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Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for 1998

Contents All requests for copies of works should be mailed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work (indicated by CAPITAL LETTERS in the bibliographic entry) according to the two-letter code at the end of the entry.  Refer to "Description of Annual/ Biennial Lists" for a key to the codes.


ARMSTRONG, R.S.  1998.  Bottom temperatures on the continental shelf and upper slope: means, standard deviations, and anomalies.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:7-14.  Ordering address code: NG.

ARMSTRONG, R.S.  1998.  Variations in the shelf-slope front and the influence of warm-core Gulf Stream rings.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:39-43.  Ordering address code: NG.

ARMSTRONG, R.S., editor.  1998.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134; 43 p.  Ordering address code: NG.

Baker, E.A.; COLLETTE, B.B.  1998.  Mackerel from the northern Indian Ocean and the Red Sea are Scomber australasicus, not Scomber japonicusIchthyol. Res. 45(1):29-33.  Ordering address code: NS.

BEGG, G.A.  A review of stock identification of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 60(4):1-15.  Ordering address code: WH.

BEGG, G.A.; Cappo, M.; Cameron, D.S.; Boyle, S.; Sellin, M.J.  1998.  Stock discrimination of school mackerel, Scomberomorus queenslandicus, and spotted mackerel, Scomberomorus munroi, in coastal waters of eastern Australia by analysis of minor and trace elements in whole otoliths. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(4):653-666.  Ordering address code: WH.

BEJDA, A.J.; PHELAN, B.A.  1998.  Can scales be used to sex winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus? [Note.] Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(3):621-623.  Ordering address code: SH.

BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1998.  Departures of 1996 temperatures and salinities in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine from historical means.  J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 24:61-86.  Ordering address code: NG.

BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]  1998.  Revised biology and management of long-finned squid (Loligo pealei) in the Northwest Atlantic.  CalCOFI [Calif. Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest.] Rep. 39:61-70.  Ordering address code: WH.

Caswell, H.; Brault, S.; Read, A.J.; SMITH, T.D.  1998.  Harbor porpoise and fisheries: an uncertainty analysis of incidental mortality.  Ecol. Appl. 8(4):1226-1238.  Ordering address code: WH.

CHAMBERLIN, J.L.  1998.  Maximum and minimum bottom temperatures on the continental shelf and upper slope.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:27-30.  Ordering address code: NG.

CHAMBERLIN, J.L.  1998.  Ocean temperature monitoring: project background and some applications to fishery ecology.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:1-6.  Ordering address code: NG.

CHANG, S.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; MURCHELANO, R.A.  1998.  Associations between liver lesions in winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) and sediment chemical contaminants from north-east United States estuaries.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 55:954-969.  Ordering address code: SH.

Christian, R.; STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]; Stone, D. 1998. Evolution of marine artifical reef development -- a philosophical review of management strategies. Gulf of Mexico Science 16(1):32-36. SH.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1998.  Flyingfishes and their allies.  In: Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.E., eds.  Encyclopedia of fishes, 2nd ed.  San Diego, CA: Academic Press; p. 144-147.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COOK, S.K.  1998.  Vertical thermal structure of midshelf waters.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:21-25.  Ordering address code: NG.

COOPER, J.A.; Chapleau, F.  1998.  Monophyly and intrarelationships of the family Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectiformes), with a revised classification.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(4):653-666.  Ordering address code: NS.

Cox, T.M.; Read, A.J.; Barco, S.; Evans, J.; Gannon, D.P.; Koopman, H.N.; McLellan, W.A.; Murray, K.; NICOLAS, J.; Pabst, D.A.; Potter, C.W.; Swingle, W.M.; Thayer, V.G.; Touhey, K.M.; Westgate, A.J.  1998.  Documenting the bycatch of harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in coastal gillnet fisheries from stranded carcasses.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(4):727-734.  Ordering address code: WH.

Crowder, L.B.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1998.  Fisheries bycatch: implications for management.  Fisheries 23(6):8-17.  Ordering address code: WH.

Díaz de Astarloa, J.M; MUNROE, T.A.  1998.  Systematics, distribution and ecology of commercially important paralichthyid flounders occurring in Argentinean-Uruguayan waters (Paralichthys, Paralichthyidae): an overview.  J. Sea Res. 39(1998):1-9.  Ordering address code: NS.

EDWARDS, S.F.  1998.  Economic principles pertaining to the evaluation of fisheries policies.  In: Beckett, J.S., ed.  Proceedings of the ICCAT [Int. Comm. Conserv. Atl. Tunas] 25th Symposium. Part 2.  Madrid, Spain: International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas; p. 805-819.  Ordering address code: WH.

