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Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Publications, Reports, and Abstracts for 1994


All requests for a reprint of a publication or a photocopy of a report or an abstract should be mailed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work (i.e., as depicted by all capital letters in the bibliographic entry) according to the two-letter code at the end of the entry.  Refer to "Description of Annual/Biennial Lists" for a key to the codes.

ANDERSON, E.D.  1994.  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. [Profile article].  Fisheries (Bethesda) 19(9):33.  Ordering code: WH

AUDITORE, P.J.; LOUGH, R.G.; BROUGHTON, E.A.  1994.   A review of the comparative development of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) based on an illustrated series of larvae and juveniles from Georges Bank.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] Sci. Counc. Stud. 20:7-18.  Ordering code: WH (c/o R.G. Lough)

Carlson, R.E.; BODAMMER, J.E.  1994.  Modification of immune function in winter flounder by cortisol administration and putative contaminant exposure.  In: Stolen, J.S.; Fletcher, T.S., eds.  Modulators of fish immune response. Vol. 1.  Fairhaven, NJ: SOS Publications; p. 123-139.  Ordering code: NG

Carrier, J.C.; PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Martin, L.K.  1994.  Group reproductive behaviors in free-living nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Copeia 1994(3):646-656.  Ordering code: NG

COLLETTE, B.B.  1994.  Scomberomorus lineolatus is a valid species of Spanish mackerel, not an interspecific hybrid: a reply. J. Nat. Hist. 28:1205-1208.  Ordering code: NS

COLLETTE, B.B.; Parin, N.V.  1994.  Flying fishes and their allies.  In: Paxton, J.R.; Eschmeyer, W.N.  Encyclopedia of fishes.  Kensington, Australia: University of New South Wales Press; p. 144-147.  Ordering code: NS

EDWARDS, S.F.  1994.  Ownership of renewable ocean resources. Mar. Resour. Econ. 9:253-273.  Ordering code: WH

Foster, K.L.; STEIMLE, F.W.; Muir, W.C.; Kropp, R.K.; Conlin, B.E.  1994.  Mitigation potential of habitat replacement: concrete artificial reef in Delaware Bay -- preliminary results. Bull. Mar. Sci. 55(2-3):783-795.  Ordering code: SH

FRIEDLAND, K.D.  1994.  History of salmon fisheries and management in the North Atlantic.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Coop. Res. Rep. 197:6-22.  Ordering code: WH

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; ESTEVES, C.; Hansen, L.P.; Lund, R.A.  1994.  Discrimination of Norwegian farm, ranch, and wild-origin Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. by image processing.  Fish. Manage. Ecol. 1:117-128.  Ordering code: WH

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; Reddin, D.G.  1994.  The use of otolith morphology in stock discriminations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salarCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:91-98.  Ordering code: WH

HAYES, D.B.; Taylor, W.W.  1994.  Changes in the composition of somatic and gonadal tissues of yellow perch following white sucker removal. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 123:204-216.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

HELSER, T.E.; Geaghan, J.P.; Condrey, R.E.  1994.  Estimating size composition and associated variances of a fish population from gillnet selectivity, with an example for spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus). Fish. Res. 19:65-86.  Ordering code: SH

Herrick, S.F.; Strand, I.; Squires, D.; Miller, M.; Lipton, D.; WALDEN, J.; Freese, S.  1994.  Application of benefit-cost analysis to fisheries allocation decisions; the case of Alaska walleye pollock and Pacific cod.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 14:726-741.  Ordering code: WH

Ito, R.Y.; Hawn, D.R.; COLLETTE, B.B.  1994.  First record of the butterfly kingfish Gasterochisma melampus (Scombridae) from the North Pacific Ocean.  Jpn. J. Ichthyol. 40(4):482-486.  Ordering code: NS

Jacquez, G.M.; ZISKOWSKI, J.; Rohlf, F.J.  1994.  Criteria for the evaluation of alternative environmental monitoring variables: theory and application using winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus).  Environ. Monit. Assess. 30:275-290.  Ordering code: MF

JOHNSON, D.L.; MORSE, W.W.  1994.  Net extrusion of larval fish: correction factors for 0.333 mm versus 0.505 mm mesh bongo nets. NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] Sci. Counc. Stud. 20:85-92.  Ordering code: SH

KOCIK, J.F.; Taylor, W.W.  1994.  Summer survival and growth of brown trout with and without steelhead under equal total salmonine densities in an artificial stream.  Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 123:931-938.  Ordering code: WH

Kornfield, I.; WILLIAMS, A.B.; Steneck, R.S.  1994.  Assignment of Homarus capensis (Herbst, 1792), the cape lobster of South Africa, to the new genus Homarinus (Decapoda: Nephropidae). Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 93:97-102.  Ordering code: NS

Lessios, H.A.; WEINBERG, J.R.  1994.  Genetic and morphological divergence among morphotypes of the isopod Excirolana on the two sides of the Isthmus of Panama.  Evolution 48(3):530-548.  Ordering code: WH

Lessios, H.A.; WEINBERG, J.R.; Starczak, V.R.  1994.  Temporal variation in populations of the marine isopod Excirolana: how stable are gene frequencies and morphology?  Evolution 48(3):549-563.  Ordering code: WH

