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An Indexed Bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Center
Publications and Reports for 1987


Peer-Reviewed Media

Non-Peer-Reviewed Media

Subject Index

Author Index

All requests for a reprint of a publication or a photocopy of a report or abstract should be mailed to the sole/senior NEFSC author of the work (i.e., as depicted by all capital letters in the bibliographic entry), c/o Northeast Fisheries Science Center Editorial Office, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA  02543-1026.

For several publications and reports in this 1987 list, the reprints or copies were not available for indexing purposes.  Consequently, the keywords for those publications and reports were developed in telephone conversation with the senior authors.  Those publications and reports are noted by an "§".  Several publications and reports which were issued in 1985 and 1986, but which were inadvertently omitted by those preparing the 1985 and 1986 issues of the "Northeast Fisheries Center Publications and Reports," have been included in this 1987 list.  They are noted by an "*."

Peer-Reviewed Media

1. ALMEIDA, F. P.  1987.  Stock definition of silver hake in the New England - Middle Atlantic area.  N. Amer. J. Fish. Manage. 7(2):169-186.

2. AZAROVITZ, T. R.; M. D. GROSSLEIN.  1987.  Fishes and squids.  Pages 315-346 in R.H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

3. BEJDA, A. J., A. L. STUDHOLME, and B. L. Olla.  1987.  Behavioral responses of red hake, Urophycis chuss, to decreasing concentrations of dissolved oxygen.  Environ. Biol. Fish. 19(4):261-268.

4. BODAMMER, J. E.  1987.  A preliminary study on the corneas of American sand lance larvae exposed to copper.  Pages 439-448 in W. B. Vernberg, A. Calabrese, F. P. Thurberg, and F. J. Vernberg, eds.  Pollution physiology of estuarine organisms.  Univ. of South Carolina Press, Columbia.

5. BOREMAN, J., and R. R. LEWIS.  1987.  Atlantic coastal migration of striped bass.  Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 1:331-339.

6. Botton, M. L., and J. W. ROPES.  1987.  Populations of horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, on the northwestern Atlantic continental shelf.  Fish. Bull., U.S. 85(4):805-812.

§7. Botton, M. L., and J. W. ROPES.  1987.  The horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, fishery and resource in the United States.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(3):57-61.

8. BOWMAN, R. E., T. R. AZAROVITZ, E. S. HOWARD, and B. P. HAYDEN.  1987.  Food and distribution of juveniles of seventeen Northwest Atlantic fish species, 1973-1976.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-45.  57 pp.

9. Brown, B. E., G. H. Darcy, and W. OVERHOLTZ.  1987.  Stock assessment/stock identification: an interactive process.  Pages 1-24 in H. E. Kumpf (chief), R. M. Vaught, C. B. Grimes, A. G. Johnson, and E. L. Nakamura, eds.   Proceedings of the Stock Identification Workshop, November 5-7, 1985, Panama City Beach, Florida.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-SEFC-199.

10. BUCKLEY, L. J., T. A. HALAVIK, A. S. SMIGIELSKI, and G. C. LAURENCE.  1987.  Growth and survival of the larvae of three species of temperate marine fishes reared at discrete prey densities.  Amer. Fish. Soc. Symp. 2:82-92.

11. BYRNE, C. J., and J. R. S. FORRESTER.  1987.  Effect of a gear change on a standardized bottom trawl survey time series.  Oceans '87 Proc. 2:614-621.

12. CASEY, J. G., J. J. Hoey, and M. D. GROSSLEIN.  1987.  Large pelagic predators.  Pages 351-355 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

13. COHEN, E. B., and M. D. GROSSLEIN.  1987.  Production on Georges Bank compared with other shelf ecosystems.  Pages 383-391 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

14. COLLETTE, B. B.  1987.  The systematics community. Copeia 1987(1):261-264. (Book rev.)

15. CONSERVATION & UTILIZATION DIVISION, NORTHEAST FISHERIES CENTER.  1987.  Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1987.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-50.  132 pp.

16. Cooper, R. A., P. Valentine, J. R. UZMANN, and R. A. Slater.  1987.  Submarine canyons.  Pages 52-63 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

17. CROSBY LONGWELL, A.  1987.  Critical review of methodology and potential for interspecific hybridization.  Pages 3-21 in K. Tiews, ed.  Proceedings of the World Symposium on Selection, Hybridization, and Genetic Engineering in Aquaculture.  Volume II.  Heenemann Ver Lagsgesellschaft, Berlin.

18. FOGARTY, M. J., M. P. SISSENWINE, and M. D. GROSSLEIN.  1987.  Fish population dynamics.  Pages 494-507 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

19. GREIG, R. A., and G. SENNEFELDER.  1987.  PCB concentrations in winter flounder from Long Island Sound, 1984-1986.  Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39:863-868.

20. Grier, H. J., and B. B. COLLETTE.  1987.  Unique spermatozeugmata in testes of halfbeaks of the genus Zenarchopterus (Teleostei: Hemiramphidae).  Copeia 1987(2):300-311.

21. Harrison, F. L., K. Watness, D. A. NELSON, J. E. MILLER, and A. CALABRESE.  1987.  Mercury-binding proteins in the slipper limpet, Crepidula fornicata, exposed to increased soluble mercury.  Estuaries 10(1):78-83.

22. HENNEMUTH, R. C., and S. ROCKWELL.  1987.  History of fisheries conservation and management.  Pages 430-446 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

23. Johnson, G. D., and B. B. WASHINGTON.  1987.  Larvae of the moorish idol, Zanclus cornutus, including a comparison with other larval acanthuroids.  Bull. Mar. Sci. 40(3):494-511.

24. JOHNSON, P. T.  1987.  A review of fixed phagocytic and pinocytotic cells of decapod crustaceans, with remarks on hemocytes.  Develop. Comp. Immunol. 11:679-704.

25. Kent, M. L., R. A. Elston, T. A. Nerad, and T. K. SAWYER.  1987.  An Isonema-like flagellate (Protozoa: Mastigophora) infection in larval geoduck clams, Panope abrupta.  J. Invertebr. Pathol. 50:221-229.

26. KRZYNOWEK, J., and J. MURPHY.  1987.  Proximate composition, energy, fatty acid, sodium, and cholesterol content of finfish, shellfish, and their products.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech Rep. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 55.  53 pp.

§27. LICCIARDELLO, J. J., and D. L. D'ENTREMONT.  1987.  Bacterial growth rate in iced fresh or frozen-thawed Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(4):43-45.

28. LONGWELL, A.  1987.  Description of chromosomes and standard cytogenetics technics for wild and cultured shellfish molluscs.  Pages 189-207 in Shellfish culture development and management.  French Institute for Marine Research and Exploitation, Brest, France.

29. LUNDSTROM, R. C.  1987.  The potential use of monoclonal antibodies for identification of fish stocks.  Pages 137-148 in H. E. Kumpf (chief), R. N. Vaught, C. B. Grimes, A. G. Johnson, and E. L. Nakamura, eds.  Proceedings of the Stock Identification Workshop, November 5-7, 1985, Panama City Beach, Florida.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-SEFC-199.

*30. MacKENZIE, C. L., JR., D. J. RADOSH, and R. N. REID.  1985.  Densities, growth, and mortalities of juveniles of the surf clam (Spisula solidissima) (Dillwyn) in the New York Bight.  J. Shellfish Res. 5(2):81-84.

31. MacKENZIE, C. L.  1987.  Public oyster bed enhancement.  Pages 192-193 in J. F. Roache, ed.  Atlantic Canada Aquaculture Workshop--proceedings.  [Can. Dep. Fish. Oceans] Gen. Educ. Ser. 5(1).

32. MacLEAN, S. A., C. M. Morrison, R. A. MURCHELANO, S. EVERLINE, and J. J. EVANS.  1987.  Cysts of unknown etiology in marine fishes of the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.  Can. J. Zool. 65:296-303.

33. MERCALDO-ALLEN, R., and F. P. THURBERG.  1987.  Heart and gill ventilatory activity in the lobster, Homarus americanus, at various temperatures.  Fish. Bull., U.S. 85(3):643-644.

§34. MEYER, T. L., E. L. Anderson, J. W. ROPES, and W. C. PHOEL.  1987.  Underwater observations of a surf clam, Spisula solidissima (Dillwyn), community and the relative efficiency of a prototype airlift clam sampler.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(4):23-33.

35. MORSE, W. W., M. P. FAHAY, and W. G. SMITH.  1987.  MARMAP surveys of the continental shelf from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Cape Sable, Nova Scotia (1977-1984). Atlas No. 2. Annual distribution patterns of fish larvae.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-47.  215 pp.

36. MOUNTAIN, D. G., and P. F. JESSEN.  1987.  Bottom waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1978-1983.  J. Mar. Res. 45:319-345.

37. MOUNTAIN, D. G., and R. J. SCHLITZ.  1987.  Some biologic implications of the circulation.  Pages 392-394 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

38. O'REILLY, J. E., C. EVANS-ZETLIN, and D. A. BUSCH.  1987.  Primary production.  Pages 220-233 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

39. OVERHOLTZ, W. J.  1987.  Factors relating to the reproductive biology of Georges Bank haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in 1977-83.  J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 7:145-154.

40. PEREZ FARFANTE, I.  1987.  Revision of the gamba prawn genus Pseudaristeus, with description of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeoidea).  Fish. Bull., U.S. 85(2):311-338.

41. PERRY, D. M.  1987.  A procedure for obtaining erythrocytes from larval fish for cytological study and a description of larval blood of red hake, Urophycis chuss (Walbaum) and Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus (Linnaeus).  J. Fish Biol. 30:743-748.

42. PHOEL, W. C., R. N. REID, D. J. RADOSH, P. R. KUBE, S. A. FROMM.  1987.  Studies of the water column, sediments, and biota at the New York Bight acid waste dumpsite and a control area.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Symp. Ser. Undersea Res. 2(2):141-148.

§43. RAVESI, E. M., J. J. LICCIARDELLO, and L. D. Racicot.  1987.  Ozone treatments of fresh Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(4):37-42.

44. REID, R. N., M. C. INGHAM, and J. B. PEARCE, eds.; Warsh, C. E., R. N. REID, A. Y. Cantillo, and E. GOULD, topic coords.  1987.  NOAA's Northeast Monitoring Program (NEMP): a report on progress of the first five years (1979-84) and a plan for the future.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-44.  138 pp.

45. RESEARCH PLANNING & COORDINATION STAFF, NORTHEAST FISHERIES CENTER.  1987.  Northeast Fisheries Center framework for inshore research.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-49.  44 pp.

46. RICHARDS, R. A., and J. S. Cobb.  1987.  Use of avoidance responses to keep spider crabs out of traps for American lobsters.  Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 116:282-285.

47. RICHARDS, R. A., and D. G. Deuel.  1987.  Atlantic striped bass: stock status and the recreational fishery.  Mar. Fish. Rev. 49(2):58-66.

48. ROPES, J.  1987.  Age and growth, reproductive cycle, and histochemical tests for heavy metals in hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, from Raritan Bay, 1974-75.  Fish. Bull., U.S. 85(3):653-662.

49. ROPES, J. W.  1987.  Preparation of acetate peels of valves from the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, for age determination.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Rep. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.] 50.  5 pp.

50. ROPES, J. W., and A. JEARLD, JR.  1987.  Age determination of ocean bivalves.  Pages 517-526 in R. C. Summerfelt and G. E. Hall, eds.  Age and growth of fish.  Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.

*51. Rowe, G. T., S. Smith, P. Falkowski, T. Whitledge, R. THEROUX, W. PHOEL, and H. Ducklow.  1986.  Do continental shelves export organic matter?  Nature 324(6097):559-561.

52. SABO (GIBSON), B. D., and E. W. RHODES.  1987.  Indexed bibliography of the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians).  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Tech. Mem. NMFS [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv.]-F/NEC-48. 85 + 3 add. pp.

53. SHERMAN, K., W. G. SMITH, J. R. GREEN, E. B. COHEN, M. S. BERMAN, K. A. Marti, and J. R. GOULET.  1987.  Zooplankton production and the fisheries of the northeastern shelf.  Pages 268-282 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

54. SINDERMANN, C. J.  1987.  Effects of parasites on fish populations: practical considerations.  Int. J. Parasitol. 17:371-382.

55. SISSENWINE, M. P.  1987.  Fish and squid production.  Pages 347-350 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

56. SISSENWINE, M. P., and J. G. Shepherd.  1987.  An alternative perspective on recruitment overfishing and biological reference points.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci: 44:913-918.

57. Smolowitz, R. J., and F. M. SERCHUK.  1987.  Current technical concerns with sea scallop management.  Oceans '87 Proc. 2:639-644.

58. STEIMLE, F. W.  1987.  Production by the benthic fauna.  Pages 310-314 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

59. STILES, S., and J. CHOROMANSKI.  1987.  A method for cytogenetic and cytological examination of small shelled larvae of bivalves and other zooplankton.  Stain Technol. 62(2):113-117.

60. STUDHOLME, A. L., A. J. BEJDA, and B. L. Olla.  1987.  Changes in burrowing, emergence and feeding of the bloodworm, Glycera dibranchiata (Ehlers), induced by oil contaminated sediment.  Pages 69-86 in W. B. Vernberg, A. Calabrese, F. P. Thurberg, and F. J. Vernberg, eds.  Pollution physiology of estuarine organisms.  Univ. of South Carolina Press, Columbia.

61. STUDHOLME, A. L., R. REID, and 14 others, contribs.  1987.  The Hudson-Raritan: state of the estuary; summary. Volume 1, Part 1, of Water quality of New Jersey coastal waters.  New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium, Fort Hancock, N.J.  36 pp.

62. THEROUX, R. B., and M. D. GROSSLEIN.  1987.  Benthic fauna.  Pages 283-295 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

63. TINKER, B. L., R. J. LEARSON, and J. W. Slavin.  1987.  Industrial application of a computerized time-temperature monitoring system for measuring the freshness of chilled fish.  Pages 403-411 in D. E. Kramer and J. Liston, eds.  Seafood quality determination.  Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam.

64. Vernberg, W. B., A. CALABRESE, F. P. THURBERG, and F. J. Vernberg, eds.  1987.  Pollution physiology of estuarine organisms.  Univ. of South Carolina Press, Columbia.  458 pp.

65. Walsh, J. J., T. E. Whitledge, J. E. O'REILLY, W. C. PHOEL, and A. F. DRAXLER.  1987.  Nitrogen cycling on Georges Bank and the New York shelf: a comparison between well-mixed and seasonally stratified waters.  Pages 234-246 in R. H. Backus, ed.  Georges Bank.  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

66. WILLIAMS, A. B.  1987.  More records for shrimps of the genus Rimicaris (Decapoda: Caridea: Bresiliidae) from the Mid-Atlantic Rift.  J. Crustacean Biol. 7(1):105.

67. WILLIAMS, A. B.  1987.  Upogebia synagelas, new species, a commensal mud shrimp from sponges in the western Central Atlantic (Decapoda: Upogebiidae).  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 100(3):590-595.

68. WONGRATANA, T.  1987.  Four new species of clupeoid fishes (Clupeidae and Engraulidae) from Australian waters.  Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 100(1):104-111.

69. WONGRATANA, T.  1987.  Two new species of anchovies of the genus Stolephorus (Engraulidae), with a key to species of Engraulis, Encrasicholina, and Stolephorus.  Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 2876.  8 pp.

70. ZISKOWSKI, J. J., L. DESPRES-PATANJO, R. A. MURCHELANO, A. B. Howe, D. RALPH, and S. ATRAN.  1987.  Disease in commercially valuable fish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic.  Mar. Pollut. Bull. 18(9):496-504.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Media

71. ALMEIDA, F. P.  1987.  Status of the silver hake resource off the Northeast coast of the United States--1987.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-03.  60 pp.

72. ARMSTRONG, R. S., and G. A. STROUT.  1987.  Variation in the shelf water front position in 1986 from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras.  NAFO [Northw. Atl. Fish. Organ.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 87/17. Ser. No. N1297.  8 pp.

73. Bakewell, W. E., E. GOULD, J. S. Garvey, and B. A. Fowler.  1987.  Purification and characterization of the 45,000 Dalton (45K) metallothione-like cadmium-binding protein (CdBP) from the scallop Placopecten magellanicus.  Fed. Proc. 46:1825.  (Abstr.)

74. BARTON, K. W.  1987.  Large Gulf Stream meander affects fishing operations near Hydrographer Canyon in early 1987.  [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Oceanogr. Mon. Sum. 7(7):12-13.

75. BARTON, K. W.  1987.  Report of water masses receiving wastes from ocean dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite: October 1, 1985 through September 30, 1986.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Mar. Climatol. Invest. Data Anal. Prod. No. 23.  13 pp.

*76. BENWAY, R. L.  1986.  Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1985.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Mar. Climatol. Inv. Data Anal. Prod. No. 21.  19 pp.

77. BENWAY, R. L.  1987.  Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1986.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Mar. Climatol. Invest. Data Anal. Prod. No. 22.  14 pp.

78. BENWAY, R. L.  1987.  Water column thermal structure across the shelf and slope southeast of Sandy Hook, New Jersey in 1986.  NAFO [Northw. Atl. Fish. Organ.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. No. 87/16. Ser. No. N1296.  6 pp.

79. BLOGOSLAWSKI, W., L. TETTELBACH, M. Ragosa, K. Murphy, and R. Pierce.  1987.  Bacterial changes in a new aquarium using ozone as a disinfectant.  Page G-42 in Proceedings of the 8th Ozone World Conference: 15-18 September 1987 Zurich (Switzerland).  Volume 2.  International Ozone Association, Zurich.  (Abstr.)

80. [CONSERVATION & UTILIZATION DIVISION, NORTHEAST FISHERIES CENTER.]  1987.  Report of the Fifth NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Fifth SAW).  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-12.  66 pp.

81. [CONSERVATION & UTILIZATION DIVISION, NORTHEAST FISHERIES CENTER.]  1987.  Report of the Fourth NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Fourth SAW). [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-07.  102 pp.

82. [CONSERVATION & UTILIZATION DIVISION, NORTHEAST FISHERIES CENTER.]  1987.  Status of mixed species demersal finfish resources in New England and scientific basis for management.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-08.  105 pp.

83. FOSTER, K. L.  1987.  Status of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) stocks in the Gulf of Maine, Southern New England, and Middle Atlantic areas.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-06.  70 pp.

84. INGHAM, M. C., and G. WOOD.  1987.  Variations in the spring windfield in the northwestern Atlantic, 1946-1985; a progress report.  NAFO [Northw. Atl. Fish. Organ.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 87/15. Ser. No. N1295.  12 pp.

85. KENNEY, J. F., V. E. NULK, and A. J. BLOTT.  1987.  Scallop gear selectivity studies: panel comparison in a rigid drag. Progress report: 1987.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Narragansett Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-26.  7 pp.

86. KERN, F. G.  1987.  Molluscan histopathology: a comparative study of fresh water mussels and marine bivalve species. Page 143 in R. J. Neves, ed.  Proceedings of the Workshop on Die-offs of Freshwater Mussels in the United States.  Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg.  (Abstr.)

87. MAHONEY, J. B., P. Olsen, and M. COHN.  1987.  The occurrence and effects of blooms of the dinoflagellate, Gyrodinium aureolum.  Prepared for Green Tide Conference for Coastal Water Quality; Pomona, N.J.; June 25, 1987.  Available from National Marine Fisheries Service, P. O. Box 428, Highlands, N.J. 07732.  29 pp.

88. O'Connor, J. S., J. J. ZISKOWSKI, and R. A. MURCHELANO.  1987.  Index of pollutant-induced fish and shellfish disease.  NOAA [Nat. Ocean. Atmos. Admin.] Spec. Rep.  Available from National Ocean Service, Washington, D.C. 20235.  29 pp. + 4 append.

89. PRICE, C. A., and K. W. BARTON.  1987.  Anticyclonic warm core Gulf Stream rings off the northeastern United States during 1986.  NAFO [Northw. Atl. Fish. Organ.] SCR [Sci. Counc. Res.] Doc. 87/14. Ser. No. N1294.  19 pp.

