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications', Poc. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp.", Ch. 19, 1::401-426. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

1461. Yates, S.R. 1996. Pesticide volatilization from agricultural fields: Mechanisms, measurement and modeling. In: Proceedings of the X Symposium Pesticlde Chemistry, September 30-October 2, 1996, The Environmental Fate of Xenobiotics, pp. 67-82.

1462. Shannon, M.C. 1997. Adaptation of plants to salinity. Agronomy. 60:76-120.

1463. Goldberg, S. 1998. Ion adsorption at the soil particle-solution interface: Modelling and mechanisms. In: P.M. Huang, N. Senesi and J. Buffle (eds.), "IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems: Vol. 4, Soil Particles.", Ch. 10, 378-411. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

1464. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, F.F. Ernst and J. Gan. 1997. Methyl bromide emissions from agricultural fields. Bare-soil, deep injection. Environ.Sci.& Tech. 31(4)::1136-1143.

1465. Goldberg, S. 1996. Mechanisms of ion adsorption in soils: General characteristics and models employed. Solo-Suelo 96 (CD-ROM), NA.

1466. Suarez, D.L., J. Simunek and M.R. Guzy. 1996. Practical model for predicting soil salinity and sodicity under transient conditions. Bureau of Soils & Water Management, Diliman, p. 39-54.

1467. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan and K. Loague. 1997. Modeling nonpoint source pollutants in the vadose zone with GIS. Environ.Sci.& Tech. 31(8):2157-2175.

1468. Manning, B.A. and S. Goldberg. 1997. Adsorption and stability of arsenic (IIII) at the clay mineral-water interface. Environ.Sci.& Tech. 31:2005-2011.

1469. Rhoades, J.D., S.M. Lesch, R.D. LeMert and W.J. Alves. 1996. Improving salinity management using enhanced measurement techniques. Regional SWCS Conf., Temecula, CA, pp. 1-19, NA.

1470. Suarez, D.L. 1998. Thermodynamics of the soil solution. In: D.L. Sparks (ed.), "2nd Edition Soil Physics Chemistry", Ch. 3, 97-134. CRC Press/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

1471. van Genuchten, M.Th., J. Feyen, D. Mallants, M. Vanclooster, N. Toride and J. Vanderborght. 1996. Comparison of three methods to calibrate TDR for monitoring solute movement in undisturbed soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:747-754.

1472. Suarez, D.L. and J. Simunek. 1997. UNSATCHEM: Unsaturated water and solute transport model with equilibrium and kinetic chemistry. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61(6):1633-1646.

1473. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Selenium in water management wetlands in the semi-arid west. Proc. of the workshop Wetlands and Horticulture: Problems and Solutions, 93rd ASHS Annual Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, 7 Oct. 1996. HortScience. 34(1):34-39.

1474. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. Using the HYDRUS-2D for estimating unsaturated soil-hydraulic parameters. In: ModelCARE'96: Poster session volume, Intern. Conf. on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, P. van der Heijde, K. Kovar and L. Konikow (eds.), Intern. Groundwater Modeling Center, Golden, CO, 263-272p..

1475. Simunek, J., M. Sejna and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. The HYDRUS-2D software package for simulating water flow and solute transport in two-dimensional variably saturated media. Version 1.0, IGWMC-TPS-53, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 167p.

1476. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J. Simunek. 1996. Evaluation of pollutant transport in the unsaturated zone. In: P.E. Rijtema and V. Elias (eds.), Regional Approaches to Water Pollution in the Environment, NATO ASI Series: 2. Environment. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 139-172p.

1477. Simunek, J., K. Huang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. The SWMS_3D code for simulating water flow and solute transport in three-dimensional variability saturated media. Version 1.0. USSL Research Report No.139, 1-155p. NA.

1478. Lesch, S.M., J. Herrero and J.D. Rhoades. 1998. Monitoring for temporal changes in soil salinity using electromagnetic induction techniques. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62(1):232-242.

1479. Boland, A.M., E.V. Maas and P. Jerie. 1997. Long-term effects of salinity on fruit trees. Int'l Symp. on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Crete, Sept. 8-13, 1996. Also published in Acta Hort. 449:599-605.

1480. Rhoades, J.D. 1996. New assessment technology for the diagnosis and control of salinity in irrigated lands. International Symp. on Development of Basic Technology for Sustainable Agriculture under Saline Conditions, December 12, 1996. Tottori, Japan. 1-9.

1481. Scardaci, S.C., A.U. Eke, J.E. Hill, M.C. Shannon and J.D. Rhoades. 1996. Water and soil salinity studies in California rice. UC Cooperative Extension, Rice Publication No.2. 9p..

1482. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1998. Sequential extraction of selenium oxidation states. In: W.T. Frankenberger and R.A. Engberg (eds.), "Environmental Chemistry of Selenium", Ch. 4, 67-79. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY.

1483. Manning, B.A. and S. Goldberg. 1998. Arsenic (III) and Arsenic (V) adsorption on three California soils. Soil Sci. 162(12):886-895.

1484. Suarez, D.L. 1997. The chemistry of boron in arid zone soils (Spanish). Chapter VIII, Int'l Course on Localized Irrigation (In Press), NA.

1485. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Changes in the distribution of selenium oxidation states with sample storage. J.Environ.Qual. 26(6):1711-1714.

1486. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1998. Kinetics and mechanisms of precipitation of calcite as affected by PCO2 and organic ligands at 25 degrees C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Act. 62(3)::405-416.

1487. Vogel, T., K. Huang, R. Zhang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. The hydrus code for simulating water flow, solute transport, and heat movement in variably-saturated porous media, Version 5.0. USSL Research Report No. 140, 131p.

1488. Shannon, M.C., J.D. Rhoades, J.H. Draper, S.C. Scardaci and M.D. Spyres. 1998. Assessment of salt tolerance in rice cultivars in response to salinity problems in California. Crop Science. 38:394-398.

1489. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss, T.J. Donovan and L.E. Francois. 1997. Salinity effects on growth, leaf-ion content and seed production of lesquerella fendleri (Gray) S. Wats. Industrial Crops and Products. 71(1):69-76.

1490. Dalton, F.N., A. Maggio and G. Piccinni. 2000. Simulation of shoot chloride accumulation: Separation of physical and biochemical processes governing plant salt tolerance. Plant and Soil. 219:1-11.

1491. Goldberg, S. and H.S. Forster. 1998. Factors affecting molybdenum adsorption by soils and minerals. Soil Sci. 163(2):109-114.

1492. Yates, S.R. and A.W. Warrick. 1999. Geostatistics and spatial variability of soil properties. In: Agricultural Drainage, Agronomy Monograph No. 38, Chap. 39. 1999. R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds.), ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. pp. 1235-1258.

1493. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. Solute transport in simulated conductivity fields under different irrigations. J. Irrig. & Drainage Engineering. 123(5):336-343.NA.

1494. Carrillo, M.L.K., J. Letey and S.R. Yates. 1999. Measurement of initial soil-water contact angle of water repellent soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J . 63:433-436.

1495. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, D.E. Crowley and J.O. Baker. 1998. Acceleration of 1,3-dichloropropene degradation by organic amendments and potential application for emissions reduction. J. Environ. Qual. 27:408-414.

1496. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, H.D. Ohr and J.J. Sims. 1997. Volatilization and distribution of methyl iodide and methyl bromide after subsoil application. J. Environ. Qual. 26:1107-1115.

1497. Gan, J. and S.R. Yates. 1998. Recapturing and decomposing methyl bromide in fumigation effluents. J.Hazardous Materials. 57:249-258.

1498. Wang, D., S.R. Yates and J. Gan. 1997. Temperature effect on methyl bromide volatilization in soil fumigation. J. Environ. Qual. . 26(4):1072-1079.

1499. Gao, F. and S.R. Yates. 1997. Analysis of flux chambers for measuring voc emissions at soil and water surface. Proc.of the Control of odors and volatile organic compounds emission, Houston, TX. 7-39-7-49.

1500. Gao, F., S.R. Yates, M.V. Yates, J. Gan and F.F. Ernst. 1997. Design, fabrication and application of a dynamic chamber for measuring gas emissions from soil. ES&T. 31(1)::148-153.

1501. Skaggs, T.H., Z.J. Kabala and W.A. Jury. 1998. Deconvolution of a nonparametric transfer function for solute transport in soils. J.Hydrology. 207:170-178.

1502. Wang, D., S.R. Yates and F.F. Ernst. 1997. Calibration and testing of a dynamic flow-through chamber for field determination of methyl bromide volatilization flux. Atmospheric Environ. 31(24)::4119-4123.

1503. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst, J. Gan, F. Gao and J.O. Becker. 1997. Methyl bromide emission reduction with field management practices. Environ.Sci.& Tech. 31:3017-3022.

1504. Vaughan, P.J., D.L. Suarez, J. Simunek, D.L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. 1997. Unsatchemgeo geographic information system software package for simulating one-dimensional water flow, heat transport, carbon dioxide production and transport, and multicomponent solute transport in a geographic area. USSL Research Report No 142. 71p.

1505. Loague, K., D.L. Corwin and T.R. Ellsworth. 1998. The challenge of predicting nonpoint source pollution. In: 'Modeling Nonpoint Source Pollutants with GIS Data', Environ. Sci. & Tech/News and Research Notes, American Chemical Society, March 1998. (Available onl the Web: Environ.Sci.& Tech.

1506. Rhoades, J.D. 1997. Sustainability of irrigation: An overview of salinity problems and control strategies. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, 1-42.

1507. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague and T.R. Ellsworth. 1997. GIS-based modeling of nonpoint source pollutants in the vadose zone. J. Soil & Water Conser. 53(1):34-38.

1508. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 1998. Regional-scale assessment of non-point source groundwater contamination. Hydrological Processes. 12:957-965.

1509. Dalton, F.N., A. Maggio and G. Piccinni. 2001. Assessing the effect of solar radiation on plant salt tolerance as defined by the static and dynamic indices. Plant & Soil. 229:189-195.

1510. Goldberg, S. 1997. Reactions of Boron with Soils. In: 'Boron in Soils and Plants'. B. Dell (ed.), Proc. Boron97 Int. Symp. on Boron in Soils and Plants, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Plant and Soil. 193:35-48.

1511. Su, C. and D.L. Suarez. 2000. Selenate and selenite sorption on iron oxides: An infrared and electrophoretic study. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(1):101-111.

1512. Bradford, S.A., F.J. Leij, J.W. Hopmans, P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1995. Retention and permeability of multi-fluid soil systems, Annual Report, 1993-1994. In: D. Silva (ed.), Reactions of Toxic Pollutants in Soil Systems, Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, University of California, Riverside, 245-268p. .

1513. Hopmans, J.W., F.J. Leij, P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1996. Retention and permeability of multi-fluid soil systems, In: D. Silva (ed.), Annual Report 1994-1995, Reactions of Toxic Pollutants in Soil Systems, Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, University of California, Riverside, CA, 259-270p. NA.

1514. Leij, F.J. and N. Toride. 1997. N3DADE: A computer program for evaluating nonequilibrium three-dimensional solute transport in porous media. USSL Research Report No. 143, 116p.

1515. Leij, F.J. and N. Toride. 1998. Analytical solutions for solute transport finite soil columns with arbitrary initial distributions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:855-864.

1516. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. Estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic properties from multiple tension disc infiltrometer data. Soil Sci. 162(6):383-398.

1517. Simunek, J., D.L. Suarez and M. Sejna. 1997. The UNSATCHEM software package for simulating one-dimensional variably saturated water flow, heat transport, carbon dioxide production and transport, and solute transport with major ion equilibrium and kinetic chemistry. USSL Research Report No. 141. 186p.

1518. Simunek, J., D. Wang, P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Analysis of field tension disc infiltrometer data by parameter estimation. Int. Agrophysics. 12:167-180.

1519. Simunek, J., O. Wendroth and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Parameter estimation analysis of the evaporation method for determining soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62(4):894-905.

1520. Inoue, M., J. Simunek, J.W. Hopmans and V. Clausnitzer. 1998. In-situ estimation of soil hydraulic functions using a multistep soil-water extraction technique. Water Resour. Res. 34(50):1035-1050.

1521. Simunek, J., R. Angulo-Jaramillo, M.G. Schaap, J.-P. Vandervaere and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Using an inverse method to estimate the hydraulic properties of crusted soils from tension-disc infiltrometer data. Geoderma 86:61-81.

1522. Gribb, M.M., J. Simunek and M.F. Leonard. 1998. Development of cone penetrometer method to determine soil hydraulic properties. J.Geotechnical Engineering. 124(9):820-829.

1523. Papiernik, S.K. and R.F. Spalding. 1998. Atrazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine persistence measured in groundwater in situ under low-oxygen conditions. J.Agric.& Food Chem. 46(2)::749-754.

1524. Shannon, M.C. and C.M. Grieve. 2000. Options for using poor-quality water for vegetable crops. HortScience. 35(6):1-1058-1062.

1525. Corwin, D.L., A. David and S. Goldberg. 1999. Mobility of arsenic in soil from the rocky mountain arsenal area. J.Contaminant Hydrology. 39:35-38.

1526. Manning, B.A., S.E. Fendorf and S. Goldberg. 1998. Surface structures and stability of Arsenic(III) on geothite: Spectroscopic evidence for inner-sphere cmplexes. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 32:2383-2388.

1527. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, J. Gan and W.A. Jury. 1998. Temperature effect on methyl bromide volatilization: Permeability of plastic cover films . J. Environ. Qual. 27:821-827.

1528. ///. Canceled.

1529. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, D. Wang and F.F. Ernst. 1998. Effect of application methods on 1,3-dichloropropene volatilization from soil under controlled conditions. J.Environ.Qual. 27:432-438.

1530. van Genuchten, M.Th., D.L. Suarez and M.C. Shannon. 1997. Modeling solute transport in salt-affected irrigated soils. In: Int. Conference on Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region, Vol. I, Keynote papers, pp. 181-200, Sept. 22-26, 1997, Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo, Bari, Italy.

1531. Simunek, J. and D.L. Suarez. 1997. Sodic soil reclamation using multicomponent transport modeling. J. Irrig. & Drng. Eng. 123(5):367-376.

1532. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, J.O. Becker and D. Wang. 1998. Surface amendment of fertilizer ammonium thiosulfate to reduce methyl bromide emission from soil. J. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 32:2438-2441.

1533. Gan, J., S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 1998. Static headspace and gas chromatographic analysis of fumigant residues in soil and water. J.Agric.& Food Chem. 46(3):986-990.

1534. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst, J. Gan and W.A. Jury. 1997. Reducing methyl bromide emission with a high barrier plastic film and reduced dosage. Environ.Sci.& Tech. 31:3686-3691.

1535. Wang, D., S.R. Yates and F.F. Ernst. 1998. Determining soil hydraulic properties using tension infiltrometers, time domain reflectometry and tensiometers. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 62(2):318-325.

1536. Wu, L., L. Pan, M.J. Roberson and P.J. Shouse. 1997. Numerical evaluation of ring-infiltrometers under various soil conditions. Soil Sci. 162(11):771-777.

1537. Gilbert, G.A., M.V. Gadush, C. Wilson and M.A. Madore. 1998. Amino acid accumulation in sink and source tissues of coleus blumei benth. During salinity stress. J. Exp. Botany. 49(318):107-114.

1538. Gilbert, G.A., C. Wilson and M.A. Madore. 1997. Root zone salinity alters raffinose oligosacaride metabolism and transport in coleus. J.Plant Physiol. 115:1267-1276.

1539. Gao, F., Y. Jin and S.R. Yates. 1998. Simulation of enclosure-based methods for measuring gas emissions from soil to the atmosphere. J. Geophysical Res. 103(D20): 26,127-26,136.

1540. Corwin, D.L., J. Letey and M.L.K. Carrillo. 1999. Modeling non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone: Back to the basics. p. 323-342. In: Adsessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone (D.> Corwin, K., Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth, eds.),. Geophysical Monograph 108, Am.Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. 323-342.

1541. Grattan, S.R., M.C. Shannon, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, D.L. Suarez and L.E. Francois. 1997. Interactive effects of salinity and boron on the performance and water use of eucalyptus. Acta Hort. 449:613-707.

1542. Abbaspour, K.C., R. Schulin, M.Th. van Genuchten and E. Schlappi. 1997. Application of a risk analysis algorithm to a landfill in Switzerland. In: V. Pawloswsky-Glahn (ed.), Proceedings of IAMG'97, p. 911-916, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.

1543. ///. Canceled.

1544. Rupp, D.E., J.S. Selker and J. Simunek. 2001. A modification to the Bouwer and rice method of slug-test analysis for large-diameter, hand-dug wells. Ground Water. 39(2):308-314.

1545. Simunek, J., K. Huang, M. Sejna, M.Th. van Genuchten, J. Majercak, V. Novak and J. Sutor. 1997. The HYDRUS-ET Software Package for Simulating the One-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably-Saturated Media. Version 1.1. Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 184 p.,USSL Research Report No. 133 .

1546. Fischer, U., O. Dury, H. Fluhler and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. Modeling nonwetting-phase relative permeability accounting for a discontinuous nonwetting phase. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61(5):1348-1354.

1547. Abbaspour, K.C., M.Th. van Genuchten, R. Schulin and E. Schlappi. 1997. A sequential uncertainty domain inverse procedure for estimating subsurface flow and transport parameters. Water Resour. Res. 33(8):1879-1892.

1548. Corwin, D.L., M.L.K. Carrillo, P.J. Vaughan, J.D. Rhoades and D.G. Cone. 1999. Evaluation of a GIS-linked model of salt loading to groundwater. J. Environ. Qual. 28:471-480.

1549. Vaughan, P.J., D.L. Suarez, J. Simunek, D.L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. 1999. Role of groundwater flow in tile drain discharge. J. Environ. Qual. 28(2):403-410.

1550. Grattan, S.R. and C.M. Grieve. 1999. Salinity - Mineral nutrient relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticultureau. 78:127-157.

1551. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague and T.R. Ellsworth. 1999. Advanced information technologies for assessing nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone: Conference overview. J.Environ.Qual. 28(2):357-365.

1552. Yates, S.R. 1996. Methyl iodide as a replacement for methyl bromide: Environmental implications. In: methyl bromide alternatives: Update on field tests for preplant methyl bromide alternatives, Technical Report, Vol. 2, April 1996, pp. 7-8.

1553. Simunek, J., Y.A. Pachepsky and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Water flow: Water mover module. In: D. Timlin, Y. Pachepsky, M. Th. van Genuchten (eds.), 2DSOIL-Modular Simulator of Soil and Root Processes, Chapter 6, pp. 65-82.

1554. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten and Y.A. Pachepsky. 2001. Solute transport: Solute mover module. In: D. Timlin, Y. Pachepsky, M.Th. van Genuchten (eds.), 2DSOIL-Modular Simulator of Soil and Root Processes, Chapter 7, pp. 83-95.

1555. Yates, S.R. and J. Gan. 1998. Volatility, adsorption and degradation of propargyl bromide as a soil fumigant. J.Agric.& Food Chem. 46(2):755-761.

1556. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Neural network analysis for hierarchical prediction of soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62(4):847-855.

1557. Schaap, M.G. and F.J. Leij. 1998. Using neural networks to prerdict soil water retention and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil & Tillage Research. 47:37-42.

1558. Abbaspour, K.C., R. Schulin, M.Th. van Genuchten and E. Schlappi. 1998. An alternative to Cokriging for simuations with small sample sizes. Mathematical Geology 30(3): 259-274.

1559. Shannon, M.C., C.G. Suhayda, C.M. Grieve, S.R. Grattan, L.E. Francois, J.A. Poss, T.J. Donovan, J.H. Draper and J.D. Oster. 1997. Water use of eucalyptus camaldulensis, clone 4544, in saline drainage reuse systems. IN: Proc. Calif. Plant and Soil Conf., "Agricultural Strategies for the Future", Jan. 15-16, 1997, Visalia, CA. p. 20-28.

1560. Grattan, S.R. and C.M. Grieve. 1999. Mineral nutrient acquisition and response by plants grown in saline environments. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.), "Handbook of Plant & Crop Stress.", Ch. 9, Second::203-229. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY.

1561. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, J. Gan, F.F. Ernst and W.A. Jury. 1998. Methyl bromide emission from soil fumigation. Geophysical Res.Letters. 25(10):1633-1636.

1562. Wang, D., S.R. Yates and F.F. Ernst. 1999. Automated sequential sampler for collection of highly volatile atmospheric contaminants. J. Environ. Qual. 28(1):345-349.

1563. Wang, D. and S.R. Yates. 1998. Methyl bromide emission from fields partially covered with a high density polyethylene and a virtually impermeable film. J. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 32:2515-2518.

1564. Wang, D., S.R. Yates and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Accuracy of soil hydraulic property estimation using infiltrometers of different disk sizes. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 563-570. NA.

1565. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague and T.R. Ellsworth. 1998. Assessing nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 79:219-220.

1566. Ma, G., J. Gan, J.O. Becker, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2002. Evaluation of propargyl bromide for control of barnyardgrass and fusarium oxysporum in three soils. Pest Mang. Sci. 57:781-786.

1567. Shannon, M.C. and C.M. Grieve. 1999. Tolerance of vegetable crops to salinity. Scientia Horticulturae 78:5-38.

1568. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, B. Lowery and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Estimating soil hydraulic properties using tension infiltrometers with different disk diameters. Soil Sci. 163(5):356-361.

