Volunteers and Invasive Plants: Learning and Lending a Hand link

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
America's National Wildlife Refuge System

Volunteers and Invasive Plants: Learning and Lending a Hand

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The National Wildlife Refuge System

Supporting Wildlife And Providing For People


Administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Wildlife Refuge System is a network of habitats that support a diversity of wildlife and provide outstanding outdoor experiences for all Americans.

This network of 96 million acres of protected lands has grown to encompass 548 wildlife refuges, thousands of waterfowl protection areas, and many special management areas such as federally designated wilderness areas and biosphere reserves.

An incredible amount of biodiversity is protected by the Refuge System:
  • 220+ mammal species
  • 700+ bird species
  • 250+ reptile and amphibian species
  • 200+ fish species
  • countless insect species
  • thousands of plant species

The US Fish and Wildlife Service encourages refuge visitors to enjoy the wildlife, the scenic beauty, and to participate in recreation and other activities that are allowed in the Refuge System.