LOUGH, R.G.; SMITH, W.G.; Werner, F.E.; Loder, J.W.; Page, F.H.; Hannah, C.G.; Naimie, C.E.; Perry, R.I.; Sinclair, M.; Lynch, D.R.  1994.  Influence of wind-driven advection on interannual variability in cod egg and larval distributions on Georges Bank: 1982 vs 1985. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Mar. Sci. Symp. 198:356-378.  Ordering code: WH

MANNING, J.P.; Oey, L.Y.; PACKER, D.; VITALIANO, J.; FINNERAN, T.W.; You, K.W.; FROMM, S.  1994.  Observations of bottom currents and estimates of resuspended sediment transport at the New York Bight 12-mile dumpsite.  J. Geophys. Res. 99(C5):10,221-10,239.  Ordering code: WH

McNamara, P.T.; BUCKLEY, L.J.  1994.  Identification and characterization of metallothionein cDNA from mRNA transcripts induced by starvation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).  Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol. 3(5):252-260.  Ordering code: NG

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; KUROPAT, C.A.; GREIG, R.A.; SENNEFELDER, G.  1994.  PCB and metal concentrations in American lobsters from the Acushnet River estuary and Long Island Sound.  Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 53:820-827.  Ordering code: MF

MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; KUROPAT, C.A.; WIDMAN, J.; THURBERG, F.P.  1994.  Molt-related changes in hemolymph calcium of postlarval American lobsters (Homarus americanus).  J. Shellfish Res. 13(2):387-391.  Ordering code: MF

MESSICK, G.A.  1994.  Hematodinium perezi infections in adult and juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus from coastal bays of Maryland and Virginia, USA.  Dis. Aquat. Org. 19:77-82.  Ordering code: OF

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; MANNING, J.P.  1994.  Seasonal and interannual variability in the properties of the surface waters of the Gulf of Maine. Continent. Shelf Res. 14(13/14):1555-1581.  Ordering code: WH

PACKER, D.B.; Watling, L.; Langton, R.W.  1994.  The population structure of the brittle star Ophiura sarsi Lütken in the Gulf of Maine and its trophic relationship to American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides Fabricius).  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 179:207-222.  Ordering code: SH

Patterson, G.W.; Tsitsa-Tzardis, E.; WIKFORS, G.H.; Ghosh, P.; SMITH, B.C.; Gladu, P.K.  1994.  Sterols of eustigmatophytes. Lipids 29(9):661-664.  Ordering code: MF

Patterson, G.W.; Tsitsa-Tzardis, E.; WIKFORS, G.H.; Gladu, P.K.; Chitwood, D.J.; Harrison, D.  1994.  Sterols and alkenones of Isochrysis. Phytochemistry 35(5):1233-1236.  Ordering code: MF

PENNINGTON, M.; Vølstad, J.H.  1994.  Assessing the effect of intra-haul correlation and variable density on estimates of population characteristics from marine surveys.  Biometrics 50:725-732.  Ordering code: WH

PERRY, D.M.  1994.  Artificial spawning of tautog under laboratory conditions.  Prog. Fish-Cult. 56:33-36.  Ordering code: MF

PETERSON, A.E.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.  1994.  River of dreams. Wild Steelhead Atl. Salmon 1(2):41-47.  Ordering code: WH

PRATT, H.L., Jr.  1994.  Sharks and rays of Australia, by Peter R. Last and John D. Stevens. [Book review].  Am. Sci. 82:377-378.  Ordering code: NG

PRATT, H.L., Jr.; Tanaka, S.  1994.  Sperm storage in male elasmobranchs. A description and survey.  J. Morphol. 219:297-304.  Ordering code: NG

SERCHUK, F.M.; GROSSLEIN, M.D.; LOUGH, R.G.; MOUNTAIN, D.G.; O'BRIEN, L.  1994.  Fishery and environmental factors affecting trends and fluctuations in the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine cod stocks: an overview. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Mar. Sci. Symp. 198: 77-109.  Ordering code: WH

SHEPHERD, G.R.; TERCEIRO, M.  1994.  The summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass fishery of the Middle Atlantic Bight and Southern New England.  NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 122; 13 p.  Ordering code: WH

SHERMAN, K.  1994.  Sustainability, biomass yields, and health of coastal ecosystems: an ecological perspective. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 112:277-301.  Ordering code: NG

SMITH, T.D.  1994.  Scaling fisheries. The science of measuring the effects of fishing, 1855-1955.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press; 392 p.  Ordering code: WH

SMITH, W.; BERRIEN, P.; POTTHOFF, T.  1994.  Spawning patterns of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, in the Northeast continental shelf ecosystem.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 54(1):8-16.  Ordering code: SH (c/o P. Berrien)

STEIMLE, F.W.  1994.  Sewage sludge disposal and winter flounder, red hake, and American lobster feeding in the New York Bight.  Mar. Environ. Res. 37:233-256.  Ordering code: SH

STEIMLE, F.W.; JEFFRESS, D.; FROMM, S.A.; REID, R.N.; VITALIANO, J.J; FRAME, A.  1994.  Predator-prey relationships of winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus, in the New York Bight apex.  Fish. Bull. (U.S.) 92:608-619.  Ordering code: SH

STEIMLE, F.W.; ZDANOWICZ, V.S.; LEFTWICH CUNNEFF, S.; TERRANOVA, R.  1994.  Trace metal concentrations in common benthic macrofaunal prey from the New York Bight apex.  Mar. Pollut. Bull. 24(12):760-765.  Ordering code: SH

THUNBERG, E.M.; Adams, C.M.; Cichra, C.E.  1994.  Economic, regulatory, and technological barriers to entry into the Florida aquaculture industry.  J. Appl. Aquacult. 4(2):3-14.  Ordering code: WH

THUNBERG, E.M.; Smith, S.D.; Jepson, M.  1994.  Social and economic issues in marine fisheries allocations: a Florida perspective. Trends 31(1):31-36.  Ordering code: WH

VECCHIONE, M.  1994.  Systematics and the lifestyle and performance of cephalopods.  Mar. Freshwater Behav. Physiol. 25:179-191.  Ordering code: NS

VECCHIONE, M.; COLLETTE, B.B.  1994.  National Systematics Laboratory: the NSL works toward healthy marine biodiversity. [Profile article].  Fisheries (Bethesda) 19(11):26.  Ordering code: NS

WIKFORS, G.H.; Patterson, G.W.  1994.  Differences in strains of Isochrysis important to mariculture.  Aquaculture 123:127-135.  Ordering code: MF

WIKFORS, G.H.; Twarog, J.W., Jr.; FERRIS, G.E.; SMITH, B.C.; UKELES, R.  1994.  Survival and growth of post-set oysters and clams on diets of cadmium-contaminated microalgal cultures.  Mar. Environ. Res. 37:257-281.  Ordering code: MF

WILLIAMS, A.B.; Eldredge, L.G.  1994.  A new species of spider crab from Guam, Rochina decipiata (Brachyura: Majidae).  Crustacean Res. 23:1-4.  Ordering code: NS

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Allen, J.; Clapham, P.; Hammond, P.; Katona, S.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.; ien, N.; Palsbl, J.; Sigurjonsson, J.; SMITH, T.; Stevick, P.  1994.  Years of the North Atlantic humpback (YONAH) progress report.  Int. Whal. Comm. SC/46/NA9; 2 p.  Ordering code: WH

ALMEIDA, F.; SHEEHAN, T.; Smolowitz, R.  1994.  Atlantic sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, maturation on Georges Bank during 1993.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-13; 9 p.  Ordering code: WH

Alverson, D.L.; Freeburg, M.H.; Pope, J.G.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1994.  A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards. FAO [(U.N.) Food Agr. Org.] Fish. Tech. Pap. 339; 234 p.  Ordering code: WH

BENWAY, R.L.; JOSSI, J.W.  1994.  Surface and bottom temperatures, and surface salinities: New York to the Gulf Stream, Massachusetts to Cape Sable, N.S. 1993.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 94/15 (revised); 16 p.  Ordering code: NG

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.  1994.  Sea ranching of cod in the Northeast: advantages or problems.  Prepared for: Northeast Fisheries Science Center; 11 p.  Ordering code: MF

BRODZIAK, J.  1994.  A brief overview of the use of trawl survey data for stock assessment with emphasis on the ADAPT VPA tuning model.  In: Berger, T., ed.  Proceedings of the ASMFC Workshop on the Collection and Use of Trawl Survey Data for Fisheries Management.  Washington, DC: Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; Macy, W.K., III.  1994.  Revised estimates of growth of long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, in the Northwest Atlantic based on statolith ageing: implications for stock assessment and fishery management.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/K:13; 46 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

CLAY, P.M; McGoodwin, J.R.  1994.  Utilizing social sciences. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/T:10; 6 p.  Ordering code: WH

Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1994.  Estimating harbor porpoise bycatch in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-24; 5 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o T.D. Smith)

Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1994.  Report of the 17th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-06; 124 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1994.  Report of the 17th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop: the plenary.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-07; 59 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1994.  Report of the 18th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (18th SAW): Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) consensus summary of assessments.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-22; 199 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  1994.  Report of the 18th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (18th SAW): the plenary.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-23; 71 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

Diodoti, P.; RICHARDS, A.; Schick, D.; Smith, B.  1994.  Assessment report for Gulf of Maine northern shrimp - 1994. ASMFC [Atl. States Mar. Fish. Comm.] North. Shrimp Tech. Comm. Rep. n.n.k.; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

Felley, J.D.; VECCHIONE, M.; Russo, J.L.; Erixon-Stanford, M.; Roper, C.F.E.  1994.  Multimedia computer applications for species identification: prototypes from a cooperative venture between the Smithsonian Institution and NMFS.  In: MTS94: challenges and opportunities in the marine environment: proceedings.  Washington, DC: Marine Technology Society; p. 333-337.  Ordering code: NS

FOGARTY, M.J.  1994.  Saul B. Saila; an appreciation. Maritimes.  Spring 1994; p. 23.  Ordering code: WH

FOGARTY, M.J.  1994.  Spiny lobster management, by B.F. Philips, J.S. Cobb, and J. Kittaka. [Book review].  Lobster Newsl. 7(2):14-15.  Ordering code: WH

FOGARTY, M.J.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.  1994.  Multivariate time series analysis of fish community dynamics on Georges Bank. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/P:3; 14 p.  Ordering code: WH

FRADY, T.; NORTHRIDGE, S.; SMITH, T.D., editors.  1994.  Identifying potential modifications to sink gillnet gear to reduce harbor porpoise bycatch.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-14; 55 p.  Ordering code: WH

FRIEDLAND, K.D.; HAAS-CASTRO, R.E.  1994.  Patterns of post-smolt growth and early maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/M:7; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

GABRIEL, W.L.  1994.  A simple method for estimating uncertainty associated with Fmed.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/D:5; 7 p.  Ordering code: WH