1569. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, J. Gan and J.A. Knuteson. 1999. Atmospheric volatilization of methyl bromide 1,3-dichloropropene, and propargyl bromide through two plastic films: Transfer coefficient and temperature effect. Atmospheric Environ. 33:401-407.

1570. Grieve, C.M., M.R. Guzy, J.A. Poss and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Screening eucalyptus clones for salt tolerance. HortScience. 34(5):867-870.

1571. Goldberg, S., I. Lebron and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Soil colloidal behavior. "Handbook of Soil Science, Sec. II - Soil Chemistry.", Ch. 6, B-195-B-240. CRC Press.

1572. Suarez, D.L., S. Goldberg and C. Su. 1998. Evaluation of oxyanion adsorption mechanisms on oxides using FTIR spectroscopy and electrophoretic mobility. "In: D.L. Sparks & T.J. Grundl (eds), "Mineral-Water Interfacial Reactions: Kinetics & mechanisms". ACS Symposium Series 715, pp. 136-178.", Ch. 8, 136-178. Am. Chem. Soc. NA.

1573. Skaggs, T.H. and D.A. Barry. 1997. The first-order reliability method of predicting cumulative mass flux in heterogeneous porous formations. Water Resour.Res. 336. pp. 1485-1494.

1574. Skaggs, T.H. and B.P. Mohanty. 1998. Water table dynamics in tile-drained fields. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J. 62(5):1191-1196.

1575. Skaggs, T.H. and Z.J. Kabala. 1998. Limitations in recovering the history of a groundwater contaminant plume. J.Contaminant Hydrol. 33:347-359.

1576. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, M.M. Gribb and J.W. Hopmans. 1998. Parameter estimation of unsaturated soil hydraulic properties from transient flow processes. Soil & Tillage Res. 47:27-36.

1577. Simunek, J., K. Huang, M. Sejna and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. The HYDRUS-1D software package for simulating the one-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media. Version 1.0, IGWMC-TPS-70, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 186 pp.

1578. Kodesova, R., M.M. Gribb and J. Simunek. 1998. Estimating soil hydraulic properties from transient cone permeameter data. Soil Sci. 163(6):436-453.

1579. Simunek, J., M.M. Gribb, J.W. Hopmans and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Estimating soil hydraulic properties from field data via inverse modeling, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Unsaturated Soils - UNSAT'98, Beijing, China, Aug. 27-30, 1998. 515-520pp.

1580. Kodesova, R., M.M. Gribb and J. Simunek. 1998. A new CPT method for estimating soil hydraulic properties. A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield/1998, 1421-1425.

1581. Kabala, Z.J. and T.H. Skaggs. 1998. Comments on 'Minimum relative entropy inversion: Theory and application to recovering the release history of a groundwater contaminant' by Allan D. Woodbury and Tadeusz J. Ulrych. Water Resour. Res. 34(8):2077-2079.

1582. Wang, Z., J. Feyen, D.R. Nielsen and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. Two-phase flow infiltration equations accounting for air entrapment effects. Water Resour. Res. 33(12):2759-2767.

1583. Mallants, D., D. Jacques, P-.H. Tseng, M.Th. van Genuchten and J. Feyen. 1997. Comparison of three hydraulic property measurement methods. J. of Hydrology. 199:295-318.

1584. Wang, Z., J. Feyen, M.Th. van Genuchten and D.R. Nielsen. 1998. Air entrapment effects on infiltration rate and flow instability. Water Resour. Res. 34(2):213-222.

1585. Goldberg, S. 1999. Reanalysis of boron adsorption of soils and soil minerals using the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63(4):823-829.

1586. Poss, J.A., S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Characterization of leaf boron injury in salt-stressed Eucalyptus by image analysis. Plant & Soil. 206(2):237-245.

1587. Wang, D., M.C. Shannon and J.D. Rhoades. 1998. Soil salinity redistribution in furrow irrigated fields. II-91-II-97.

1588. Shouse, P.J., J.E. Ayars, J.A. Jobes, J. Fargerlund and R.A. Schoneman. 1998. Managing shallow groundwater: Soil and groundwater salinity responses. Proc. ASAE Annual Int'l Mtg. July 12-16, 1998. Orlando, FL. 123-134.

1589. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Restriction of hydraulic parameter values for the unsatchem model. In: M. Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 2, University of California, Riverside, pp. 1453-1458.

1590. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Mechanisms and precipitation rate of rhodochrosite at 25 degrees C as affected by Pco2 and organic ligands. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63(3)::561-568.

1591. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and D.E. Crowley. 1998. Application of organic amendments to reduce volatile pesticide emissions from soil. J. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 32:3094-3098.

1592. Wang, D. and S.R. Yates. 1999. Spatial and temporal distributions of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil under drip and shank application and implications to pest control efficacy using concentration-time index. Pesticide Sci. 55:154-160.

1593. Carrillo, M.L.K., J. Letey and S.R. Yates. 2000. Unstable water flow in a layered soil: I. The effects of a stable water-repellent layer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(2): 450-455. .

1594. Carrillo, M.L.K., J. Letey and S.R. Yates. 2000. Unstable water flow in a layered soil: II. The effects of a unstable water-repellent layer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(2): 456-459.

1595. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 1998. Spatial prediction of irrigation efficiency with the unsatchemgeo model. Proc. Software Engineering Workshop, NA.

1596. Shouse, P.J. and B.P. Mohanty. 1998. Scaling of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity measured using disc infiltrometers. Water Resour. Res. 34(5):1195-1205.

1597. Mohanty, B.P., R.S. Bowman, J.M.H. Hendrickx and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. New piecewise-continuous hydraulic functions for modeling preferential flow in an intermittent-flood-irrigated field. Water Resour. Res. 33(9):2049-2063.

1598. Mohanty, B.P., J.M.H. Hendrickx, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Preferential transport of nitrate to a tile drain in an intermittent-flood-irrigated field: Model development and experimental evaluation. Water Resour. Res. 34(5):1061-1076.

1599. Mohanty, B.P., T.H. Skaggs and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Impact of saturated hydraulic conductivity on the prediction of tile flow. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62(6):1522-1529.

1600. Mohanty, B.P. 1999. Scaling hydraulic properties of a macroporous soil. Water Resour. Res. 35(6):1927-1931.

1601. Mohanty, B.P., P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Spatio-temporal dynamics of water and heat in a field soil. Soil & Tillage Res. 1217:1-11.

1602. Mohanty, B.P. and P.J. Shouse. 1998. Scaling behavior of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity. In: M. Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.),"Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 2, University of California, Riverside, CA. pp. 1415-1424.

1603. Mohanty, B.P. 1998. Hydraulic properties of a macroporous soil. In: M. Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. pp. 831-838 .

1604. Jacques, D., C. Mouvet, B.P. Mohanty, H. Vereecken and J. Feyen. 1999. Spatial variability of atrazine sorption parameters and other soil properties in a stagnic podzoluvison. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 36:31-52.

1605. Mohanty, B.P., P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Spatio-temporal dynamics of water and heat in a field soil. Proc. of the 16th World Congress of Soil Science, ISSS, Montpellier, France, Aug. 20-26, 1998.

1606. Mohanty, B.P. 1998. Modeling tile flow using different saturated hydraulic conductivity measurement techniques. Proc. of the Seventh Int'l Drainage Symposium, March 8-10, 1998, Orlando, Florida. pp. 330-337.

1607. Famiglietti, J.S., J.A. Devereaux, C. Laymon, T. Tsegaye, P.R. Houser, T.J. Jackson, S.T. Graham, M. Rodell and B.P. Mohanty. 1998. Ground-based investigation of soil moisture variability within remote sensing footprints during SGP97: First Results. In. M. Th. van Genuchten,F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.) Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media, Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 603-608. NA.

1608. Suarez, D.L. 2000. Impact of agriculture of CO2 as affected by changes in inorganic carbon. In: R. Lal, J.M. Kimble, H. Eswaran, and B.A. Stewart (eds.), Global climate change and pedogenic carbonates, Lewis Publ. Inc., New York, NY. Chap. 16, pp. 257-272 .

1609. Manning, B.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1998. Modeling arsenic(III) adsorption and heterogeneous oxidation kinetics in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(1):128-137.

1610. Rhoades, J.D. 1998. Use of saline and brackish waters for irrigation: Implications and role in increasing food production, conserving water, sustaining irrigation and controlling soil and water degradation. In: R. Ragab & G. Pearce (Eds.), Proceedings of the Int'l Workshop on "The Use of Saline and Brackish Water for Irrigation-Implications for the Management of Irrigation, Drainage & Crops" at the 10th Afro-Asian Conf. of the Int'l Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, July 23-24, 1998.. ICID-CIID Int'l Commission on Irrigation & Drainage, 261-304.

1611. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan, J.A. Knuteson and S.R. Yates. 1999. Sorption of Fumigants by Agricultural Films. Env. Sci. Technol. 33:1213-1217.

1612. Rogers, M.E., C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 1998. The response of lucerne (Medicago Sativa L.) to sodium sulphate and chloride salinity. Plant & Soil. 202:271-280.

1613. Zeng, L. and M.C. Shannon. 1998. Salinity effects on seedling growth and yield components of rice. Crop Science. 40(4):996-1003.

1614. Ferri, T.P.A., H.H. Nissen and J. Simunek. 2002. The effect of the spatial sensitivity of TDR on inferring soil hydraulic properties from water content measurements made during the advance of a wetting front. Vadose Zone J. 1:281-288.

1615. Wang, D., M.C. Shannon, C.M. Grieve and S.R. Yates. 1999. Soil water and temperature regimes in drip and sprinkler irrigation, and implications to soybean emergence. Ag. Water Management. 43(2000):15-28.

1616. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Transformations of volatile methylated selenium in soil. Soil Biology & Biochemisry. 31:1355-1361.

1617. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague and T.R. Ellsworth. 1999. Introduction: Assessing non-point source pollution in the vadose zone with advanced information technologies. In: D.L. Corwin, K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth (eds.), "Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics,and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone". Am.Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. 1-20.

1618. Corwin, D.L., S. Goldberg and A. David. 1998. Evaluation of a functional model for simulating boron transport in soil. Soil Sci. 164(10):697-717.

1619. Rhoades, J.D., D.L. Corwin and S.M. Lesch. 1999. Geospatial measurements of soil electrical conductivity to assess soil salinity and diffuse salt loading from irrigation. In: D.L. Corwin, K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth (eds.), "Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone". Am. Geophysical Union. pp. 198-215.

1620. Loague, K., D.L. Corwin and T.R. Ellsworth. 1999. Are advanced information technologies the solution to non-point source pollution problems? In: D.L. Corwin, K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth, (eds.) Assessment of Non Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. Geophysical Monograph 108. 363-369.

1621. Mayer, S., T.R. Ellsworth, D.L. Corwin and K. Loague. 1999. Identifying effective parameters for solute transport models in heterogeneous environments.In: D.L. Corwin, K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth, (eds.) Assessment of Non Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. Geophysical Monograph 108. 119-133.

1622. Abdul-Baki, A.A., S. Aslan, E.H. Beardsley, S. Cobb and M.C. Shannon. 1998. Soil, water and nutritional management of date orchards in Coachella Valley and Bard. 1-47. NA.

1623. Grieve, C.M., M.C. Shannon and D.A. Dierig. 1999. Salinity effects on growth, shoot-ion relations, and seed production of Lesquerella Fendleri. In: J. Janick (ed.), Perspectives on new crops and new uses, Part III, p. 239-243. Proc. 4th Nat'l Symp., Assoc. Advancmt. Indus. Crops, "New crops and newuses biodiversity and agricultural sustainability", Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 8-11, 1998. Book Chapter. NA.

1624. Grieve, C.M. and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Ion accumulation and distribution in shoot components of salt-stressed Eucalyptus clones. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 124(5):559-563.

1625. Wang, D., C. Wilson and M.C. Shannon. 2002. Interpretation of salinity and irrigtion effects on soybean canopy reflectance in visible and near-infrared spectrum domain. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 23(5):811-824.

1626. Lebron, I., M.G. Schaap and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Saturated hydraulic conductivity prediction from microscopic pore geometry measurements and neural network analysis. Water Resour. Res. 35(10):3149-3158.

1627. Banuelos, G.S., M.C. Shannon, H. Ajwa, J.H. Draper, J. Jordahl and L. Licht. 1999. Phytoextraction and accumulation of boron and selenium by poplar (Populus) hybrid clones. Int'l J. of Phytoremediation. 1(1):81-96.

1628. Shannon, M.C., G.S. Banuelos, J.H. Draper, H. Ajwa, J. Jordahl and L. Licht. 1999. Tolerance of hybrid poplar (Populus) trees irrigated with varied levels of salt, selenium and boron. In'tl J. Phytoremediation. 1(3):273-288.

1629. Grieve, C.M., D.L. Suarez and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Effect of saline irrigation water composition on selenium accumulation by wheat. J. Plant Nutrition. 22(9):1443-1450.

1630. Shannon, M.C., C.M. Grieve, S.M. Lesch and J.H. Draper. 2000. Analysis of salt tolerance in nine leafy vegetables irrigated with saline drainage water. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 125(5):658-664.

1631. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1998. Modeling calcite precipitation as affected by PCO2 and organic ligands at 25 degrees C. Mineralogical Magazine. 62A:864-865. NA.

1632. Lebron, I. and D.L. Suarez. 1999. Precipitation of rhodochrosite as affected by PCO2 and soil organic matter. Int'l Soil Sci. Soc. Conf. Proceedings. (1021):1-7. NA.

1633. Suarez, D.L. 1998. Determining water suitability for irrigation. Int'l Soil Sci. Soc. Conf. Proceedings. 1018:1-6. NA.

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1635. Dierig, D.A., M.C. Shannon and C.M. Grieve. 2001. Registration of WCL-SL1 salt tolerant Lesquerella fendleri Germplasm. Crop Sci. 41:604-605.

1636. Zeng, L. and M.C. Shannon. 2000. Effects of salinity on grain yield and yield components of rice at different seeding densities. Agronomy J. 92:418-423.

1637. Hendrickx, J.M.H., J.D. Rhoades, D.L. Corwin, S.M. Lesch, A.C. Hilgendorf and B. Borchers. 2002. Inversion of soil conductivity profiles from electromagnetic induction measurements: Theory and Experimental verification. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:673-685. NA.

1638. Poss, J.A., S.R. Grattan, D.L. Suarez, C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Carbon isotope discrimination and transpiration efficiency in Eucalyptus under salinity and boron stress. Proc. 3rd Int'l Symp. "Irrigation of Horticultural Crops". June 28-July 2, 1999. Lisbon, Portugal. ACTA Hort. 2000, 537: 215-222.

1639. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2000. Mechanism of degadation of methyl bromide and propargyl bromide in soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 29:1322-1328.

1640. Gan, J., S.K. Papiernik, W.C. Koskinen and S.R. Yates. 1999. Evaluation of accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for analysis of pesticide residues in soil. Environ.Sci.& Technol. 33:3249-3253.

1641. Wilson, C., S.M. Lesch and C.M. Grieve. 1999. Growth stage modulates salinity tolerance of New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia tetragonioides, Pall.) and red orach (Atriplex hortensis L.). Annals of Botany. 85:501-509.

1642. Wang, D. and M.C. Shannon. 1999. Emergence and seedling growth of soybean cultivars and maturity groups under salinity. Plant & Soil J. 214:117-124.

1643. Yates, S.R., S.K. Papiernik, F. Gao and J. Gan. 2000. Analytical solutions for the transport of volatile organic chemicals in unsaturated layered systems. Water Resour. Res. 36:1993-2000.

1644. Ulery, A.L., S. Stewart, D.A. Reid and P.J. Shouse. 1999. Vacuum method for field installation of pipes and casings in sandy soils. Soil Sci. 165(3):269-273.

1645. Francois, L.E. and E.V. Maas. 1999. Crop Response and Management of Salt-Affected Soils. (Second Edition)(8):169-201. NA.

1646. Wang, D., J.A. Knuteson and S.R. Yates. 2000. Two-dimensional model simulation of 1, 3-dichloropropene volatilization and transport in a field soil. J. Environ. Qual. 29(2):639-644.

1647. Simunek, J., R. Kodesova, M.M. Gribb and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Estimating hysteresis in the soil water retention function from cone permeameter experiments. Water Resour. Res. 35(50):1329-1345.

1648. van Genuchten, M.Th. and E.A. Sudicky. 1999. Recent advances in vadose zone flow and transport modeling. In: M.B. Parlange and J.W. Hopmans (eds.), "Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting Across Disciplines", Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 155-193.

1649. Zhang, R., P.J. Shouse and S.R. Yates. 1999. Estimates of soil nitrate distributions using cokriging with Pseudo-Crossvariograms. Environ. Qual. 28(2):424-428.

1650. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Wood. 1999. Long term weathering rates of twelve fractions isolated from a granodiorite derived soil. Mineralogical Magazine. 62A:1473-1474. NA.

1651. Poss, J.A., S.R. Grattan, D.L. Suarez and C.M. Grieve. 2000. Stable carbon isotope discrimination: An indicator of cumulative salinity and boron stress in Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Tree Physiology. 20:1121-1127.

1652. Goldberg, S., S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2000. Predicting boron adsorption by soils using soil chemical parameters in the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(4):1356-1363.

1653. Nemeth, T., K. Bujtas, J. Csillag, G. Partay and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Distribution of ecologically significant fractions of selected heavy metals in the soil profile. In: H.M. Selim and I.K. Iskandar (eds.), "Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals in the vadose Zone", pp. 151-271, Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, Fl.

1654. Inoue, M., J. Simunek, J.W. Hopmans and V. Clausnitzer. 1998. Using a multi-step soil-water extraction technique for in-situ extimation of soil hydraulic properties. In: M. Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsatured Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 725-737.

1655. DeVos, J.A., J. Simunek, P.A.C. Raats and R.A. Feddes. 1999. Identification of the hydraulic characteristics of a layered silt loam. In: M. Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 783-798.

1656. Sabi, E.B., T. Amaya, N. Nishimura, J.D. Rhoades and S.M. Lesch. 1999. Salinity distribution in seedbed and furrow sections in the Coachella Valley, USA. Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies 8(2):129-140.

1657. Kodesova, R., S.E. Ordway, M.M. Gribb and J. Simunek. 1999. Estimation of soil hydraulic properties with the cone permeameter: Field studies. Soil Sci. 164(8):527-541.

1658. Hopmans, J.W. and J. Simunek. 1999. Review of inverse estimation of soil hydraulic properties. In: van Genuchten, M.Th.; Leij, F.J.; Wu, L. (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part. 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 643-659.

1659. Simunek, J., O. Wendroth and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Soil hydraulic properties from laboratory evaporation experiments by parameter estimation. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 713-724.

1660. Schaerlaekens, J., D. Mallants, J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten and J. Feyen. 1999. Numerical simulation of transport and sequential biodegradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons using Chain_2D. J. of Hydrological Processes 13:2847-2859.

1661. Wang, D., M.C. Shannon and C.M. Grieve. 2001. Salinity reduces radiation absorption and use efficiency in soybean. Field Crops Res. 69:267-277.

1662. Arya, L.M., F.J. Leij, M.Th. van Genuchten and P.J. Shouse. 1999. Scaling parameter to predict the soil water characteristic from particle-size distribution data. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63(3):510-519.

1663. Gan, J., S.K. Papiernik, S.R. Yates and W.A. Jury. 1999. Temperature and moisture effects on fumigant degradation in soil. Environ Qual. 28(5):1436-1441

1664. Hollenbeck, K.J., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. RETCML: Incorporating maximum-likelihood estimation principles in the RETC soil hydraulic parameter estimation code. Computers & Geosciences . 38:1-8.

1665. Novak, V., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Infiltration of water into soil with cracks. Irrigation & Drainage Engineering 126(1):41-47.

1666. Kodesova, R., M.M. Gribb and J. Simunek. 1999. Use of the cone permeameter method to determine soil hydraulic properties. In: van Genuchten, M.Th.; F.J. Leij, L. Wu, (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part. 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 527-539.

1667. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Using the HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS-2D codes for estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters. In: van Genuchten, M.Th.; F.J. Leij, L. Wu, (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Undaturated Porous Media". Part. 2, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 1523-1536.

1668. Wendroth, O. and J. Simunek. 1999. Soil hydraulic properties from laboratory evaporation experiments by parameter estimation. In: van Genuchten, M.Th.; F.J. Leij and L. Wu, (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 737-748.

1669. Goldberg, S., I. Lebron, D.L. Suarez and Z.R. Hinedi. 2001. Surface characterization of amorphous aluminum oxides. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(1):78-86.

1670. Arya, L.M., T.S. Dierolf, A. Sofyan, I.P.G. Widjaja-Adhi and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1998. Field measurement of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of a macroporous soil with unstable subsoil structure. Soil Sci. 163(11):841-852.

1671. Corwin, D.L. 2000. Evaluation of a simple lysimeter-design modification to minimize sidewall flow. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 42:35-49.

1672. Simunek, J., O. Wendroth and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic properties from laboratory tension disc infiltrometer experiments. Water Resour. Res. 35(10):2965-2979.

1673. Suarez, D.L. 1999. Extent, Cause and Management of Salinity in the USA. Proceedings of Third International Salinity Management Workshop. Sponsored by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Izmir, Turkey. Sept 7-10, 1999. Proceedings. 1-21.

1674. Wilson, C., J.J. Read and E. Abo-Kassem. 2002. Effect of mixed-salt salinity on growth and ion relations of a Quinoa and wheat variety. J. Plant Nutrition. 25(12):2689-2704.

1675. Gan, J., J. Ole Becker, F.F. Ernst, C. Hutchinson, J.A. Knuteson and S.R. Yates. 2000. Surface application of ammonium thiosulfate to reduce 1,3-dichloropropene volatilization from soil. Pest Manag. Sci. 56:264-270.

1676. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, J.A. Knuteson and J.O. Becker. 2000. Transformation of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil by thiosulfate fertilizers. J. Environ. Qual. 29(5):1476-1481.

1677. Gan, J., C. Hutchinson, F.F. Ernst, J.O. Becker and S.R. Yates. 2000. Column system for concurrent assessment of emission potential and pest control of soil fumigants. Environ. Qual. 29:657-661.

1678. Liu, W., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2000. Structural influences in relative sorptivity of chloroacetanilide herbicides on soil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48:4320-4325.

1679. Xue, S.K., J. Gan, S.R. Yates and J.O. Becker. 2000. Nematode response to methyl bromide and 1, 3-dichloropropene soil fumigation at different temperatures. Pest Manag. Sci. 56:737-742.

1680. Liu, W., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2000. Adsorption and catalytic hydrolysis of diethatyl-ethyl on homoionic clays. J. Agri. & Food Chemistry . 48(5):1935-1940.

1681. van Genuchten, M.Th., M.G. Schaap, B.P. Mohanty, J. Simunek and F.J. Leij. 1999. Modeling flow and transport processes at the local scale. In: J. Feyen, K. Wiyo,(eds.), "Modeling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Space and Time", Proc. Int. Workshop of EurAgEng's Field of Interest on Soil & Water, Nov. 24-25, 1999, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 23-45, Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

1682. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, H.D. Ohr and J.J. Sims. 1998. Production of methyl bromide by terrestrial higher plants. Geophysical Res. Letters. 25(9):3595-3598.

1683. Meyer, P.D., G.W. Gee, M.L. Rockhold and M.G. Schaap. 1999. Characterization of soil hydraulic parameter uncertainty. In: van Genuchten, M.Th.; F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization & Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part. 2, University of California, Riverside, CA. p. 1439-1451.

1684. Grieve, C.M. and J.A. Poss. 2000. Wheat response to interactive effects of boron and salinity. J. Plant Nutrition . 23(9):1217-1226.

1685. Arya, L.M., T.S. Dierolf, A. Sofyan, I.P.G. Widjaja-Adhi and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Significance of macroporosity and hydrology for soil management and sustainability of agricultural production in a humid-tropical environent. Soil Sci. 164(8):586-601.

1686. van Genuchten, M.Th., L.M. Arya, F.J. Leij and P.J. Shouse. 1999. Relationship between the hydraulic conductivity function and the particle-size distribution. Soil Sci. Am. J. 63(5):1063-1070.

1687. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss, D.L. Suarez and D.A. Dierig. 2001. Lesquerella growth and selenium uptake affected by saline irrigation water composition. Industrial Crops & Products . 13:57-65.

1688. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. The DISC computer software for analyzing tension disc infiltrometer data by parameter estimation, Version 1.0. USSL Research Report No. 145, January 2000, 24 pp.

1689. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, M. Sejna, N. Toride and F.J. Leij. 1999. The STANMOD computer software for evaluating solute transport in porous media using analytical solutions of convection-dispersion equation, Version 1.0, IGWMC-TPS 71, Nov. 1999, Intl. Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, Report, 32 pp.

1690. Simunek, J. and J.A. DeVos. 1999. Inverse optimization, calibration and validation of simulation models at the field scale. In: J. Feyen & K. Wiyo (eds.), "Modelling of Transport Process in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Space", Proc. of Intern. Workshop of EurAgEmg's field of interest on soil and water, Leuven, Belgium, 24-26 Nov., p. 431-445, Wageningen Pers,Wageningen, The Netherlands.

1691. Kaffka, S.R., D.L. Corwin, S.M. Lesch and G.J. Fitzgerald. 2000. Field-scale soil electrical conductivity characteristics and sugarbeet emergence, growth and yield. Proc. 2000 Calif. Plant & Soil Conf., Jan.19-20, 2000, Stockton, CA, pp. 17-29. NA.

1692. Grieve, C.M., M.C. Shannon and J.A. Poss. 2000. Mineral nutrition of leafy vegetable crops irrigated with saline drainage water. J. Veg. Crop Production . 7(1):37-47.

1693. Hendrickx, J.M.H., J.M. Wraith, D.L. Corwin and R.G. Kachanoski. 2002. Miscible solute transport. Chapter 6. In: Solute Content and Concentration, "Methods of Soil Analysis", Part 4, Physical Methods, SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1261-1289.

1694. Zeng, L., M.C. Shannon and S.M. Lesch. 2001. Timing of salinity stress affects rice growth and yield components. Agri. Water Management . 48:191-206. NA.

1695. Leij, F.J., E. Priesack and M.G. Schaap. 2000. Solute transport modeled with green's functions with application to persistent solute sources. J. Contaminant Hydrol. 41:155-173.

1696. Schaap, M.G. and F.J. Leij. 1998. Database-related accuracy and uncertainty of pedotransfer functions. Soil Sci. 163(10):765-779.

1697. Hoffmann-Riem., M.Th. van Genuchten and H. Fluhler. 1999. General model for the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 31-42.

1698. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Characterization and measurement of the hydraulic properties of unsaturated porous media. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 1-12.

1699. Fischer, U., M.A. Celia, H. Fluhler and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Modeling nonwetting phase permeability using analytical and network models. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij, L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 145-154.

1700. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. A bootstrap-neural network approach to predict soil hydraulic parameters. In: M.Th. van Genuchen, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA. pp. 1237-1250.

1701. Goldberg, S. and C.T. Johnston. 2001. Mechanisms of arsenic adsorption on amorphous oxides evaluated using macroscopic measurements, vibrational spectroscopy, and surface complexation modeling. J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 234:204-216.

1702. Lesch, S.M., J.D. Rhoades and D.L. Corwin. 2000. The ESAP-95 version 2.01R user manual and tutorial guide. USSL Research Report No. 146.

1703. Lebron, I., D.L. Suarez and M.G. Schaap. 2002. Soil pore size and geometry as a result of aggregate-size distribution and chemical composition. Soil Sci. 167(3): 165-172.

1704. Schulin, R., M.Th. van Genuchten and K.C. Abbaspour. 1999. SUFI: An inverse program for conditional parameter estimation. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", University of California, CA, Book Chapter, Part 1, pp. 705-712.

1705. Bradford, S.A., L.M. Abriola and F.J. Leij. 1999. Multi-fluid hydraulic properties for fractional wettability porous media. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 931-946 .

1706. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 2000. Above-canopy CO2 flux for wheat in Central Oklahoma: A comparison of model results with measured data GIS/EM4. International Conf. on Integrating Geographic Information and Environment. (Submitted). NA.

1707. ///. Canceled.

1708. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 2000. Regional scale assessment of non-point source groundwater contamination. In: A.M. Gurnell & D.R. Montgomery (eds.) "Hydrological Applications of GIS", 12(6):821-824.

1709. Grieve, C.M., D. Wang and M.C. Shannon. 2003. Salinity and irrigation method affect mineral ion relations in soybean. J. Plant Nutrition. 26(4):901-913.

1710. Ferguson, L., J.A. Poss, S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve, D. Wang, C. Wilson, T.J. Donovan and T. Chao. 2002. Pistachio rootstocks influence scion growth and ion relations under salinity and boron stress. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 127(3):194-199.

1711. Arya, L.M., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Relationship between particle-size distribution and soil water retention. Book Chapter. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and I. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 145-154.

1712. Entekhabi, D., D.B. McLaughlin, W.J. Shuttleworth, M.Th. van Genuchten, M.Y. Wei, E.F. Wood, G.R. Asrar, A.K. Betts, K.J. Beven, R.L. Bras, C.J. Duffy, T. Dunne, R.D. Koster and D.P. Lettenmaier. 1999. An agenda for land surface hydrology research and a call for the second international hydrological decade. Bulletin of the Am. Meteorological Society. 80(10):2043-2058.

1713. Wendroth, O. and J. Simunek. 1999. Soil hydraulic properties determined from evaporation and tension infiltration experiments and their use for modeling field moisture status. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturatedd Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 737-748.

1714. Grieve, C.M., L.E. Francois and J.A. Poss. 2001. Effect of salt stress during early seeding growth on phenology and yield of spring wheat. Cereal Res. Commun. 29(1-2): 167-174.

1715. Ibekwe, A.M., S.K. Papiernik, J. Gan, S.R. Yates and D.E. Crowley. 2001. Microcosm enrichment of 1,3-dichloropropene-degrading soil microbial communities in a compost-amended soil. J. Applied Microbiology. 91:668-676.

1716. Ibekwe, A.M., S.K. Papiernik, J. Gan, S.R. Yates, C-H. Yang and D.E. Crowley. 2001. Impact of fumigants on soil microbial communities. Applied & Environ. Microbiology pp. 3245-3257 .

1717. Leij, F.J., W.J. Alves and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. The UNSODA unsaturated soil hydraulic database. In: M.Th. van Genuchten, F.J. Leij and L. Wu (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop "Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media", Part 1, University of California, Riverside, CA, pp. 1269-1281.

1718. Grieve, C.M. 2000. Salt tolerance of vegetables. Irrig. J. 50(5):28-30.

1719. Suarez, D.L. 2001. Sodic soil reclamation: Modeling and field study. Aust. J. Soil Res. 39:1225-1246.

1720. Ibekwe, A.M., A.C. Kennedy, P.S. Frohne, S.K. Papiernik, C-H. Yang and D.E. Crowley. 2002. Microbial diversity along a transect of agronomic zones. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 39:183-191.

1721. Goldberg, S. 2005. Equation and models describing adsorption processes in soils. In: M.A. Tabatabai and D.L. Sparks (ed.), "Chemical Processes in Soils", Ch. 10, 489-517. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.

1722. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Analytical modeling of nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution with Green's functions. Transport in Porous Media. 38:144-166.

1723. Papiernik, S.K. 2001. A review of In Situ measurement of organic compound transformation in groundwater. Pest Management Science. 57:325-332.

1724. Papiernik, S.K., S.R. Yates and J. Gan. 2001. An approach for estimating the permeability of agricultural films. Environ. Sci. Tech. 35(6):1240-1246.

1725. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Solute Transport. In: M. Sumner (ed.), Handbook of Soil Science, Chapter 6, pp. A183-A227, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

1726. Zeng, L., M.C. Shannon and C.M. Grieve. 2002. Evaluation of salt tolerance in rice genotypes by multiple agronomic parameters. Euphytica. 127:235-245.

1727. Inoue, M., J. Simunek, S. Shiozawa and J.W. Hopmans. 2000. Simultaneous estimation of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters from transient infiltration experiments. Advances in Water Res. 23:677-688.

1728. Simunek, J., J.W. Hopmans, D.R. Nielsen and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Horizontal infiltration revisited using parameter estimation. Soil Sci. 165(9):708-717.

1729. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 2002. Modeling above-canopy CO2 flux and evapotranspiration in wheat. Environ. Pollution . 116:S37-S44.

1730. Hellou, J., J. Leonard, J. Meade, S. Sharpe, J. Banoub, S.K. Papiernik, L. Eglinton and J. Whelan. 1999. Presense and biotransformation of three heteroaromatic compounds compared to aromatic hydrocarbon. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. 14&15:221-230.

1731. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2002. Processes governing transport of organic solutes. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis Part 4. Physical Methods. Chapter 6.7. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1451-1479.

1732. Goldberg, S. 2002. Competitive adsorption of arsenate and arsenite on oxides and clay minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66(2): 413-421.

1733. Bradford, S.A., S.R. Yates, M. Bettahar and J. Simunek. 2002. Physical factors affecting the transport and fate of colloids in saturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 38(12):1327-1339.

1734. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2003. Application of soil electrical conductivity to precision agriculture: Theory, principles and guidelines. Agron J. 95(3):455-471.

1735. Wildenschild, D., J.W. Hopmans and J. Simunek. 2001. Flow rate dependence of soil hydraulic characteristics. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:35-48.

1736. Yates, S.R., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik, R.S. Dungan and D. Wang. 2002. Reducing fumigant emissions after soil application. Phytopathology. 92(12):1344-1348.

1737. Papiernik, S.K., F.F. Ernst and S.R. Yates. 2002. An apparatus for measuring the gas permeability of films. J. of Environ. Quality. 31:358-361.

1738. Lebron, I., D.L. Suarez and T. Yoshida. 2002. Gypsum effect on the aggregate size and geometry of three sodic soils under reclamation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J . 66(1):92-98

1739. Wang, Q., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2000. Transformation and detoxification of halogenated fumigants by ammonium thiosulfate. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34(17):3717-3721.

1740. Wang, Q., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2001. Isomeric effects of thiosulfate transformation and detoxification of 1,3-dichloropropene. Environ. Toxicology & Chemistry . 20(5):960-964

1741. Gan, J., N.E. Megonnell and S.R. Yates. 2001. Adsorption and catalytic decomposition of methyl bromide and methyl iodide on activated carbons. Atmospheric Environ. 35:941-947.

1742. Ma, Q.L., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik, J.O. Becker and S.R. Yates. 2001. Degradation of soil fumigants as affected by initial concentration and temperature. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1278-1286.

1743. Gan, J., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst and W.A. Jury. 2000. Degradation and volatilization of the fumigant chloropicrin after soil treatment. J. Environ. Qual. 29(5):1391-1397.

1744. Schaap, M.G. and F.J. Leij. 2000. Improved prediction of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity with the Mualem-van Genuchten model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(3):843-851.

1745. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, J. Gan and F.F. Ernst. 1997. Methyl bromide emission reduction with different type of plastics and reduced application rate. In: S. Ben-Yehoshua (ed.) "Proceedings International Congress for Plastics in Agriculture", March 9-14, 1997, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1997, pp. 1-79. NA.

1746. Suarez, D.L. and P.J. Vaughan. 2001. FAO-Salinity Laboratory SWS Model. Research Report No. 147. 1-79.

1747. Corwin, D.L. 2003. Soil salinity measurement. Encyclopedia of Water Science . 852-858.

1748. Arya, L.M., E.L. Pulver and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Economic, environmental, and natural resource benefits of plastic shelters in vegetable production in a humid tropical environment. J. Sustainable Agri. 17(2/3):123-143.

1749. Vaughan, P.J. 2002. Evaluation of numerical techniques applied to soil solution speciation including cation exchange. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66(2): 474-478.

1750. Yates, S.R. and J. Gan. 1999. Methods for removing the decomposing methyl bromide from fumigation gases. Patent No. 5,904,909. Issued: May 18, 1999.

1751. Robinson, D.A. 2001. Comments on "Field calibration of a capacitance water content probe in fine sand soils". Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(5):1570-1571 .

1752. Dekker, S.C., W. Bouten and M.G. Schaap. 2001. Analysing forest transpiration model errors with artificial neural networks. J. Hydrology. 246:197-208.

1753. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, S.K. Papiernik and J. Gan. 2002. Predicting pesticide volatilization from soils. Environmetrics. 13:569-578.

1754. Vogel, T., M.Th. van Genuchten and M. Cislernova. 2001. Effect of the shape of the soil hydraulic functions near saturation on variably-saturated flow predictions. Advances in Water Resour. 24:133-144.

1755. Abbaspour, K.C., R. Schulin, M.Th. van Genuchten and E. Schlappi. 1998. Procedures for uncertainty analyses applied to a landfill leachate plume. Ground Water. 36(6):874-883.

1756. Zeng, L., J.A. Poss, C. Wilson, A.S.E. Draz, G.B. Gregorio and C.M. Grieve. 2003. Evaluation of salt tolerance in rice genotypes by physiological characters. Euphytica . 129:281-292.

1757. van den Berg, F., R. Kubiak, W.G. Benjey, M.S. Majewski, S.R. Yates, G.L. Reeves, J.H. Smelt and A.M.A. van der Linden. 1999. Emission of pesticides into the air. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 115:195-218.

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1759. Zhang, R., P.J. Shouse, S.R. Yates and A. Kravchenko. 1997. Applications of geostatistics in soil science. Soil Sci. 2:97-104.

1760. Johnson, C.A., M.G. Schaap and K.C. Abbaspour. 2001. Model comparison of flow through a municipal solid waste incinerator ash landfill. J. of Hydrology. 243:55-72.

1761. Friedman, S.P. and D.A. Robinson. 2002. Particle shape characterization using angle of repose measurements for predicting the effective permittivity and electrical conductivity of saturated granular media. Water Resour. Res. 38(11/18):1-11.

1762. Ayars, J.E., R.A. Schoneman, F. Dale, B. Mesco and P.J. Shouse. 2001. Managing subsurface drip irrigation in the presence of shallow ground water. Agri. Water Management. 47:243-264.

1763. Robinson, D.A., J.D. Cooper and C.M.K. Gardner. 2002. Modelling the relative permittivity of soils using soil hygroscopic water content. J. Hydrology . 255:39-49.

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1765. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Rosetta: A computer program for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with hierarchical pedotransfer functions. J. of Hydrology. 251:163-176.

1766. Simunek, J., O. Wendroth, N. Wypler and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Non-equilibrium water flow characterized by means of upward infiltration experiments. European J. Soil Sci. 52:13-24.

1767. Seuntjens, P., K. Tirez, J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten, C. Cornelis and P. Geuzens. 2001. Aging effects on cadmium transport in undisturbed contaminated sandy soil columns. J. Environmental Quality. 30(3):1040-1050.

1768. Lesch, S.M. and D.L. Corwin. 2001. Practical salinity assessment techniques via EM38 survey information. Conf. Proceedings: EM Techniques for Ag Resources Management, Yanco, NSW, Australia. Australian Soc. Soil Sci. Inc. pp:8-24.

1769. Schaap, M.G. and I. Lebron. 2001. Using microscope observations of thin sections to estimate soil permeability with the Kozeny-Carman equation. J. of Hydrology. 251:186-201.

1770. Nemes, A., M.G. Schaap, F.J. Leij and J.H.M. Wosten. 2001. Description of the unsaturated soil hydraulic database UNSODA Version 2.0. J. of Hydrology. 251:151-162.

1771. Vogel, T., H.H. Gerke, R. Zhang and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Modeling flow and transport in a two-dimensional dual-permeability system with spatially variable hydraulic properties. J. of Hydrology. 238:78-89.

1772. Nemeth, T., G. Partay, K. Bujtas, J. Csillag, A. Lukacs, E. Molnar and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1997. Release of heavy metals from metal-enriched sewage sludge and their stress effects in cropped soil monoliths. In: 11th World Fertilizer Congress, Proceedings of Fertilization for Sustainable Plant Production and Soil Fertility. pp. 259-270.

1773. Kamra, S.K., B. Lennartz, M.Th. van Genuchten and P. Widmoser. 2001. Evaluating non-equilibrium solute transport in small soil columns. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 48:189-212.

1774. Vickerman, D.B., M.C. Shannon, G.S. Banuelos, C.M. Grieve and J.T. Trumble. 2002. Evaluation of Atriplex lines for selenium accumulation, salt tolerance and suitability for a key agricultural insect pest. Environ. Pollution . 120:463-473.

1775. Wang, R.C., X.M. Li, Z.M. Hu, J.Y. Zhang, S.R. Larson, X.Y. Zhang, C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 2003. Development of salinity-tolerant wheat recombinant lines from a wheat disomic addition line carrying a Thinopyrum junceum chromosome. Int. J. Plant Sci. 164(1)::25-33.

1776. Bradford, S.A., M. Bettahar, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Transport and fate of colloids in physically heterogeneous porous media. International Workshop on Colloids and Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments. DIAS Report Plant Production. 80:123-130.

1777. Bradford, S.A., K.M. Rathfelder, J. Lang and L.M. Abriola. 2003. Entrapment and dissolution of DNAPLs in heterogeneous porous media. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 67:133-157.

1778. Wilson, C., X. Liu, S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2006. Growth response of major USA cowpea cultivars. I. Biomass accumulation and salt tolerance. HortScience. 41:225-230.

1779. Gao, F., S.R. Yates and Y. Jin. 1998. Laboratory study of closed and dynamic flux chambers: Experimental results and implications for field application. J. Geophysical Res. 103(D20):26,115-26,125.

1780. Ishizaki, T., N. Kuchitsu, T. Nishiura, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Numerical analysis of the water regime of historic brick buildings and monuments in Thailand. In: "Conservation of Monuments in Thailand", Proceedings of the First Seminar on Thai-Japanese Cooperation in Conservation of Monuments in Thailand, March 8-9, 1999, Bangkok, Thailand. Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 72-89.

1781. Vrugt, J.A., J.W. Hopmans and J. Simunek. 2001. Calibration of a two-dimensional root water uptake model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(4):1027-1037.

1782. Goldberg, S., S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2002. Predicting molybdenum adsorption by soils using soil chemical parameters in the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1836-1842.

1783. Papiernik, S.K., C.M. Grieve, S.R. Yates and S.M. Lesch. 2003. Phytotoxic effects of salinity, imazethapyr, and chlorimuron on selected weed species. Weed Sci. 51:610-617.

1784. Papiernik, S.K., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2002. Characterization of propargyl bromide transformation in soil. Pest Manag. Sci. . 58:1055-1062.

1785. Hsieh, P.A., J.M. Bahr, T.W. Doe, A.L. Flint, G.W. Gee, L.W. Gelhar, D.K. Solomon, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.W. Wheatcraft. 2001. Conceptual models of flow and transport in the fractured vadose zone. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 374 p.

1786. Papiernik, S.K. and S.R. Yates. 2002. Effect of environmental conditions on the permeability of high density polyethylene film to fumigant vapors. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 36:1833-1838.

1787. Casey, X.M.F. and J. Simunek. 2001. Inverse analyses of transport of chlorinated hydrocarbons subject to sequential transformation reactions. J. Environ. Quality. 30(4):1354-1360.

1788. Skaggs, T.H., L.M. Arya, P.J. Shouse and B.P. Mohanty. 2001. Estimating particle-size distribution from limited soil texture data. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65(4):1038-1044.

1789. Schaap, M.G. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Rosetta: A hierarchical pedotransfer function model to predict the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties from soil texture and related data. In: H.S. Seo, E. Poeter, C. Zheng and O. Poeter (eds.), Proceedings MODFLOW 2001 and Other Modeling Odysseys, Sept. 11-14, 2001, Vol. II, Int'l Ground Water Modeling Center (IGWMC), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. pp. 571-577. NA.

1790. Nemes, A., M.G. Schaap and J.H.M. Wosten. 2001. Validation of international scale soil hydraulic pedotransfer functions for national scale applications. Submitted to the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21, 2002, at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand. . (Submitted). NA.

1791. Corwin, D.L., S.R. Kaffka, J.D. Oster, J.W. Hopmans, Y. Mori, J.W. van Groenigen, C. van Kessel and S.M. Lesch. 2003. Assessment and field-scale mapping of soil quality properties of a saline-sodic soil. Geoderma. 114:231-259.

1792. Barnes, E.M., K.A. Sudduth, J.W. Hummel, S.M. Lesch, D.L. Corwin, C. Yang, C.S.T. Daughtry and W.C. Bausch. 2003. Remote- and ground-based sensor techniques to map soil properties. J. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing . 69(6):619-630.

1793. Lark, R.M., S.R. Kaffka and D.L. Corwin. 2003. Multiresolution analysis of data on electrical conductivity of soil using wavelets. J. Hydrology. 272:276-290. NA.

1794. Suarez, D.L., C.M. Grieve and J.A. Poss. 2003. Irrigation method effects selenium accumulation in forage brassica species. J. of Plant Nutrition . 26(1):191-201

1795. Martens, D.A. and D.L. Suarez. 2003. Soil methylation-demethylation pathways for metabolism of plant-derived selenoamino acids. ACS Special Symposium Issue "Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements". Chapt. 23. 355-369.

1796. Van Dam, R.L., E.H. Van Den Berg, M.G. Schaap, L.H. Broekema and W. Schlager. 2002. Radar reflections from sedimentary structures in the vadose zone. Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

1797. Abbaspour, K.C., R. Schulin and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Estimating unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters using ant colony optimization. Advances in Water Resour. 24:827-841.

1798. Wu, L., T.H. Skaggs, P.J. Shouse and J.E. Ayars. 2001. State space analysis of soil water and salinity regimes in a loam soil underlain by shallow groundwater. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:1065-1074.

1799. Raat, K.J., G.P.J. Draaijers, M.G. Schaap, A. Tietema and J.M. Verstraten. 2002. Spatial variability of throughfall water and chemistry and forest floor water contents in a Douglas fir forest stand. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences. 6(3):363-374.

1800. Suarez, D.L. 2002. Inorganic carbon: Land use impacts. In: R. Lal (ed). Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY. 714-717. NA.

1801. Zeng, L., S.M. Lesch and C.M. Grieve. 2003. Rice growth and yield respond to changes in water depth and salinity stress. Agri. Water Management. 59:67-75.

1802. Robinson, D.A. and S.P. Friedman. 2003. A method for measuring the solid particle permittivity of rocks, sediments and granular materials. J. of Geophysical Res . (108 B2)(2076):1-9.

1803. Robinson, D.A. and S.P. Friedman. 2002. The effective permittivity of dense packings of glass beads, quartz sand and their mixtures immersed in different dielectric backgrounds. J. of Non Crystalline Solids . 305:261-267.

1804. Vrugt, J.A., M.T. van Wijk, J.W. Hopmans and J. Simunek. 2001. One-, two-, and three-dimensional root water uptake functions for transient modeling. Water Resour. Res. 37(10):2457-2470.

1805. Leij, F.J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Chapt. 6. Solute Transport. In: A.W. Warrick (ed.) "Soil Physics Companion", pp. 189-248, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl. Book Chapter.

1806. Abbaspour, K.C., A. Kohler, J. Simunek, M. Fritsch and R. Schulin. 2001. Application of a two-dimensional model to simulate flow and transport in a macroporous agricultural soil with tile drains. European J. Soil Sci. 52:433-447.

1807. Robinson, D.A., M.G. Schaap, S. Jones, S.P. Friedman and C.M.K. Gardner. 2003. Considerations for improving the accuracy of permittivity measurement using TDR: Air\water calibration, effects of cable length. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:62-70.

1808. Grattan, S.R., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, P. Robinson, D.L. Suarez and S. Benes. 2002. Reuse of saline-sodic drainage water for irrigation in California: Evaluation of potential forages. In: Proceedings, Meeting of the International Union of Soil Scientists, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Symposium No. 33, 110:1-10. .

1809. Robinson, D.A. and S.P. Friedman. 2002. Observations of the effects of particle shape and particle size distribution on avalanching of granular media. Physica A. 311:97-110.

1810. Ibekwe, A.M. and C.M. Grieve. 2003. Detection and quantification of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in environmental samples by real-time PCR. J. Applied Microbiology. 94:421-431.

1811. Ibekwe, A.M., P.M. Watt, C.M. Grieve, V.K. Sharma and S.R. Lyons. 2002. Multiplex fluorogenic real-time (Taq/Man) PCR for detection and quantification of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in dairy wastewater wetlands. Applied & Environ. Microbiology 68(10): 4853-4862.

1812. Wang, D., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst and J.A. Knuteson. 2001. Volatilization of 1,3-dichloropropene under different application methods. Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 127:109-123.

1813. Yates, S.R., R.S. Dungan and S.K. Papiernik. 2001. Predicting pathogen control from soil fumigation. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives & Emissions Reductions, Nov. 5-9, 2001, San Diego, CA. pp. 19-1-19-3.

1814. Yates, S.R., D. Wang, S.K. Papiernik and J. Gan. 2000. Controlling agricultural emissions of methyl bromide. In: A Pszenny (ed.), International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Newsletter, Issue 19, Jan. 2, 2000, IGAC, Cambridge,MA 02139. pp. 16-17.

1815. Suarez, D.L. 2002. Evaluation of management practices for use of low quality waters for irrigation: Model simulations. In: Proceedings, Meeting of the International Union of Soil Scientists, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Symposium No. 34. 1096:1-8.

1816. Bradford, S.A. and J.F. Schijven. 2002. Release of Cryptosporidium and giardia from dairy calf manure: Impact of solution salinity. J. Environ. Sci. Tech. 36:3916-3923.

1817. Wang, D., J.A. Poss, T.J. Donovan, M.C. Shannon and S.M. Lesch. 2002. Biophysical properties and biomass production of elephant grass under saline conditions. J. Arid Environ. 52:447-456.

1818. Lesch, S.M. and D.L. Corwin. 2003. Using the dual-pathway parallel conductance model to determine how different soil properties influence conductivity survey data. Agron. J. 95:365-379.

1819. Kaffka, S.R., J.D. Oster and D.L. Corwin. 2002. Using forages and livestock to manage drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley. In: Proceedings, Meeting of the International Union of Soil Scientists, August 14-21, 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Symposium No. 34. 2059:1-2.

1820. Dierig, D.A., C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 2003. Selection for salt tolerance in Lesquerella fendleri (Gray) S. Wats. Industrial Crops & Products. 17:15-22.

1821. Rogers, M.E., C.M. Grieve and M.C. Shannon. 2003. Plant growth and ion relations in Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) in response to the combined effects of NaCl and P. Plant & Soil. 253:187-194.

1822. Goldberg, S. and C.M. Grieve. 2003. Boron adsorption by maize cell walls. Plant & Soil. 251:137-142.

1823. Goldberg, S., P.J. Shouse, S.M. Lesch, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, H.S. Forster and D.L. Suarez. 2002. Soil boron extractions as indicators of boron content of field-grown crops. Soil Sci. 167(11):720-728.

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1825. Suarez, D.L. 2002. Excess salt content in soil can wreak havoc on a farm. In: . Irrigation Business Techology Magazine, April 2002.

1826. Manning, B.A., S.E. Fendorf, B. Bostick and D.L. Suarez. 2002. Arsenic(III) oxidation and arsentic(V) adsorption reactions on synthetic birnessite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36(3): 976-981.

1827. Manning, B.A., S.E. Fendorf and D.L. Suarez. 2003. Arsenic(III) complexation and oxidation reactions on soil. In: ACS Special Symposium "Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements". Chapt. 5. 57-69.

1828. Goldberg, S. 2005. Surface complexation modeling. In: D. Hillel (ed.) Encyclopeida of Soils in the Environment. Vol. 4, Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, UK. Encyclopeida of Soils in the Environment. 4:97-108.

1829. Schijven, J.F., S.A. Bradford and S. Yang. 2004. Release of Cryptosporidium and Giardia from dairy cattle manure: Physical factors. J. Environ. Qual. . 33:1499-1508.

1830. O'Carroll, D.M., S.A. Bradford and L.M. Abriola. 2004. Infiltration of PCE in a system containing spatial wettability variations. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 73:39-63.

1831. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe and J.E. Ayars. 2003. Identifying soil properties that influence cotton yield using soil sampling directed by apparent bulk soil electrical conductivity. Agronomy Journal . 95:352-364.

1832. Wang, D., M.C. Shannon, C.M. Grieve, P.J. Shouse and D.L. Suarez. 2002. Ion partitioning among soil and plant components under drip, furrow, and sprinkler irrigation regimes: Field and modeling assessment. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1684-1693.

1833. Yang, Y.-J., R.S. Dungan, A.M. Ibekwe, C. Valenzuela-Solano, D.M. Crohn and D.E. Crowley. 2002. Effect of organic mulches on soil microbial activities and communities one year after application. Biology and Fertility of Soils (Submitted). NA.

1834. Maggio, A., F.N. Dalton and G. Piccinni. 2002. The effects of elevated carbon dioxide on static and dynamic indices for tomato salt tolerance. European J. Agron. 16: 197-206.

1835. Bradford, S.A., J. Simunek, M. Bettahar, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.R. Yates. 2002. Experimental and modeling studies of colloid attachment, straining, and exclusion in saturated porous media. International Workshop on Colloids and Colloidand Facilitated Transport of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments. DIAS Report Plant Production. 80:289-295.

1836. Vaughan, P.J., P.J. Shouse, D.L. Suarez, S. Goldberg and J.E. Ayars. 2004. Boron transport within an agricultural fiels: Uniform flow versus mobile-immobile model simulations. Soil Sci. . 169(6):401-412.

1837. Grattan, S.R., L. Zeng, M.C. Shannon and S.R. Roberts. 2002. Rice is more sensitive to salinity than previously thought. Calif. Agriculture. 56(6)::189-195.

1838. Scardaci, S.C., M.C. Shannon, S.R. Grattan, A.U. Eke, S.R. Roberts, S. Goldman-Smith and J.E. Hill. 2002. Water management practices can affect salinity in rice fields. Calif. Agriculture. 56:184-188.

1839. Dungan, R.S., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2001. Effect of temperature, organic amendment rate and moisture content on the degradation of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil. Pest. Manag. Sci. 57:1107-1113.

1840. Schaap, M.G., D.A. Robinson, S.P. Friedman and A. Lazar. 2003. Measurement and modeling of the time domain reflectometry signal propagation through layered dielectric media. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1113-1121.

1841. Goldberg, S., P.J. Shouse, S.M. Lesch, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, H.S. Forster and D.L. Suarez. 2003. Effect of high boron application on boron content and growth of melons. Plant & Soil. 256(2):403-411.

1842. Papiernik, S.K., C.M. Grieve, S.M. Lesch and S.R. Yates. 2005. Effects of salinity, imazethpyr, and chlorimuron application on soybean growth and yield. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 36:951-967.

1843. Jin, Y., M.V. Yates and S.R. Yates. 2002. Microbial Transport. In J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4 Physical Methods, 3rd ed. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. SSSA Book Series. 1481-1505.

1844. Crowley, D.E. and R.S. Dungan. 2002. Metals: Microbial processes affecting metals. In: G. Bitton (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology. Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, NY. 4:1878-1893.

1845. Dungan, R.S. and W.T. Frankenberger. 2002. Enzyme-mediated transformations of heavy metals/metalloids: Applications in Bioremediation. In R. Burns and R. Dick (eds.) Enzymes in the environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY. Chapter 20. 539-565.

1846. Kim, J-H., J. Gan, W.J. Farmer, S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and R.S. Dungan. 2003. Organic matter effects on phase partition of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil. J. Agri. Food Chemistry. 51:165-169.

1847. Yates, S.R. and A.W. Warrick. 2002. Geostatistics In J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods. Soil Science Society of America, Madison WI. SSSA Book Series. 81-118.

1848. Dungan, R.S., A.M. Ibekwe and S.R. Yates. 2003. Effect of propargyl bromide and 1,3-dicloropropene on soil microbial communities in an organically amended soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 43:75-87.

1849. Dungan, R.S., S.R. Yates and W.T. Frankenberger. 2002. Volatilization and degradation of soil-applied dimethylselenide. J. Environ. Qual. 31(6)::2045-2050.

1850. Bradford, S.A., J. Simunek, M. Bettahar, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.R. Yates. 2003. Modeling colloid attachment, straining, and exclusion in saturated porous media. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:2242-2250.

1851. Dungan, R.S., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2003. Accelerated degradation of methyl isothiocyanate in soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 142:299-310.

1852. Papiernik, S.K., F.F. Ernst, R.S. Dungan, W. Zheng, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2002. Remediation of fumigant compounds in the root zone by subsurface application of ammonium thiosulfate. In: Proceedings of Division of Environmental Chemistry, 224th Am. Chemical Soc. National Meeting Boston, MA. Aug. 18-22, 2002. Proceedings. 42(2):418-421.

1853. Gan, J., Q. Wang, S.R. Yates, W.C. Koskinen and W.A. Jury. 2002. Dehalogenation of chloroacetanilide herbicides by thiosulfate salts. In Proceedings American Chemical Soc. National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America . Proceedings. 99(8):5189-5194.

1854. Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2002. Competitive degradation between fumigants chloropicrin and 1, 3-dichloropropene in soils. Proceedings of Division of Environmental Chemistry, 224th Am. Chemical Soc. National Meeting Boston, MA. Aug. 18-22, 2002. Proceedings. 42(2):65-68.

1855. Mohanty, B.P., P.J. Shouse, D.A. Miller and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Soil property database: Southern Great Plains 1997 hydrology experiment. Water Resour. Res. 38(5),10.129/2000WR000076

1856. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 2003. Constant capacitance model computation of boron speciation for varying soil water content. Vadose Zone J . 2:253-258.

1857. Novak, V., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Infiltration into a swelling, cracked clay soil. J. Hydrol. Hydromech. 50:3-19.

1858. Frazier, C.S., R.C. Graham, P.J. Shouse, M.V. Yates and M.A. Anderson. 2002. A field study of water flow and virus transport in weathered granitic bedrock. Vadose Zone J. 1(1):113-124.

1859. Ishizaki, T., T. Nishiura, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Numerical analysis of the water regime of buddha monuments in Skhothai, Thailand. Sci. for Conservation 39: 43-50. In Japanese with English summary.

1860. Suarez, D.L. 2003. Advanced salinity management concepts in agriculture with limited water resources. In: J.M. Lynch, J.S. Schepers and I. Unver (eds.) Innovative soil-plant systems for sustainable agricultural practices. 417-443.

1861. Lebron, I. and D.A. Robinson. 2003. Particle size segregation during hand packing of coarse granular materials and impacts on local pore scale structure. Vadose Zone J. 2:330-337. NA.

1862. Robinson, D.A., S.M. Lesch, I. Lebron and P.J. Shouse. 2004. Minimizing drift in electrical conductivity measurements in high temperature environments using EM-38. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68(2):339-345.

1863. Bradford, S.A. and M. Bettahar. 2006. Concentration dependent transport of colloids in saturated porous media. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 82:99-117.

1864. Papiernik, S.K., F.F. Ernst, R.S. Dungan, W. Zheng, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2003. Remediation of halogenated fumigant compounds in the root zone by subsurface application of ammonium thiosulfate. In: J.J. Gan, P.C. Zhu, S.D. Aust, A.T. Lemley (editors). Pesticide Decontamination and Detoxification. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. ACS Symp. Series 863. 13:169-179.

1865. Wang, D. 2002. Dynamics of soil water and temperature in aboveground sand cultures used for screening plant salt tolerance. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66(5):1484-1491.

1866. Ishizaki, T., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Deterioration mechanism of stone, brick and soil building materials. Proc. of Symposium on Corrosion and Prevention-01, Durability of Materials, 41st. Annual Conference, Newcastle, Australia, 20, pp. 1-12.

1867. Yeh, T-C.J. and J. Simunek. 2002. Stochastic fusion of information for characterizing and monitoring the vadose zone. Vadose Zone. 1:207-221.

1868. Seuntjens, P., D. Mallants, J. Simunek, J. Patyn and D. Jacques. 2002. Sensitivity analysis of physical and chemical properties affecting field-scale cadmium transport in a heterogeneous soil profile. J. of Hydrology. 264:185-200.

1869. Suarez, D.L. 2002. Reclamation of saline soils. Proc. of International Symposium on The Environmental Sound Reclamation and Agricultural Advanced Utilization of the land. 37-52.

1870. Suarez, D.L. 2005. Management practices for use of degraded waters for irrigation: Field and modeling results. In: Agricultural Monograph No. 17. Advances in Micro-irrigation. INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria, Tenerife, Canary Islands. (Spanish). Book Chapter. 63-80.

1871. Young, M.H., A. Karagunduz, J. Simunek and K.D. Pennell. 2002. A modified upward infiltration method for characterizing soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. . 66:57-64.

1872. Schijven, J.F. and J. Simunek. 2002. Kinetic modeling of virus transport at the field scale. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 55:113-135.

1873. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, A. Timmerman and J. Feyen. 2002. Calibration of Richards' and convection-dispersion equations to field scale water flow and solute transport under rainfall conditions. J. Hydrology. 259:15-31.

1874. Hopmans, J.W., J. Simunek and K.L. Bristow. 2002. Indirect estimation of soil thermal properties and water flux using heat pulse probe measurements: Geometry and dispersion effects. Water Resour. Res. 38:1-14.

1875. Timlin, D., Y. Pachepsky and J. Simunek. 2001. Heat Transport: HeatMover module. In D. Timlin, Y. Pachepsky and M.T. van Genuchten (eds) 2DSOIL - A modular simulator of soil and root processes. Chapt. 8. 97-115.

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1877. Silliman, S.E., B. Berkowitz, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Fluid flow and solute migration within the capillary fringe. Ground Water. 40:76-84.

1878. Kelleners, T.J., R.W.O. Soppe, D.A. Robinson, M.G. Schaap, J.E. Ayars and T.H. Skaggs. 2004. Calibration of capacitance probe senors using electric circuit theory. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:430-439.

1879. Mohanty, B.P., T.H. Skaggs and J.S. Famiglietti. 2000. Analysis and mapping of field-scale soil moisture variability using high-resolution, ground-based data during the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment . Water Resour. Res. 36:1023-1031.

1880. Mohanty, B.P., J.S. Famiglietti and T.H. Skaggs. 2000. Evolution of soil moisture spatial structure in a mixed vegetation pixel during the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment. Water Resour. Res. 36:3675-3686.

1881. Mohanty, B.P. and T.H. Skaggs. 2001. Spatio-temporal evolution and time-stable characteristics fo soil moisture within remote sensing footprints with varying soil, slope, and vegetation. Advances in Water Resources. 24:1051-1067.

1882. Skaggs, T.H. and F.J. Leij. 2002. Solute transport: Theoretical background. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4 Physical Methods. Soil Science of America, Madison WI. Chapter 6.3. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1353-1380.

1883. Ibekwe, A.M., C.M. Grieve and S.R. Lyon. 2003. Characterization of microbial communities and composition in constructed dairy wetland wastewater effluent. Applied and Environ. Microbiology. 69(9):5060-5069.

1884. Skaggs, T.H., D.B. Jaynes, R.G. Kachanoski, P.J. Shouse and A.L. Ward. 2002. Solute transport: Data analysis and parameter estimation. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4 Physical Methods. Soil Science of America, Madison WI. Chapter 6.4. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1403-1434.

1885. Kelleners, T.J., R.W.O. Soppe, J.E. Ayars and T.H. Skaggs. 2004. Calibration of capacitance probe sensors in a saline silty clay soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68(3):770-778.

1886. Skaggs, T.H., G.V. Wilson, P.J. Shouse and F.J. Leij. 2002. Solute transport: Experimental methods. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4 Physical Methods. Soil Science of America, Madison WI. Chapter 6.4. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1381-1402.

1887. Skaggs, T.H. 2003. Effects of finite system-size and finite inhomogeneity on the conductivity of broadly distributed resistor networks. Physica B. 338:266-269.

1888. Ibekwe, A.M., P.M. Watt, P.J. Shouse and C.M. Grieve. 2004. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in irrigation water on soils adn plants as validated by cultura method and real-time PCR. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 50:1007-1014.

1889. Robinson, D.A., S.B. Jones, J.M. Wraith, D. Or and S.P. Friedman. 2003. A review of advances in dielectric and electrical conductivity measurement in soils using time domain reflectometry. Vadose Zone J. 2:444-475.

1890. Banuelos, G.S., D.B. Vickerman, J.T. Trumble, M.C. Shannon, C.D. Davis, J.W. Finley and H.F. Mayland. 2002. Biotransfer possibilities of selenium from plants used in phytoremediation. International J. of Phytoremediation. 4:315-329.

1891. Mohanty, B.P. and Z. Mousli. 2000. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil water retention properties across a soil-slope transition. Water Resour. Res. 36:3311-3324.

1892. Simunek, J. and J.W. Hopmans. 2002. Parameter optimization and nonlinear fitting. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4. Physical Methods. Chapter 1.7 . SSSA Book Series No. 5. 139-157.

1893. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, D. Jacques, J.W. Hopmans, M. Inoue and M. Flury. 2002. Solute transport during variable saturated flow - inverse methods. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4. Physical Methods. Chapter 6.6. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 1435-1449.

1894. Schaap, M.G., F.J. Leij and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Estimating the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties using a hierarchical set of pedotransfer functions. In: Proceedings 2nd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, "Hydrologic Modeling for the 21st Century" Las Vegas, NV, July 28-August 1, 2002. (CD-ROM). Proceedings. 1B:1-11.

1895. Simunek, J., J.M.H. Hendrickx and B. Borchers. 2001. Modeling transient temperature distributions around landmines in homogenous bare soils. In: A.C. Dubey, J.F. Harvey, J.T. Broach, and V. George (eds.) Proceedings of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers "Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VI". Proceedings. 4394:387-397. NA.

1896. Schmalz, B., B. Lennartz and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. Analysis of unsaturated water flow in a large sand tank. Soil Science. 168:3-14.

1897. Suleiman, S., C. Wilson and C.M. Grieve. 2002. Effect of salinity and exogenously applied polyamines on growth and ion relations in spinach. J. of Plant Nutrition. 25:2705-2717.

1898. Skaggs, T.H., T.J. Trout, J. Simunek and P.J. Shouse. 2006. Comparison of HYDRUS-2D simulations of drip irrigation with experimental observations. J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 130(4):304-310.

1899. Zeng, L., T-R. Kwon, X. Liu, C. Wilson, C.M. Grieve and G.B. Gregorio. 2004. Genetic diversity analyzed by microsatellite markers among rice (Oryza stiva L.) genotypes with different adaptations to saline soils. Plant Science. 166:1275-1285.

1900. Mohanty, B.P., P.J. Shouse, D.A. Miller and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1999. Soil property characterization - SGP97, Oklahoma. In: Proceedings 14th Conference on Hydroglogy. January 10-15, 1999. Dallas, TX . P1.15:175-177.

1901. Ishizaki, T., T. Nishiura, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2001. Study on the water regime of giant Buddha at Wat Sri Chum, Sukhothai after conservation treatment. In: Conservation of Monments in Thailand II, Proceedings of the second seminar on Thai-Japanese cooperation in conservation of monuments in Thailand, September 4-5, 2001. Bangkok, Thailand. pp. 32-39. NA.

1902. Robinson, P.H., S.R. Grattan, G. Getachew, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, D.L. Suarez and S.E. Benes. 2004. Biomass accumulation and potential nutritive value of some forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 111:175-189.

1903. Ishizaki, T., N. Kuchitsu, T. Nishiura and J. Simunek. 1999. Analysis of water regime in historical brick buildings in Ayutthaya Thailand. In Japanese with English summary. Science for Conservation. 38:154-163.

1904. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. The HYDRUS software packages for simulating water, heat and solute movement in the subsurface: Features recent applications and future plans. In: Proceedings 2nd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, "Hydrologic Modeling for the 21st Century" Las Vegas, NV, July 28-August 1, 2002. (CD-ROM). Proceedings Session 8C pp 12.

1905. Timlin, D.J., Ya. Pachepsky, B.A. Acock, J. Simunek, G. Flerchinger and F. Whisler. 2002. Error analysis of soil temperature simulations using measured and estimated hourly weather data with 2DSOIL. Agricultural Systems. 72:215-239.

1906. Hopmans, J.W., J. Simunek, N. Romano and W. Durner. 2002. Inverse methods. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4. Physical Methods. Chapter 3.6.2. SSSA Book Series No. 5. 963-1008.

1907. Simunek, J. and A.J. Valocchi. 2002. Geochemical transport. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. SSSA Book Series No. 5. Chapter 6.9. SSSA Book Series No. 5 . 1511-1536.

1908. Wraith, J.M., D.A. Robinson, S.B. Jones and D.S. Long. 2005. Spatially characterizing apparent electrical conductivity and water content of surface soils with time domain reflectometry. Computers in Agriculture. 46:239-261.

1909. Castiglione, P. and P.J. Shouse. 2003. The effect of ohmi cable losses on time domain reflectometry measurements of electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:414-424.

1910. Castiglione, P., B.P. Mohanty, P.J. Shouse, J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten and A. Santini. 2003. Lateral water diffusion in an artificial macroporous system: Modeling and experimental evidence. Vadose Zone J. 2:212-221.

1911. Abbasi, F., J. Feyen, R.L. Roth, M. Sheedy and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. Water flow and solute transport in furrow-irrgation fields. Irrigation Science. 22:57-65.

1912. Abbasi, F., J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten, J. Feyen, F.J. Adamsen, D.J. Hunsaker, T.S. Strelkoff and P.J. Shouse. 2003. Overland water flow and solute transport: Model development and field-data analysis. J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 129(2):71-81

1913. Xu, J.M., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik, J.O. Becker and S.R. Yates. 2003. Incorporation of fumigants into soil organic matter. Environ. Sci. Tech. 37(7):1288-1291

1914. Kim, J-H., S.K. Papiernik, J.W. Farmer, J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2003. Effect of formulation on the behavior of 1,3-dichloropropene in soil. J. Environ. Qual. 32:2223-2229.

1915. Goldberg, S., D.L. Suarez, N.T. Basta and S.M. Lesch. 2004. Predicting boron adsorption isotherms by Midwestern soils using the constance capacitance model. SSSAJ . 68(3):795-801.

1916. Poss, J.A., W.B. Russell, P.J. Shouse, R.S. Austin, S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve, J.H. Lieth and L. Zeng. 2004. A volumetric lysimeter system (VLS): an alternative to weighing lysimeters for plant-water relations studies. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture . 43:55-68.

1917. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements in agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:11-43.

1918. Kaffka, S.R., S.M. Lesch, K.M. Bali and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Site-specific management in salt-affected sugar beet fields using electromagnetic induction. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:329-350.

1919. Lesch, S.M., D.L. Corwin and D.A. Robinson. 2005. Apparent soil electrical conductivity mapping as an agricultural management tool in arid zone soils. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:351-378.

1920. Poss, J.A., L. Zeng and C.M. Grieve. 2004. Carbon isotope discrimination and salt tolerance of rice genotypes. Cereal Research Communications. 32(3):339-346.

1921. Ibekwe, A.M. and S.R. Lyon. 2003. Constructed wetlands for the removal of contaminants from dairy washwater. In A. Saleh (ed.)Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations-II Proceedings of the November 8-12 2003 Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ASAE Publication No. 701P1503:477-485.

1922. Johnson, C.K., K.M. Eskridge and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Apparent soil electrical conductivity: Applications for designing and evaluating field-scale experiments. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:181-202.

1923. Su, C. and D.L. Suarez. 2004. Boron release from weathering of illites, serpentine, shales, and illitic/palygorskitic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:96-105.

1924. Ibekwe, A.M. and C.M. Grieve. 2004. Changes in developing plant microbial community structure as affected by contaminated water. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 48:239-248.

1925. Jandl, R., H. Spoegler, J. Simunek and L.K. Heng. 2002. Simulation of soil hydrology and establishment of a nitrogen budget of a mountain forest. Environmental Sicence and Pollution Research. 2:42-45.

1926. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Point and nonpoint source pollution in M.G. Anderson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK. . Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. (Chapter 94):1427-1439.

1927. Lesch, S.M. 2005. Sensor-directed spatial response surface sampling designs for characterizing spatial variation in soil properties. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:153-179.

1928. Wauchope, R.D., L.R. Ahuja, J.G. Arnold, R. Bingner, R. Lowrance, M.Th. van Genuchten and L.D. Adams. 2003. Software for pest-management science: Computer models and databases from the United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service. Pest Management Science. 59:691-698.

1929. Rassam, D., J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. Modelling variably saturated flow with HYDRUS-2D. ND consult, Brisbane, Australia. p. 129.

1930. Goldberg, S. 2004. Modeling boron adsorption isotherms and envelopes using the constant capacitance model. Vadose Zone Journal. 3:676-680.

1931. Leij, F.J. and M.G. Schaap. 2003. Indirect methods. In: J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. SSSA Book Series No. 5. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. Chapter 3.6.3. p. 1009-1045.

1932. Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2003. Accelerated degradation of methyl iodide by agrochemicals. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 51:673-679.

1933. Guo, M., S.K. Papiernik, W. Zheng and S.R. Yates. 2003. Formation and extraction of persistent fumigant residues in soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37:1844-1849.

1934. Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2004. Remediation of methyl iodide in aqueous solution and amended soils with thiourea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38(4):1188-1194.

1935. Dungan, R.S., S.R. Yates and Jr., W.T. Frankenberger. 2003. Transformations of selenate and selenite by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolated from a seleniferous agricultural drainage pond sediment. Environ. Microbiology. 5(4):287-295.

1936. Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and S.R. Yates. 2003. Competitive degradation between the fumigants chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene in unamended and amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1-8.

1937. Wu, L., R.L. Green, G. Liu, M.V. Yates, P. Pacheco, J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2002. Partitioning and persistence of trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos in a creeping bentgrass putting green. J. Environ. Qual. 31:889-895.

1938. Wu, L., G. Liu, M.V. Yates, R.L. Green, P. Pacheco, J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2002. Environmental fates of metalaxyl and chlororhalnil applied to a bentgrass putting green under southern California climatic conditions. Pest. Manag. Sci. 58:335-342.

1939. Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst and J. Gan. 2002. A dynamic two-dimensional system for measuring volatile organic compound volatilization and movement in soils. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1079-1087.

1940. Guo, M., S.K. Papiernik, W. Zheng and S.R. Yates. 2004. Effects of environmental factors on 1,3-dichloropropene hydrolysis in water and soil. J. Environ. Qual. 33:612-618.

1941. Dungan, S.R. and S.R. Yates. 2003. Degradation of fumigant pesticides: 1,3-dichloropropene, methyl isothiocyanate, chloropicrin, and methyl bromide. Vadose Zone J. 2:279-286.

1942. Liu, W., J. Gan and S.R. Yates. 2002. Influence of herbicide structure, clay acidity, and humic acid coating on acetanilide herbicide adsorption on homoionic clays. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:4003-4008.

1943. Yates, S.R., J. Gan and S.K. Papiernik. 2003. Environmental fates of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and toxicology. 45-122.

1944. van Genuchten, M.Th. 2002. Letter from Editor. Vadose Zone J. 1:1.

1945. Stephens, D.B. , Wilson J., S.J. Kowall, D. Borns, D. Ellis, L.G. Everett, M.Th. van Genuchten, M. Graham, F. Parker and E. Weeks. 2002. Letter to the editor on a national strategy for vadose zone science and technology. Vadose Zone J. 1:197-198.

1946. ///. Canceled.

1947. Kohler, A., K.C. Abbaspour, M. Fristch, M.Th. van Genuchten and R. Schulin. 2001. Simulating unsaturated flow and transport in a macroporous soil to tile drain subject to an entrance head: Model development and preliminary evaluation. J. Hydrology. 254:67-81.

1948. Simunek, J., N.J. Jarvis, M.Th. van Genuchten and A. Gardenas. 2003. Review and comparison of models for describing non-equilibrium and preferential flow and transport in the vadose zone. J. Hydrology. 272:14-35.

1949. Johnson-Maynard, J.L., R.C. Graham, L. Wu and P.J. Shouse. 2002. Modification of soil structural and hydraulic properties after 50 years of imposed chaparral and pine vegetation. Geoderma. 110:227-240.

1950. Grattan, S.R., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, P.H. Robinson, D.L. Suarez and S.E. Benes. 2004. Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems. III. Implications for ruminant mineral nutrition. Agric. Water Management. 70:137-150.

1951. Grattan, S.R., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, J.H. Robinson, D.L. Suarez and S.E. Benes. 2004. Evaluation of salt-tolerant forages for sequential water reuse systems. I. Bionmass production. Agric. Water Management. 70:109-120.

1952. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss, S.R. Grattan, D.L. Suarez, S.E. Benes and P.H. Robinson. 2004. Evaluation of salt-tolerant forage for sequential reuse systems. II. Plant-ion relations. Agric. Water Management . 70:121-135.

1953. Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates, F.F. Ernst and S.K. Papiernik. 2003. Gas phase sorption-desorption of propargyl bromide and 1,3-dichloropropene on plastic materials. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1915-1921.

1954. Suarez, D.L. 2005. Chemistry of salt-affected soils. In: M.A. Tabatabai and D.L. Sparks (ed.), "Chemical Processes in Soils", Ch. 15, 689-705. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.

1955. Abbasi, F., F.J. Adamsen, D.J. Hunsaker, J. Feyen, P.J. Shouse and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. Effects of flow depth on water flow and solute transport in furrow irrigation: Field data analysis. J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 129(4):237-246.

1956. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Survey protocols for characterizing soil spatial variability with apparent soil electrical conductivity: I. Survey Protocols. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:103-133.

1957. Lebron, I., D.A. Robinson, S. Goldberg and S.M. Lesch. 2004. The dielectric permittivity of calcite and arid zone soils with carbonate minerals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:1549-1559.

1958. Vaughan, P.J., P.J. Shouse, D.L. Suarez, M.Th. van Genuchten and J.E. Ayars. 2005. Analysis of field-scale salinization: A comparison of different modeling approaches. J. Hydrol. Hydromech. 53(2):73-90.

1959. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. The HYDRUS-PHREEQC multicomponent transport model for variably-saturated porous media: Code verification and application. In: E. Poeter, Z Zheng, M. Hill and J. Doherty (eds), Proc. “MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through modeling”. Int. Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO. Sept.l 16-19, 2003. Proceedings. (1):23-27.

1960. Bradford, S.A. and M. Bettahar. 2003. Straining and attachment of Cryptosporidium oocysts in saturated porous media. Environ. Sci. and Technol. (Submitted). NA.

1961. Zeng, L. 2004. Response and correlated response of yield parameters to selection for salt tolerance in rice. Cereal Research Communications. 32(4):477-484.

1962. Yates, S.R., S.K. Papiernik and W.F. Spencer. 2005. Predicting pesticide volatilization for bare soils. In Environmental Fate and Safety Management of Agrochemicals, J.M. Clark and H. Ohkawa, (eds.) Ameican Chemical Society Symposium Series . ACS Book Series. 899:101-110.

1963. Guo, M., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and W. Zheng. 2005. Incompatibility of metam sodium with halogenated fumigants. Pest. Manag Sci. 61:467-476.

1964. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and M. Guo. 2004. Transformation of herbicide propachlor by an agrochemical thiourea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38:6855-6860.

1965. Guo, M., S.R. Yates, W. Zheng and S.K. Papiernik. 2004. Leaching potential of persistent soil fumigant residues. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37(22):5181-5185.

1966. Ibekwe, A.M. 2004. Effects of fumigants on non-target organisms in soils. In: D.L. Sparks (ed.)Advances in Agronomy, Volume 83, Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Advances in Agronomy. 83:1-35.

1967. Ibekwe, A.M., S.K. Papiernik and C.-H. Yang. 2004. Enrichment and molecular characterization of chloropicrin- and metam-degrading microbial communities. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 66:325-332.

1968. Papiernik, S.K., S.R. Yates, R.S. Dungan, S.M. Lesch, W. Zheng and M. Guo. 2004. Effect of surface tarp on emissions and distribution of drip-applied fumigants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38(16):4254-4262.

1969. Papiernik, S.K., R.S. Dungan, W. Zheng, M. Guo, S.M. Lesch and S.R. Yates. 2004. Effect of application variables on emissions and distribution of fumigants applied via subsurface drip irrigation. Environ. Sci. and Tcchnol. 38(21):5489-5496.

1970. Abbasi, F., J. Simunek, J. Feyen, M.Th. van Genuchten and P.J. Shouse. 2003. Simultaneous inverse estimation of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters from transient field experiments: Homogeneous soil. Trans. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 46(4):1085-1095.

1971. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe and J.E. Ayars. 2004. Characterizing soil spatial variability for precision agriculture using geophysical measurements. Proceedings of Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. (Submitted). NA.

1972. Abbasi, F., D. Jacques, J. Simunek, J. Feyen and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2003. Inverse estimation of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters from transient field experiments: Heterogeneous soil . Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 46(4):1097-1111.

1973. Hansson, K., J. Simunek, M. Mizoguchi, L-C. Lundin and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Water flow and heat transport in frozen soil: Numerical solution and freeze/thaw applicatons. Vadose Zone J. 3:693-704.

1974. Phelan, T.J., L.D. Lemke, S.A. Bradford, D.M. O'Carroll and L.M. Abriola. 2004. Influence of textural and wettability variations on predictions of DNAPL persistence and plume development in saturated porous media. Advances in Water Resources. 27:411-427.

1975. Abriola, L.M., S.A. Bradford, J. Lang and C.L. Gaither. 2004. Volatilization of binary nonaqueous phase liquid mixtures in unsaturated porous media. Vadose Zone J. 3:645-655.

1976. Steppuhn, H., M.Th. van Genuchten and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Root-zone salinity: I. Selecting a product-yield index and response function for crop tolerance. Crop Sci. 45:209-220.

1977. Steppuhn, H., M.Th. van Genuchten and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Root-zone salinity: II. Indices for tolereance in agricultural crops. Crop Sci. 45:221-232.

1978. Bradford, S.A., M. Bettahar, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Straining and attachment of colloids in physically heterogeneous porous media. Vadose Zone J. 3:384-394.

1979. Zeng, L. 2005. Exploration of relationships between physiological parameters and growth performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings under salinity stress using multivariate analysis. Plant and Soil. 268:51-59.

1980. Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates and F.F. Ernst. 2004. Effect of soil moisture and irrigation on propargyl bromide volatilization and movement in soil. Vadose Zone J. 3:656-667.

1981. Williamson, T.N., R.C. Graham and P.J. Shouse. 2004. Effects of a chaparral to grass conversion on soil physical and hydrologic properties after four decades . Geoderma. 123:99-114.

1982. Williamson, T.N., B.D. Newman, R.C. Graham and P.J. Shouse. 2004. Regolith water in zero-charge chaparral and perennial grass watersheds four decades after vegetation conversion. Vadose Zone J. 3:1007-1016.

1983. Wang, D., C.M. Grieve and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Composition of irrigation water salinity affects growth characteristics and uptake of selenium and salt ions by soybean. J. Plant Nutrition. 28(6):1073-1088.

1984. Corwin, D.L. and K. Loague. 2005. Multidisciplinary appoarch for assessing subsurface non-point source pollution. In: J. Alvarez-Benedi and R. Munoz-Carpena (eds) Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach. CRC Press, Cleveland, OH. Chapter 1. 1-58.

1985. Johnson-Maynard, J.L., P.J. Shouse, R.C. Graham, P. Castiglione and S.A. Quideau. 2004. Microclimate and pedogenic implications in a 50-year-old chaparral and pine biosequence. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:876-884.

1986. Wilson, C., X. Liu, S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2006. Growth response of major USA cowpea cutivars. II. Effect of salinity on leaf gas exchange. Plant Sci. 170:1095-1101.

1987. Corwin, D.L. and R.E. Plant. 2005. Applications of apparent soil electrical conductivity in precision agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:1-10.

1988. van Genuchten, M.Th. and M.G. Schaap. 2004. Improved description of the hydraulic properties of unsaturated structured media near saturation. In: B. Faybishenko and P.A. Witherspoon (eds.) Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock. Feb. 10-12, 2004. LBNL-54275. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Proceedings -LBNL 54275. 255-259.

1989. Schwarzel, K.: Simunek, J., H. Stoffregen, G. Wessolek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Estimation of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of peat soils: Laboratory versus field data. J. Hydrology. 5:628-640.

1990. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss., Grattan S.R., P.J. Shouse, J.H. Lieth and L. Zeng. 2005. Productivity and mineral nutrition of Limonium species irrigated with saline wastewaters. HortScience. 40(3):654-658.

1991. van Genuchten, M.Th., C.M. Grieve and H. Steppuhn. 2004. An index for the tolerance of agricultural crops to root-zone salinity. Proceedings In: 41st Annual Alberta Soil Science Workshop, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. February 17-19, 2004. p. 1-21.

1992. Carter, C.T., C.M. Grieve and J.A. Poss. 2005. Salinity effects on emergence, survival, and ion accumulation of Limonium perezii. J. Plant Nutr. 28(7):1243-1257.

1993. Corwin, D.L. 2005. Geospatial measurements of apparent soil electrical conductivity for characterizing soil spatial variability. In: J. Alvarez-Benedi and R. Munoz-Carpena (eds) Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 18. 639-672.

1994. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, J.D. Oster and S.R. Kaffka. 2006. Monitoring management-induced spatio-temporal changes in soil quality through soil sampling directed by apparent soil electrical conductivity. Geoderma. 131:369-387.

1995. Kelleners, T.J., D.A. Robinson, P.J. Shouse, J.E. Ayars and T.H. Skaggs. 2005. Frequency dependence of the complex permittivity and its impact on dielectric sensor calibration in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:67-76.

1996. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Characterizing soil spatial variability with apparent soil electrical conductivity. II. Case Study . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46(135):152.

1997. Suarez, D.L. 2004. Predicting soil and water chemistry in and below the root zone of agricultural lands: Major ions, nutrients and toxic ions. In: Proceedings of U.S. Federal Interagency Workshop entitled “Conceptual model development for subsurface reactive transport modeling of inorganic contaminant, radionuclides and nutrients”. Albuquerque, NM. April 20-22, 2004. Proceedings . (Interagency Workshop ):93-96.

1998. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, M. Guo, S.K. Papiernik and J.H. Kim. 2004. Transformation of chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene by metam sodium in a combined application of fumigants. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52:3002-3009.

1999. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and M. Guo. 2004. Effect of combined application of methyl isothiocyanate and chloropicrin on their transformation. J. Environ. Qual. 33:2157-2164.

2000. Abbasi, F., J. Feyen and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Two-dimensional simulation of water flow and solute transport below furrows: Model calibration and validation. J. Hydrology. 290:63-79.

2001. Leij, F.J., N. Romano, M. Palladino and M.G. Schaap. 2004. Topographical attributes to predict soil hydraulic properties along a hillslope transect . Water Resources Research. 40:1-15.

2002. Schaap, M.G., P.J. Shouse and P.D. Meyer. 2003. Laboratory measurements of the unsaturated hydraulic properties at the vadose zone transport field study site. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. Report No. PNNL-14284 pp. 60.

2003. Nemes, A., M.G. Schaap and J.H.M. Wosten. 2003. Functional evaluation of pedotransfer functions derived from different scales of data collection. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1093-1102.

2004. Schaap, M.G. and I. Lebron. 2004. An evaluation of permeability of statistically reconstructed three-dimensional pore structures with Lattice Boltzmann simulations. In: Miller, C.T., Farthing, M.W., Gray, W.G., Pinder, G.F. (editors). Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, June 13-17, Chapel Hill, NC . Water Resources. 15-22.

2005. Yang, S., N.T. Perna, D.A. Coksey, Y. Okinaka, S.E. Lindow, A.M. Ibekwe, N.T. Keen and C.H. Yang. 2004. Genome-wide identification of plant-upregulated genes of Erwinia Chrysanthemi 3937 using a GFP based IVET leaf array . Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 17(9):999-1008.

2006. Jain, S.K., V.P. Singh and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Analysis of soil water retention data using artificial neural networks. J. Hydrologic Engineering. 9(5):415-420.

2007. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Groundwater vulnerability to pesticides: An overview of approaches and methods of evaluation. In: J.H. Lehr (ed.) Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York NY. Book Chapter. 5:594-599.

2008. Corwin, D.L. 2005. Soil Salinity. In: J.H. Lehr (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY. Book Chapter. 5:673-677.

2009. Schaap, M.G. 2005. Models for indirect estimation of soil hydraulic properties. In: M.G. Anderson (ed.) Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Wiley Publishers, Hoboken, NJ. Book Chapter. 83:1-12.

2010. Schaap, M.G., A. Nemes and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Comparison of models for indirect estimation of water retention and available water in surface soils. Vadose Zone J. 3:1455-1463.

2011. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Characterizing soil spatial variability. In: J.H. Lehr (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5). John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, NY. Book Chapter. 5:465-471.

2012. Castiglione, P., P.J. Shouse, B. Mohanty, D. Hudson and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Improved tension infiltrometer for measuring low fluid flow rates in unsaturated fractured rock . Vadose Zone J. (4 (3)):885-890.

2013. Castiglione, P., P.J. Shouse, B. Mohanty and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Analysis of temperature effects on tension infiltrometry. Vadose Zone J. 4(3):481-487.

2014. Bradford, S.A., J. Simunek, M. Bettahar, Y.F. Tadassa, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.R. Yates. 2004. Straining of colloids at textural interfaces . Water Resour. Res. 41(10)::10404,DOI:10.1029/2004WR003675.

2015. Corwin, D.L. and K. Loague. 2005. Modeling non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone using GIS. In: J.H. Lehr (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5). John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, NY . Book Chapter. 5:299-305.

2016. Goldberg, S. 2005. Inconsistency in the triple layer model description of ionic strength dependent boron adsorption. J. Colloid and Interface Science. 285:509-517.

2017. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J. Simunek. 2004. Integrated modeling of vadose-zone flow and transport processes. In: R.A. Feddes, G.H. de Rooij and J.C. van Dam (editors), Unsaturated-zone modeling; progress, challenges and applications. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Vol: 6, Chapter 2 x-xi . Book Chapter. 2:37-69.

2018. Schaap, M.G. 2004. Statistical criteria to evaluate PTF accuracy and reliability. In: Y. Pachepsky and W.J. Rawls (eds.) Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Book Chapter. 30:33-43.

2019. Schaap, M.G. 2004. Graphic user interfaces for pedotransfer functions. In: Y. Pachepsky and W.J. Rawls (eds.) Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Book Chapter. 30:349-353.

2020. Goldberg, S., D.L. Corwin., Shouse. P.J. and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Prediction of boron adsorption by field samples of diverse textures. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69(5):1379-1388.

2021. Carter, C.T., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Production and ion uptake of Celosia argentea irrigated with saline wastewater. Scientia Horticulturae. 106:381-394.

2022. Hopmans, J.W. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Vadose Zone: Hydrological processes. In: D. Hillel (ed.) Encyclopeida of Soils in the Environment. Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, United Kingdom. 209-216.

2023. Goldberg, S., S.M. Lesch, D.L. Suarez and N.T. Basta. 2005. Predicting arsenate adsorption by soils using soil parameters in the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69(5):1389-1398.

2024. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2002. Multicomponent transport model for variably-saturated porous media: Application to the transport of heavy metals in soils. In: S.M. Hassanizadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder (editors.) Computational Methods in Water Resources. Development of Water Science, Elsevier Press, The Netherlands. Book Chapter. 47:555-562.

2025. Rajkai, K., S. Kabos and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Estimating the water retention curve from soil properties: Comparison of linear, nonlinear and concomitant variable methods. Soil and Tillage Research. 79:145-152.

2026. Zhu, J., B.P. Mohanty, A.W. Warrick and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Correspondence and upscaling of hydraulic functions for steady-state flow in heterogeneous soils. Vadose Zone J. 3:527-533.

2027. Abbaspour, K.C., C.A. Johnson and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2004. Estimating uncertain flow and transport parameters using a sequential uncertainty fitting procedure. Vadose Zone J. 3:1340-1352.

2028. Shouse, P.J., S. Goldberg, T.H. Skaggs, R.W.O. Soppe and J.E. Ayars. 2006. Effects of shallow groundwater management on the spatial and temporal variability of boron and salinity in an irrigated field. Vadose Zone J. 5:377-390.

2029. Wilson, C., J.J. Read and S. Suleiman. 2005. Salinity influences gas exchange and carbohydrate in leaves of Spinacial Oleracea. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. (Submitted). NA.

2030. van Genuchten, M.Th., J. Simunek, M.G. Schaap and T.H. Skaggs. 2003. Unsaturated zone parameter estimation using the HYDRUS and Rosetta software packages. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Parameter Estimation of Multimedia Environmental Modeling. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD. Proceedings. NUREG(CP-0187):41-43.

2031. Pachepsky, Y.A., M.Th. van Genuchten, R. Cady and T.J. Nicholson. 2003. Model abstraction techniques related to parameter estimation and uncertainty. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Uncertainty, Sensitivity, and Parameter Estimation of Multimedia Environmental Modeling. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD. Proceedings. NUREG(CP-0817):107-109.

2032. Zheng, W., S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo, R.S. Dungan and S.R. Yates. 2005. Construction of a reactive surface barrier to reduce fumigant 1,3-Dichloropropene emissions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 24(8):1867-1874.

2033. Wilson, C., X. Liu and L. Zeng. 2005. Elevated CO2 influences salt tolerance of rice. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 481-484.

2034. Poss, J.A., W.B. Russell and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Remote sensing canopy reflectance of salinized and deficit irrigated alfalfa and wheatgrass. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 367-370.

2035. Poss, J.A., C.T. Carter, C.M. Grieve and P.J. Shouse. 2005. Understanding salinity and nitrogen interactioins to improve floriculture efficiencies. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 121-124.

2036. Lesch, S.M. 2005. Statistical techniques for calibrating regional (multi-field) EM survey data. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005 . Proceedings. 289-292.

2037. Corwin, D.L. 2005. Mapping, monitoring, and assessment of salinity using apparent soil electrical conductivity. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 125-128.

2038. Guo, M., W. Zheng, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2004. Distribution and leaching of methyl iodide in soil following emulated shank and drip application. J. Environ. Qual. 33:2149-2156.

2039. Skaggs, T.H., J.A. Poss, P.J. Shouse and C.M. Grieve. 2006. Irrigation of forage crops with saline waters: 1. Volumetric lysimeter studies. Vadose Zone J. 5:815-823.

2040. Carter, C.T., C.M. Grieve and J.A. Poss. 2005. Production of Celosia argentea irrigated with saline wastewaters. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 103-106.

2041. Suyama, H., S. Benes., Robinson. P., G. Getachew, S.R. Grattan and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Biomass production and nutritional value of forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water in a greenhouse study. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 175-179.

2042. Skaggs, T.H., P.J. Shouse and J.A. Poss. 2006. Irrigation of forage crops with saline waters: 2. Modeling root water uptake and drainage. Vadose Zone J. 5:824-837.

2043. Grieve, C.M., S.R. Grattan, J.A. Poss, T.E. Smith and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Does salinity reduce Boron’s toxic effect in Broccoli? In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 67-70.

2044. Liu, X., C. Wilson and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Effect of salinity on accumulation of Chiro-inositol and other non-structural carbohydrates in Limonium. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 93-96.

2045. O'Carroll, D.M., L.M. Abriola, C.A. Polityka, S.A. Bradford and A.H. Demond. 2005. Prediction of two-phase capillary pressure-saturation relationships in fractional wettability systems. J. Contsminant Hydrology. 77:247-270.

2046. Benes, S., H. Suyama, P. Robinson, S. Grattan and C. Grieve. 2005. Forages growing in saline drainage water re-use systems on the Westside San Jaoquin Valley of California: Water use, productivity and nutritional value. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005 . Proceedings. 55-58.

2047. Johnson-Maynard, J.L., R.C. Graham, P.J. Shouse and S.A. Quideau. 2005. Base cation and silicon biogeochemistry under pine and scrub oak monocultures: Implications for weathering rates. Geoderma. 126:353-365.

2048. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe and J.E. Ayars. 2008. Delineating site-specific management units using geospatial ECa measurements. In: B.J. Allred, J.J.Daniels, M.R. Ehsani (eds.) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 16. 247-254.

2049. Corwin, D.L. 2005. Salinity assessment at field and landscape scales using ECa sensing data. In: Proceedings of the IMTA Workshop Analysis of Technologiesfor Identification of Soil Salinity Through Remote Sensing. November 179-19, 2004. Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico. Proceedings. (11):20.

2050. Ibekwe, A.M. and S.R. Lyon. 2007. Microbial characteristics through drinking water aquifer sand material. Eng. Life Sci. 7(1):81-89.

2051. Carter, C.T. and C.M. Grieve. 2006. Salt tolerance of floriculture crops. In: M.A. Khan and D.J. Weber (eds.) Ecophysiology of High Salinity Tolerant Plants. Springer Publishers, The Netherlands, Chapter 19. Book Chapter. 279-287.

2052. Goldberg, S., P.J. Shouse, S.M. Lesch, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Soil boron extractions as indicators of boron toxicity. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 55-58.

2053. Goldberg, S., S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Predicting trace element adsorption by soils using chemical parameters. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 197-200.

2054. Das, B.S., J.M. Wraith, G.J. Kluitenberg, H.M. Langner, P.J. Shouse and W.P. Inskeep. 2005. Evaluation of mass recovery impacts on transport parameters using least-squares optimization and moment analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1209-1216.

2055. Yang, S., Q. Zhang, J. Guo, A.O. Charkowski, B.R. Click, A.M., Cooksey, D.A. Ibekwe and C.-H. Yang. 2007. The roles of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthetic gene IAAM on pleiotropic phenotypes and pathobenicity of Erwinia Chrysanthemi 3937. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73(4):1079-1088.

2056. van Genuchten, M.Th. and J. Simunek. 2005. Integrated modeling of flow and transport processes in salt-affected soils. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 461-464.

2057. Simunek, J., D. Jacques, M.Th. van Genuchten and D. Mallants. 2005. Multicomponent geochemical transport modeling using the HYDRUS computer software packages. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 183-186.

2058. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Delineating site-specific management units on an irrigated, arid-zone soil. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 39-42.

2059. Goldberg, S., E. Scalera and P. Adamo. 2008. Molybdenum adsorption by volcanic Italian soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39:693-706.

2060. Smith, T.E., C.M. Grieve, S.R., Poss, J.A. Grattan, A.E. Lauchli and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Alkalinity enchances B-tolerance in cucmber. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 63-66.

2061. Shouse, P.J., S. Goldberg, R.W.O. Soppe, T.H. Skaggs and J.E. Ayars. 2005. Spatial and temporal distributions of salinity and boron in an irrigated field under shallow groundwater management. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 417-420.

2062. Shouse, P.J., S. Goldberg, T.H. Skaggs and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Instrumenting large soil columns for salinity and trace element transport studies. In: International Salinity Forum. Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 147-149.

2063. Skaggs, T.H., J.A. Poss and P.J. Shouse. 2005. Irrigation of forage crops with saline drainage waters: Volumetric lysimeter studies and modeling of root water uptake and drainage. In: International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA. April 25-27, 2005. Proceedings. 421-424.

2064. Goldberg, S., D.A. Martens, H.S. Forster and M.J. Herbel. 2006. Speciation of selenium(IV) and selenium(VI) using coupled ion chomatography - hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70(1):41-47.

2065. Kelleners, T.J., R.W.O. Soppe, J.E. Ayars, J. Simunek and T.H. Skaggs. 2005. Inverse analysis of upward water flow in a groundwater table lysimeter. Vadose Zone J. 4:558-572.

2066. Suarez, D.L. 2005. Models as a tool for soil management with examples from a field scale sodic soil reclamation project and boron leaching studies In: Proceedings of the IMTA Workshop Analysis of Technologies for Identification of Soil Salinity Through Remote Sensing. Nov. 17-19, 2004. Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico. Proceedings. 61-75.

2067. Lesch, S.M. and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Field surveying techniques/assessment and diagnosis of salinity problems. NRCS-USDA Book Publication. Publishers, National Employment Development Center, Washington, DC. Conservation Program Book. 2:1-41.

2068. Triantafilis, J. and S.M. Lesch. 2005. Mapping clay content variation using electromagnetic induction techniques. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:203-237.

2069. Horney, R.D., B. Taylor, D.S. Munk, B.A. Roberts, S.M. Lesch and R.E. Plant. 2005. Development of practical site-specific management methods for reclaiming salt-affected soil. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 46:379-397.

2070. Poss, J.A., W.B. Russell and C.M. Grieve. 2006. Estimating yields of salt- and water-stressed forages with remote sensing in the visible and near infrared. J. Environ. Qual. 35:1060-1071.

2071. Herbel, M., S. Gao and T. Johnson. 2005. Selenium transformations in salinity-affected agricultural drainage water management areas of California as determined by selenium stable isotope ratios. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 25-27, 2005. Riverside, CA. Proceedings. 231-234.

2072. Bradford, S.A., Y.F. Tadassa and Y. Jin. 2006. Transport of coliphage in the presence and absence of manure suspension. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35:1692-1701.

2073. Corwin, D.L. 2008. Past, present, and future trends of soil electrical conductivity measurement using geophysical methods. In: B.J. Allred, J.J. Daniels and M.R. Ehsani (eds) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 2. 17-44.

2074. Corwin, D.L. 2005. Delineating site-specific crop management units: Precision agriculture application in GIS. In: Proceedings of ESRI International User’s Conference, San Diego, CA July 25-29, 2005. Paper No. 1184. Proceedings.

2075. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss and C. Amrhein. 2006. Response of Matthiola incana to irrigation with saline wastewaters. HortScience. 41(1):119-123.

2076. Suarez, D.L. 2005. Opportunities to improve salinity management practices using process based models. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 25-27, 2005. Riverside, CA. Proceedings. 437-440.

2077. Suarez, C.L., J.L. Santana and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Effect of leaching on soil irrigated with sodium bicarbonate water applied by drip irrigation, with two irrigation and nitrate treatments. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 25-27, 2005. Riverside, CA. Proceedings. 159-162.

2078. Suarez, D.L. 2005. UNSATCHEM 3.1: Computer model for prediction of water and multi-component solute transport. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 25-27, 2005. Riverside, CA . Proceedings. 163-168.

2079. Bradford, S.A., Y.F. Tadassa and Y.A. Pachepsky. 2006. Transport of Giardia and manure suspensions in saturated porous media. J. Environ. Qual. 35:749-757.

2080. Ibekwe, M.A., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss, S.R. Grattan and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Determining rate of change in cucumber rhizosphere microbial community composition in response to soil pH, salinity and boron. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 2527, 2005. Riverside, CA. Proceedings. 77-80.

2081. Loague, K. and D.L. Corwin. 2006. Scale Issues. In: J.W. Delluer (ed.) The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering. 2nd Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 25. 1-21.

2082. Ibekwe, A.M., J.C. Kennedy, J.J. Halvorson and C.-H. Yang. 2007. Characterization of developing microbial communities in Mount St. Helens pyroclastic substrate. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39(10):2496-2507.

2083. Jara, A.A., S. Goldberg and M.L. Mora. 2005. Studies of the surface charge of amorphous aluminosilicates using surface complexation models. Colloid Interface Science. 292:160-170.

2084. Wood, Y.A., T. Meixner and P.J., Allen, E.B. Shouse. 2006. Altered ecohydrologic responses drives native shrub loss under conditions of elevated nitrogen deposition . J. Eviron. Qual. 35:76-92.

2085. Goldberg, S. and D.L. Suarez. 2006. Prediction of anion adsorption and transport in soil systems using the constant capacitance model. In: J. Luetzenkirchen (ed.) Surface Complexation Modeling. Elsevier Series Interface Science and Technology. Chapter 18. 491-517.

2086. Wilson, C., M.S. Soliman and M.C. Shannon. 2005. Electrostatic changes in root plasma membrane of glycophytic and halophytic species of tomato . Plant Science. 169:805-811.

2087. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch and H. Farahani. 2008. Theoretical insight on the measurement of soil electrical conductivity. In: B.J. Allred, J.J. Daniels, and M.R. Ehsani (eds.) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 4. 59-83.

2088. Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates, Q. Zhang and F.F. Ernst. 2005. The potential efficiency of irrigation management and propargyl bromide in controlling three soil pests: Tylenchulus semipentrans, Fusarium oxysporum and Echinochloa crus-galli. Pest. Manga. Sci. 61:799-808.

2089. Wang, Q. and S.R. Yates. 2006. Degradation kinetics of manure-derived sulfadimethoxine in amended soil. J. Agricultural and Food Chem. 54(1):157-163.

2090. Suyama, H., S.E. Benes, P.H. Robinson, G. Getachew, S.R. Grattan and C.M. Grieve. 2007. Biomass yield and nutritional quality of forage species under long-term irrigation with saline-sodic drainage water: Field evaluation. Animal Feed Sci. Techn. 135:329-345.

2091. ///. Canceled.

2092. Wilson, C., X. Liu and D.L. Suarez. 2005. Hass avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Photosynthetic performance and growth in response to salt stress. Scientia Horticultureae (Submitted). NA.

2093. Goldberg, S. and L.J. Criscenti. 2008. Modeling adsorption of heavy metals and metalloids by soil components. In: A. Violante, P.M. Huang and G.M. Gadd (eds.) Biophysico- Chemical Processes of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Soil Environments. John Wiley and Sons. Chapter 6. 215-264.

2094. Bradford, S.A., J. Simunek, M. Bettahar, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.R. Yates. 2006. Significance of straining in colloid deposition: Evidence and implications. Water Resources Research. 42(W12S15):1-16.

2095. Ibekwe, A.M., C.M. Grieve and C.-H. Yang. 2007. Persistence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil and on lettuce after soil fumigation. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 53:623-635.

2096. Pachepsky, Y.A., A.K. Guber, D. Jacques, J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten, T.J. Nicholson and R.E. Cady. 2006. Information content and complexity of simulated soil water fluxes. Geoderma. 134:253-266.

2097. Ibekwe, A.M., S.R. Lyon, M. Leddy and M. Jacobson-Meyer. 2007. Impact of plant density and microbial composition on water quality from a free water surface constructed wetlands. J. Applied Microbiology. 102:921-936.

