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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Ann M Donoghue (Annie)
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Research Leader

Phone: (479) 575-2413
Fax: (479) 575-4202
Room O-303
FAYETTEVILLE, AR, 72701-0000

Development of Alternative Approaches to Antibiotics for Controlling Bacterial Respiratory Pathogens in Poultry
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 411593
Poultry Manure Management Strategies to Reduce Non-Point Source Phosphorus Pollution
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 409558
Investigating the Impact of Stress on Foodborne Pathogen Colonization in Turkeys
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 410820
Red River Scope of Work: Nutrient Criteria Phase I and II
Reimbursable (R)
  Accession Number: 411626
Molecular Application Towards Understanding Bacterial Functionality in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Poultry
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 411887
Quantification and Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Agricultural Watersheds
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 414936
Red River Nutrient Criteria Development Phase I
Specific Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 411695

Implementing artificial insemination as an effective tool for ex situ conservation of endangered avian species - (Book/Chapter)
Blanco, J.M., Wildt, D.E., Hoefle, U., Voelker, W., Donoghue, A.M. 2009. Implementing artificial insemination as an effective tool for ex situ conservation of endangered avian species. Theriogenology. 71:200-213.
Antibacterial effect of trans-cinnamaldehyde on Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken drinking water - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (22-Sep-08)
The natural feed additive caprylic acid reduces Campylobacter jejuni colonization in market aged broiler chickens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Solis De Los, S.F., Donoghue, A.M., Venkitanarayanan, K., Metcalf, J.H., Reyes-Herrera, I., Dirain, M.L., Aguiar, V.F., Blore, P.J., Donoghue, D.J. 2009. The natural feed additive caprylic acid reduces Campylobacter jejuni colonization in market aged broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 88:61-64.
Potential of Bacteriophage to Prevent and Treat Poultry Diseases - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M. 2008. Potential of Bacteriophage to Prevent and Treat Poultry Diseases. In: Proceedings of the 23rd World Poultry Congress, June 30 - July 4, 2008, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 2008 CDROM.
Therapeutic Supplementation of Caprylic Acid in Feed Reduces Campylobacter jejuni in Broiler Chicks - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (12-Jun-08)
Inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in Poultry Drinking Water by trans-cinnamaldehyde - (Abstract) - (14-May-08)
Comparative Cryopreservation of Avian Spermatozoa: Effects of Cooling and Thawing Rates on Sperm Viability and Fertility - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (05-Jan-08)
Osmotic Tolerance of Avian Spermatozoa: Influence of Time, Temperature, Cryopotatant and Membrane Ion Pump Function on Sperm Viability - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blanco, J.M., Long, J.A., Gee, G., Donoghue, A.M., Wildt, D.E. 2008. Osmotic tolerance of avian spermatozoa: influence of time, temperature, cryoprotectant and membrane ion pump function on sperm viability. Cryobiology. 56:8-14.
Use of wide-host-range bacteriophages to reduce Salmonella on poultry products - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bielke, L.R., Higgins, S., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G.I. 2007. Use of wide-host-range bacteriophages to reduce Salmonella on poultry products. International Journal of Poultry Science. 6(10):754-757.
Evaluation of alternative host bacteria as vehicles for oral administration of bacteriophages - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bielke, L.R., Higgins, S., Donoghue, A.M., Kral, T., Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G. 2007. Evaluation of alternative host bacteria as vehicles for oral administration of bacteriophages. International Journal of Poultry Science. 6(10):758-761.
Caprylic Acid supplemented in feed reduces enteric Campylobacter jejuni colonization in 10 day old broiler chickens - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (19-Sep-07)
Effect of a Selected Lactobacillus spp-Based Probiotic on Salmonella Serovar Enteritidis-Infected Broiler Chicks - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vicente, J.L., Torres-Rodriguez, A., Higgens, S.E., Hernandez-Velasco, X., Pixley, C., Tellez, G., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2008. Effect of a selected Lactobacillus spp-based probiotic on Salmonella serovar enteritidis-infected broiler chicks. Avian Diseases. 52:143-146.
Effects of a dietary yeast extract on hematological parameters, heterophil function, and bacterial clearance in turkey poults challenged with Escherichia coli and subjected to transport stress - (Abstract) - (17-Jul-07)
Effects of a dietary yeast extract on hematological parameters, heterophil function, and bacterial clearance in turkey poults challenged with Escherichia coli and subjected to transport stress - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Huff, G.R., Farnell, M., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Solis De Los Santos, F., Donoghue, A.M. 2007. Effects of a dietary yeast extract on hematological parameters, heterophil function, and bacterial clearance in turkey poults challenged with Escherichia coli and subjected to transport stress. In: Proceedings of the XVIth European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, August 26-30, 2007, Strausbourg, France. p. 200.
Effects of sex and genetics on behavior and stress response of turkeys - (Abstract)
Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M., Anthony, N.B., Nestor, K.E. 2007. Effects of sex and genetics on behavior and stress response of turkeys [abstract]. 2nd World Conference of Stress, Aug 23-26, 2007, Budapest, Hungary. p. 289.
Immune interference with bacteriophage efficacy to treat colibacillosis in broiler chickens - (Abstract)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M. 2007. Immune interference with bacteriophage efficacy to treat colibacillosis in broiler chickens [abstract]. Poultry Science. 86(1):565.
Yeast improves resistance to environmental challenges - (Trade Journal)
Huff, G.R., Solis Del Los Santos, F., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D.J. 2007. Yeast improves resistance to environmental challenges. World Poultry. 23(7):12-14.
Phosphorus solubility in poultry litters and granulates: Influence of litter treatments and extraction ratios - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Toor, G.S., Haggard, B.E., Reiter, M.S., Daniel, T.C., Donoghue, A.M. 2007. Phosphorus solubility in poultry litters and granulates: Influence of litter treatments and extraction ratios. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(2):533-542.
Gastrointestinal Maturation is Accelerated in Turkey Poults Supplemented with a Mannan-Oligosaccharide Yeast Extract (Alphamune) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santos, F., Donoghue, A.M., Farnell, M., Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E. 2007. Gastrointestinal maturation is accelerated in turkey poults supplemented with a mannan-oligosaccharide yeast extract (Alphamune). Poultry Science. 86:921-930.
Influence of Hen Age on the Response of Turkey Poults to Cold Stress, escherichia Coli Challenge, and Treatment with a Yeast Extract Antibiotic Alternative - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Solis De Los Santos, F., Farnell, M.B., Donoghue, A.M. 2007. Influence of hen age on the response of turkey poults to cold stress, Escherichia coli challenge, and treatment with a yeast extract antibiotic alternative. Poultry Science. 86:(4):636-642.
Stimulation of Mucosal Immunity with Probiotics - (Abstract)
Hargis, B.M., Farnell, M.B., Donoghue, A.M., Solis Del Santos, F., Blore, P.J., Donoghue, D.J., Tellez, G. 2006. Stimulation of Mucosal Immunity with Probiotics [abstract]. Arkansas Bioscience Institute Annual Meeting. p. 14.
Differential Effects of Sex and Genetics on Behavior and Stress Response of Turkeys - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M., Anthony, N., Nestor, K.E. 2007. Differential effects of sex and genetics on behavior and stress response of turkeys. Poultry Science. 86(7):1294-1303.
Upregulation of Oxidative Burst and Degranulation in Chicken Heterophilis Stimulated with Probiotic Bacteria - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Farnell, M.B., Donoghue, A.M., Fausto, D., Blore, P.J., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G.I., Donoghue, D.J. 2006. Upregulation of oxidative burst and degranulation in chicken heterophilis stimulated with probiotic bacteria. Poultry Science. 85:1900-1906.
Final Report to Foreign Agricultural Service: Solutions to Food Safety and Security for Mexico and the United States - Development of Nonantibiotic Alternatives for Foodborne Pathogens Control in Poultry - (Other)
Donoghue, D.J., Tellez, G., Hargis, B.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2006. Final Report to Foreign Agricultural Service: Solutions to food safety and security for Mexico and the United States - development of nonantibiotic alternatives for foodborne pathogens control in poultry. Foreign Agricultural Service. 28 p.
Oral Treatment with the Probiotic Escherichia Coli Nissle 1917 Improves Body Weight and Modulates the Stress Response of Poultry in Respiratory Challenges with Avian Pathogenic E. Coli - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Enders, C., Sonnenborn, U., Farnell, M.B., Solis Del Los Santos, F., Donoghue, A.M. 2006. Oral treatment with the probiotic Escherichia Coli Nissle 1917 improves body weight and modulates the stress response of poultry in respiratory challenges with avian pathogenic E. Coli. In: Proceedings of the XII European Poultry Conference, September 10-14, 2006, Verona, Italy. 2006 CDROM.
Gastrointestinal Maturation Is Accelerated in Turkey Poults Supplemented with a Mannan-Oligosaccharide Yeast Extract (Alphamune) - (Abstract)
Fausto, D., Farnell, M.B., Donoghue, A.M., Huff, G.R., Huff, W.E., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, D.J. 2006. Gastrointestinal maturation is accelerated in turkey poults supplemented with a mannan-oligosaccharide yeast extract (Alphamune)[abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting. 87:75.
Bacteriocins Reduce Campylobacter Colonization and Alter Gut Morphology in Turkey Poults - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cole, K., Farnell, M., Donoghue, A.M., Stern, N.J., Svetoch, E.A., Eruslanov, B.N., Volodina, L.I., Kovalev, Y.N., Perelygin, V.V., Mitsevich, E.V., Mitsevich, I.P., Levchuk, V.P., Pokhilenko, V.D., Borzenkov, V.N., Svetoch, O.E., Kudryavtseva, T.Y., Reyes-Herrera, I., Blore, P.J., Solis De Los Santos, F., Donoghue, D.J. 2006. Bacteriocins reduce campylobacter colonization and alter gut morphology in turkey poults. Poultry Science. 85:1570-1575.
Evaluation of the Influence of Bacteriophage Titer on the Treatment of Colibacillosis in Broiler Chickens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, A.M. 2006. Evaluation of the influence of bacteriophage titer on the treatment of colibacillosis in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 85:1373-1377.
Efficacy of Iron Chelators on Campylobacter Concentrations in Turkey Semen - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cole, K., Donoghue, A.M., Reyes-Herrera, I., Rath, N.C., Donoghue, D.J. 2006. Efficacy of iron chelators on campylobacter concentrations in turkey semen. Poultry Science. 85:1462-1465.
Use of a lactobacillus-based probiotic culture to reduce Salmonella in day of hatch broilers - (Abstract)
Higgins, J.P., Higgins, S.E., Torres-Rodriguez, A., Salvador, V., Henderson, S.N., Wolfenden, A.D., Pixley, C.M., Donoghue, A.M., Tellez, G., Bottje, W.G., Hargis, B.M. 2006. Use of a lactobacillus-based probiotic culture to reduce Salmonella in day of hatch broilers. Poultry Science. 85:38-39.
Planning Our Future: the Poultry Science Association Strategic Plan - (Review Article)
Hester, P.Y., Alvarado, C.Z., Bilgili, S.F., Denton, J.H., Donoghue, A.M., Giesen, A., Hargis, B., Kessler, J.W., Madison, F.N., Malone, G.W., Mavorolas, P., Noll, S.L., Pescatore, A.J., Ricks, C.A., Robinson, F.E., Shirley, R.B., Sirfri, M., Smith, M.O., Stonerock, R.H., Wilson, J.L., Wineland, M.J., Beck, M.M., Saylor, W.W. 2005. Planning our Future: The Poultry Science Association Strategic Plan. Poultry Science Association. 84:1814-1815.
Influence of Hen Age on Response of Turkey Poults Challenged with Cold Stress and Escherichia Coli to Alphamune¿, a Dietary Yeast Extract Antibiotic Alternative - (Abstract) - (20-Oct-05)
The 2006-2010 Strategic Plan for the Poultry Science Association - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hester, P.Y., Alvarado, L.Z., Bilgili, S.F., Denton, J.H., Donoghue, A.M., Giesen, A., Hargis, B.M., Kessler, J.W., Madison, F.N., Malone, G.W. 2006. The 2006-2010 Strategic Plan for the Poultry Science Association. Poultry Science. 85:1-7.
Bacteriophage: a Safe and Natural Alternative to Antimicrobial Growth Promoters - (Book/Chapter)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2006. Bacteriophage: a safe and natural alternative to antimicrobial growth promoters. In: Barug, D., de Jong, J., Kies, A.K., Verstegen, M.W.A. (editors). Antimicrobial Growth Promoters: Where Do We Go From Here? The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. p. 341-360.
Digestive Physiology and the Role of Microorganisms - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tellez, G., Higgins, S., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B. 2006. Digestive physiology and the role of microorganisms. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 15:136-144.
Probiotics and Prebiotics. from Concepts to Commercial Applications - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Torres-Rodriguez, A., Donoghue, A.M., Tellez, G., Hargis, B.M. 2005. Probiotics and prebiotics. From concepts to commercial applications. In: Proceedings of the Advancing Poultry Production. 3rd International Poultry Broiler Nutrition Conference, Massey Technical Update, July 5-7, 2005, Monograstrich Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, Aukland, New Zealand. 7:33-45.
Hypobaric Hypoxia in Ascites Resistant and Susceptible Broiler Genetic Lines Influences Gut Morphology - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Solis Del Los Santos, F., Tellez, G., Farnell, M.B., Balog, J., Anthony, N.B., Pavlidis, H.O., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Hypobaric hypoxia in ascites resistant and susceptible broiler genetic lines influences gut morphology. Poultry Science. 84(9):1495-1498.
Campylobacter Susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin and Corresponding Fluoroquinolone Concentrations Within the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Chickens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Farnell, M.B., Donoghue, A.M., Cole, K., Reyes-Herrera, I., Blore, P., Donoghue, D.J. 2005. Campylobacter susceptibility to ciprofloxacin and corresponding fluoroquinolone concentrations within the gastrointestinal tracts of chickens. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 99(5):1043-1050.
Effect of Prebiotic on Gut Development and Ascites Incidence of Broilers Reared in a Hypoxic Environment - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santos, F.S., Farnell, M.B., Tellez, G., Balog, J.M., Anthony, N.B., Torres, A., Higgins, S., Hargis, B.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Effect of prebiotic on gut development and ascites incidence of broilers reared in a hypoxic environment. Poultry Science. 84(7):1092-1100.
Differential Expression of Cardiac Muscle Mitochondrial Matrix Proteins in Broilers from Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome Resistant and Susceptible Line - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cisar, C.R., Balog, J.M., Anthony, N., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Differential expression of cardiac muscle mitochondrial matrix proteins in broilers from pulmonary hypertension syndrome resistant and susceptible line. Poultry Science. 84(5):704-708.
Hypobaric Hypoxia in Ascites Resistant and Susceptible Broiler Genetic Lines Influences Gut Morphology - (Abstract)
Solis, F., Balog, J.M., Tellez, G., Anthony, N.B., Hargis, B.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Hypobaric hypoxia in ascites resistant and susceptible broiler genetic lines influences gut morphology [abstract]. 2005 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Abstract No. 164. p. 39.
Use of a Specific Bacteriophage Treatment to Reduce Salmonella in Poultry Products - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Higgins, J.P., Higgins, S.E., Guenther, K.L., Huff, W.E., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M. 2005. Use of a specific bacteriophage treatment to reduce Salmonella in poultry products. Poultry Science. 84:1141-1145.
Bacteriophage: a Safe and Natural Alternative to Antimicrobial Growth Promoters - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Bacteriophage: A safe and natural alternative to antimicrobial growth promoters. In: Proceedings of the International Debate Conference for the Feed and Food Chain Antimicrobial Growth Promoters: Worldwide Ban on the Horizon, January 31 - February 1, 2005, Noordwijk Ann Zee, The Netherlands. p. 60.
Alternative to Antibiotics - Utilization of Bacteriophage to Treat Colibacillosis and Prevent Foodborne Pathogens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2005. Alternative to antibiotics - Utilization of bacteriophage to treat colibacillosis and prevent foodborne pathogens. Poultry Science. 84:655-659.
Therapeutic Efficacy of Bacteriophage and Baytril (Enrofloxacin) Individually and in Combination to Treat Colibacillosis in Broilers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Therapeutic efficacy of bacteriophage and baytril (Enrofloxacin) individually and in combination to treat colibacillosis in broilers. Poultry Science. 83:1944-1947.
Reproduction in Nondomestic Birds: Physiology, Semen Collection, Artificial Insemination and Cryopreservation. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gee, G.F., Henk, B., Donoghue, A.M., Blanco, J., Soley, J. 2004. Reproduction in nondomestic birds: Physiology, semen collection, artificial insemination and cryopreservation. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews. 15(2):47-101.
Effects of Aeration and Storage Temperature on Campylobacter Concentrations in Poultry Semen - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cole, K., Donoghue, A.M., Blore, P.J., Holliman, J.S., Cox, N.A., Musgrove, M.T., Donoghue, D.J. 2004. Effects of aeration and storage temperature on Campylobacter concentrations in poultry semen. Poultry Science. 83:1734-1738.
Individual and Combined Efficacy of Bacteriophage and Baytril® (Enrofloxacin) to Treat a Severe Escherichia Coli Respiratory Infection in Broiler Chickens. - (Abstract)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Individual and combined efficacy of bacteriophage and Baytril (enrofloxacin) to treat a severe Escherichia coli respiratory infection in broiler chickens [abstract]. Poultry Science. 83:1780-1781.
Effects of Aspergillus Meal Prebiotic on Gut Development and Ascites Mortality. - (Abstract)
Fausto, S., Balog, J.M., Tellez, G., Higgins, S., Torres, A., Donoghue, A.M., Anthony, N.B. 2004. Effects of aspergillus meal prebiotic on gut development and ascites mortality [abstract]. Poultry Science. 83(Suppl. 1):104.
Detection of Campylobacter Or Salmonella: Turkey Semen and the Ability of Poultry Semen Extenders to Reduce Thier Concentratons - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Donoghue, A.M., Blore, P.J., Cole, K., Luskutoff, N.M., Donoghue, D.J. 2004. Detection of Campylobacter or Salmonella: Turkey semen and the ability of poultry semen extenders to reduce thier concentratons. Poultry Science. 83:1728-1733.
Differential Mitochondrial Protein Expression in Non-Ascitic and Ascitic Chickens. - (Abstract)
Cisar, C.R., Balog, J.M., Anthony, N., Iqbal, M., Bottje, W., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Differential mitochondrial protein expression in non-ascitic and ascitic chickens [abstract]. Annual Conference on Functional Genomics. p. FG2.
Differential Expression of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Proteins in Cardiac Tissues of Broilers from Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome Resistant and Susceptible Lines. - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (29-Apr-04)
Isolation and Prevalence of Campylobacter in the Reproductive Tracts and Semen of Commercial Turkeys - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cole, K., Donoghue, A.M., Holiman, J.S., Blore, P.J., Donoghue, D.J. 2004. Isolation and prevalence of campylobacter in the reproductive tracts and semen of commercial turkeys. Avian Diseases. 48:625-630.
