Performance Mangement Program - Overview
It is the policy of the Department of the Interior that, within the framework provided by the performance management program, individual and organizational goals will be communicated to employees, individual responsibility for accomplishing team and organizational goals will be identified, performance will be evaluated and improved, and the results of performance management will be used as a basis for appropriate personnel actions. An integral part of the performance management concept is the establishment of management accountability for Workforce Diversity and Affirmative Employment Program practices and principles.

Each agency must have a performance appraisal system approved by the Office of Personnel Management. Employees must be given a written performance plan containing critical results and indicators at the beginning of each appraisal period. Employees who fail to meet one or more critical performance elements of their job can be removed or demoted. Employees who meet or exceed the standards may be rewarded through a performance awards program.

n Title 5 USC Ch 43
n 5 CFR Part 430
All participants in this process should expect to be held accountable for accomplishment of their performance management responsibilities.

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior