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Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for 1995
Contents All requests for a reprint of a publication or a photocopy of a report or an abstract should be mailed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work (i.e., as depicted by all capital letters in the bibliographic entry) according to the two-letter code at the end of the entry.  Refer to "Description of Annual/Biennial Lists" for a key to the codes.

Abend, A.G.; SMITH, T.D.  1995.  Differences in ratios of stable isotopes of nitrogen in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the western and eastern North Atlantic.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] J. Mar. Sci. 52:837-841.  Ordering address code:  WH.

ALMEIDA, F.P.; Hartley D.-L.; BURNETT, J.  1995.  Length-weight relationships and sexual maturity of goosefish off the northeast coast of the United States.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 15:14-25.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Bagheri, S.; Stein, M.; ZETLIN, C.  1995.  Airborne videography: an oil spill response monitoring system.  Natl. Environ. J. 5(3):66-70.  Ordering address code:  SH.

BROWN, R.B.  1995.  Conducting an effective manuscript review. Fisheries 20(7):40-41.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Carpenter, K.E.; COLLETTE, B.B.; Russo, J.L.  1995.  Unstable and stable classifications of scombroid fishes.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 56(2):379-405.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Batrachoididae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 910-918.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Belonidae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 919-926.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Coryphaenidae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1036-1038.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Hemiramphidae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1175-1181.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  Potamobatrachus trispinosus, a new freshwater toadfish (Batrachoididae) from the Rio Tocantins, Brazil. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 6(4):333-336.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Scombridae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. III. Vertebrados -- Parte 2.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1521-1543.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  Tondanichthys kottelati, a new genus and species of freshwater halfbeak (Teleostei: Hemiramphidae) from Sulawesi.  Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 6(2):171-174.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  [Family] Xiphiidae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1651-1652.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; VECCHIONE, M.  1995.  Interactions between fisheries and systematics.  Fisheries 20(1):20-25.  Ordering address code:  NS.

COLLETTE, B.B.; VECCHIONE, M.  1995.  Systematics and fisheries. Current, J. Mar. Ed. 13(2):26-32.  Ordering address code:  NS.

DESHPANDE, A.D.; POWELL, P.M.  1995.  Organic contaminants in sediments of the New York Bight apex associated with sewage sludge dumping.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:101-112.  Ordering address code:  SH.

DRAXLER, A.F.J.  1995.  Changes in sediment biogeochemistry resulting from cessation of sewage dumping in the New York Bight.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:133-143.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Felley, J.D.; VECCHIONE, M.  1995.  Assessing habitat use by nekton on the continental slope using archived videotapes from submersibles. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93(2):262-273.  Ordering address code:  NS.

FOGARTY, M.J.  1995.  Rejoinder: chaos, complexity and community management of fisheries: an appraisal.  Mar. Pol. 19(5):437-444.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o F.P. Almeida).

Gaines, J.; REID, R.N.  1995.  Reduction in Clostridium perfringens and fecal coliform bacteria in the shellfish closure area of the New York Bight.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:227-232.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Gladu, P.K.; Patterson, G.W.; WIKFORS, G.H.; SMITH, B.C.  1995.  Sterol, fatty acid, and pigment characteristics of UTEX 2341, a marine eustigmatophyte identified previously as Chlorella minutissima (Chlorophyceae). [Note].  J. Phycol. 31:774-777.  Ordering address code:  MF.

HAIN, J.H.W.; Ellis, S.L.; Kenney, R.D.; Clapham, P.J.; Gray, B.K.; Weinrich, M.T.; Babb, I.G.  1995.  Apparent bottom feeding by humpback whales on Stellwagen Bank.  Mar. Mammal Sci. 11(4):464-479.  Ordering address code:  WH.

HELSER, T.E.; HAYES, D.B.  1995.  Providing quantitative management advice from stock abundance indices based on research surveys.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93(2):290-298.  Ordering address code:  SH.

KOHLER, N.E.; CASEY, J.G.; TURNER, P.A.  1995.  Length-weight relationships for 13 species of sharks from the western North Atlantic. Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93(2):412-418.  Ordering address code:  NG.

Kornfield, I.; WILLIAMS, A.B.; Steneck, R.S.  1995.  Assignment of Homarus capensis (Herbst, 1792) the cape lobster of South Africa, to the new genus Homarinus (Decapoda: Nephropidae). Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93(1):97-102.  Ordering address code:  NS.

MAHONEY, J.B.; McGHEE, J.A.; McNULTY, J.K.  1995.  Comparison of suitability of Great Bay, New Jersey, and Parsonage Creek, New York, for Alexandrium tamarenseJ. Euk. Microbiol. 42(6):715-721.  Ordering address code:  SH.

MANNING, J.  1995.  Observations of bottom currents and estimates of resuspended sediment transport in the vicinity of the 12-mile dumpsite.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:33-47.  Ordering address code:  WH.

MESSICK, G.  1995.  Laboratory techniques to detect parasites and diseases in blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus.  Chapter 24 in: Stolen, J.S.; Fletcher, T.C.; Smith, S.A.; Zelikoff, J.T.; Kaattari, S.L.; Anderson, R.S.; Söderhäll, K.; Weeks-Perkins, B.A., eds.  Immunology and pathology of aquatic invertebrates. Tech. Fish Immunol. 4:187-200.  Ordering address code:  OF.

MORSE, W.W.; Able, K.W.  1995.  Distribution and life history of windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus, off the northeastern United States.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93(4):675-693.  Ordering address code:  SH.

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; ARLEN, L.  1995.  Oceanographic conditions in the inner New York Bight during the 12-mile dumpsite study.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:21-31.  Ordering address code:  WH.

MUNROE, T.A.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, M.  1995.  [Family] Cynoglossidae.  In: Fischer, W.; Krupp, F.; Schneider, W.; Sommer, C.; Carpenter, K.E.; Niem, V.H., eds.  Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca: Pacifico Centro-Oriental. Vol. II. Vertebrados -- Parte 1.  Rome, Italy: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization; p. 1039-1059.  Ordering address code:  NS.

O'REILLY, J.[E.]; Katz, I.J.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.  1995.  Changes in the abundance and distribution of Clostridium perfringens, a microbial indicator, related to cessation of sewage sludge dumping in the New York Bight.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:113-132.  Ordering address code:  NG.

OVERHOLTZ, W.J.; EDWARDS, S.F.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.  1995.  Effort control in the New England groundfish fishery: a bioeconomic perspective. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52(9):1944-1957.  Ordering address code:  WH.

PACHECO, A.L. (deceased); Rugg, J.C.  1995.  Disease prevalence of inner New York Bight winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, collected during the 12-mile dumpsite recovery study, 1986-1989.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:195-201.  Ordering address code:  SH (c/o S.J. Wilk).

PACKER, D.; FINNERAN, T.[W.]; ARLEN, L.; KOCH, R.; FROMM, S.; FINN, J.[R.]; FROMM, S.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.  1995.  Fundamental and mass properties of surficial sediments in the inner New York Bight and responses to the abatement of sewage sludge dumping.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:155-169.  Ordering address code:  SH.

PALKA, D.  1995.  Abundance estimate of the Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise.  In: Bjørge, A.; Donovan, G.P., eds.  Biology of the phocoenids: a collection of papers.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. Spec. Iss. 16:27-50.  Ordering address code:  WH.

PALKA, D.  1995.  Influences on spatial patterns of Gulf of Maine harbor porpoises.  In: Blix, A.S.; Walløe, L.; Ulltang, Ø., eds.  Whales, seals, fish and man.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; p. 69-75.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Pequegnat, L.H.; WILLIAMS, A.B.  1995.  Two new species of Munidopsis (Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheidae) from the western Atlantic Ocean. J. Crustacean Biol. 15(4):786-792.  Ordering address code:  NS.