90. ROSENFIELD, A., and F. G. KERN.  1987.  Shellfish management strategies to control the introduction of undesirable organisms.  Pages 19-20 in A. W. White, ed.  Shellfish diseases: current concerns in the Northeast.  Woods Hole Oceanogr. Inst. Tech. Rep. WHOI-87-13.  (Abstr.)

91. SERCHUK, F. M., and S. E. WIGLEY.  1987.  Evaluation of the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic seasonal area closure in reducing fishing mortality and enhancing spawning opportunities for yellowtail flounder: an historical assessment.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-04.  28 pp.

92. TERCEIRO, M.  1987.  Status of Atlantic coast bluefish--1987.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woods Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-10.  54 pp.

93. TERCEIRO, M.  1987.  Using the marine recreational fishery statistics survey (MRFSS) in stock assessments.  [Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Northe. Fish. Ctr.,] Woo

ds Hole Lab. Ref. Doc. No. 87-11.  15 pp. Subject Index

        Because of the relatively few entries in the bibliography, the accompanying index is relatively small.  Consequently, the index has been designed as a limited-entry, nonhierarchical index with no cross-referencing.  In the "Organisms" subindex, individual species are listed primarily by common name.  For fish species covered by the American Fisheries Society’s list (Robins, C. R. (Chairman), R. M. Bailey, C. E. Bond, J. R. Brooker, E. A. Lachner, R. N. Lea, and W. B. Scott, eds.  1980.  A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada, fourth ed.  Amer. Fish. Soc. Spec. Pub. 12.  174 pp.), the common name follows Robins et al., and no scientific name is given.  For all other species, the common name -- if one exists -- is followed by a scientific name.  Those species without a common name ("n.c.n.") have only the scientific name, followed by an identifying family or order name.


Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) 8,15
alewife 15
American lobster (Homarus americanus) 15,33,46
American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) 31
American plaice 15,35,81
American shad 15
anchovies 35,68,69
Atlantic cod 8,15,27,35,43
Atlantic croaker 35
Atlantic herring 15,35,80
Atlantic mackerel 10,15,35,41,80,81
Atlantic menhaden 35
Atlantic wolffish 15

barndoor skate 15
bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) 52
benthos 6,7,15,21,25,28,30,31,33,34,46,48-50,52,58-62,80,86,90
Benthosema glaciale (Myctophidae), n.c.n 35
billfishes 12
bivalve mollusks 15,25,28,30,31,34,48-50,52,57,59,73,80,85,86,90
black sea bass 15,80
bloodworm (Glycera dibranchiata) 60
blueback herring 15
bluefish 15,35,80,81,92
brier skate 15
butterfish 8,15,35,81

Ceratascopelus maderensis (Myctophidae), n.c.n 35
cunner 35
cusk 15

decapod crustaceans 15,24,33,40,46,66,67,80,80
dinoflagellates 87

fourspot flounder 8
freshwater mussels 86

geoduck clam (Panope abrupta) 25
groundfish 1,8,10,15,19,27,35,39,41,43,70,71,80-83,91
Gulf Stream flounder 35
Gyrodinium aureolum (Dinoflagellida), n.c.n 87

haddock 8,10,15,35,39,81
hakes (Urophycis spp.) 3,8,15,35,41
halfbeaks (Zenarchopterus spp.) 20
hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) 48
Herklotsichthys collettei (Clupeidae), n.c.n 68
horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) 6,7

ichthyoplankton 53

leopard skate 15
little skate 8,15
long-finned squid (Loligo pealei) 15,81
longhorn sculpin 8

moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus) 23

northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) 15,80

ocean pout 8,15
ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) 15,49,50,80
offshore hake (Merluccius albidus) 35

phytoplankton 38,87
plankton 53,59,61,87
pollock 8,15,35
Pseudaristeus crassipes (Penaeoidea), n.c.n 40
Pseudaristeus gracilis (Penaeoidea), n.c.n 40
Pseudaristeus kathleenae (Penaeoidea), n.c.n 40
Pseudaristeus protensus (Penaeoidea), n.c.n 40
Pseudaristeus sibogae (Penaeoidea), n.c.n. 40

