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JMD Major Information Systems

Justice Management Division
Serving Justice - Securing Results

TITLE: Attorney General's Honors Program/U.S. Department of Justice Summer Law Intern Program Tracking System



Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: Justice Management Division
Minor Organization Subdivision: Office of Attorney Personnel Management
Name of Unit:
Street Address: 450 5th Street, NW, Suite 10200
City: Washington. D.C.
Zip: 20530-0001
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (EST)
Telephone: 202-514-3396

ABSTRACT: The HP/SLIP system enables the Office of Attorney Personnel Management (OAPM) to locate information about applicants to a particular year's HP/SLIP, including the following: name of applicant, home address, school attended, current year in school, class rank, preferred employing organizations, year of graduation, interview city site, status of the application, and other similar data. Information is extracted from the Program applications and entered into a computerized database system. A new database is created each year containing information from that particular year's HP/SLIP. Copies of the original applications are kept on file for three years.

PURPOSE: The HP/SLIP system was created and is maintained as a control and tracking system for all applicant records for a particular year's program. The system is used to schedule interviews, report the status of all applicants to both programs, generate status and rejection letters, and develop statistical analyses. The system is also used in the preparation of reports for the Office's budget requests, as well as various official reports.

ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: Access to the information contained within each year's HP/SLIP database is restricted to OARM staff members on a need-to-know basis in order to perform their official duties. The material is subject to all Privacy Act restrictions.

USE CONSTRAINTS: Users of the HP/SLIP system are restricted to only those privileges necessary to perform their assigned tasks.

AGENCY PROGRAM: The Attorney General's Honors Program (HP) serves as the only recruitment program for entry-level attorneys in the U.S. Department of Justice. Each year the Department also hires a significant number of summer law interns -- using the Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP) as the recruitment vehicle. OARM assists the Department's components in their attorney recruitment efforts by insuring that the most highly qualified and diverse law students and judicial law clerks in the nation apply and are hired in the Attorney General's Honors Program (HP) and in the Department's Summer Law Intern Program (SLIP). The HP/SLIP system is one of the tools utilized by OARM to accomplish this mission. General information concerning both of these Programs is available on the Department's Internet website (

SOURCES OF DATA: Applications for each year's HP/SLIP are received from interested eligible law students and judicial law clerks. Applications are received between the beginning of August and the end of September for each year's HP/SLIP.


Department/Agency Name:
Major Organization Subdivision:
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Hours of Service:

ORDER PROCESS: A request for access to a record from the HP/SLIP system must be made in writing with the envelope and the letter clearly marked "Freedom of Information Act Request." Include in the request your full name and complete address. If you are making a Privacy Act request as well, you must enclose proof of identity as well. In the body of your letter, you should identify the records that you want as specifically as possible to assist in making a proper search of the records. Requests for access to information must be addressed to the Director, Office of Attorney Personnel Management, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 3525, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001.

OFFICE OF CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION (if different from originator):

Department/Agency Name:
Major Organization Subdivision:
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Hours of Service:
Telephone: (202) 514-3396



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