PHELAN, B.A.  1995.  Patterns of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, abundance and distribution in relation to the 12-mile sewage sludge dumpsite in the New York Bight.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:185-193.  Ordering address code:  SH.

PHOEL, W.C.; FROMM, S.; ZETLIN, C.; FROMM, S.A.; SHARACK, K.; Gray, G.  1995.  Changes in sediment oxygen consumption in relation to the phaseout and cessation of dumping at the New York Bight sewage sludge dumpsite.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:145-154.  Ordering address code:  SH (c/o S. Fromm).

PIKANOWSKI, R.[A.]  1995.  Experimental design of the 12-mile dumpsite study.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:13-18.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Poss, S.G.; COLLETTE, B.B.  1995.  Second survey of fish collections in the United States and Canada.  Copeia 1995(1):48-70.  Ordering address code:  NS.

PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Carrier, J.C.  1995.  Wild mating of the nurse sharks.  Natl. Geogr. 187(5):44-53.  Ordering address code:  NG.

REID, R.N.; FROMM, S.A.; FRAME, A.B.; JEFFRESS, D.; VITALIANO, J.J.; RADOSH, D.J.; FINN, J.R.  1995.  Limited responses of benthic macrofauna and selected sewage sludge components to phaseout of sludge disposal in the inner New York Bight.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:213-225.  Ordering address code:  SH.

ROBOHM, R.A.; KOCH, R.A.  1995.  Evidence for oral ingestion as the principal route of antigen entry in bath-immunized fish.  Fish Shellfish Immunol. 5:137-150.  Ordering address code:  MF.

Rodriguez, G.; WILLIAMS, A.B.  1995.  Epilobocera wetherbeei, a new species of freshwater crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae) from Hispaniola.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 108(1):76-83.  Ordering address code:  NS.

Sakuri, Y.; Young, R.E.; Hirota, J.; Mangold, K.; VECCHIONE, M.; Clarke, M.R.; Bower, J.  1995.  Artificial fertilization and development through hatching in the oceanic squids Ommastrephes bartramii and Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Veliger 38(3):185-191.  Ordering address code:  NS.

Shaheen, P.A.; STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]  1995.  Trends in copepod communities in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers, New Jersey: 1962-1992. Estuaries 18(1B):250-254.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEHLIK, L.L.; WILK, S.J.  1995.  Life history aspects of Atlantic rock, jonah, and lady crabs in the area of the 12-mile dumpsite, New York Bight.  Bull. N.J. Acad. Sci. 40(2):1-11.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEIMLE, F.W., Jr.  1995.  Effects of sewage sludge disposal cessation on winter flounder, red hake, and lobster feeding and diets in the New York Bight apex.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:203-211.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]; BURNETT, J.M.; THEROUX, R.B.  1995.  A history of benthic research in the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Mar. Fish. Rev. 57(2):1-13.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STUDHOLME, A.L.; O'REILLY, J.E.; INGHAM, M.C., editors.  1995.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124; 257 p.  Ordering address code:  SH.

VECCHIONE, M.; Sweeney, M.J.  1995.  Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific names of Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, [1797] and Loligo vulgaris, Lamarck 1798 (Mollusca, Gastropoda sic). Bull. Zool. Nomen. 52(4):333-334.  Ordering address code:  NS.

VECCHIONE, M.; Lipinski, M.R.  1995.  Descriptions of the paralarvae of two loiginid squids in southern African waters. S.  Afr. J. Mar. Sci. 15:1-7.  Ordering address code:  NS.

WIKFORS, G.H.; Smolowitz, R.M.  1995.  Experimental and histological studies of four life-history stages of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to a cultured strain of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimumBiol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 188:313-328.  Ordering address code:  MF.

WILK, S.J.; PIKANOWSKI, R.A.; PACHECO, A.L.; McMILLAN, D.G.; STEHLIK, L.L.  1995.  Response of fish and megainvertebrates of the New York Bight apex to the abatement of sewage sludge dumping -- an overview.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:173-183.  Ordering address code:  SH.

WILLIAMS, A.B.  1995.  Taxonomy and evolution.  Chapter 2 in: Factor, J.R., ed.  Biology of the lobster[,] Homarus americanus.  Orlando, FL: Academic Press; p. 13-21.  Ordering address code:  NS.

WILLIAMS, A.B.; Dobbs, F.C.  1995.  A new genus and species of aridean shrimp (Bresiliidae) from hydrothermal vents on Loihi Seamount, Hawaii.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 108(2):228-237.  Ordering address code:  NS.

ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; CUNNEFF, S.L.; FINNERAN, T.W.  1995.  Reductions in sediment metal contamination in the New York Bight apex with the cessation of sewage sludge dumping.  In: Studholme, A.L.; O'Reilly, J.E.; Ingham, M.C., eds.  Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 124:89-100.  Ordering address code:  SH.

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BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1995.  Surface and bottom temperatures, and surface salinities: New York to the Gulf Stream, Massachusetts to Cape Sable N.S. 1994.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 95/15; 13 p.  Ordering address code:  NG.

BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1995.  Water-column thermal structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and the Gulf of Maine for 1993 and 1994. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-11; 25 p.  Ordering address code:  NG.

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; OVERHOLTZ, W.J.  1995.  A comparison of some biological reference points for fisheries management. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-15; 16 p.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o W.J. Overholtz).

CHANG, S.; PEARCE, J.B.  1995.  Epibenthic communities at three temperate reef sites: measures of species association, abundance and substrate preference.  In: ECOSET '95: International Conference on Ecological System Enhancement Technology for Aquatic Environments -- the Sixth International Conference on Aquatic Habitat Enhancement.  Tokyo, Japan: Japan International Marine Science and Technology Federation; p. 334-340.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1995.  Status of fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1995.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-NE [Northeast]-108; 140 p.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o S.A. Murawski).

Foster, K.L.; Kropp, R.K.; STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]; Muir, W.C.; Conlin, B.E.  1995.  Fish community and feeding habitats at a pre-fabricated concrete artificial reef in Delaware Bay, U.S.A.  In: ECOSET '95: International Conference on Ecological System Enhancement Technology for Aquatic Environments -- the Sixth International Conference on Aquatic Habitat Enhancement.  Tokyo, Japan: Japan International Marine Science and Technology Federation; p. 266-271.  Ordering address code:  SH.

HAIN, J.[H.W.]  1995.  Progress toward an airship for ocean research.  Paper No. AIAA 95-1604 prepared for: 11th AIAA [Am. Inst. Aeronaut. Astronaut.] Lighter-than-Air Systems Technology Conference; May 15-18, 1995; Clearwater Beach, FL; 4 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Leavitt, D.F.; McDowell Capuzzo, J.; WEINBERG, J.R.  1995.  Shellfish resources and their management.  In: Colgan, C.S., ed. Sustaining coastal resources: economics and the natural sciences.  Portland, ME: University of Southern Maine, Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs; p. 185-193.  Ordering address code:  WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr. 1995.  The eel fishery of Martha's Vineyard. Dukes County Intelligencer 36(3):120-144.  Ordering address code:  SH.

MANNING, J.; HOLZWARTH-DAVIS, T.; TAYLOR, M.; ROTUNNO, T.; MOUNTAIN, D.; LOUGH, G.  1995.  Georges Bank stratification study: 1992 data report; Albatross IV 92-04 & 92-05; 27 April - 29 May, 1992. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-10; 109 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

[Marine Mammal Investigation, Conservation and Utilization Division].  1995.  An independent scientific peer review of North Atlantic right whale research supported by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-01; 30 p.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o D.G. Potter).

MAYO, R.K.  1995.  Assessment of the Gulf of Maine cod stock for 1994.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-02; 73 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1995.  Report of the 19th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (19th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-08; 221 p.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

[Northeast Fisheries Science Center].  1995.  Report of the 19th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (19th SAW): the plenary. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-09; 57 p.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o H. Mustafa).

PALKA, D.  1995.  Proposed design of 1995 abundance survey of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. SC/47/SM22; 10 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Samways, M.J.; Stork, N.E.; Cracraft, J.; Eeley, H.A.C.; Foster, M.; Lund, G.; Hilton-Taylor, C. (lead authors); Beehler, B.; Chatounovski, M.I.; Daniels, R.; Droege, S.; Edwards, J.; Evans, D.; Hayek, L.-A.; Larson, J.; Linden, D.; Manokaran, N.; McDiarmid, R.; Phillips, O.; Robertson-Vernhes, J.; Rodenburg, E.; SHERMAN, K.; Soberón, J.; Striganova, B.R. (contributors).  1995.  Scales, planning and approaches to inventorying and monitoring. [Section 7.2 of Chapter 7 -- Inventorying and monitoring].  In: Heywood, V.H., exec. ed.  Global biodiversity assessment.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; p. 475-517.  Ordering address code:  NG.

SHEPHERD, G.  1995.  A worldwide view of overfishing. N.J. Fish Wildl. Dig. 8(3):1-2.  Ordering address code:  WH.

SHERMAN, K.  1995.  Large marine ecosystems and ocean management.  [Point of view paper].  In: Proceedings from Creating the Mosaic: an Ocean Management Conference for the Pacific Coast of the United States; September 9-11, 1995; Governor Hotel, Portland, Oregon.  Portland, OR: Oregon Coastal Ocean Management Program; 15 p.  Ordering address code:  NG.

SHERMAN, K.; Elder, D.  1995.  Sustainability, development, and health of coastal ecosystems: an ecological perspective.  [Discussion paper].  Prepared for: Special Session, LOICZ [Land-Ocean Interact. Coast. Zone] Open Science Meeting; Apr. 24-27, 1995; University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; 3 p.  Ordering address code:  NG.

SHERMAN, K.; JOSSI, J.; GREEN, J.[R.]; KANE, J.  1995.  Zooplankton and fisheries of the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1995/L:18; 14 p.  Ordering address code:  NG.

STEIMLE, F.[W., Jr.]  1995.  Hard bottom polyhaline communities.  In: Dove, L.E.; Nyman, R.M., eds.  Living resources of the Delaware Estuary.  New York, NY: Delaware Estuary Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; p. 113-117.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEIMLE, F.[W., Jr.]  1995.  Small decapods.  In: Dove, L.E.; Nyman, R.M., eds.  Living resources of the Delaware Estuary.  New York, NY: Delaware Estuary Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; p. 69-73.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEIMLE, F.[W., Jr.]  1995.  Soft (mud/sand) bottom polyhaline communities.  In: Dove, L.E.; Nyman, R.M., eds. Living resources of the Delaware Estuary.  New York, NY: Delaware Estuary Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; p. 119-124.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STEIMLE, F.[W., Jr.]  1995.  Structure-oriented (reef) fish.  In: Dove, L.E.; Nyman, R.M., eds.  Living resources of the Delaware Estuary.  New York, NY: Delaware Estuary Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; p. 267-273.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Stork, N.E.; Samways, M.J.; Bryant, D.A. (lead authors); Cracraft, J.; Eeley, H.A.C.; Grant, S.; Manokaran, N.; Mawdsley, N.A.; SHERMAN, K. (contributors).  1995.  Why inventory and monitor biodiversity? [Section 7.1 of Chapter 7 -- Inventorying and monitoring].  In: Heywood, V.H., exec. ed. Global biodiversity assessment.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; p. 461-475.  Ordering address code:  NG.

Stork, N.E.; Samways, M.J. (lead authors); Bryant, D.A.; Cracraft, J.; SHERMAN, K. (contributors).  1995.  Introduction. [Section 7.0 of Chapter 7 -- Inventorying and monitoring].  In: Heywood, V.H., exec. ed.  Global biodiversity assessment.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; p. 459-461.  Ordering address code:  NG.

Stork, N.E.; SHERMAN, K. (lead authors).  1995.  Integrated approaches. [Section 7.3 of Chapter 7 -- Inventorying and monitoring].  In: Heywood, V.H., exec. ed.  Global biodiversity assessment.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; p. 517-538.  Ordering address code:  NG.

TAYLOR, M.; MANNING, J.; LOUGH, G.; ROTUNNO, T.; KILADIS, M.; MOUNTAIN, D.  1995.  1993 Georges Bank stratification study. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 95-12; 58 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

THUNBERG, E.M.; HELSER, T.E.; MAYO, R.K.  1995.  Bio-economic analysis of alternative selection patterns in the United States Atlantic silver hake fishery.  In: Bio-economic modelling in the EU: workshop, Edinburgh 24-26.10.1995.  [European Union] Coor. Res. Fish. Econ. (AIR CT94 1489) Work. Doc. 7; p. 100-128.

WARING, G.T.; Finn, J.T.  1995.  Cetacean trophic interactions off the northeast USA inferred from spatial and temporal co-distribution patterns.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1995/N:7; 44 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

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Abstracts (Oral and Poster Presentation)

Able, K.W.; STUDHOLME, A.L.; Manderson, J.P.  1995.  Juvenile fish habitat quality: comparisons between impacted and relatively unimpacted estuaries.  [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 125th Annual Meeting ("Fisheries: a vision for the future -- science, application, communication"); Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida; August 27 to August 31, 1995; p. 209.  Ordering address code:  SH.

BERMAN, M.S.; GREEN, J.R.; Holliday, D.V.  1995.  Hydroacoustic determination of fine scale vertical distribution of zooplankton on Georges Bank.  [Oral presentation].  Abstract No. GLO-08 in: Oceanography Society Fourth Scientific Meeting; Newport, Rhode Island; April 18-21, 1995; p. 74.  Ordering address code:  NG.

Besser, J.; Giesy, J.; BROWN, R.[W.]; Herdt, T.; Dawson, G.  1995.  Bioaccumulation of selenium from coal fly ash and associated environmental hazards in a freshwater fish community.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstract book: Second SETAC [Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.] World Congress (16th Annual Meeting) -- Global Environmental Protection: Science Politics, and Common Sense--5-9 November 1995; Vancouver Trade & Convention Centre: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; p. 147.  Ordering address code:  WH.

BISAGNI, J.J.; Pettigrew, N.R.; SEEMANN, K.W.; Hetland, R.  1995.  Mesoscale structure in the northern Gulf of Maine, fall 1993 - summer 1994.  [Oral presentation].  Abstract No. GLO-04 in: Oceanography Society Fourth Scientific Meeting; Newport, Rhode Island; April 18-21, 1995; p. 72.  Ordering address code:  NG.

BROWN, R.W.  1995.  Evaluation of minimum size and slot limit regulations on lake trout in the upper Great Lakes.  [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter 1995 Winter Meeting; Wednesday, December 6, 1995[,] at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth, Massachusetts; n.p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

CORBO, K.; DESHPANDE, A.D.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; DRAXLER, A.F.J.; Rosman, L.; May, B.  1995.  Contaminant levels in recreational fish from the New York Bight apex.  [Oral presentation].  In: Program & abstracts: New Jersey Academy of Sciences 40th Annual Meeting; Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey; April 29, 1995; n.p.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Curran, H.A.; WILLIAMS, A.B.  1995.  Callianassid shrimp bioturbation in Bahamian reefal environments: effects and significance.  [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: 8th International Coral Reef Symposium; June 24-29, 1996; Panama City, Panama; 1 p.  Ordering address code:  NS.

DRAXLER, A.F.J.; Loveland, R.E.  1995.  Biogeochemistry and spawning site selection in horseshoe crabs.  [Poster presentation].  In: 23rd Benthic Ecology Meeting; New Brunswick, New Jersey; [March 16-19,] 1995; n.p.  Ordering address code:  SH.

GABRIEL, W.G.  1995.  Overview of models of spatial patterns of resource availability: implications for design of closed areas.  [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: Meeting of the Working Group on Long-Term Management Measures; Apr. 4-12, 1995; Lowestoft, United Kingdom; 1 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

HAIN, J.H.W.; Ellis, S.L.  1995.  Sightability of right whales in coastal waters of the SE [southeastern] U.S. with implications for aerial survey methodology.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstracts: Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 14-18 December 1995; Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.; p. 49.  Ordering address code:  WH.

JOSSI, J.W.; GOULET, J.R., Jr.  1995.  Clustering applied to the development of spatially coherent, multidecadal time series.  [Poster presentation].  In: Oceanography Society Fourth Scientific Meeting; Newport, Rhode Island; April 18-21, 1995; p.n.k.  Ordering address code:  NG.

KOCIK, J.F.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.  1995.  Thermal analyses of Connecticut and Penobscot River-ocean transition zones for Atlantic salmon smolts: clues for reintroducing stocks.  [Oral presentation].  Abstract No. C.M. 1995/M:19 prepared for: 1995 ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Annual Science Conference; Sept. 21-29, 1995; Aalborg, Denmark; 1 p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

KOCIK, J.F.; McKeon, J.F.; Beland, K.F.  1995.  The status of remnant Atlantic salmon in Maine.  [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: 21st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Atlantic International Chapter; Sept. 24-26, 1995; Shelburne, NH; n.p.  Ordering address code:  WH.

LANG, K.L.  1995.  Marginal increment analysis of "daily" growth rings in larval winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus.  [Oral presentation].  In: International Larval Fish Conference; 1995 26-30 June & Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology; [1995] 1-2 July; Sydney, Australia; p. 71.  Ordering address code:  WH.

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1995.  Some factors controlling natural populations of softshells, Mya arenaria, with recommendations for culture.  [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 14(1):245.  Ordering address code:  SH.

MEISE, C.J.; O'REILLY, J.E.; KANE, J.  1995.  Spatial and seasonal patterns in abundance and age-composition of Calanus finmarchicus spp. in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank: 1977-1987.  [Oral presentation].  Abstract No. GLO-10 in: Oceanography Society Fourth Scientific Meeting; Newport, Rhode Island; April 18-21, 1995; p. 75.  Ordering address code:  SH.

Muir, W.C.; STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]; Foster, K.L.; Kropp, R.K.; Conlin, B.E.  1995.  Mitigation potential of habitat replacement: artificial reef replacement for fisheries enhancement in shallow waters of the Delaware Bay.  [Oral presentation].  In: Second Annual Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and Management Conference; April 3-7, 1995; Holiday Inn on the Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ; n.p.  Ordering address code:  SH.

NELSON, D.A.; Wheeler, G.L.; Miller, J.; Finney, S.; Solairaj, M.; Rytka, R.; Rychlovsky, R.  1995.  The influence of dredging-induced turbidity and associated contaminants upon hatching success and larval survival of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus. A laboratory study.  [Poster presentation].  In: International Larval Fish Conference; 1995 26-30 June & Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology; [1995] 1-2 July; Sydney, Australia; p. 81.  Ordering address code:  MF.

O'REILLY, J.E.; BISAGNI, J.J.; Barnard, A.H.; WOLFTEICH, C.M.; Yoder, J.A.  1995.  Optimum aerosol optimum thickness ratios for atmospheric correction of coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) data for Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine region.  [Oral presentation].  Abstract No. GLO-03 in: Oceanography Society Fourth Scientific Meeting; Newport, Rhode Island; April 18-21, 1995; p. 72.  Ordering address code:  NG.

PALKA, D.  1995.  The sightability of Gulf of Maine harbor porpoises.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstracts: Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 14-18 December 1995; Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.; p. 88.  Ordering address code:  WH.

PERRY, D.M.; NELSON, D.A.  1995.  The viability of Tautoga onitis embryos from New Haven Harbor, Connecticut USA.  [Oral presentation].  In: International Larval Fish Conference; 1995 26-30 June & Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology; [1995] 1-2 July; Sydney, Australia; p. 95.  Ordering address code:  MF.