Bacteriophage and Probiotics Their Role in the Control of Salmonella in Poultry - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Donoghue, A.M., Huff, W.E., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G., Donoghue, D.J. 2004.Bacteriophage and probiotics- their role in the control of salmonella in poultry. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Poultry Health Conference. p. 10-15.
Competetive Exclusion As a Means of Controlling Campylobacter in Poultry - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Competetive exclusion as a means of controlling campylobacter in poultry. Asia Pacific Poultry Health Conference. p. 16-20.
Alternative to Antibiotics - Utilization of Bacteriophage to Prevent Foodborne Pathogens. - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Alternative to antibiotics - utilization of bacteriophage to prevent foodborne pathogens. In: Proceedings of the Poultry Science Symposium. 2004 Joint ADSA, ASAS, PSA Annual Meeting, July 25-29, 2004, St. Louis, Misouri. v. 82(Suppl. 1):81.
Treating and Preventing Colibacillosis in Poultry with Bacteriophage. - (Abstract)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Treating and preventing colibacillosis in poultry with bacteriophage [abstract]. ASM Conference on the New Phage Biology, August 1-5, 2004, Key Biscayne, Florida. p. 202.
Novel Lactobacillus Culture Demonstrates Bacteriocin-Like Activity in Vitro Against Multiple Food Borne Pathogens and in Vivo Efficacy Against Se - (Abstract)
Nava, G.M., Tellez, G., Vincente, J.L., Bielke, L.R., Blore, P.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2004. Novel lactobacillus culture demonstrates bacteriocin-like activity in vitro against multiple food borne pathogens and in vivo efficacy against SE [abstract]. Poultry Science. 83(Suppl 1):1762.
Intermittent Administration of a Probiotic Culture and a Mixture of Organic Acids May Reduce Salmonella Enteritidis Transmission in Chicks - (Abstract)
Jarquin, R.L., Nava, G.M., Vincente, J.S., Wolfenden, A.D., Sartor, C.D., Higgins, S.E., Tellez, G.I., Donoghue, D.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2004. Intermittent administration of a probiotic culture and a mixture of organic acids may reduce salmonella enteritidis transmission in chicks[abstract]. Poultry Science. 83(Suppl 1):1771.
Effect of Probiotic Cultures Or Antibiotics on Enteritis-Susceptible Poult Performance Within Brooding Houses - (Abstract)
Higgins, S.E., Torres-Rodriguez, A., Vincente, J.L., Nava, G.M., Pixley, C.M., Sartor, C.D., Tellez, G.I., Donoghue, D.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2004. Effect of probiotic cultures or antibiotics on enteritis-susceptible poult performance within brooding houses [abstract]. Poultry Science. 83(Suppl 1):1779.
Evaluation of Probiotic Cultures on Salmonella Prevalence in Commercial Turkey Houses. - (Abstract)
Vincente, J.L., Nava, G.M., Torres, A., Jarquin, R., Sartor, C.D., Wolfenden, A., Higgins, S., Bielke, L., Tellez, G., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Evaluation of probiotic cultures on salmonella prevalence in commercial turkey houses [abstract]. Poultry Science. 83(Suppl 1):1770-1771.
Alternatives to Antibiotic for Control of Baterial Pathogens in Poultry - (Abstract)
Hargis, B.M., Donoghue, A.M., Higgins, S.E., Donoghue, D.J., Guillermo, T. 2003. Alternatives to antibiotic for control of baterial pathogens in poultry [CD-ROM]. Version 1. Mexico City, MX: Anales Del Instituto De Biologia Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico.
Osmotic Tolerance of Avian Spermatozoa: Influence of Time, Temperature, Cryoprotectant and Membrane Ion Pump Function on Sperm Viability - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (28-Nov-03)
The Role of Beneficial Microflora in Controlling Enteric Bacterial Diseases: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Competitive Exclusion - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Campylobacter in Semen: Investigating Potential Modes of Infection in Turkeys - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Donoghue, D.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M., Blore, P., Cox, N., Cole, K. 2003. Campylobacter in semen: investigating potential modes of infection in turkeys. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings. 2003 CDROM.
Effects of Varying Aeration Treatment and Storage Temperature On campylobacter Concentrations in Poultry Semen - (Abstract)
Cole, K., Blore, P.J., Holliman, J.S., Donoghue, A.M., Musgrove, M.T., Cox, N.A., Donoghue, D.J. 2003. Effects of varying aeration treatment and storage temperature on campylobacter concentrations in poultry semen. [abstract]. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings. CDROM.
Evaluation of a Novel Approach for Identification of Highly Effective Theraputic and Prophylactic Competetive Exclusion Cultures for Food Borne Pathogens. - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M., Newberry, L.A., Donoghue, A.M., Bielke, L.R., Holliman, J.S., Blore, P.J., Wolfenden, A.D. 2003. Evaluation of a novel approach for identification of highly effective theraputic and prophylactic competetive exclusion cultures for food borne pathogens [CD-ROM]. Version 1. Fayetteville, AR: Food Safety Consortium Proceedings.
Lactic Acid Bacteria Culture with Wide in Vitro Antibacterial Spectrum by Bacteriocin-Like Activity and Probiotic Effect in Vivo - (Abstract)
Nava, G.M., Tellez, G.I., Vincente, J.L., Blore, P., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D.J., Hargis, B.M. 2003. Lactic acid bacteria culture with wide in vitro antibacterial spectrum by bacteriocin-like activity and probiotic effect in vivo. [abstract]. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings. 2003 CDROM.
Evaluation of Horizontal Transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis to Broiler Chicks Placed on Acidified Litter. - (Abstract)
Vincente, J.L., Tellez, G.I., Nava, G., Higgins, S., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D., Hargis, B.M. 2003. Evaluation of horizontal transmission of salmonella enteritidis to broiler chicks placed on acidified litter. [abstract]. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings. 2003 CDROM.
Evaluation of Bacteriophage Strategies for Controlling Antemortem infection and Postmortem Contamination with Salmonella In commercial Poultry. - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Hargis, B., Donoghue, D.J., Newberry, L.A., Huff, W.E., Donoghue, A.M., Higgins, S.E., Bielke, L.R., Sartor, C.D. 2003. Evaluation of bacteriophage strategies for controlling antemortem infection and postmortem contamination with salmonella in commercial poultry. In: Proceedings of the Food Safety Consortium, October 12-14, 2003, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 2003 CDROM.
Salmonella Host Range of Bacteriophages Which Exhibit Increased Host Range - (Abstract)
Bielke, L.R., Higgins, S.E., Guenther, K.L., Nava, G.M., Tellez, G.I., Donoghue, D.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2003. Salmonella host range of bacteriophages which exhibit increased host range. [CD-ROM]. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings.
Evaluation of a Probiotic Consisting of Nine Non-Pathogenic Bacteria for Prophylactic Treatment of Salmonella Enteritidis in Broiler Chicks. - (Abstract)
Wolfenden, A.D., Pixley, C.M., Johonson, D.A., Higgins, S.E., Bielke, L.R., Nava, G.M., Tellez, G.I., Donoghue, D.J., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M. 2003. Evaluation of a probiotic consisting of nine non-pathogenic bacteria for prophylactic treatment of salmonella enteritidis in broiler chicks. [CD-ROM]. Food Safety Consortium Proceedings.
Bacteriophage: Potential Role in Food Safety - (Book/Chapter)
Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Balog, J.M., Donoghue, A.M. 2004. Bacteriophage: Potential role in food safety. In Preharvest and Postharvest Food Safety. Contemorary Issues and Future Directions. Ames, IA: Blackwell Publishing. p. 365-374.
Biofilm Development As An Important Factor in the Virulence of Intestinal Bacteria - (Abstract)
Nava, G., Higgins, S., Bielke, L., Tellez, G., Nisbet, D.J., Anderson, R.C., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B. 2003. Biofilm development as an important factor in the virulence of intestinal bacteria. [abstract]. Biofilms. p. 144.
The Chicken Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type II (Bmpr2) Gene Maps to Chromosome 7. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bacteriophage Treatment of a Severe Escherichia Coli Respiratory Infection in Broiler Chickens. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Effects of Aeration and Storage Temperature on Campylobacter Concentrations in Chicken Semen. - (Abstract)
Cole, K., Blore, P., Holliman, J.S., Donoghue, A.M., Musgrove, M.T., Cox Jr, N.A., Donoghue, D.J. 2003. Effects of aeration and storage temperature on campylobacter concentrations in chicken semen. Abstract. Poultry Science. 82:Suppl.1}:6.
Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Conjunction with a Commercial Organic Acid Treatment May Reduce Initial Campylobacter Colonization in Turkeys. - (Abstract)
Holliman, J.S., Nava, G., Bielke, L.R., Cole, K., Blore, P.J., Donoghue, A.M., Byrd Ii, J.A., Hargis, B.M., Tellez, G., Donoghue, D.J. 2003. Use of lactic acid bacteria in conjunction with a commercial organic acid treatment may reduce initial campylobacter colonization in turkeys. [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 82(Suppl. 1):31.
In Vitro Selection of Enteric Microflora for Potential Use As a Competitive Exclusion Culture Against Campylobacter in Poults. - (Abstract)
Bhaskaran, H.P., Bielke, L.R., Nava, G., Vincente, J.L., Blore, P.J., Tellez, G., Donoghue, A.M., Byrd Ii, J.A., Hargis, B.M., Donoghue, D.J. 2003. In vitro selection of enteric microflora for potential use as a competitive exclusion culture against campylobacter in poults [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 82(Suppl 1):31.
Effect of Hypobaric Hypoxia on Ascites Resistant and Susceptible Lines and Their Reciprocal F1 Crosses. 2. Gut Development. - (Abstract)
Tellez, G., Balog, J.M., Pavlidis, H.O., Huff, W.E., Huff, G.R., Rath, N.C., Stamps, L., Donoghue, A.M., Hargis, B.M., Anthony, N.B. 2003. Effect of hypobaric hypoxia on ascites resistant and susceptible lines and their reciprocal F1 crosses. 2. Gut development. [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 82(Suppl 1):22.
Antimicrobial Therapy and Prophylaxis: Emerging Issues and Alternatives to Chemotherapy - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Donoghue, A.M., Guillermo, T., Huff, W.E., Hargis, B., Donoghue, D. Antimicrobial therapy and prophylaxis:emerging issues and alternatives to chemotherapy. Proceedings of National Association of Specialists of Avian Science. 2004 CDROM.
Evaluation of Aerosol Spray and Intramuscular Injection of Bacteriophage to Treat An Escherichia Coli Respiratory Infection - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
HUFF, W.E., HUFF, G.R., RATH, N.C., BALOG, J.M., DONOGHUE, A.M. Evaluation of Aerosol Spray and Intramuscular Injection of Bacteriophage to Treat an Escherichia coli Respiratory Infection. Poultry Science. 2003. v. 82(7). p. 1108-1112.
Sequence Analysis of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type II Mrnas from Ascitic and Non-Ascitic Commercial Broilers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Prebiotics, Probiotics, Synbiotics and Their Roll on Intestinal Integrity - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Tellez, G., Nava, G., Vicente, J., Donoghue, A.M., Donoghue, D., Hargis, B. 2003. Prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics and their roll on intestinal integrity [CD-ROM]. Version 1. Mexico City, MX: National Association of Specialists of Avian Science.

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