FOGARTY, M.J.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1998.  Large-scale disturbance and the structure of marine systems: fishery impacts on Georges Bank.  Ecol. Appl. 8(1)suppl.:S6-S22.  Ordering address code: WH.

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Reddin, D.G.; Shimizu, N.; HAAS, R.E., Youngson, A.F.  1998.  Strontium:calcium ratios in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) otoliths and observations on growth and maturation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55:1158-1168.  Ordering address code: MS.

Gautam, A.; STEINBACK, S.[R.]  1998.  Valuation of recreational fisheries in the northeast US. Striped bass: a case study. In: Hickley, P.; Tompkins, H., eds.  Recreational fisheries: social, economic and management aspects.  Oxford, England: Fishing News Books; p. 165-183.  Ordering address code: WH.

Ghosh, P.; Patterson, G.W.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1998.  Sterols of some marine Prymnesiophyceae.  J. Phycol. 34:511-514.  Ordering address code: MF.

INGHAM, M.C.  1998.  Mean monthly wind stress and Ekman transport conditions.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:31-38.  Ordering address code: NG.

KOCIK, J.F.; Paola Ferreri, C.  1998.  Juvenile production variation in salmonids: population dynamics, habitat, and the role of spatial relationships.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55(Suppl. 1):191-200.  Ordering address code: WH.

KOHLER, N.E.; CASEY, J.G.; TURNER, P.A.  1998.  NMFS Cooperative Shark Tagging Program, 1962-93: an atlas of shark tag and recapture data. Mar. Fish. Rev. 60(2):1-87.  Ordering address code: NG.

Kroeze, C.; SEITZINGER, S.P.  1998.  Nitrogen inputs to rivers, estuaries and continental shelves and related nitrous oxide emissions in 1990 and 2050: a global model.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 52:195-212.  Ordering address code: RG.

Kroeze, C.; SEITZINGER, S.P.  1998.  The impact of land use on N2O emissions from watersheds draining into the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean and European Seas.  Environ. Poll. 102:149-158.  Ordering address code: RG.

LINK, J.  1998.  Dynamics of lake herring (Coregonus artedi) reactive volume for different crustacean zooplankton. Hydrobiologia 368:101-110.  Ordering address code: WH.

McBride, R.S.; O’GORMAN, J.B.; Able, K.W.  1998.  Interspecific comparisons of searobin (Prionotus spp.) movements, size structure, and abundance in the temperate western North Atlantic. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(2):303-314.  Ordering address code: WH.

Mosier, A.; Kroeze, C.; Nevison, C.; Oenema, O.; SEITZINGER, S.[P.]; van Cleemput, O.  1998.  Closing the global N2O budget: nitrous oxide emissions through the agricultural nitrogen cycle. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 52:225-248.  Ordering address code: RG.

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; TAYLOR, M.H.  1998.  Spatial coherence of interannual variability in water properties on the U.S. Northeast shelf.  J. Geophys. Res. 103(C2):3083-3092.  Ordering address code: WH.

MUNROE, T.A.  1998.  Systematics and ecology of tonguefishes of the genus Symphurus (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) form the western Atlantic Ocean.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(1):1-182.  Ordering address code: NS.

MUNROE, T.A.; Amaoka, K.  1998.  Symphurus hondoensis Hubbs, 1915, a valid species of western Pacific tonguefish (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae).  Ichthyol. Res. 45(4):385-391.  Ordering address code: NS.

O’REILLY, J.E.; ZETLIN, C.  1998.  Seasonal, horizontal, and vertical distribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the northeast U.S. continental shelf ecosystem.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 139; 120 p.  Ordering address code: NG.

Palsbøll, P.J.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Jørgensen, H.; Larsen, F.; Mattila, D.; Sears, R.; Sigurjonsson, J.; Vasquez, O.  1998.  The usefulness of parallel analysis of uni- and bi-parental markers: the North Atlantic humpback whale.  In: Karp, A.; Isaac, P.G.; Ingram, D.S., eds.  Molecular tools for screening biodiversity.  London, England: Chapman & Hall; p. 426-430.  Ordering address code: WH.

PERRY, D.M.; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; KUROPAT, C.A.; HUGHES, J.B.  1998.  Laboratory culture of tautog.  Prog. Fish-Cult. 60:50-54.  Ordering address code: MF.

Piatkowski, U.; Allcock, L.; Hevia, M.; Steimer, S.; VECCHIONE, M.  1998.  Cephalopod ecology.  Ber. Polarforsch. 274:41-47.  Ordering address code: NS.

RAGO, P.J.; SOSEBEE, K.A.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; ANDERSON, E.D.  1998.  Implications of recent increases in catches on the dynamics of Northwest Atlantic spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias).  Fish. Res. 39:165-181.  Ordering address code: WH.

Roper, C.F.E.; Lu, C.C.; VECCHIONE, M.  1998.  Systematics and distribution of Illex species; a revision (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae).  In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods. Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:405-423.  Ordering address code: NS.

Scoles, D.R.; COLLETTE, B.B.; Graves, J.E.  1998.  Global phylogeography of mackerels of the genus ScomberFish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(4):823-842.  Ordering address code: NS.

SEITZINGER, S.P.  1998.  Global distribution of nitrous oxide production and N inputs in freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 12(1):93-113.  Ordering address code: RG.

SHEEHAN, T.F.  1998.  First record of the ragged-tooth shark, Odontaspis ferox, off the U.S. Atlantic coast.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 60(1):33-34.  Ordering address code: WH.

SISSENWINE, M.P.  1998.  The concept of fisheries ecosystem management -- current approaches and future research needs. In: Williams, M.J., ed.  A roadmap for the future of fisheries and conservation. ICLARM [Int. Cent. Living Aquat. Resourc. Manage.] Conf. Proc. 56:21-22.  Ordering address code: WH.

SISSENWINE, M.P.; Mace, P.M.; Powers, J.E.; Scott, G.P.  1998.  A commentary on western Atlantic bluefin tuna assessments. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 127:838-855.  Ordering address code: WH.

SMITH, B.C.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1998.  An automated rearing chamber for studies of shellfish feeding.  Aquacult. Eng. 17(1998):69-77.  Ordering address code: MF.

SMITH, T.D.  1998.  “Simultaneous and complementary advances”: mid-century expectations of fisheries science and management. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 8:335-348.

STEHLIK, L.L.; Scarlett, P.G.; Dobarro, J.  1998.  Status of the blue crab fisheries of New Jersey.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(2):475-485.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Glazer, R.A.  1998.  Variation in natural mortality: implications for queen conch stock enhancement. Bull. Mar. Sci. 62(2):427-442.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Ray-Culp, M.; O’Connell, S.M.  1998.  Settlement and recruitment of queen conch, Strombus gigas, in seagrass meadows: associations with habitat and micropredators.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 96(4):885-899.  Ordering address code: SH.

STONER, A.W.; Smith, N.P.  1998.  Across-shelf transport of gastropod larvae in the central Bahamas: rapid responses to local wind conditions.  J. Plankton Res. 20(1):1-16.  Ordering address code: SH.

Sweeney, M.J.; VECCHIONE, M.  1998.  Generic and specific names introduced in the squid family Loliginidae.  In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods.  Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:223-237.

THEROUX, R.B.; WIGLEY, R.L.  1998.  Quantitative composition and distribution of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna of the continental shelf ecosystems of the northeastern United States. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 140; 240 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o F. Almeida).

THUNBERG, E.M.; HELSER, T.E.; MAYO, R.K.  1998.  Bioeconomic analysis of alternative selection patterns in the United States Atlantic silver hake fishery.  Mar. Resour. Econ. 13:51-74.  Ordering address code: WH.

VECCHIONE, M.  1998.  Character analysis: introductory comments.  In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods.  Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:3-6.  Ordering address code: NS.

VECCHIONE, M.  1998.  Ontogenic characters and cephalopod systematics.  In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods. Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:11-20.  Ordering address code: NS.

VECCHIONE, M.; Brakoniecki, T.F.; Natsukari, Y.; Hanlon, R.T.  1998.  A provisional classification of the Loliginidae. In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods.  Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:215-222.  Ordering address code: NS.

Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., editors.  Introduction.  In: Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., eds.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods. Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586:1-2.  Ordering address code: NS.

Voss, N.A.; VECCHIONE, M.; Toll, R.B.; Sweeney, M.J., editors.  Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods.  Smithson. Contr. Zool. 586; 2 volumes; 599 p.  Ordering address code: NS.

Wada, T.; JACOBSON, L.D.  1998.  Regimes and stock-recruitment relationships in Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), 1951-1995.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55(11):2455-2463.  Ordering address code: WH.

WOOD, G.B.  1998.  Comparison of surface and bottom water temperatures with air temperatures.  In: Armstrong, R.S., ed.  Water temperatures and climatological conditions south of New England, 1974-83.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 134:15-20.  Ordering address code: NG.

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Apex Predators Cooperative Shark Tagging Program, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1998.  The shark tagger 1997 summary. Shark Tag. Newsl., June 1998; 20 p.  Ordering address code: NG (c/o N.E. Kohler).

BENWAY, R.L.  1998.  Surface and bottom temperatures and surface salinities: New York to the Gulf Stream, Massachusetts to Cape Sable N.S. 1997.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/17; 12 p.  Ordering address code: NG.

BROWN, R.  1998.  Haddock.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:53-56.  Ordering address code: WH.

BROWN, R.; GABRIEL, W.  1998.  Winter flounder.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:81-84.  Ordering address code: WH.

Butler, J.L.; JACOBSON, L.D.; Barnes, J.T.  1998.  Stock assessment for blackgill rockfish.  Appendix to: Status of the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery through 1998 and recommended acceptable biological catches for 1999: stock assessment and fishery evaluation.  Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery Management Council; 93 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.  1998.  Longfin inshore squid. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:118-119.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.  1998.  Northern shrimp. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:123-124.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; Neilson, J.D.; Gavaris, S.; WIGLEY, S.E.  1998.  Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 1997.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-06; 108 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.; Shick, D.F.; McCarron, D.; CLARK, S.H.; Armstrong, M.P.; Smith, B.; O’GORMAN, J.B.  1998.  Gulf of Maine northern shrimp stock assessment: a report prepared by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Technical Committee at the 25th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 21-25 July 1997.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-07; 66 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.; Skúladóttir, U.  1998.  Surplus production analysis of shrimp in the Denmark Strait. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/117; 20 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CADRIN, S.X.; Skúladóttir, U.  1998.  Surplus production analysis of shrimp in the Denmark Strait, 1977-1998. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/3; 21 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CLARK, S.H., editor.  1998.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115; 149 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

CLARK, S.H.; SOSEBEE, K.[A.]  1998.  United States research report for 1997.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCS [Sci. Counc. Summ.] Doc. 98/12; 14 p. Ordering address code: WH.

Dawe, E.G.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.  1998.  A review of the biology, population dynamics, and exploitation of short-finned squid in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, in relation to assessment and management of the resource. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/59; 33 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

EDWARDS, S.F.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; THUNBERG, E.[M.] 1998.  Bycatch of yellowtail flounder in the Southern New England trawl fishery. In: Managing the nation’s bycatch: programs, activities, and recommendations for the National Marine Fisheries Service.  Washington, DC: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; p. 159-169.  Ordering address code: WH.

FRIEDLAND, K.[D.]  1998.  Atlantic and shortnose sturgeons.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:142-143.  Ordering address code: MS.

FRIEDLAND, K.[D.]; KOCIK, J.[F.]  1998.  Atlantic salmon.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:140-141.  Ordering address code: MS.

FRIEDLAND, K.[D.]  1998.  Atlantic herring. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:104-105.  Ordering address code: MS.

GABRIEL, W.  1998.  Scup.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:90-91.  Ordering address code: WH.

GIBSON, J.A.  1998.  Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications, reports, and abstracts for calendar year 1997. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-11; 14 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, L.  1998.  Northern shortfin squid. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:116-117.  Ordering address code: WH.

HENDRICKSON, L.  1998.  Windowpane.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:85-87.  Ordering address code: WH.

IDOINE, J.  1998.  American lobster.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:120-122.  Ordering address code: WH.

IDOINE, J.  1998.  Atlantic wolffish. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:100-1012.  Ordering address code: WH.

IDOINE, J.  1998.  Goosefish.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:88-89.  Ordering address code: WH.

KITTS, A.[W.]; THUNBERG, E.[M.]  1998.  Description and impacts of Northeast groundfish fishery buyout programs.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-12; 19 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

KITTS, A.[W.]; THUNBERG, E.[M.]; Robertson, J.  1998.  Modeling participation and bids in the Northeast U.S. groundfish fishing vessel buyout program.  In: Eide, A.; Vassdal, T., eds.  Proceedings: IIFET [Int. Instit. Fish. Econ. Trade] ’98 - Tromso. Vol. 1.  Tromso, Norway: Univ. of Tromso, Norwegian Coll. of Fishery Science; p. 163-170.  Ordering address code: WH.

KITTS, A.[W.]; THUNBERG, E.[M.]; Sheppard, G.  1998.  The Northeast groundfish fishery buyout program.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:39-45.  Ordering address code: WH.

KOCIK, J.[F.]  1998.  American shad.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:136-137.  Ordering address code: WH.

KOCIK, J.[F.]  1998.  River herring.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:134-135.  Ordering address code: WH.

KUBINEC, A.[S.]  1998.  Voluntary use of respirators: new OSHA standard clarifies requirements.  Lab. Safe. Environ. Manage. 6(3):6.  Ordering address code: SH.

LAI, H.; RAGO, P.[J.]  1998.  Sea scallop. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:131-133.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.  1998.  Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock for 1997.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-08; 94 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.  1998.  Pollock.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:67-69.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.  1998.  Redfish.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:57-59.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.  1998.  Silver hake.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:60-63.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.; O’BRIEN, L.  1998.  Atlantic cod. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:49-52.  Ordering address code: WH.

MAYO, R.K.; O’BRIEN, L.; WIGLEY, S.E.  1998.  Assessment of the Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod stock for 1998.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-13; 88 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

MURAWSKI, S.[A.]; ALMEIDA, F.  1998.  Aggregate resource trends.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:12-20.  Ordering address code: WH.

Neilson, J.D.; CADRIN, S.X.  1998.  1998 assessment of Georges Bank (5Zjmnh) yellowtail flounder.  CAFSAC [Can. Stock Assess. Secret.] Res. Doc. 98/67; 90 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center], National Marine Fisheries Service.  1998.  Report to Congress on Northeast multispecies harvest capacity and impact of Northeast fishing capacity reduction.  Silver Spring, MD: National Marine Fisheries Service; 19 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o E.M. Thunberg).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1998.  26th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (26th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-03; 283 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o M.J. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1998.  26th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (26th SAW): Public Review Workshop.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-04; 44 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o M.J. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1998.  27th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (27th SAW): Public Review Workshop.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-14; 78 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o M.J. Smith).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1998.  27th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (27th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-15; 350 p.  Ordering address code: WH (c/o M.J. Smith).

O’BRIEN, L.  1998.  American plaice.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:77-78.  Ordering address code: WH.

O’BRIEN, L.  1998. Cusk.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:98-99.  Ordering address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, W.[J.]  1998.  Atlantic mackerel. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:106-107.  Ordering address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, W.[J.]  1998.  Butterfish. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:108-109.  Ordering address code: WH.

OVERHOLTZ, W.[J.]; CADRIN, S.X.  1998.  Yellowtail flounder.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:70-74.  Ordering address code: WH.

PALKA, D.  1998.  Harbor porpoise.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:144-145.  Ordering address code: WH.

POLLARD ROUNTREE, B.; CLAY, P.; STEINBACK, S.[R.]; WALDEN, J.[B.]  1998.  Fishery economic trends.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:21-38.  Ordering address code: WH.

Reeves, R.R.; CLAPHAM, P.J.; Brownell, R.L.; Silber, G.K.  1998.  Recovery plan for the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus).  Silver Spring, MD: National Marine Fisheries Service; 39 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

Rivard, D.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.; SERCHUK, F.M.  1998.  Yield estimates for short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in SA [Statistical Areas] 3-4 from research vessel survey relative biomass indices. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/75; 4 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

Shabman, L.; Stephenson, K.; THUNBERG, E.[M.]; Dietz, B.; Driscoll, P.; O’Grady, K.  1998.  Comparing benefit estimation techniques: residential flood hazard reduction benefits in Roanoke, Virginia. U.S. Army Corps Eng. IWR [Instit. Water Resour.] Rep. 98-R-2; 114 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.  1998.  Black sea bass.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:92-93.  Ordering address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.  1998.  Striped bass.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:138-139.  Ordering address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.  1998.  Tilefish.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:102-103.  Ordering address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.[A.].  1998.  Red hake.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:64-66.  Ordering address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.[A.].  1998.  Skates.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:114-115.  Ordering address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.[A.].  1998.  Spiny dogfish. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:112-113.  Ordering address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.[A.].  1998.  White hake.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:96-97.  Ordering address code: WH.

SOSEBEE, K.A.; O’BRIEN, L.; HENDRICKSON, C.  1998.  A preliminary analytical assessment for white hake in the Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine region.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-05; 108 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

STEHLIK, L.[L.]  1998.  Underwater naturalists as piscitourists.  Underwater Nat. 24(1):6-7.  Ordering address code: SH.

STEIMLE, F., contributor.  1998.  Coastal artificial reef planning guide.  Washington, DC: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission; 45 p.  Ordering address code: SH.

Sutinen, J.G., and 15 others, including LOGAN, P.; CLAY, P.; EDWARDS, S.[F.]; THUNBERG, E.[M.]; KITTS, A.W.; POLLARD-ROUNTREE, B.; STEINBACK, S.R.; WALDEN, J.B.  1998.  A framework for monitoring and assessing socioeconomics and governance of large marine ecosystems. Final report.  Contract No. 40ENNF700378.  Silver Spring, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; 44 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

TAYLOR, M.H.; Bascuñán, C.  1998.  Description of the 1997 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast continental shelf.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-01; 112 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

TERCEIRO, M.  1998. Bluefish.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:110-111.  Ordering address code: WH.

TERCEIRO, M.  1998.  Summer flounder. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:75-76.  Ordering address code: WH.

Thomas, G.G.; BENWAY, R.[L.]; Cook, S.; Daneshzadeh, Y.-H.; Krug, W.S.  1998.  Surface salinity and temperature from ships of opportunity.  In: Ocean Community Conference ’98 Proceedings. Vol. 1.  Washington, DC: Marine Technology Society; p. 160-165.  Ordering address code: NG.

WARING, G.T.  1998.  Results of the summer 1991 R/V Chapman marine mammal sighting survey.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-09; 21 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.  1998.  Atlantic surfclam. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:125-127.  Ordering address code: WH.

WEINBERG, J.  1998.  Ocean quahog.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:128-130.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIGLEY, S.[E.].  1998.  Ocean pout.  In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:94-95.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIGLEY, S.[E.].  1998.  Witch flounder. In: Clark, S.H., ed.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1998.  NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE-115:79-80.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIGLEY, S.E.; BURNETT, J.M.; RAGO, P.J.  1998.  An evaluation of maturity estimates derived from two different sampling schemes: are the observed changes fact or artifact?  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 98/100; 17 p. Ordering address code: WH.

WIGLEY, S.[E].; TERCEIRO, M.; DeLong, A.; SOSEBEE, K.[A.] 1998.  Proration of 1994-96 USA commercial landings of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder to unit stock areas.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-02; 32 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

WILK, S.J.; PIKANOWSKI, R.A.; McMILLAN, D.G.; MacHAFFIE, E.M.  1998.  Seasonal distribution and abundance of 26 species of fish and megainvertebrates collected in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, January 1992 - December 1997.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 98-10; 145 p.  Ordering address code: SH.

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Barbeau, S.; CHAMBERS, C.; WITTING, D.[A.]; Able, K.  1998.  Size-specific predation on juvenile summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, and the duration of the window of vulnerability. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 71.  Ordering address code: SH.

BERRIEN, P.; CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  Variation in reproductive output of Mid-Atlantic Bight fishes. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 38.  Ordering address code: SH.

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.J.  1998.  Overview, 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):347.  Ordering address code: MF.

BOLLES, K.; MILLIKEN, C.[G.]  1998.  The diet of key right-handed flounders (American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, and yellowtail flounder, P. ferrugineus) in the Northwest Atlantic from the 1970s to the 1990s, with an emphasis on dietary overlap. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 78-79.  Ordering address code: WH.

Bosley, K.L.; WITTING, D.A.; CHAMBERS, C.; Wainwright, S.C.  1998.  Ontogenetic diet shifts of larval and juvenile flatfish: estimating turnover rates with stable-isotope ratios. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 28-29.  Ordering address code: SH.

CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  Variation in temperature effects on embryonic and early larval period attributes of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 61.  Ordering address code: SH.

CHOROMANSKI, J.; STILES, S.; COOPER, C.  1998.  Overwintering survival of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) in Long Island Sound. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):350-351.  Ordering address code: MF.

Clark, H.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1998.  Oysters as processors of particulate organic nitrogen: quantitative and qualitative assessment of inputs and outputs. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):351.  Ordering address code: MF.

Cook, M.; CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  Temperature effects on age, size, and condition at hatching in windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 74.  Ordering address code: SH.

COOPER, J.A.  1998.  Revisions in flatfish taxonomy: sometimes the names have to change. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 54.  Ordering address code: NS.

DeLong, A.; Collie, J.; MEISE, C.[J.]; Powell, C.  1998.  Growth and mortality rates of young-of-the-year winter flounder in Narragansett Bay: length-based model revisited. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 16.  Ordering address code: SH.

DIXON, M.S.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1998.  Tetraselmis chui, PLY429, grows better in flat tanks than in tubes. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):352.  Ordering address code: MF.

GARRISON, L.P.; Rountree, R.A.  1998.  The impact of large scale environmental factors on spatial distribution and species composition in the Northwest Atlantic groundfish community. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 205-206.  Ordering address code: WH.

GOLDBERG, R.; CLARK, P.; WIKFORS, G.H.; Shpigel, M.  1998.  Performance of Ulva rigida as a biofilter in a flow-through mariculture system. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):354-355.  Ordering address code: MF.

HAMLIN, H.; CHAMBERS, C.; WITTING, D.[A.]  1998.  Quantifying ontogenetic change: a multivariate analysis of larval development in flatfishes. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 51.  Ordering address code: SH.

HATFIELD, E.  1998.  Factors influencing the abundance of the longfin inshore squid, Loligo pealeii. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: 1998 ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Annual Science Conference; Cascais, Portugal; Sep. 16-19, 1998. ICES C.M. 1998/M:15; 1 p.  Ordering address code: WH.

KOCIK, J.F.  1998.  From game fish to tame fish: Atlantic salmon in North America, 1798 to 1998. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 6-7.  Ordering address code: WH.

KOCIK, J.F.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.  1998.  River-ocean transition zones for Atlantic salmon smolts in the Connecticut and Penobscot Rivers: differential thermal challenges. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 168.  Ordering address code: WH.

KUBINEC, A.S.  1998.  Chemical inventory management system (CIMS): the second phase. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Laboratory Safety & Environmental Management Conference; Research Triangle Park, NC; Jun. 22-25, 1998; p. 13-14.  Ordering address code: SH.

KUROPAT, C.[A.]; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; GOLDBERG, R.; THURBERG, F.; PHELAN, B.[A.]  1998.  Assessment of young-of-the-year winter flounder habitats using RNA as an index of condition. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 25.  Ordering address code: MF.

LEWIS, S.; CHAMBERS, C.; WITTING, D.[A.]  1998.  Survival of larval winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus: evidence for a critical period? [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 63.  Ordering address code: SH.

LINK, J.  1998.  (Re)constructing food webs and managing fisheries.  Prepared for: 16th Lowell Wakefield Symposium; Anchorage, AK; Sep. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998; p. 29.  Ordering address code: WH.

LINK, J.; ALMEIDA, F.  1998.  Feeding ecology of Northwest Atlantic fishes.  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 77.  Ordering address code: WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1998.  A comparison of oyster culture in 1896 and 1996. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Aquaculture ’98; Las Vegas, NV; Feb. 15-19, 1998; p. 342.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1998.  Oyster culture and marketing in eastern Mexico. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):359.  Ordering address code: SH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1998.  Oyster culture in the future. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Aquaculture ’98; Las Vegas, NV; Feb. 15-19, 1998; p. 342.  Ordering address code: SH.

MANDERSON, J.P.; PHELAN, B.A.; STEHLIK, L.L.; BEJDA, A.J.; Nunez, M.  1998.  Predation by striped searobin (Prionotus evolans) on age-0 winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and an alternative benthic invertebrate prey (Crangon septemspinosa). [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 41.  Ordering address code: SH.

MARTIN, C.  1998.  Fungal diseases in aquaculture: recent observations in larval bivalves. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):359-360.  Ordering address code: MF.

McHUGH, N.[J.]; MILLIKEN, C[G.].  1998.  The diet of major gadids (haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and pollock, Pollachius virens) in the Northwest Atlantic from the 1970s to the 1990s, with an emphasis on dietary overlap. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 78.  Ordering address code: WH.

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; PERRY, D.[M.]; BURGH, S.  1998.  Culture of tautog in a recirculating seawater system. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):360.  Ordering address code: MF.

Neuman, M.J.; WITTING, D.A.; Able, K.W.  1998.  An evaluation of the relationship between otolith microstructure, otolith growth, and somatic growth in a temperate flatfish, Scophthalmus aquosus. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 78.  Ordering address code: SH.

PHELAN, B.[A.]; MANDERSON, J.P.  1998.  Substratum preference by young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, and the influence of food. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 40.  Ordering address code: SH.

Rountree, R.A.; MICHAELS, W.L.; McHUGH, N.J.; MILLIKEN, C.G.; YETTER, R.M.  1998.  Characterization of fish guilds in the Northwest Atlantic shelf based on diet similarity. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 204.  Ordering address code: WH.