PITCHFORD, S.C.; ROBOHM, R.A.  1995.  An analysis of similarity coefficients and taxonomic clustering methods for identification of bacterial fish pathogens.  [Oral presentation].  In: 1995 Joint Meeting: American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section and Eastern Fish Disease Workshop; July 19-22, 1995; Syracuse, New York; n.p.  Ordering address code:  MF.

RAGO, P.J.; SOSEBEE, K.; BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]; ANDERSON, E.  1995.  Distribution and dynamics of Northwest Atlantic spiny dogfish[,] Squalus acanthias.  [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 125th Annual Meeting ("Fisheries: a vision for the future--science, application, communication"); Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida; August 27 to August 31, 1995; p. 132.  Ordering address code:  WH.

Rubenstein, B.L.; WARING, G.T.  1995.  Spatial and temporal patterns in pinniped entanglements in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery and relation to prey availability and consumption.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstracts: Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 14-18 December 1995; Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.; p. 100.  Ordering address code:  WH.

RICHARDS, R.A.  1995.  Relative influence of temperature and population fecundity on recruitment of Pandalus borealis in the Gulf of Maine.  [Oral presentation].  In: North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management; March 6-10, 1995; Coast Bastion Inn, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada; p. 91.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o P.J. Rago).

RICHARDS, [R.]A.; HENDRICKSON, L.  1995.  Effectiveness of the Nordmore grate in reducing by-catch of finfish in shrimp trawls.  [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 125th Annual Meeting ("Fisheries: a vision for the future -- science, application, communication"); Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida; August 27 to August 31, 1995; p. 23.  Ordering address code:  WH (c/o L. Hendrickson).

SHEEHAN, D.; WARING, G.T.; WILLIAMS, A.S.  1995.  Sperm whale and beaked whale distribution and habitat use in shelf-edge and oceanic waters off the northeast U.S. coast.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstracts: Eleventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals; 14-18 December 1995; Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.; p. 104.  Ordering address code:  WH.

STEIMLE, F.W.[, Jr.]; Muir, W.W.  1995.  The use of artificial reefs to increase biodiversity in coastal marine and estuarine waters.  [Oral presentation].  In: Abstracts: 51st Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference; April 9-12, 1995; Sheraton Fountainebleau Hotel, Ocean City, Maryland; sect. II, p. 3.  Ordering address code:  SH.

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.  1995.  Inbreeding studies of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians.  [Oral presentation]. J. Shellfish Res. 14(1):278.  Ordering address code:  MF.

VITALIANO, J.[J.]; ZDANOWICZ, V.[S.]; BEJDA, A.  1995.  Laboratory photographic and video observations of the surface deposit feeding polychaete, Pherusa affinis.  [Oral presentation].  In: 23rd Benthic Ecology Meeting; New Brunswick, New Jersey; [March 16-19,] 1995; n.p.  Ordering address code:  SH.

WIDMAN, J.C., Jr.; CHOROMANSKI, J.; ROBOHM, R.[A.]; STILES, S.; WIKFORS, G.[H.]  1995.  Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, aquaculture initiative, a multi-disciplinary approach.  [Oral presentation].  In: Book of abstracts: 10th International Pectinid Workshop; Jury's Hotel, Cork, Ireland; April 27- May 2[,] 1995; p. 132.  Ordering address code:  MF.

WIKFORS, G.H.; Patterson, G.W.; Lewin, R.A.  1995.  High-lipid Tetraselmis cultures support rapid growth of post-set oysters and scallops.  [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 14(1):282.  Ordering address code:  MF.

ZISKOWSKI, J.J.; Jacquez, G.M.; PEREIRA, J.J.  1995.  Axial skeletal anomalies in flounder--a useful biomarker for monitoring whale critical habitat.  [Poster presentation].  Prepared for: New England Association of Environmental Biologists Annual Meeting; Mar. 1-3, 1995; Westminster, PA; 2 p.  Ordering address code:  MF.