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Most Bureaus establish the sequence of priorities that must be observed in processing a vacancy fill request. The priorities are a listing of different types of candidates that can (or must) be considered when filling the job, and the order in which they should be considered. Some priorities mandate selection or placement of an available candidate. Others only provide for a priority consideration, with selection optional to the selecting official.

In most cases, priority referral/consideration does not mean that the individual must be selected for the job. Usually a selecting official is only required to consider the priority candidate before considering others. Sometimes this means record review or interview. Even when a selection is mandatory, there are occasionally provisions for requesting the waiver of such placement, with final approval resting with the senior manager with appointing authority. There are some situations, however, where waiver of mandatory placement is not possible.

Employees become entitled to priority consideration based upon something having happened to them (employment wise), some time in the past. Although not all inclusive, the following samples of situations entitle an employee to priority consideration:

  • A finding that an employee, or candidate, was discriminated against, and accordingly did not receive full and fair consideration for a position.

  • Placement into a lower graded position through no fault of the employee's (not at their own request or not because of poor performance). Such employees usually go on grade or pay retention and receive priority consideration while in this status.

  • Being affected by a reduction-in-force (RIF), that requires placement into another position.

  • Receiving improper consideration for a position (bad qualification determination, administrative error, etc.).

n Title 5 USC Ch 33;
n Title 5 USC Ch 35;
n 5 CFR Chapter 300
RELATED TOPICS: Reduction-in-Force - Placement Actions and Assistance, FECA

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior