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n Off-Cycle Ratings
n Summary Ratings
n Quality Step Increase
A Quality Step Increase (QSI) must be based on the highest quality of performance that a supervisor may certify and is expected to continue in the future. Only General Schedule (GS) employees are eligible to receive QSIs.

A QSI has the same effect on the employee's salary as a within-grade-increase (WGI) in that it moves the employee from one step of his/her grade to the next higher step ahead of the normal required waiting period. QSIs increase employee's salary costs for the subsequent fiscal year, therefore judgment should be exercised to ensure that only the "top" performers are recommended for this award. Yearly QSIs continually granted to the same individual should be avoided.

n 5 CFR Part 531;
QSI Eligibility Criteria:
  • Employee must achieve all critical results in performance plan
  • Employee must demonstrate sustained performance of high quality significantly above that expected at the "Fully Successful' level. This must be documented in writing by the employee's supervisor.
  • Only one QSI can ge granted within any 52-week period

RELATED TOPICS: Performance Ratings, Incentive Awards Program

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior