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JMD Major Information Systems

Justice Management Division
Serving Justice - Securing Results

TITLE: Government Accountability Office Final Reports Tracking System



Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: Justice Management Division
Minor Organization Subdivision: Management and Planning Staff
Name of Unit: Audit Liaison Group
Street Address: Suite 1400, 1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
City: Washington
State: D.C.
Zip Code: 20004
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Telephone: (202) 514-0469
FAX: (202) 307-4652
E-Mail Address:

ABSTRACT: The system contains information related to final Government Accountability Office reports with recommendations to the Department. Information includes 1) the text of the recommendation, 2) the associated report title, 3) the status of the recommendation, 4) the current status of agency actions to implement the recommendations, and 5) any costs associated with those recommendations.

PURPOSE: The Audit Liaison Group collects and maintains this information in order to determine component progress on implementing recommendations. This information is necessary to assist the Government Accountability Office in preparing its annual report to Congress on the Status of Open Recommendations and to advise Senior Department management of the status of component efforts to respond to Government Accountability Office recommendations.

ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: The source of such information is other Department components and the U.S. Government Accountability Office. To the extent that the information has not been already published, e.g. in the report on the Status of Open Recommendations, the Audit Liaison Group would defer decisions related to access of such information to the submitting component.

USE CONSTRAINTS: System is maintained on the hard drive of personal computers with some password protection. The system is housed in a building that has access restrictions.

AGENCY PROGRAM: The system supports the Department's efforts to improve its management and operations by implementing recommendations timely and appropriately.

SOURCES OF DATA: Data is obtained from other Department of Justice components, its contractors or grantees and the U.S. Government Accountability Office.


Department/Agency Name:
Major Organization Subdivision:
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Hours of Service:
E-Mail Address:

ORDER PROCESS: Information will be provided consistent with the Department of Justice Freedom of Information Act regulations, 28 C.F.R. Part 16. Requests for information should be submitted in writing to U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Executive Secretariat, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 1110, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001.

OFFICE OF CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION (if different from originator):

Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: Justice Management Division
Minor Organization Subdivision: Executive Secretariat
Name of Unit:
Street Address: 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 1110
City: Washington, D.C.
Zip Code: 20530-0001
Country: United States
Hours of Service:
Telephone: (202) 514-3123
E-Mail Address:


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