GERRIOR, P.; SERCHUK, F.M.; MAYS, K.C.  1994.  How 'mixed' is the mixed species trawl fishery on Georges Bank? or Evaluating fishery performance via an observer program.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/G:11; 55 p.  Ordering code: WH

GIBSON, J.A.  1994.  Indexed bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Science Center publications and reports for 1990-91. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/NEC-102; 40 p.  Ordering code: WH

HELSER, T.E.; MAYO, R.K.  1994.  Estimation of discards in the silver hake fisheries and a re-analysis of the long-term yield from the stocks.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-01; 58 p.  Ordering code: SH

HOLZWARTH-DAVIS, T.; TAYLOR, M.H.  1994.  Description of the 1993 oceanographic conditions on the Northeast continental shelf. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-11; 80 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o M. Taylor)

KERN, F.G.  1994.  Research strategies and protocols established for international molluscan shellfish introductions. In: Proceedings of the Conference & Workshop [on] Nonindigenous Estuarine & Marine Organisms (NEMO); Seattle, Washington; April 1993.  Silver Spring, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; p. 85-91.  Ordering code: OF

KRAMER, W.; AZAROVITZ, A.; DESPRES-PATANJO, L.  1994.  Sea-going pen-based data recording system.  In: MTS94: challenges and opportunities in the marine environment: proceedings.  Washington, DC: Marine Technology Society; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

MANNING, J.  1994.  Oceanographic conditions of Georges Bank spawning grounds, 1992-1994.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 94/72; 23 p.  Ordering code: WH

MAYO, R.K.; HELSER, T.E.; O'BRIEN, L.; SOSEBEE, K.A.; FIGUERIDO, B.F.; HAYES, D.  1994.  Estimation of standardized otter trawl effort, landings per unit effort, and landings at age for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank cod.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-12; 17 p.  Ordering code: WH

MAYO, R.K.; O'BRIEN, L.; SERCHUK, F.M.  1994.  Assessment of the Georges Bank cod stock for 1993.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-10; 75 p.  Ordering code: WH

Milon, J.W.; THUNBERG, E.M.; Adams, C.M.; Jordan Lin, C.T.  1994.  Recreational anglers' valuation of near-shore marine fisheries in Florida. Florida Sea Grant Coll. Tech. Pap. TP-73; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

MORSE, W.W.  1994.  Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, larvae: an analysis of the MARMAP time series, 1977-1987: a report to the Office of Global Programs, R/OGP, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-08; 44 p.  Ordering code: SH

NICOLAS, J.R.  1994.  Results of the third necropsy session of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) incidentally taken during commercial fishing operations in the Gulf of Maine.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-26; 30 p.  Ordering code: WH

NORTHRIDGE, S.; SMITH, T.  1994.  The use of a geographical information system in analyzing and representing catch and sightings data. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/N:6; 17 p.  Ordering code: WH (c/o T.D. Smith)

PALKA, D.L.  1994.  Abundance estimate of Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. Spec. Issue. n.n.k.:p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

PALKA, D.[L.]  1994.  Summary of a scientific workshop to evaluate the status of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the western North Atlantic and an international proposal to investigate population structure.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. SC/46/SM18; 12 p.  Ordering code: WH

PALKA, D., editor.  1994.  Results of a scientific workshop to evaluate the status of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the western North Atlantic.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-09; 30 p.  Ordering code: WH

PALKA, D.; Hammond, P.  1994.  Summary of research on harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic and Baltic Sea.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. SC/46/SM17; 32 p.  Ordering code: WH

ROSENBERG, A.; Mace, P.; Thompson, G.; Darcy, G.; Clark, W.; Collie, J.; GABRIEL, W.; MacCall, A.; Methot, R.; Powers, J.; Restrepo, V.; Wainwright, T.; Botsford, l.; Hoenig, J.; Stokes, K.  1994.  Scientific review of definitions of overfishing in U.S. fishery management plans. NOAA [Natl. Oceanic Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS [Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/SPO-17; 205 p.  Ordering code: WH.

SERCHUK, F.M.  1994.  Georges Bank cod.  In:  Spawning and life history information for North Atlantic cod stocks.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Coop. Res. Rep. 205: 118-119.  Ordering code: WH

SERCHUK, F.M.; GROSSLEIN, M.D.  1994.  United States research report for 1993.  NAFO [Northwest Atl. Fish. Org.] SCS [Sci. Counc. Summ.] Doc. 94/12; 7 p.  Ordering code: WH

SERCHUK, F.M.; MAYO, R.K.; O'BRIEN, L.  1994.  Assessment of the Georges Bank cod stock for 1994.  Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 94-25; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

SHERMAN, K.  1994.  Sustainability, biomass yields, and health of coastal ecosystems: an ecological perspective. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/L:19; 26 p.  Ordering code: NG

SHERMAN, K.; GREEN, J.; Solow, A.; MURAWSKI, S.; KANE, J.; JOSSI, J.; SMITH, W.  1994.  Zooplankton prey field variability during collapse and recovery of pelagic fish in the Northeast shelf ecosystem. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/L:18; 25 p.  Ordering code: NG

SHERMAN, K.; Solow, A.; GREEN, J.; JOSSI, J.  1994.  Multidecadal stability, resilience, and diversity of the zooplankton in a stressed large marine ecosystem.  Prepared for: ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] Symposium on Zooplankton Production (Session A: Time Series and Their Significance); 15-19 August 1994; Plymouth, England; 25 p.  Ordering code: NG

