Office of Law Enforcement
Pacific Region/Pacific Southwest Region


Reporting A Violation

How can You help protect wildlife? By reporting violations to the proper authorities.

Federal Violations

Examples of Federal violations include (but are not limited to): waterfowl hunting violations; other migratory bird violations (i.e., shootings/poisoning/baiting); violations concerning take of marine mammals and endangered species; and wildlife smuggling.

Please submit your information by contacting us at

Provide your detailed complaint in your message. Remember, if you choose, you may remain anonymous. The investigator will use only the information provided to pursue the complaint. Please be as specific as possible concerning dates, time of day, names, exact locations, license plate numbers, vehicle descriptions, possible suspects, other possible witnesses, and how you obtained this information.

Optional Information: (Note: Some wildlife statutes provide for rewards to individuals who provide information about violations of Federal wildlife laws. You, of course, would not be eligible to receive a reward if you choose to remain anonymous.)

You may also contact the nearest Special Agent office by clicking here.

State Wildlife Agencies

To Report poaching incidents concerning state-protected wildlife (such as deer, etc.), please contact your local state wildlife agency. Below are links to the main websites for each State located in Region 1 and either their webpage for reporting violations or their telephone number.

California Department of Fish and Game Californians Turn in Poachers (Cal-TIP)
Idaho Department of Fish and Game Citizens Against Poaching Program (C.A.P.)
Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources - Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement Call 808-587-0077
Nevada Department of Wildlife Operation Game Thief

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon State Police

Turn In Poachers (TIP)
Washington Department of Fish and Game Stop Washington Poachers



Last updated: February 17, 2009

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