Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge of AIDS and the sexual behavior of Japanese who spent two years overseas.
Knowledge of AIDS in a group of secondary school students.
Knowledge of AIDS, condom use, and perceived personal risk of infection among malian adolescents.
Knowledge of and attitudes to HIV among Japanese businessmen abroad.
Knowledge of and need for AIDS/STD/safer sex education among first year medical students in Beijing and Shanghai.
Knowledge of contraception and AIDS of women in a rural village in Cote d'Ivoire.
Knowledge of general practitioners and its relation to practice characteristics.
Knowledge of HIV and AIDS public health reporting requirements among a national sample of primary care and erergency room physicians in the United States (US).
Knowledge of HIV infection and hospital infection control practices amongst surgeons.
Knowledge of HIV infection reporting regulations and the effect these regulations have on delaying or deterring HIV testing among male-to-female transgenders in San Francisco (USA).
Knowledge of HIV seropositivity adversely affects drug abuse treatment outcome in Polish IDUs.
Knowledge of HIV seropositivity before AIDS diagnosis in the south of Spain, 1992-2000.
Knowledge of HIV serostatus and pregnancy decisions.
Knowledge of HIV serostatus and preventive behaviours among European injecting drug users. European Community Study Group.
Knowledge of HIV serostatus in AIDS patients.
Knowledge of HIV serostatus is associated with risk behaviour among IUDs.
Knowledge of HIV serostatus is related to changes in the spectrum of AIDS defining diseases.
Knowledge of HIV status and sexual behaviors among drug users in Rome.
Knowledge of HIV transmission among physicians in northern India.
Knowledge of HIV transmission and adolescent sexual behavior.
Knowledge of HIV transmission and attitudes about AIDS among 629 registered nurses at a Minnesota hospital.
Knowledge of HIV Transmission and prevention among HIV infected patients.
Knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention among Mexican adolescents.
Knowledge of HIV transmission and risk behaviour in African health care workers.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among educated young adult Indians.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among Greek high school students.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among mobile population.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among people from Afghanistan residing in Canada.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among women farm workers in the midwest region of the United States.