SINDERMANN, C.J.  1994.  Quantitative effects of pollution on marine and anadromous fish populations.  NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/NEC-104; 22 p.  Ordering code: OF

SMITH, T.D.; Friday; PALKA, D.  1994.  Explorations of the behavior of Cooke's catch limit algorithm.  Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. IWC/46/Mg7; 39 p.  Ordering code: WH

SMITH, T.D.; POLACHECK, T.  1994.  Information requirements for multi-population application of the catch limit algorithm. Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. SC/46/Mg8; 6 p.  Ordering code: WH

Taylor, B.L.; SMITH, T.D.; PALKA, D.  1994.  Towards understanding the performance of the catch limit algorithm. Rep. Int. Whal. Comm. SC/46/Mg6; 6 p.  Ordering code: WH

THUNBERG, E.M; HELSER, T.E.; MAYO, R.K.  1994.  An age-structured bioeconomic model to evaluate changes in fishing mortality in the United States Atlantic silver hake fisheries.  ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/T:7; 32 p.  Ordering code: WH

Van Eeckhaute, L.; Buzeta, M.-I.; MUNROE, N.; SILVA, V.  1994.  Georges Bank cod and haddock ageing exchange and workshop, November 8-10, 1993.  DFO [Dept. Fish. Oceans Can.] Atl. Fish. Res. Doc. 94/84; 20 p.  Ordering code: WH

WARING, G.T.  1994.  Spatial and temporal patterns in harbor seal entanglements in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery. ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/P:4; 23 p.  Ordering code: WH

WARING, G.T.; QUINTAL, J.M.; SMITH, T.D.  1994.  Marine mammal studies supported by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center during 1980-89. NOAA [Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/NEC-103; 27 p.  Ordering code: WH

WEINBERG, J.R.; HENDRICKSON, L.  1994.  Factors associated with recruitment of the Atlantic surfclam, Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn). ICES [Int. Counc. Explor. Sea] C.M. 1994/K:14; 18 p.  Ordering code: WH

WIGLEY, S.E.  1994.  Estimation of foregone yield associated with the discarding of witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery, 1982-1992. [M.S. thesis].  Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University; 91 p.  Ordering code: WH

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Abstracts (Oral and Poster Presentation)

Able, K.W.; Cowen, R.K.; FAHAY, M.P.  1994.  Submersible observations of flatfish nursery habitats in the New York Bight. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 45.  Ordering code: SH

ANDERSON, E.D.  1994.  ICES: the source of scientific advice on fishery management in the Northeast Atlantic. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 13.  Ordering code: WH

ANTHONY, V.C.; CLARK, S.H.  1994.  ICNAF and its role in management of Northwest Atlantic fisheries. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 13.  Ordering code: WH (c/o F. Serchuk)

BERMAN, M.S.; GREEN, J.R.; Holliday, D.V.  1994.  Fine scale vertical distribution of zooplankton on Georges Bank in May 1993. [Oral presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):56.  Ordering code: NG

BISAGNI, J.J.; WOLFTEICH, C.M.; O'REILLY, J.E.; Yoder, J.A.; Barnard, A.H.; Moore, T.S.  1994.  Determination of optimum aerosol optical thickness ratios for atmospheric correction of coastal zone color scanner data. [Oral presentation].  Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(44):375.  Ordering code: NG

BLOGOSLAWSKI, W.J.  1994.  Overview of the Milford Aquaculture Seminar. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):311.  Ordering code: MF

BODAMMER, J.E.  1994.  The development and use of an in vitro assay to evaluate antigen/antibody responses in winter flounder. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 15.  Ordering code: NG

BRODZIAK, J.K.T.; RAGO, P.J.  1994.  Application of stochastic dynamic programming to determine optimal harvesting strategies for the Georges Bank yellowtail flounder Pleuronectes ferrugineus stock. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 158.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

BRODZIAK, J.[K.T.]; SHEEHAN, D; MURAWSKI, S.  1994.  Changes in resource distribution associated with the Georges Bank maritime boundary: implications for assessment and management. [Oral presentation].  In: Compilation of abstracts for [NMFS Stock Assessment] Workshop on Spatial Patterns[--]Survey Designs, Geographic Analysis and Migration Models, August 10-12, 1994, Seattle, Washington; p. 11.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

BROWN, R.W.; Jester, D.  1994.  Evaluation of minimum size and slot limit regulations for lake trout in the Upper Great Lakes. [Oral presentation].  In: 56th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 4-7 December 1994; p. 107.  Ordering code: WH

BROWN, R.W.; Taylor, W.W.  1994.  Factors affecting the recruitment of rainbow smelt in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron. [Oral presentation].  In: 56th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 4-7 December 1994; p. 110.  Ordering code: WH

BROWN, R.W.; Taylor, W.W.  1994.  Factors affecting year class formation of rainbow smelt in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 120-121.  Ordering code: WH

BUCKLEY, L.J.; Bucklin, A.; Clarke, M.E.; Stegeman, J.; Moore, M.; Gallager, S.; Townsend, D.; Incze, L.; Crawford, D.  1994.  Applications of molecular technology to the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank program. [Poster presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):66-67.  Ordering code: RI

BURNETT, J.  1994.  A multivariate model of winter flounder maturation: what's age got to do with it anyway? [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 43.  Ordering code: WH

