Performance Ratings
n Off-Cycle Ratings
n Summary Ratings
n Quality Step Increase
Performance ratings are the written appraisals of performance compared to the performance indicators for each critical result in an employee's performance plan. To receive a performance rating, the employee must have had an opportunity to perform under the performance plan for a minimum period of 90 days. An Employee who did not work under a performance plan for 90 days during the rating period will have the rating period extended. The appraisal methods must include, but are not limited to, two or more progress reviews during each appraisal period. A summary rating must be assigned when a performance rating is prepared as part of a rating of record.

When an employee changes positions during the rating period, the supervisor in the employee's former position should prepare a summary rating, provided the employee has worked under a performance plan for 90 days. This rating will be taken into consideration in preparing the employee's rating of record at the end of the rating period.

When an employee completes a detail during the rating period, the supervisor on the detail should prepare a summary rating, provided the employee has worked under a performance plan for at least 90 days. The rating will be taken into consideration in preparing the employee's rating of record at the end of the rating period.

Ratings of Record:

The rating of record is the performance rating prepared at the end of an appraisal period for performance over the entire period. It requires the assignment of a summary rating.

n Title 5 USC Ch 43
n 5 CFR Part 430
RELATED TOPICS: Performance Plans; Performance Indicators; Critical Results

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior