[Federal Register: February 12, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 29)]
[Page 5389-5392]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


Direct Grant Programs

AGENCY: Department of Education.

ACTION: Notice of extension of application deadline dates for certain
direct grant programs.


SUMMARY: The Secretary extends the deadline dates for the submission of 
applications under certain direct grant programs. These are some of the 
programs under which the Secretary or other principal officers of the 
Department have announced competitions for new awards for fiscal year 
(FY) 1996. The Secretary also revises the deadlines for 
intergovernmental review for any of these programs subject to the 
requirements of Executive Order 12372 (Intergovernmental Review of 
Federal Programs). The Secretary takes this action to allow more time 
for the preparation and submission of applications by potential 
applicants adversely affected by the closure of the Department for a 
number of weeks. The extensions are intended to help these potential 
applicants compete fairly under these programs.

[[Page 5390]]

DATES: Group I: The new deadline date for applications under each 
program listed under the heading ``Group I'' is March 13, 1996. (For an 
explanation of deadline date for applications, please see the 
Department of Education General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 
CFR 75.102.)
     For programs in Group I that are subject to Executive Order 12372, 
the deadline date for the transmittal of State Process Recommendations 
by State Single Points of Contact (SPOCs) and comments by other 
interested parties is May 13, 1996.
    Group II: Any new deadline date for transmitting applications under 
a program listed under the heading ``Group II'' is listed with that 

ADDRESSES: For Applications or Further Information: The address and 
telephone number for obtaining applications for, or further information 
about, an individual program are in the application notice for that 
program. The date and Federal Register citation of the application 
notice are listed for each program.
    For one program of the Office of Educational Research and 
Improvement listed in Group I--CFDA No. 84.309B (Education Research and 
Development Centers Program--Priority Area: Improving Adult Learning 
and Literacy)--the new contact person for applications or further 
information is Jerome Lord, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW., room 627, 
Washington, DC 20208-5531. Telephone: (202) 219-2242.
    For Users of TDD or FIRS: Individuals who use a telecommunications 
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the TDD number, if any, listed in 
the individual application notices. If a TDD number is not listed for a 
given program, individuals who use a TDD may call the Federal 
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 8 
p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday.
    For Intergovernmental Review: The address for transmitting 
recommendations and comments under Executive Order 12372 is in the 
appendix to the notice inviting applications for new awards under 
direct grant programs and fellowship programs published in the Federal 
Register on August 10, 1995 (60 FR 40956).
    For Electronic Access to Information: Information about the 
Department's funding opportunities, including copies of application 
notices for discretionary grant competitions, can be viewed on the 
Department's electronic bulletin board (ED Board), telephone (202) 260-
9950; on the Internet Gopher Server at GOPHER.ED.GOV (under 
Announcements, Bulletins, and Press Releases); or on the World Wide Web 
at http://www.ed.gov/money.html However, the official application 
notice for a discretionary grant competition is the notice published in 
the Federal Register.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Due to a lack of appropriated funds in 
November, December and early January and inclement weather in January, 
the Department of Education, like many other Federal agencies, was 
closed for a number of weeks. As a result, many prospective applicants 
were unable to obtain application packages, others could not receive 
answers to questions about their applications, and still others were 
precluded from receiving technical assistance in the preparation of 
their applications.
    Although the Department was fully operational by mid-January, the 
backlog of requests and inquiries affected not only those programs and 
competitions with originally or previously announced deadline dates 
between December 18, 1995 and January 12, 1996, inclusive, but those 
with deadlines established for the next several weeks.
    Thus, with the exception of programs or competitions listed under 
Group II, the Secretary has decided to extend--until 30 days from the 
date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register--the 
application deadline date of each program or competition with a 
deadline date between December 18, 1995 and February 15, 1996. These 
programs or competitions are listed under Group I, together with their 
respective Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers and 
a citation (including the date and page number) for their respective 
application notices--and for any follow-up notices--previously 
published in the Federal Register.
    Applicants should note that in the September 14, 1995 (60 FR 47830) 
application notice for the FIS (field-initiated studies) grant programs 
of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement listed in Group 
I, the Department required applicants to use a ``non-proportional 12-
point or larger font'' in preparing the application narrative. However, 
the Department has decided to eliminate the ``non-proportional'' 
requirement and to accept all otherwise eligible applications in which 
the narrative is prepared in 12-point or larger font.
    Group II contains other programs and competitions with announced 
deadlines also between December 18, 1995 and February 15, 1996 but 
requiring special consideration.

                                                     Group I                                                    
         CFDA No.                    Name of program                           Application notice               
                                 Office of Educational Research and Improvement                                 
84.305F...................  National Institute on Student      9/14/95 (60 FR 47830).                           
                             Achievement, Curriculum, and                                                       
                             Assessment FIS (Field-Initiated                                                    
                             Studies) Grant Program.                                                            
84.306F...................  National Institute on the          9/14/95 (60 FR 47830).                           
                             Education of At-Risk Students                                                      
                             FIS Grant Program.                                                                 
84.307F...................  National Institute on Early        9/14/95 (60 FR 47830).                           
                             Childhood Development and                                                          
                             Education FIS Grant Program.                                                       
84.308F...................  National Institute on Educational  9/14/95 (60 FR 47830).                           
                             Governance, Finance,                                                               
                             Policymaking, and Management FIS                                                   
                             Grant Program.                                                                     
84.309F...................  National Institute on              9/14/95 (60 FR 47830).                           
                             Postsecondary Education,                                                           
                             Libraries, and Lifelong Learning                                                   
                             FIS Grant Program.                                                                 
84.309B...................  Education Research and             9/14/95 (60 FR 47826); 11/29/95 (60 FR 61247).   
                             Development Centers Program--                                                      
                             Priority Area: Improving Adult                                                     
                             Learning and Literacy.                                                             

[[Page 5391]]
                             Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services                            
                                      Office of Special Education Programs                                      
84.023F...................  Examining Alternatives for         8/10/95 (60 FR 40956); 8/25/95 (60 FR 44326).    
                             Results Assessment for Children                                                    
                             with Disabilities.                                                                 
84.180U...................  Collaborative Research on          8/10/95 (60 FR 40956).                           
                             Technology, Media, and Materials                                                   
                             for Children and Youth with                                                        
84.237G...................  Non-Discriminatory, Culturally     8/10/95 (60 FR 40956).                           
                             Competent Collaborative                                                            
                             Demonstration Models to Improve                                                    
                             Services for Students with                                                         
                             Serious Emotional Disturbance                                                      
                             and Prevention Services for                                                        
                             Students with Emotional and                                                        
                             Behavioral Problems.                                                               
                                      Rehabilitation Services Administration                                    
84.128G...................  Vocational Rehabilitation Service  8/10/95 (60 FR 40956).                           
                             Projects for Migratory                                                             
                             Agricultural and Seasonal                                                          
                             Farmworkers with Disabilities.                                                     
84.128J...................  Projects for Initiating            8/10/95 (60 FR 40956).                           
                             Recreation Programs for                                                            
                             Individuals with Disabilities.                                                     

Group II

Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs

    CFDA No. 84.194Q Bilingual Education--State Grant Program. (8/10/95 
(60 FR 40956)) Applications for this program were not available until 
the beginning of February. In order to give applicants sufficient time 
to develop and submit quality applications, the Secretary has extended 
the application deadline date. The original deadline date was January 
26, 1996. The new deadline date for the submission of applications is 
March 22, 1996. The new deadline date for the transmittal of State 
Process Recommendations by SPOCs and comments by other interested 
parties is May 21, 1996.
    CFDA No. 84.195E Bilingual Education--Career Ladder Program. (8/10/
95 (60 FR 40956)) Applications for this program were not available 
until the beginning of February. In order to give applicants sufficient 
time to develop and submit quality applications, the Secretary has 
extended the application deadline date. The original deadline date was 
January 5, 1996. The new deadline date for the submission of 
applications is March 22, 1996. The new deadline date for the 
transmittal of State Process Recommendations by SPOCs and comments by 
other interested parties is May 21, 1996.
    CFDA No. 84.288S Bilingual Education--Program Development and 
Implementation Grants. (8/10/95 (60 FR 40956); 8/25/95 (60 FR 44326)) 
Applications for this program were not available until the beginning of 
February. In order to give applicants sufficient time to develop and 
submit quality applications, the Secretary has extended the application 
deadline date. The original deadline date was January 26, 1996. The new 
deadline date for the submission of applications is March 22, 1996. The 
new deadline date for the transmittal of State Process Recommendations 
by SPOCs and comments by other interested parties is May 21, 1996.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

    CFDA No. 84.004C Desegregation of Public Education--State 
Educational Agency (SEA) Desegregation Program. (12/20/95 (60 FR 
65644)) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval of information 
collection has expired. After OMB's extension or renewal of this 
approval, the Department will announce a new deadline date for receipt 
of applications.
    CFDA No. 84.004D Desegregation of Public Education--Desegregation 
Assistance Center (DAC) Program. (12/20/95 (60 FR 65643)) Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) approval of information collection has 
expired. After OMB's extension or renewal of this approval, the 
Department will announce a new deadline date for receipt of 
    Impact Aid fiscal year 1996 section 8002 grants and fiscal year 
1997 section 8003 grants. The annual application deadline, as specified 
by Impact Aid regulations (34 CFR 222.3), is January 31. A notice 
extending the application deadline date for these grants is being 
published separately in the Federal Register.

Office of Postsecondary Education

    CFDA No. 84.204A School, College, and University Partnerships 
Program (8/10/95 (60 FR 40956)) The Secretary has determined it is 
unlikely that funds will be sufficient to make new awards under this 
program in FY 1996. Therefore, the Department is not currently making 
applications available.
    CFDA No. 84.116J Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary 
Education (FIPSE)--Special Focus Competition (Invitational Priority: 
Institutional Cooperation and Student Mobility between United States 
and Member States of European Union) (10/30/95 (60 FR 55248)) This 
competition is being held by FIPSE in cooperation with a similar 
competition for European institutions being conducted by Directorate 
General XXII (Task Force on Education and Training of Youth) of the 
European Commission. Because the European participants have a different 
fiscal year from that of the U.S., they are required to obligate funds 
for their competition by March 31, 1996. An extension of the deadline 
for receipt of applications in the FIPSE competition would likely 
preclude the European partners of U.S. applicants from securing further 
European funding. Thus, the Secretary has determined that the 
application deadline date should not be extended.

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/Office of 
Special Education Programs

    CFDA No. 84.158A State Systems for Transition for Youth with 
Disabilities (8/10/95 (60 FR 40956)) This competition was open only to 
State agencies that had not received a grant under the program. The 
application deadline date was December 22, 1995. The Department has 
confirmed that all eligible applicants that intended to submit 
applications did so before the deadline date. Thus, the Secretary has 
determined that an extension of the application deadline date is not 

[[Page 5392]]

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/National 
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

    CFDA No. 84.133D Knowledge Dissemination and Utilization Program 
(Priority: Regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance 
Centers) (12/12/95 (60 FR 63868)) Publication of the application 
announcement just before the closure of the Department on December 18 
effectively precluded most potential applicants from obtaining 
applications until mid-January. Because the program office initially 
had granted potential applicants two months in which to develop and 
submit applications, the Secretary extends by 30 days the initial 
deadline date of February 12, 1996. The new deadline date for the 
submission of applications is March 13, 1996.

Office of Vocational and Adult Education

    CFDA No. 84.278D School-to-Work Opportunities--Urban/Rural 
Opportunities Grants (11/14/95 (60 FR 57276)) Under section 303(b)(1) 
of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act, applicants were required to 
submit completed applications for this program to their States for 
comment no later than December 29, 1995. Since applicants had to have 
completed their applications by December 29, it is unlikely that either 
the lapse in appropriations or the inclement weather would have 
interfered with potential applicants' ability to meet the deadline for 
submission to the Department by January 29, 1996. Thus, the Secretary 
has determined that no extension is necessary for submission of 
applications. The Department of Labor, which jointly administers this 
program, concurs with this decision.


    The extensions granted in this notice are intended primarily to 
assist potential applicants that were unable to obtain applications or 
further information. However, any applicant that previously submitted 
an application under any program or competition for which an extension 
is granted by this notice may submit an amended or replacement 
application. In that case, the applicant is requested to (1) indicate 
clearly that the application being submitted is an amendment or 
replacement; and (2), if the applicant has received an acknowledgment 
receipt postcard from the Department's Application Control Center, 
include the PR number assigned to the application, as indicated on the 

Available Funds

    Applicants should note that the Congress has not yet enacted a 
fiscal year 1996 appropriation for the Department. However, based on 
actions taken so far, the Congress may eliminate or reduce funding in 
1996 for some of the discretionary grant programs referenced in this 
notice. Thus, final action on the 1996 appropriation may require the 
Department to cancel some of these competitions.

    Authority: 20 U.S.C. 3474.

    Dated: February 8, 1996.
Richard W. Riley,
Secretary of Education.
[FR Doc. 96-3165 Filed 2-9-96; 8:45 am]