redfish(es) (Sebastes sp(p).) 8,15,35
red hake 3,8,15,41
Rimicaris chacei (Bresiliidae), n.c.n. 66
Rimicaris exoculata (Bresiliidae), n.c.n 66
river herring 15

sand lance(s) (Ammodytes sp(p).) 4,10,35
scup 8,15,81
searobins (Prionotus spp.) 35
sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) 15,50,57,73,85
Setipinna paxtoni (Engraulidae), n.c.n 68
sharks 12
short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) 15,81
silver hake 1,8,15,35,71,81
skates 15
slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) 21
smallmouth flounder 35
smooth-tailed skate 15
spiny dogfish 15
spotted hake 8
Stolephorus advenus (Engraulidae), n.c.n 68
Stolephorus multibranchus (Engraulidae), n.c.n 69
Stolephorus nelsoni (Engraulidae), n.c.n 69
striped bass 5,15,47,81
summer flounder 15,35,80,81
surf clam (Spisula solidissima) 15,30,34,50,80

thorny skate 15
Thryssa marasriae (Engraulidae), n.c.n 68
tunas 12

Upogebia synagelas (Upogebiidae), n.c.n. 67

white hake 8,15
windowpane 35
winter flounder 15,19,80,83
winter skate 15
witch flounder 15,35

yellowtail flounder 15,35,91

zooplankton 53,59


Australia 68,69

Caroline Islands 69

Georges Bank 2,12,13,16,18,22,37-39,53,55,58,62,65,71
Gulf of Maine 36,71,76,83
Gulf of Mexico 32,76,77
Gulf Stream 74,89

Hudson-Raritan Estuary 61
Hydrographer Canyon 74

Indo-West Pacific 40

Long Island Sound 19

Mid-Atlantic Rift 66
Middle Atlantic Bight 19,42,48,61,65,71,75-78,80,81,83,87,91

New England 80-83,91
New Jersey 87
New York Bight 42,76,77,78
New York Shelf 65

106-Mile Dumpsite 75

Raritan Bay 48

Southern New England 83,91

western Central Atlantic 67


abundance/biomass 2,6,7,12,30,62
age & growth materials/methods 49,50
age & growth studies 48,50
aquaculture 17,28,54,79
availability/catchability, resource 57,80,81,85

bacterial growth 27
behavior 33,46,60
bibliography 52
biological reference points 56
blooms, plankton/phytoplankton 87
book review 14

cell biology 4,17,21,24,28,29,41,48,59,73,86
climatology 84
commensalism 67
contaminants in tissue 19,44
contaminants in sediment 42,44,61

disease/parasites 24,25,32,54,61,70,79,86,88,90
dissolved oxygen 61
distribution 2,6,8,12,35,39,62
dumping/discharge, ocean 61,75
dumpsites 42

ecological processes 13
engineering, conservation 80
engineering, fisheries 57,85
exotics/undesirable species 90
fisheries 7
fisheries management 22,47,56,57,80-82,91
fisheries, recreational 47,81,92,93
fisheries technology 26,27,43,46,57,63,80,85
fishing 22,82,85
fishing gear/methods 46
food habits 8,12
fronts, water-mass 72

genetics 17,28
geology 16
green tide 87
growth 10,30,34

habitat 16,66
heavy metals 4,21,48,73
histochemistry 48
histopathology 86
hydrothermal vents 66
hypoxia 3
hypoxic effects 3

immunology 29
inshore studies 19,45,61,64,80,81

juveniles 8,30

key 40,69

larvae 10,23,35,41

maturity 39
meander 74
migration/movement 5
modelling 37
monoclonal antibodies 29
mortality 10,30

nutrients 38,61,65

oil 60
overfishing, recruitment 56
ozone 43,79

PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) 19
physical oceanography 33,36,37,72,74-78,89
planning, research 45
pollutant effects 4,21,33,42,44,60,61,64,88
population dynamics 2,6,7,10,12,18,20,30,34,39,48,50,56,62
productivity, benthic 58
productivity, biological 51
productivity, ecosystem 13
productivity, fish & squid 55
productivity, primary 38
productivity, secondary 53

recruitment 18
reproduction 20,39,48
respiration, benthic 51
rings, warm-core 89

salinity 36
sampling gear/methods 11,34,80,81
seafood composition/nutrition 26
seafood preservation & storage 27,43
seafood quality 63
sediment 16
sediment transport 51
species interactions 18
statistics 93
stock assessment 15,47,71,80-83,91,92,93
stock enhancement/stocking 31
stock identification 1,9,29
systematics 14,23,40,67,68,69

tag/mark & recapture 5
taxonomy 23,40,66-69

water circulation 36,37
water masses 36,75
water quality 42,44,61
water temperature 33,36,76-78

Author Index

Almeida, F. L. 1,71
Armstrong, R. S. 72
Atran, S. 70
Azarovitz, T. R. 2,8

Barton, K. W. 74,75,89
Bejda, A. J. 3,60
Benway, R. L. 76-78
Berman, M. S. 53
Blogoslawski, W. 79
Blott, A. J. 85
Bodammer, J. E. 4
Boreman, J. 5
Bowman, R. E. 8
Buckley, L. J. 10
Busch, D. A. 38
Byrne, C. J. 11

Calabrese, A. 21,64
Casey, J. G. 12
Choromanski, J. 59
Cohen, E. B. 13,53
Cohn, M. 87
Collette, B. B. 14,20
Crosby Longwell, A. -- see Longwell, A.

D'Entremont, D. L. 27
Despres-Patanjo, L. 70
Draxler, A. F. 65

Evans, J. J. 32
Evans-Zetlin, C. 38
Everline, S. 32

Fahay, M. P. 35
Fogarty, M. J. 18
Forrester, J. R. S. 11
Foster, K. L. 83
Fromm, S. A. 42

Goulet, J. R. 53
Gould, E. 44,73
Green, J. R. 53
Greig, R. A. 19
Grosslein, M. D. 2,12,13,18,62

Halavik, T. A. 10
Hayden, B. P. 8
Hennemuth, R. C. 22
Howard, E. S. 8
Ingham, M. C. 44,84

Jearld, A., Jr. 50
Jessen, P. F. 36
Johnson, P. T. 24

Kenney, J. F. 85
Kern, F. G. 86,90
Krzynowek, J. 26
Kube, P. R. 42

Laurence, G. C. 10
Learson, R. J. 63
Lewis, R. R. 5
Licciardello, J. J. 27,43
Longwell, A. 17,28
Lundstrom, R. C. 29

MacKenzie, C. L., Jr. 30,31
MacLean, S. A. 32
Mahoney, J. B. 87
Mercaldo-Allen, R. 33
Meyer, T. L. 34
Miller, J. E. 21
Morse, W. W. 35
Mountain, D. G. 36,37
Murchelano, R. A. 32,70,88
Murphy, J. 26

Nelson, D. A. 21
Nulk, V. E. 85

O'Reilly, J. E. 38,65
Overholtz, W. J. 9,39

Pearce, J. B. 44
Perez Farfante, I. 40
Perry, D. M. 41
Phoel, W. C. 34,42,51,65
Price (Fairfield), C. A. 89

Radosh, D. J. 30,42
Ralph, D. 70
Ravesi, E. M. 43
Reid, R. N. 30,42,44,61
Rhodes, E. W. 52
Richards, R. A. 46,47
Rockwell, S. 22
Ropes, J. W. 6,7,34,48-50
Rosenfield, A. 90

Sabo (Gibson), B. D. 52
Sawyer, T. K. 25
Schlitz, R. J. 37
Sennefelder, G. 19
Serchuk, F. M. 57,91
Sherman, K. 53
Sindermann, C. J. 54
Sissenwine, M. P.  18,55,56
Smigielski, A. S. 10
Smith, W. G. 35,53
Steimle, F. W. 58
Stiles, S. 59
Strout, G. A. 72
Studholme, A. L. 3,60,61

Terceiro, M. 92,93
Tettelbach, L. 79
Theroux, R. 51,62
Thurberg, F. P. 33,64
Tinker, B. L. 63

Uzmann, J. R. 16

Washington, B. B. 23
Wigley, S. E. 91
Williams, A. B. 66,67
Wongratana, T. 68,69
Wood, G. 84

Ziskowski, J. J. 70,88