CALDARONE, E.M.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; LOUGH, R.G.  1994.  Nutritional condition of cod and haddock larvae from Georges Bank. [Oral presentation]. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):56.  Ordering code: NG

CLAY, P.M.  1994.  Flexibility versus "building history": conflicting strategies in fisheries management. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 71.  Ordering code: WH

CLAY, P.M.  1994.  Quotas versus territories in the northeast U.S. fishery: differing views of property based on what is owned. [Oral presentation].  In: American Anthropological Association 93rd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 30 November - 4 December, 1994; p. 108.  Ordering code: WH

CONSER, R.J.  1994.  A statistical framework for surplus production modeling. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 159.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

Davis, C.S.; Wiebe, P.H.; Gallager, S.M.; Epstein, A.W.; GREEN, J.R.; BERMAN, M.S.; BUCKLEY, L.J.; LOUGH, R.G.; Incze, L.; Macaulay, M.C.  1994.  Intercomparison of zooplankton sampling methods during the GLOBEC/MER Georges Bank study in May 1992. [Invited poster presentation]. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):66.  Ordering code: NG

FAHAY, M.P.; MORSE, W.W.; Cowen, R.K.; Able, K.W.  1994.  Effects of seasonal water column stratification on settlement of transforming fishes.  In: Program and abstracts: 18th Annual Larval Fish Conference, June 26-28, 1994, St. Andrews, New Brunswick; p. 25.  Ordering code: SH

FARLEY, C.A.; LEWIS, E.J.  1994.  Studies of juvenile oyster disease, 1993. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):314.  Ordering code: OF

GOLDBERG, R,; PEREIRA, J.; CLARK, P.; THURBERG, F.; CALABRESE, A.  1994.  Habitat use patterns and growth of young-of-the-year (YOY) winter flounder in a central Long Island Sound estuary in Connecticut. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 35.  Ordering code: MF

HAYES, D.B.; BRODZIAK, J.K.T.  1994.  Impact of discard mortality on sustainable fishing mortality. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 155.  Ordering code: WH (c/o S. Murawski)

HAYES, D.B.; HENDRICKSON, L.C.; KOCIK, J.F.  1994.  Decline in the geographic range of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. [Poster presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p.n.k.; and in: Compilation of abstracts for [NMFS Stock Assessment] Workshop on Spatial Patterns[--]Survey Designs, Geographic Analysis and Migration Models, August 10-12, 1994, Seattle, Washington; p. 12.  Ordering code: WH (c/o J. Kocik)

IDOINE, J.S.; SHEPHERD, G.R.  1994.  Application of distributed delay models to complex life histories in marine fisheries. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 48.  Ordering code: WH

KOCIK, J.F.; FRIEDLAND, K.D.; SHEEHAN, D.D.  1994.  Use of raster-based GIS to assess marine thermal habitat: preliminary investigations Atlantic salmon habitat use and migration. [Oral presentation].  In: Compilation of abstracts for [NMFS Stock Assessment] Workshop on Spatial Patterns[--]Survey Designs, Geographic Analysis and Migration Models, August 10-12, 1994, Seattle, Washington; p. 5.  Ordering code: WH

KOCIK, J.F.; Taylor, W.W.  1994.  The influence of steelhead on brown trout in a Great Lake's tributary: lessons for the Northeast. [Oral presentation].  In: 1994 Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Burlington, VT; p.n.k.  Ordering code: WH

KUROPAT, C.A.; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; THURBERG, F.P.  1994.  Growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder in three estuarine habitats as measured by RNA/protein ratios. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 37.  Ordering code: MF

LANG, K.L.; ALMEIDA, F.P.  1994.  Growth estimates for larval and juvenile winter flounder in Cape Cod estuaries. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 26.  Ordering code: WH

LEWIS, E.J.; FARLEY, C.A.  1994.  Effects of salinity and selected treatments on juvenile oyster disease. [Oral presentation]. J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):316.  Ordering code: OF

LOUGH, R.G; BUCKLEY, L.J.  1994.  The vertical distribution of cod and haddock and their zooplankton prey in relation to stratification on Georges Bank. [Oral presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):56.  Ordering code: WH

MacKENZIE, C.L., Jr.  1994.  Description of an unusually heavy set of softshells (Mya arenaria) and other bivalves in northern New Jersey, Long Island Sound, and Southern New England in 1993. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):317.  Ordering code: SH

MacLEAN, S.A.; Evans, J.J.  1994.  Grossly observed lesions of flatfishes from various Northeast embayments. [Poster presentation].  Prepared for: Flatfish Biology Workshop; 6-7 December 1994; Mystic, CT.  Ordering code: NG

Manderson, J.M.; STUDHOLME, A.L.; Able, K.W.; PACKER, D.  1994.  Habitat use and growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder,  Pleuronectes americanus, in the lower Hudson River. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 36.  Ordering code: SH

MANNING, J.; Wiebe, P.H.; Greene, C.  1994.  A multi-ship multi-instrument sampling strategy employed on the May 1992 Georges Bank stratification cruise. [Poster presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):67.  Ordering code: WH

MAYO, R.K.; SERCHUK, F.M.; MURAWSKI, S.A.  1994.  Status and management of groundfish resources in the Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine region under extended jurisdiction: a case study. [Oral presentation]. In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 149.  Ordering code: WH

McLAUGHLIN, S.M.; FARLEY, C.A.; Scott, R.F.  1994.  Incidence of Perkinsus sp. in Chesapeake Bay softshell clams (Mya arenaria). [Poster presentation].  In: Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (AERS), fall 1994; n.p.  Ordering code: OF

McNamara, P.T.; CALDARONE, E.M.; BUCKLEY, L.J.  1994.  Nucleic acid hybridization probes for estimation of growth and nutritional condition in Atlantic cod. [Oral presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):56.  Ordering code: NG

MEISE, C.; WIDMAN, J.; Howell, P.; CLARK, P.; GOLDBERG, R.; HUGHES, J.; MERCALDO-ALLEN, R.; PEREIRA, J.; PERRY, D.; NELSON, D.  1994.  Comparisons of growth and mortality in juvenile winter flounder from New Haven Harbor and the Connecticut River, 1993. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 23.  Ordering code: NG

MESSICK, G.A.  1994.  Prevalence of Hematodinium perezi infections in blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, from coastal bays of Maryland and Virginia, USA[,] and preliminary data on disease progression and induced mortality. [Oral presentation].  In: Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (AERS), fall 1994; n.p.; and in: Tenth biennial meeting [of the] International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP-10); Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 4-10 August 1994; n.p.  Ordering code: OF

Moser, F.C.; SEITZINGER, S.P.; Hauge, P.; Ruppel, B.  1994.  Understanding productivity and nutrient loading in shallow, back-bay estuary. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):123.  Ordering code: RG

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; STROUT, G.A.; Beardsley, R.A.  1994.  Surface heat flux and water column conditions in the western Gulf of Maine. [Poster presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):67.  Ordering code: WH

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; Wiebe, P.H.  1994.  The GLOBEC pilot study of stratification and its influence on larval fish on Georges Bank. [Oral presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):55.  Ordering code: WH

MOUNTAIN, D.G.; Wiebe, P.H.  1994.  The GLOBEC pilot study of stratification, May 1992 & May 1993: instrument systems, biochemical techniques and sampling strategies. [Poster presentation]. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):66.  Ordering code: WH

Muir, W.C.; STEIMLE, F.W.; Foster, K.; Conlin, B.  1994.  A case study of a mitigation alternative in shallow waters of the Delaware River. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Marine and Estuarine Shallow Water Science and Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region Conference, March 16-19, 1994, Atlantic City, NJ; n.p.  Ordering code: SH

MUNROE, T.A.  1994.  Biodiversity and distributional patterns of symphurine tonguefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) occurring in the western Atlantic Ocean. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 46.  Ordering code: NS

MUNROE, T.[A.]  1994.  Diversity and ecological distributions of symphurine tonguefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) occurring in the Caribbean Sea. [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: Assessing the Quantity and Distribution of Caribbean Biodiversity[--an international symposium]; 21-24 June 1994; Havana, Cuba; 1 p.  Ordering code: NS

MUNROE, T.[A.]; NIZINSKI, M.S.  1994.  Systematic revision of the Indo-West Pacific symphurine tonguefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae). [Oral presentation].  In: Fishes and their environment: VIIIth Congress of the European Society of Ichthyology; Oveido, Spain; September 26 to October 2, 1994; p. 87.  Ordering code: NS

MURAWSKI, S.A.; SERCHUK, F.M.; MAYO, R.K.  1994.  An evaluation of the predictability/avoidability of the depletion/collapse of the groundfish resources on Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 151.  Ordering code: WH

PACHECO, A.L. (deceased); STEHLIK, L.; MacHAFFIE, E.; McMILLAN, D.  1994.  Hudson/Raritan Estuary winter flounder studies. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 47.  Ordering code: SH (c/o L. Stehlik)

Patterson, G.W.; WIKFORS, G.H.  1994.  Sterols of algae with potential use in aquaculture. [Oral presentation]. Int. News Fats Oils Relat. Mater. 5(4):n.k.; and prepared for: 85th American Oil Chemists' Society annual meeting; 8-12 May 1994; Atlanta, GA; 1 p.  Ordering code: MF

PEREIRA, J.J.; GOLDBERG, R.; CLARK, P.E.; ZISKOWSKI, J.J.; GREIG, R.A.; HUGHES, J.B.; PERRY, D.M.  1994.  Utilization of New Haven Harbor as a spawning and nursery area by winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus). [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 41.  Ordering code: MF

PHELAN, B.A.; FINN, J.T.; BEJDA, A.J.; FROMM, S.A.; PACKER, D.; JEFFRESS, D.  1994.  Habitat use patterns and growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder in a northern New Jersey estuary. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 34.  Ordering code: SH

PITCHFORD, S.; ROBOHM, R.  1994.  A comparison of taxonomic clustering methods to aid in the identification of bacterial pathogens of fish and shellfish. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):319.  Ordering code: MF

POLLARD, B.  1994.  Dispersion of individual vessel effort in response to the Hague Line. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 72.  Ordering code: WH

PRATT, H.L., Jr.  1994.  Anatomical indicators of sexual maturity in sharks. [Oral presentation].  In: 1994 annual meeting -- ASIH [Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol.], AES [Am. Elasmobr. Soc.], NIA [Neotrop. Ichthyol. Assoc.]; p. 147.  Ordering code: NG

RAGO, P.; GABRIEL, W.; MURAWSKI, S.  1994.  Spatial patterns of resource availability: implications for the design of closed areas. [Oral presentation].  In: Compilation of abstracts for [NMFS Stock Assessment] Workshop on Spatial Patterns[--]Survey Designs, Geographic Analysis and Migration Models, August 10-12, 1994, Seattle, Washington; p. 9.  Ordering code: WH

Roper, C.F.E; VECCHIONE, M.  1994.  Cirrate octopods revisited. [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: The Behaviour and Natural History of Cephalopods[--an international symposium]; 5-11 June 1994; Naples, Italy; 1 p.  Ordering code: NS

RUHSAM, C.M.; BISAGNI, J.J.; MANNING, J.P.; Williams, W.J.; Beardsley, R.[A].  1994.  Interannual sea surface temperature variability on the southern flank of Georges Bank: spring 1992 and 1993. [Poster presentation]. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):67.  Ordering code: NG

Sanders, R.W.; SEITZINGER, S.P.; Jahn, R.  1994.  Biological utilization of riverine dissolved organic nitrogen by estuarine organisms, including a comparison of persulfate and high-temperature combustion methods. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):106.  Ordering code: RG

SERCHUK, F.M.; MURAWSKI, S.A.; MAYO, R.K.  1994.  Rebuilding depleted New England groundfish stocks: institutional arrangements needed to promote stock recovery and prevent/avert future collapses. [Oral presentation].  In: American Fisheries Society 124th Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-25 August 1994; p. 152.  Ordering code: WH

SHEEHAN, D. 1994.  GIS applications for stock assessment and management support. [Poster presentation].  In: Compilation of abstracts for [NMFS Stock Assessment] Workshop on Spatial Patterns[--]Survey Designs, Geographic Analysis and Migration Models, August 10-12, 1994, Seattle, Washington; p. 12.  Ordering code: WH

SMITH, B.C.  1994.  Investigating allelopathy between the marine microalgae. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Thirty-third Northeast Algal Symposium at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, April 23-24, 1994; p.n.k.  Ordering code: MF

SMITH, B.C.  1994.  Investigating allelopathy between the marine microalgae: some species familiar to aquaculture. [Oral presentation]. J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):319-320.  Ordering code: MF

Smolyar, I.; ALMEIDA, F.; BURNETT, J.  1994.  The anisotrophic structure of fish scale patterns and its consideration in the quantification of seasonal growth. [Oral and poster presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 27.  Ordering code: WH

STEIMLE, F.; Foster, K.; Kropp, R.; Muir, W.  1994.  Benthic modifications by an artificial reef in Delaware Bay. [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: 22nd Benthic Ecology Meeting; 17-20 March 1994; Mystic, CT; 1 p.  Ordering code: SH

STILES, S.; CHOROMANSKI, J.  1994.  Prospects for the genetic improvement of shellfish from Long Island Sound. [Oral presentation]. J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):320.  Ordering code: MF

STUDHOLME, A.L.; CALABRESE, A.; Able, K.W.; Wainwright, S.C.  1994.  Fish recruitment in the northeastern United States: the role of estuarine habitats. [Oral presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Flatfish Biology Workshop; December 6-7, 1994; Mystic, Connecticut; p. 32.  Ordering code: SH

THUNBERG, E.M.  1994.  An overview of economic and institutional issues confronting United States marine aquaculture development. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):321.  Ordering code: WH

VECCHIONE, M.; Felley, J.D.  1994.  Selection of benthic microhabitats by demersal cephalopods. [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: The Behaviour and Natural History of Cephalopods[--an international symposium]; 5-11 June 1994; Naples, Italy; 1 p.  Ordering code: NS

VECCHIONE, M.; Roper, C.F.E.  1994.  Stereotypical postures in deep-sea squids. [Oral presentation].  Prepared for: The Behaviour and Natural History of Cephalopods[--an international symposium]; 5-11 June 1994; Naples, Italy; 1 p.  Ordering code: NS

Werner, F.E.; Perry, R.I.; LOUGH, R.G.; Lynch, D.R.; Ip, J.T.C.  1994.  Coupled circulation and trophodynamics models for larval cod and haddock on Georges Bank. [Invited oral presentation]. EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):74.  Ordering code: WH

Wiebe, P.H.; MOUNTAIN, D.; Greene, C.; LOUGH, G.; Kaartvedt, S.; MANNING, J.; Dawson, J.; Copley, N.  1994.  Pattern in plankton volume backscattering on Georges Bank. [Oral presentation].  EOS-Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 75(3, suppl.):56.  Ordering code: WH

WIKFORS, G.H.; Smolowitz, R.M.  1994.  A Gymnodinium isolated from the F.M. Flower Hatchery causes no apparent ill effects in juvenile oysters. [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):322.  Ordering code: MF

WIKFORS, G.H.; Smolowitz, R.M.  1994.  Dinoflagellate autolysosomes and responses of different bivalves feeding on Prorocentrum -- is there a connection? [Oral presentation].  J. Shellfish Res. 13(1):322-323.  Ordering code: MF

WIKFORS, G.H.; Smolowitz, R.M.  1994.  Why are dinoflagellates toxic to some shellfish and not others? [Poster presentation].  In: Program and abstracts: Thirty-third Northeast Algal Symposium at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, April 23-24, 1994; p. 23.  Ordering code: MF

WILLIAMS, A.B.; Kornfield, I.; Steneck, R.  1994.  Generic reassignment of Homarus capensis, South Africa. [Oral presentation].  In: The Crustacean Society second summer meeting; 22-25 June 1994; Walpole, Maine; p.n.k.  Ordering code: NS