2098. Ibekwe, A.M., A.C. Kennedy and T. Stubbs. 2006. Competitive abilities of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain D& suppressive to downy brome. Plant and Soil J. (Submitted). NA.

2099. Bradford, S.A., J. Simunek and S.L. Walker. 2006. Transport and deposition of E. Coli OH157:H7 in saturated porous media. Water Resources Research. 42(W12S12):1-12.

2100. Bradford, S.A., M.Th. van Genuchten and J. Simunek. 2005. Modeling of colloid transport and deposition in porous media. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.) Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS applications. Dept. Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. October 19, 2005. 1-15.

2101. Skaggs, T.H., T.J. Trout, T.J. Kelleners, P.J. Shouse and J.E. Ayars. 2005. UNSODA: Unsaturated soil hydraulic property database. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications. October 19, 2005, ISBN 90-39341125, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 69-72.

2102. Boivin, A., S. Smellal, M. Schiavon and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) sorption and degradation dynamics in three agricultural soils. Environ. Pollution. 138:92-99.

2103. Yates, S.R. 2006. Measuring herbicide volatilization from bare soil. Environ. Sci. Techol. 40(10):3223-3228.

2104. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, D. Jacques, J.W. Hopmans, M. Inque and M. Flury. 2002. Solute transport during variably-saturated flow - Inverse methods. In: J. J. Dane and G. C. Topp (eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4. Physical Methods, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Inc., Madison, WI. Book Chapter. 6.6:1435-1449.

2105. Ramos, T.B., M.Th. van Genuchten, M.C. Goncalves, J.C. Martins and E.F. Pires. 2005. Parameter estimation of soil hydraulic properties form tension infiltrometer data in Portugal. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications. October 19, 2005. Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 34-37.

2106. Boivin, A., J. Simunek, M. Schiavon and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. A comparison of pesticide transport processes in three tile-drained field soils Using HYDRUS-2D. Vadose Zone J. 5:838-849.

2107. van Genuchten, M.Th., F.J. Leij, N. Toride, S.A. Bradford and T.H. Skaggs. 2006. Exact solutions for contaminant transport in rivers. In: R. M. Cotta, R. Goldstein, P. F. L. Heilbron and M. J. Ungs (eds.), Hybrid Methods in Environmental Transport Phenomena, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Book Chapter. (Submitted). NA.

2108. Suarez, D.L. and C.M. Grieve. 2006. Selenium uptake from sprinkling irrigation waters high in Se, soybean (Glycine Max L.), forage kale (Brassica Oleracea L.), turnip (B. Rapa L.), spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) and Swiss Chard (Beta Vulgaris L.). Plant and Soil. (Submitted). NA.

2109. Coquet, Y., C. Coutadeur, C. Labat, P. Vachier, M.Th. van Genuchten, J. Roger-Estrade and J. Simunek. 2005. Water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil, 1. Field Observations. Vadose Zone J. 4:573-586.

2110. Coquet, Y., J. Simunek, C. Coutadeur, M.Th. van Genuchten, V. Pot and J. Roger-Estrade. 2005. Water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil, 2. Numerical Analysis. Vadose Zone J. 4:587-601.

2111. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Long-term uranium migration in agricultural field soils following mineral P fertilization. In: 10th Int. Conf. on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Sept. 4-8, 2005, Scottish Exhibition & Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. pp. 8.

2112. Fares, A., J. Simunek, L.R. Parsons, M.Th. van Genuchten and K.T. Morgan. 2005. Effects of canopy shading and irrigation on soil water content and temperature. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications, October 19, 2005. Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 6-10.

2113. Simunek, J., C. He, L. Pang and S.A. Bradford. 2006. Colloid-facilitated solute transport in variably-saturated porous media: Numerical model and experimental verification. Vadose Zone J. 5:1035-1047.

2114. Lazarovitch, N., J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten and U. Shani. 2005. Numerical Analysis of Soil Limiting Flow from Subsurface Sources. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications, 10/19/05. Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 53-56.

2115. Schaap, M.G. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. A modified Mualem-van Genuchten formulation for improved description of the hydraulic conductivity near saturation. Vadose Zone J. 5:27-34.

2116. Suarez, D.L., J.D. Wood and S.M. Lesch. 2006. Effect on SAR on water infiltration under a sequential rain-irrigation management system. Ag Water Management. 86:150-164.

2117. Suarez, D.L. and J.D. Wood. 2006. Evaluation of changes in inorganic carbon storage related to irrigated agriculture: Imperial Valley, CA. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2118. Corwin, D.L., J.W. Hopmans and G.H. de Rooij. 2006. From field- to landscape-scale vadose zone processes: Scale issues, modeling, and monitoring. Vadose Zone J. 5:129-139.

2119. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten and M. Sejna. 2005. The HYDRUS-1D software package for simulating the one-dimensional movement of water, heat and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media. University of California - Riverside Research Reports. University of California - Riverside Research Reports. (Version 3):1-240.

2120. Grieve, C.M., S. Wu, S.R. Grattan and A. Harivandi. 2007. Tolerance of plants to salinity and to specific ions In: K. Tanji (ed.) Salt Management Guide for Landscape Irrigation with Recycled Water in Coastal Southern California. Chapter 5. 1-60.

2121. 2006. Canceled by S.R. Yates 6/19/2008. NA.

2122. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and J. Nunez. 2006. Conversion of metam sodium and emission of fumigant from soil columns. Atmospheric Environment. 40:7046-7056.

2123. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik and Q. Wang. 2006. Reducing 1,3-dichloropropene emissions from soil columns amended with thiourea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(7):2402-2407.

2124. Bondarenko, S., J. Gan, W. Zheng and S.R. Yates. 2006. Dehalogenation of halogenated fumigants by polysulfide salts. J. of Agricultural Food Chemistry. 54(15):5503-5508.

2125. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates, S.K. Papiernik, M. Guo and J. Gan. 2006. Dechlorination of chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene by hydrogen sulfide species: Redox and nucleophilic substitution reactions. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 54(6):2280-2287.

2126. Castiglione, P., P.J. Shouse and J.M. Wraith. 2006. Multiplexer-induced interference on TDR measurements of electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:1453-1458.

2127. Ibekwe, A.M. and S. Lyon. 2005. Impact of dairy production on microbial characteristics through drinking water aquifer material. Environmental Science and Technology. 1:215-221.

2128. Ibekwe, A.M., P.M. Watt, P.J. Shouse and C.M. Grieve. 2005. Fate of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in irrigation water on soils and plants. Environmental Science and Technology. 2:11-17.

2129. Wang, Q., S.A. Bradford, W. Zheng and S.R. Yates. 2006. Sulfadimethoxine degradation kinetics in manure as affected by initial concentration, moisture, and temperature. J. Environ. Qual. 35:2162-2169.

2130. Suyama, H., S.E. Benes, P.H. Robinson, S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve and G. Getachew. 2007. Forage yield and quality under with saline-sodic drainage water: Greenhouse evaluation. Agricultural Water Management. 88:159-172.

2131. Yates, S.R. 2006. Simulating herbicide volatilization from bare soil affected by atmospheric conditions and limited solubility in water. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 40:6963-6968.

2132. Simunek, J., D. Jacques and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Multicomponent geochemical transport modeling using the HYDRUS-1D computer software package. In: Institutions for Sustainable Watershed Management: Reconciling Physical and Management Ecology in the Asia-Pacific. American Water Resources Association Conference Proceedings. June 27-29, 2005. Honolulu, HI. Proceedings. 1-7.

2133. Jacques, D., Simunek, J., D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Modelling uranium leaching from agricultural soils to groundwater as a criterion for comparison with complementary safety indicators. In: 29th Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. September 12-16, 2005. Material Research Society, Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings. 1-9.

2134. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2005. Coupled reactive transport modeling based on the new biogeochemical Code HP1. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications, p. 15-17, October 19, 2005, ISBN 90-39341125, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 15-17.

2135. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten, S.A. Bradford and R.J. Lenhard. 2005. New features of HYDRUS-1D, Version 3.0. In: S. Torkzaban and S. Majid Hassanizadeh (eds.), Proceedings of Workshop on HYDRUS Applications. October 19, 2005, ISBN 90-39341125, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Proceedings. 86-89.

2136. Heinse, R., K. Lewis, S.B. Jones, G. Kluitenberg, R.S. Austin, P.J. Shouse and G.E. Bingham. 2005. Integration of heat capacity and electrical conductivity sensors for root mocule water and nutrient assessment. In: International Conference on Environmental Systems. Paper No. 06ICES-189. Proceedings. 1-13.

2137. Skaggs, T.H., M.Th. van Genuchten, P.J. Shouse and J.A. Poss. 2006. Macroscopic approaches to root water uptake as a function of water and salinity stress. Agricultural Water Management. 86:140-149.

2138. Gargiulo, G., S.A. Bradford, J. Simunek, P. Ustohal, H. Vereecken and E. Klumpp. 2008. Bacteria transport and deposition under unsaturated conditions: The role of water content and bacteria surface hydrophobicity. Vadose Zone J. 7(2):406-419.

2139. Gargiulo, G., S.A. Bradford, J. Simunek, H. Vereecken and E. Klumpp. 2007. Bacteria transport under unsaturated conditions: The role of the matrix grain size and the bacteria surface protein. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 92:255-273.

2140. Gargiulo, G., S.A. Bradford, J. Simunek, H. Vereecken and E. Klumpp. 2007. Transport and deposition of metabolically active and stationary phase Deinococcus Radiodurans in unsaturated porous media. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:1265-1271.

2141. ///. Canceled. NA.

2142. Kaffka, S.R., J.D. Oster, M. Hoque and D.L. Corwin. 2005. Forage yield, quality and livestock production using saline drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley. In: Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues. April 25-27, 2005. Riverside, CA. Proceedings. 269-272.

2143. Corwin, D.L., J.R. Rhoades and J. Simunek. 2007. Leaching requirements for soil salinity control: Steady-state v. transient models. Ag. Water Management. 90:165-180.

2144. Herbel, M.J., D.L. Suarez, S. Goldberg and S. Gao. 2007. Evaluation of chemical amendments for pH and redox stabilization in aqueous suspensions of three California soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71(3):927-939.

2145. Goldberg, S., L.J. Criscenti, D.R. Turner, J.A. Davis and K.J. Cantrell. 2007. Adsorption-desorption processes in subsurface reactive transport modeling. Vadose Zone J. 6(3):407-435.

2146. Goldberg, S. and C. Su. 2007. New advances in boron soil chemistry. In: F. Xu, H.E. Goldbach, P.H. Brown, R.W. Bell, T. Fujiwara, C.D. Hunt, S. Goldberg, and L. Shi (eds.) Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Book Chapter. 313-330.

2147. Torkzaban, S., S.A. Bradford, M.Th. van Genuchten and S.L. Walker. 2008. Colloid transport in unsaturated porous media: The role of water content and ionic strength on particle straining. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 96:113-127.

2148. Bradford, S.A., S. Torkzaban and S.L. Walker. 2007. Coupling of physical and chemical mechanisms of colloid straining in saturated porous media. Water Research. 41:3012-3024.

2149. Williamson, T.N., P.E. Gessler., Shouse. P.J. and R.C. Graham. 2006. Pedogenesis-terrain links in zero-order watersheds after chaparral to grass vegetation conversion. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:2065-2074.

2150. Ashworth, D.J. and G. Shaw. 2006. Soil migration, plant uptake and volatilisation of radio-selenium from a contaminated water table. Science of the Total Environment. 370:506-514.

2151. Ashworth, D.J. and B.J. Alloway. 2008. Influence of dissolved organic matter on the solubility of heavy metals in sewage-sludge- amended soils. Communications in Soil Sci. & Plant Analysis. 39:538-550.

2152. Suarez, D.L. 2006. Sustainability of agriculture under irrigation: Use and management of degraded waters. In: Proceedings of XIII Colombian National Soil Science Congress, held in Bogota, Colombia, October 3-7, 2006. Proceedings (Submitted). NA.

2153. Ibekwe, A.M., P.J. Shouse and C.M. Grieve. 2006. Quantification of survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on plants affected by contaminated irrigation water. Engineering in Life Sciences. 6(6):566-572.

2154. Ashworth, D.J. and S.R. Yates. 2007. Surface irrigation reduces the emission of volatile 1,3-dichloropropene from agricultural soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(7):2231-2236.

2155. Pachepsky, Y.A., A.M. Sadeghi, S.A. Bradford, D.R. Shelton, A.K. Guber and T. Dao. 2006. Transport and fate of manure-borne pathogens: Modeling prespective. Ag. Water Management. 86:81-92.

2156. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss, C.T. Carter and P.J. Shouse. 2006. Modeling growth of Matthiola incana in response to saline wastewaters differing in nitrogen level. J. Am. Soc. Horticultural Science. (Submitted). NA.

2157. Raats, P.A.C. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Milestones in soil physics. Soil Science. 171:S21-S28.

2158. Liu, G., B. Li, K. Hu and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Simulating the gas diffusion coefficient in macropore network images: Influence of soil pore morphology. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:1252-1261.

2159. Wang, H., X. Shan, B. Wen, S. Zhang, F. Han and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2007. Organic acids enhance the uptake of lead by wheat roots. Planta. 225(6):1483-1494.

2160. Goldberg, S., S.M. Lesch and D.L. Suarez. 2007. Predicting selenite adsorption by soils using soil chemical parameters in the constant capacitance model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 71:5750-5762.

2161. Skaggs, T.H., N.J. Jarvis, E.M. Pontedeiro, M.Th. van Genuchten. and Cotta R.M.. 2007. Analytical advection-dispersion model for transport and plant uptake of contaminants in the root zone. Vadose Zone J. 6:890-898.

2162. Goldberg, S., C.T. Johnston, D.L. Suarez and S.M. Lesch. 2008. Mechanism of molybdenum adsorption on soils and soil minerals evaluated using vibrational spectroscopy and surface complexation modeling. In: M.O. Barnett and D.B. Kent (eds.) Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia II. Variables, mechanisms, and model applications. Elsevier Press. Chapter 9. 235-266.

2163. Ibekwe, A.M., C.M. Grieve, S.K. Papiernik and C.-H. Yang. 2007. Impact of methyl bromide and methyl iodide on soil microbial communities affected by contaminated irrigation water. Environmental Microbiology. (Submitted). NA.

2164. Simunek, J., M. Sejna and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. The HYDRUS software package for simulating the two- and three-dimensional movement of water, heat and multiple solutes in variably- saturated media. PC-Progress, Prague, Czech Republic. Version 1. User Manual. 1-161.

2165. Simunek, J., M. Sejna and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. The HYDRUS software package for simulating the two- and three-dimensional movement of water, heat and multiple solutes in variably- saturated media. PC-Progress, Prague, Czech Republic. Version 1. Technical Manual. 1-241.

2166. Gardenas, A.I., J. Simunek, N. Jarvis and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Two-dimensional modelling of preferential water flow and pesticide transport from a tile-drained field. J. Hydrology. 329:647-660.

2167. Ramos, T.B., M.C. Goncalves, J.C. Martins, M.Th. van Genuchten and F.P. Pires. 2006. Estimation of soil hydraulic properties from numerical inversion of tension disk infiltrometer data. Vadose Zone J. 5:684-696.

2168. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Operator-splitting errors in coupled reactive transport codes for flow and transport under atmospheric boundary conditions or layered soil profiles. J. Contaminant Hydrology. 88:197-218.

2169. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2007. Contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone; theory and modeling. In: J. W. Delleur (ed.) The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering. Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Book Chapter. 1-46. NA.

2170. Ibekwe, A.M. and S.R. Lyons. 2008. Microbiological evaluation of fecal bacterial composition from surface water through aquifer sand material. J. Water and Health. 6.3:411-421.

2171. Grieve, C.M. and J.A. Poss. 2007. Response of ornamental sunflower cultivars, ‘Sunbeam’ and “Moonbright’ to irrigation with saline wastewaters. Environmental and Experimental Botany. (Submitted). NA.

2172. Gao, S., S. Goldberg, M.J. Herbel, A.T. Chalmers, R. Fujii and K.K. Tanjii. 2006. Sorption processes affecting arsenic solubility in oxidized surface sediments from Tulare Lake Bed, California. Chemical Geology. 228:33-43.

2173. Jensen, K., D.W. Hyndman, K.J. Cunningham, J.J. Kalurachchi, W. W.-G. Yeh, M.Th. van Genuchten, T. Illangasekare, S.W. Tyler, T.P. Clement, K.G. Villholth, A.P.G.R.L. Perera, J. Obeysekera, A. Gunatilaka and C.R. Panabokke. 2006. Impacts of the 2004 tsunami on groundwater resources in Sri Lanka. Water Resources Research. 42(W05201):1-9.

2174. Walia, H., C. Wilson, P. Condamine, A.M. Ismail, J. Xu, X. Cui and T.J. Close. 2007. Array-based genotyping and expression of barley cv. Maythorpe and Golden Promise. Biomed Central Genomics. 8(1):87-100.

2175. Walia, H., C. Wilson, L. Zeng, A.M. Ismail, P. Condamine and T.J. Close. 2007. Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of salinity stressed japonic and indica rice genotypes during panicle initiation stage. Plant Molecular Biology. 63:609-623.

2176. Walia, H., C. Wilson, P. Condamine, A.M. Ismail and T.J. Close. 2007. Large-scale expression profiling and physiological characterization of jasmonic acid- mediated adaptation of barley to salinity stress. Plant, Cell and Environment. 30:410-421.

2177. Wilson, C. 2007. Effect of jasmonic acid on growth and ion relations of Oryza sativa L. grown under salinity stress. J. Plant Nutrition. (Submitted). NA.

2178. Suarez, D.L., J.D. Wood and S.M. Lesch. 2008. Infiltration into cropped soils: Effect of rain and sodium adsorption ratio - impacted irrigation water. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S169-S179.

2179. Yates, S.R. 2007. An analytical solution to pesticide volatilization from soil affected by changes in surface conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2180. Bradford, S.A. and N. Toride. 2007. A stochastic model for colloid transport and deposition. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1346-1356.

2181. Suarez, D.L., J.D. Wood and P.E. Taber. 2007. Adsorption and desorption of boron in column studies as related to pH: Results and model predictions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2182. Shouse, P.J., T.H. Skaggs, S. Goldberg and D.L. Suarez. 2007. Instrumenting large soil columns for trace element transport studies. Vadose Zone J. (Submitted). NA.

2183. Lin, H., J. Bouma, Y. Pachepsky, A. Western, J. Thompson, M.Th. van Genuchten, H.-J. Vogel and A. Lilly. 2006. Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology. Water Resouces Research. 42(W05301):1-13.

2184. Criscenti, L.J., M. Eliassi, R.T. Cygan, C.F. Jove Colon and S. Goldberg. 2006. Modeling adsorption processes: Issues in uncertainity, scaling and prediction. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report. NUREG/CR-6893

2185. Nemes, A., W.J. Rawls, Y.A. Pachepsky and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Sensitivity analysis of the nonparametric nearest neighbor technique to estimate soil water retention. Vadose Zone J. 5:1222-1235.

2186. Wood, Y.A., M. Fenn, T. Meixner, P.J. Shouse, J. Breiner, E. Allen and L. Wu. 2007. Smog nitrogen and the rapid acidification of forest soil, San Bernardino Mountains, Southern California. The Scientific World Journal. 7:175-180. NA.

2187. Guber, A.K., Y.A. Pachepsky, M.Th. van Genuchten, W.J. Rawls, J. Simunek, D. Jacques, T.J. Nicholson and R.E. Cady. 2006. Field-scale water flow simulations using ensembles of pedotransfer functions for soil water retention. Vadose Zone J. 5(5):234-247.

2188. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, J.D. Oster and S.R. Kaffka. 2008. Short-term sustainability of drainage water reuse: Spatio-temporal impacts on soil chemical properties. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S8-S24.

2189. Bradford, S.A. and S. Torkzaban. 2008. Colloid transport and retention in unsaturated porous media: A review of interface-, collector-, and pore-scale processes and models. Vadose Zone J. 7:667-681.

2190. Walia, H., C. Wilson, A. Wahid, P. Condamine, X Cui and T.J. Close. 2006. Experssion analysis of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) during salinity stress. Funct. Integr. Genomics. 6:143-156.

2191. Walia, H., X Cui, T.J. Close, C. Wilson, P. Condamine, X. Liu, A.M. Ismail, L. Zeng, S.I. Wanamaker, J. Mandal and J. Xu. 2005. Comparative transciptional profiling of two contrasting rice genotypes under salinity stress during the vegetation growth stage. Plant Physiology. 139:822-835.

2192. Sanden, B.L., L. Ferguson, C. Kallsen and D.L. Corwin. 2007. Large-scale utilization of saline groundwater for development and irrigation of pistachios (P. Integerrima) interplanted with Cotton (G. Barbadense). Acta Horticulturae (Submitted). NA.

2193. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch and D.B. Lobell. 2007. Laboratory and field measurements. In K.K. Tanji (ed.) Agrcultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 2nd Edition . Book Chapter. NA.

2194. Bradford, S.A., E. Segal, W. Zheng, Q. Wang and S.R. Hutchins. 2008. Reuse of concentrated animal feeding operation wastewater on agricultural lands. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S97-S115.

2195. Zheng, W., J. Gan, S.K. Papiernik and S.R. Yates. 2007. Identification of volatile/semi-volatile products derived from chemical remediation of cis-1,3-Dichloropropene by thiosulfate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(18):6454-6459.

2196. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Analysis of steroid hormones in a typical dairy waste disposal system. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:530-535.

2197. Lesch, S.M. 2008. Statistical models for the prediction of field scale, spatial salinity patterns from sol conductivity survey data. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter. (Submitted). NA.

2198. Torkzaban, S., S.A. Bradford and S.L. Walker. 2007. Resolving the coupled effects of hydrodynamics and DLVO forces on colloid attachment in porous media. Langmuir. 23:9652-9660.

2199. Deverel, S.J., S. Goldberg and R. Fujii. 2008. Chemistry of trace elements in soils and groundwater. In: K.K. Tanji (ed.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted) .

2200. Segal, E., S.A. Bradford, P.J. Shouse, N. Lazarovitch and D.L. Corwin. 2008. Integration of hard and soft data to characterize field-scale hydraulic properties for flow and transport studies. Vadose Zone J. 7(3):878-889.

2201. Torkzaban, S., S.S. Tazehkand, S.L. Walker and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Transport and fate of bacteria in porous media: Coupled effects of chemical conditions and pore space geometry. Water Resources Research. 44(W04403):1-12.

2202. Simunek, J., D. Jacques, M.Th. van Genuchten and D. Mallants. 2007. Multicomponent geochemical transport modeling using HYDRUS-1D and HP1. J. of the American Water Resources Association . 42:1537-1547.

2203. Pachepsky, Y.A., A.K. Guber, M.Th. van Genuchten, T.J. Nicholson, R.E. Cady, J. Simunek and M.G. Schaap. 2006. Model abstraction techniques for soil water flow and transport. Government Publication/Report. NUREG. CR-6884:1-179.

2204. Zhu, J., M.H. Young and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2007. Upscaling schemes and relationships for the Gardner and van Genuchten hydraulic functions for heterogeneous soils. Vadose Zone Journal. 61:186-195.

2205. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades and J. Simunek. 2008. Leaching requirement: Steady-state vs. transient models. In: K.K. Tanji. D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2206. Schewarzel, K., J. Simunek, M.Th. van Genuchten and G. Wessolek. 2006. Measurement and modeling of soil-water dynamics and evapotranspoiration of drained peatland soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 169:762-774.

2207. Goldberg, S., S. Hyun and L.S. Lee. 2008. Chemical modeling of Arsenic(III, V) and Selenium(IV, VI) adsorption by soils surrounding ash disposal facilities. Vadose Zone J. 7(4):1231-1238.

2208. Ibekwe, A.M., R.M. Bold, S.R. Lyon and M.B. Leddy. 2008. Microbial community composition in middle Santa Ana River watershed impacted by non-point source pollutants. J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2209. Ibekwe, A.M., C.M. Grieve, S.K. Papiernik and C.-H. Yang. 2008. Influence of microbial community diversity on survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in two contrasting soils after fumigation. Environ. Microbiology. (Submitted). NA.

2210. Goldberg, S., D.L. Suarez and P.J. Shouse. 2008. Influence of soil solution salinity on boron adsorption by soils. Soil Science. 173(6):368-374.

2211. Carter, C.T. and C.M. Grieve. 2008. Mineral nutrition, growth, and germination of Antirrhinum majus L. (snapdragon) when produced under increasingly saline conditions. HortScience. 43(3):710-718.

2212. Guber, A.K., T.J. Gish, Y.A. Pachepsky, M.Th. van Genuchten, C.S. Daughtry, T.J. Nicholson and C.S. Cade. 2008. Temporal stability of soil water content and soil water content patterns across agricultural fields. Catena. 73:125-133.

2213. Pachepsky, Y.A., A.K. Guber, M.Th. van Genuchten, J. Simunek, D. Jacques, A. Nemes, T.J. Nicholson. and R.E. Cady. 2007. The multiplicity of flow and transport models in unsaturated zone – Curse or blessing. Proceedings: J.V. Giraldez Cervera and F.J. Jimenez Hornero (eds.) Estudios de la Zona no Saturada del Suelo. Proceedings. III:9-17.

2214. Ashworth, D.J. 2008. Transfer of iodine in the soil-plant-air system. In: The Comprehensive Handbook on Iodine. Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2215. Ashworth, D.J. and G. Shaw. 2006. Effects of moisture content and redox potential on in situ Kd values for radioiodine in soil. Science of the Total Environment. 359:244-254.

2216. Ashworth, D.J., W Zheng and S.R. Yates. 2008. Determining breakthrough of the soil fumigant chloropicrin form 120 mg XAD-4 sorbent tubes. Atmospheric Environment. 42:5483-5488.

2217. Antioniadis, V., C.D. Tsadilas and D.J. Ashworth. 2008. Monometal and competitive adsorption of heavy metals by sewage sludge-amended soils. Chemosphere (Submitted). NA.

2218. Cotta, R.M., C.P. Naveira, M.Th. van Genuchten and M.J. Ungs. 2007. An integral transformation application to environmental impact assessment of uranium mining waste disposal. Proceedings: 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, held in Brasilia, Brazil, November 5-9, 2007. Proceedings of COBEM. 1-11.

2219. Wang, Q. and S.R. Yates. 2008. Laboratory study of Oxytetracycline degradation kinetics in animal manure and soil. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 56:1683-1688.

2220. Wang, H.Z., J. Gan, J Xu, S.R. Yates, J.J. Wu and Q.F. Ye. 2008. Kinetics distribution of 14C-Metsulfuron-methyl residues in paddy soils under different moisture conditions. J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2221. Grieve, C.M., J.A. Poss and S.A. Bonos. 2008. Salt tolerance assessment of Kentucky Bluegrass cultivars. Scientia Horticultureae (Submitted). NA.

2222. Wilson. C. 2008. Growth and ion relations of salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant Oryza sativa L. grown under salinity stress: Influence of jasmonic acid. Plant and Soil J. (Submitted). NA.

2223. Ashworth, D.J., F.F. Ernst and S.R. Yates. 2008. Soil chamber method for determination of drip-applied fumigant behavior in bed-furrow agricultural: Application to chloropicrin. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(12)::4434-4439.

2224. Jimenez, J., T.H. Skaggs, M.Th. van Genuchten and L. Candela. 2007. Estimation of recharge from irrigation flows: Analysis of field and laboratory data and modeling. Proceedings: J.V. Giraldez Cervera and F.J. Jimenez Hornero (eds.) Estudios de la Zona no Saturada del Suelo. Workshop held in Cordoba Spain, Nov. 14-16, 2007. Proceedings. III:101-105.

2225. Goldberg, S. and D.L. Suarez. 2008. Distinguishing boron desorption from mineral dissolution in arid zone soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2226. Suarez, D.L., P.J. Shouse, S. Goldberg and T.H. Skaggs. 2008. Determination of soil solution pH using soil water extractors. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2227. Zhu, Y., L. Ren, H. Lu and T.H. Skaggs. 2008. Determination of root-zone water storage in a desert woodland using a two-layer moisture balance model. Proceedings of International Symposium on Flood Forecasting and Water Resources Assessment held at the Tsinghua University, Beijing China. Sept. 26, 2006. International Association of Hydrological Sciences(IAHS) Red Book. Proceedings. (Submitted). NA.

2228. Suarez, D.L. and C.M. Grieve. 2008. Composition of saline irrigation waters affects strawberry yield and mineral ion relations. Plant and Soil J. (Submitted). NA.

2229. Yates, S.R., J. Knuteson, F.F. Ernst, W. Zheng and Q. Wang. 2008. Measuring field-scale emissions of 1,3-D with sequential surface irrigations. Environ. Sci. & Technol. (Submitted). NA.

2230. Suarez, D.L. 2008. Irrigation water quality Assessments. In: K. K. Tanji, D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2231. Skaggs, T.H., T.J. Trout and Y. Rothfuss. 2008. Effects of flow rate, pulsing and antecedent water on soil water distributions under drip irrigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2232. Franklyn, M., H. Fernandes, M.Th. van Genuchten, Jr., E. Vargas and J.P. Azevedo. 2007. Application of water flow and geochemical models to support the remediation of acid rock drainage from the uranium mining site of Pocos de Caldas, Brazil. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive waste management. Held at the Oud Sint-Jan Hospital Conference Center in Bruges, Belgium, September 2-6, 2007. Proceedings Paper No. 07-7346:1-7.

2233. Lu, H., Y. Zhu, T.H. Skaggs and Z. Yu. 2008. Comparison of measured and simulated water storage in dryland terraces of the Loess Plateau, China. J. Arid Environments. (Submitted). NA.

2234. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Modeling coupled water flow, solute transport and geochemical reactions affecting heavy metal migration in a podzol soil. Vadose Zone J. (Submitted). NA.

2235. Khosli, M., W.M. Cornelis, A. Douaik, M.Th. van Genuchten and D. Gabriels. 2008. Performance evaluation of models that describe the soil water retention curve between saturation and oven dryness. Vadose Zone J. 7:87-96.

2236. Shouse, P.J. and J.E. Ayars. 2008. Simulating root water uptake from a shallow saline groundwater resource. Agricultural Water Management. (Submitted). NA.

2237. Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Modeling coupled hydrological and chemical processes: Long-term uranium transport following phosphorus fertilization. Vadose Zone J. 7:698-711.

2238. Graham, R.C., L.M. Egerton-Warburton, P.F. Hendrix, P.J. Shouse, J.L. Johnson-Maynard, S.A. Quideau, P.D. Sternberg, J.A. Jobes and J.M. Breiner. 2008. Wildfire effects on soils of a 55-year old chaparral and pine bio-sequence at San Dimas Experimental Forest, California, USA. Geoderma. (Submitted). NA.

2239. Simunek, J. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Modeling nonequilibrium flow and transport processes using HYDRUS. Vadose Zone J. 7:782-797.

2240. Simunek, J., M.Th. van Genuchten and M. Sejna. 2008. Development and applications of the HYDRUS and STANMOD software packages and related codes. Vadose Zone J. 7:587-600.

2241. Tazehkand, S.S., S. Torkzaban, S.A. Bradford and S.A. Walker. 2008. Cell preparation methods influence Escherichia coli D21g surface chemistry and transport in saturated sand. J. Environ. Qual. 37:2108-2115.

2242. Guber, A.K., Y.A. Pachepsky, M.Th. van Genuchten, J. Simunek, D. Jacques, A. Nemes, T.J. Nicholson and R.E. Cady. 2008. Multimodel simulation of water flow in a field soil using pedotransfer functions. Vadose Zone J. (Submitted). NA.

2243. Simunek, J. and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Vadose zone modeling: Introduction and importance. Vadose Zone J. 7:581-586.

2244. Nemes, A., R.T. Roberts, W.J. Rawls, Y.A. Pachepsky. and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2008. Software to estimate -33 and -1500 kPa soil water retention using the non-parametric k-nearest neighbor technique. Environmental Modelling & Software. 23:254-255.

2245. Leij, F. and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Physical and chemical nonequilibrium model for colloid transport and retention. Advances in Water Resources. (Submitted). NA.

2246. Grieve, C.M., S.R. Grattan and E.V. Maas. 2008. Plant salt tolerance. In: K. K. Tanji, D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). (Submitted). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2247. Suarez, D.L. 2008. Modern concepts in the management of saline soils and irrigation supplies. Conference held in Visalia, CA February 5-6, 2008. California Plant & Soil Conference Proceedings. 57-60.

2248. Valdez-Aguilar, L.A., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss and M.A. Mellano. 2009. Hypersensitivity of Ranunculus asiaticus to salinity and alkaline pH in irrigation water in sand cultures. HortScience. 44(1):138-144.

2249. Segal, E., P.J. Shouse and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Scale and dimensionality of bromide transport in the root zone. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (Submitted). NA.

2250. Bradford, S.A., S. Torkzaban, F. Leij, J. Simunek and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2009. Modeling the coupled effects of pore space geometry and velocity on colloid transport and retention. Water Resources Research. (45 (W02414)):1-15.

2251. Corwin, D.L. and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Environmental impacts and sustainability of degraded water reuse. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S1-S7.

2252. Lesch, S.M. and D.L. Corwin. 2008. Prediction of spatial soil property information from ancillary sensor data using ordinary linear regression: Model derivations, residual assumptions and model validation tests. Geoderma. 148:130-140.

2253. Ayars, J.E., D.L. Corwin and G.J. Hoffman. 2008. Leaching and root zone salinity control. In K.K. Tanji, D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2254. Zheng, W., S.R. Yates and S.K. Papiernik. 2008. Transformation kinetics and mechanism of the sulfonylurea herbicides pyrazosulfuron ethyl and halosulfuron methyl in aqueous solutions. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56(16):7367-7372.

2255. Wang, H., J. Wu, S.R. Yates and J. Gan. 2008. Residues of 14C-metsulfuron-methyl in Chinese paddy soils. Pest Management Science. 64:1-6.

2256. Siyal, A.A., M.Th. van Genuchten and T.H. Skaggs. 2008. Performance of pitcher irrigation systems. J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (Submitted). NA.

2257. Jimenez-Martinez, J., T.H. Skaggs, M.Th. van Genuchten and L. Candela. 2008. A root zone modeling approach to estimating groundwater recharge from irrigated areas. J. Hydrology (Submitted). NA.

2258. Goldberg, S. 2009. Influence of soil solution salinity on molybdenum adsorption by soils. Soil Sci. 174(1):9-13.

2259. Valdez-Aguilar, L.A., C.M. Grieve and J.A. Poss. 2008. Salinity and alkaline pH of irrigation water affect the growth of three cultivars of marigold. Scientia Horticultureae (Submitted). NA.

2260. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2008. Application of geo-referenced geophysical measurements to precision agriculture. FastTimes. 13(2):29-37.

2261. Suarez, D.L. 2008. Salinity management in agriculture. Southwest Hydrology. 7(2):20-21.

2262. Ahmad, H.R., A. Ghafoor, D.L. Corwin, M.A. Aziz. and Saifullah. 2008. Amendments affect soil concentration and accumulation of cadmium and lead in wheat in calcareous alkaline soils. Chemosphere (Submitted). NA.

2263. Segal, E., P.J. Shouse, J.A. Poss, D.M. Crohn and S.A. Bradford. 2008. Transport and fate of nutrients and salts under a nutrient management plan in a semi-arid environment . J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2264. Smith, T.E., S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss and D.L. Suarez. 2008. Salinity’s influence on boron toxicity in broccoli: I. Impacts on yield, biomas distribution, and water use. Plant and Soil J. (Submitted) . NA.

2265. Skaggs, T.H. and P.J. Shouse. 2008. Roots and root function: Introduction . Vadose Zone J. 7(3):1008-1009.

2266. Siyal, A.A. and T.H. Skaggs. 2008. Measured and simulated soil wetting patterns under porous clay pipe subsurface irrigation. Agricultural Water Management (Submitted). NA.

2267. Zhu, Y., L. Ren, T.H. Skaggs, H. Lu, Z. Yu and Y. Wu. 2008. Uptake of groundwater by P. euphratica in an arid woodland of the Ejina Basin, China. Hydrological Processes (Submitted). NA.

2268. Lu, H., Y. Zhu, Z. Yu, S. Drake and X. Skaggs, T.H. Wang. 2008. Long-term effects of restoration on the soil moisture movement process in vegetation- stabilized desert ecosystems. Hydrological Processes (Submitted). NA.

2269. Unlukara, A., A. Kurunc, G.D. Kesmez, E. Yurtseven and D.L. Suarez. 2008. Effects of salinity on eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.) growth an evapotranspiration. J. Irrigation and Drainage. NA.

2270. Suarez, D.L. 2008. Modeling transient root zone salinity (SWS Model). In: K. K. Tanji, D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2271. Yates, S.R., J. Knuteson, F.F. Ernst, W. Zheng and Q. Wang. 2008. Effect of organic material on field-scale emissions of 1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-D). J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2272. Wang, H.Z., J.M. Xu, S.R. Yates, J.B. Zhang, J. Gan, J.J. Wu and R.C. Xuan. 2008. Mineralization of 14C-Metsulfuron-methyl in Chinese paddy soils under different moisture conditions. J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2273. Xuan, R., L. Arisi, Q. Wang, S.R. Yates and K.C. Biswas. 2008. Hydrolytic and photolytic degradation of oxytetracycline. J. Agric. Food Chem. (Submitted). NA.

2274. Allred, B.J., L. Samuelson, B.L. Woodbury, J. Butnor, D.L. Corwin, R.A. Eigenberg, H. Farahani, K. Johnsen, S. Lambot, D. Mcinis and E. Pettinelli. 2008. Agricultural geophysics. In: Subsurface Sensing. Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2275. Jimenez-Martinez, J., T.H. Skaggs, M.T. van Genuchten and L. Candel. 2008. HYDRUS-1D Modeling of an irrigated agricultural plot with application to aquifer recharge estimation. In: Proceedings of The Second HYDRUS Workshop held in Prague, Czech Republic, March 28, 2008. Proceedings. 61-65.

2276. Kim, H.N., S.A. Bradford and S.L. Walker. 2008. Escherichia coli O157:H7 transport in saturated porous media: Role of solution chemistry and surface macromolecules. Environ. Sci. Technol. (Submitted). NA.

2277. Ibekwe, A.M., J.A. Poss, C.M. Grieve, D.L. Suarez and S.R. Grattan. 2008. Determining rate of changes in rhizosphere microbial community composition in response to salinity, soil pH and boron. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. (Submitted). NA.

2278. Perez Guerrero, J.S., L.C.G. Pimentel, T.H. Skaggs and M.Th. van Gencuhten. 2008. Analytical solution of the advection-diffusion transport equation using a change-of-variable and integral transform technique. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Submitted). NA.

2279. Poss, J.A., W.B. Russell, S.A. Bonos and C.M. Grieve. 2008. Canopy reflectance of salinized Kentucky bluegrass selections. HortScience (Submitted). NA.

2280. Suarez, D.L. 2008. Irrigation salinity: The state of knowledge and emerging issues. In: 2nd International Salinity Forum - Salinity, water and society - global issues, local action held in Adelaide, Australia March 31 - April 3, 2008. Proceedings. 1-4.

2281. Wilson, C. 2008. Comparative yield components of Oryza glaberrima Steud., and Oryza sativa L. cultivars. Plant and Soil J. (Submitted). NA.

2282. Bradford, S.A. and E. Segal. 2008. Fate of indicator microorganisms under nutrient management plan conditions. J. Environ. Qual. (Submitted). NA.

2283. Shouse, P.J., S. Goldberg, R.W.O. Soppe, T.H. Skaggs and J.E. Ayars. 2008. Changes in spatial and temporal variability of SAR affected by shallow groundwater management of an irrigated field, California. Agricultural Water Management (Submitted). NA.

2284. Ashworth, D.J. and S.R. Yates. 2008. Assessing emission reduction strategies for the agricultural fumigants 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin. J. Environ. Sci. and Technol. (Submitted). NA.

2285. Haznedaroglu, B.Z., H.N. Kim, S.A. Bradford and S.L. Walker. 2009. Relative transport behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar pullorum in packed bed column systems: Influence of solution chemistry and cell concentration. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(6):1838-1844.

2286. Kim, H.N., K. Hong, I. Lee, S.A. Bradford and S.L. Walker. 2009. Macromolecule dependent surface properties of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Langmuir (Submitted). NA.

2287. Suarez, D.L. and J.J. Jurinak. 2009. The chemistry of salt-affected soils and waters. In: K.K. Tanji, D.L. Suarez, P.H. Willey and B. Hanson (eds.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Manual 71 (2nd Edition). Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2288. Kim, H.N., S.L. Walker and S.A. Bradford. 2009. Macromolecule mediated transport and retention of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in saturated porous media. Biomacromolecules (Submitted). NA.

2289. Corwin, D.L. and S.M. Lesch. 2009. Delineating site-specific management units with proximal sensors. In: M. Oliver (editor) Geostatistical Applications in Precision Agriculture. Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2290. Liu, X. and C.M. Grieve. 2290. Accumulation of Chiro-inositol and other non-structural carbohydrates in Limonium species in response to saline irrigation waters. J. American Society for Horticultural Science (Submitted). NA.

2291. Lesch, S.M. and D.L. Suarez. 2009. A short note on calculating the adjusted SAR index. Transaction of ASABE. 52(2):493-496.

2292. Goldberg, S., I. Lebron, J.C. Seaman and D.L. Suarez. 2009. Soil Colloidal Behavior. In: P.M. Huang (ed) Handbook of Soil Science. Section II – Soil Chemistry (2nd Edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton. FL. Book Chapter (Submitted). NA.

2293. Bradford, S.A., H.N. Kim, B.Z. Haznedaroglu, S. Torkzaban and S.L. Walker. 2009. Coupled factors influencing concentration dependent colloid transport and retention in saturated porous media. Environ. Sci. Technol. (Submitted). NA.

2294. Valdez-Aguilar, L.A., C.M. Grieve, J.A. Poss and D.A. Layfield. 2009. Salinity and alkalinity of irrigation waters affect marigold plants: II. Ion relations. HortScience (Submitted). NA.

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Useful Mimeographed Material
  • Wilcox, L.V. 1963. Factors for Calculating the Sodium-adsorption-ratio (SAR).
  • Wilcox, L.V. 1966. Tables for calculating the pHc values of water.
  • Suarez, D.L. 1982. Graphs for calculating Ca concentrations and SAR values in soil solutions.

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