Shaheen, P.; STEHLIK, L.[L.];, MANDERSON, J.[P.]  1998.  Species-specific predation on natural zooplankton by newly-settled winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 34-35.  Ordering address code: SH.

SHEEHAN, T.F.; KOCIK, J.F.  1998.  Nearshore pelagic ichthyofauna during Atlantic salmon smolt out-migration in Narraguagus Bay, Maine: ecological implications. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 211.  Ordering address code: WH.

SHEPHERD, G.R.  1998.  Analysis of striped bass abundance using a catch-at-age model. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 92.  Ordering address code: WH.

STEHLIK, L.L.; MEISE, C.J.  1998.  Dietary variation of age-0 winter flounder in a New Jersey estuary. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 33.  Ordering address code: SH.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; COOPER, C.; Xue, Q.-Z.  1998.  Genetic and breeding investigations of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians). [Abstr. No. 8P218; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th International Congress of Genetics; Beijing, China; Aug. 10-15, 1998; n.p.  Ordering address code: MF.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; COOPER, C.  1998.  Chromosome engineering and the biotechnology potential of shellfish from Long Island Sound. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Marine Aquaculture: Emerging Technologies and Global Opportunities; Stamford, CT; Jun. 26-27, 1998.  Conn. Sea Grant Coll. Prog. Publ. CTSG-98-05: 47.  Ordering address code: MF.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; COOPER, C.  1998.  Selection studies on growth and survival of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) from Long Island Sound. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):363.  Ordering address code: MF.

WALSH, M.; WITTING, D.[A.]; CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  The role of intra- and inter-individual variability on consumption rates of recently metamorphosed winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 21-22.  Ordering address code: SH.

WIDMAN, J.C., Jr.  1998.  Design of a rercirculating nursery culture system for the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998.  J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):364.  Ordering address code: MF.

WIGLEY, S.E.  1998.  Effects of first-time spawners on stock-recruitment relationships in two groundfish species. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] Symposium on Variations in Maturation, Growth, Condition, and Spawning Stock Biomass Production in Groundfish; Lisbon, Portugal; Sep. 9-11, 1998: n.p.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIGLEY, S.E.; BURNETT, J.[M.]; RAGO, P.J.  1998.  An evaluation of maturity estimates derived from two sampling schemes: are the observed maturation changes fact or artifact?. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] Symposium on Variations in Maturation, Growth, Condition, and Spawning Stock Biomass Production in Groundfish; Lisbon, Portugal; Sep. 9-11, 1998: n.p.  Ordering address code: WH.

WIKFORS, G.H.; ALIX, J.H.; DIXON, M.S.; SMITH, B.C.  1998.  Feeding ration and regime as factors controlling growth rate and conversion efficiency of bay scallops. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: 18th Milford Aquaculture Seminar; New Haven, CT; Feb. 23-25, 1998. J. Shellfish Res. 17(1):364-365.  Ordering address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; SMITH, B.C.  1998.  Simple process-control retro-fits for macroalgal mass-culture tanks. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Aquaculture ’98; Las Vegas, NV; Feb. 15-19, 1998; p. 582.  Ordering address code: MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; WIDMAN, J.C.; STILES, S.; ROBOHM, R.A.; CALABRESE, A.  1998.  New England bay scallops as a one-season aquaculture crop. [Extend. abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: Marine Aquaculture: Emerging Technologies and Global Opportunities; Stamford, CT; Jun. 26-27, 1998.  Conn. Sea Grant Coll. Prog. Publ. CTSG-98-05: 49-55.  Ordering address code: MF.

WITTING, D.[A.]; CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  Size-specific predation on recently metamorphosed winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, and the duration of their vulnerability to Crangon septemspinosa. [Abstr.; post. pres.]  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 73.  Ordering address code: SH.

WITTING, D.[A.]; CHAMBERS, C.  1998.  The basis and potential utility of meristic and morphological variation in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. [Abstr.; oral pres.] Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Conference; Mystic, CT; Dec. 1-2, 1998; p. 62.  Ordering address code: SH.

YETTER, R.M.; ALMEIDA, F.  1998.  The diet of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, and weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, in the Northwest Atlantic from the 1970s to the 1990s, with comments on dietary overlap. [Abstr.; oral pres.]  Prepared for: American Fisheries Society 128th Annual Meeting; Hartford, CT; Aug. 23-27, 1998; p. 77-78.  Ordering address code: WH.