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History of Current Scientific Series

The NEFSC publishes most of its publications and reports in external scientific literature series (e.g., Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science).  However, to assist itself in providing data, information, and advice to its scientific, technical, and general constituents, the NEFSC also currently publishes some of its reports in two internal scientific literature series:

  • NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE (the “TM” series)
  • Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document (the “CRD” series)
  • To obtain a copy of a TM or a CRD which is not available in a full-text online version, refer to the "Obtaining Copies" instructions at the top of the TM and CRD pages (as linked above).

    The TM series began in October 1980, and is issued irregularly.  Its scope of coverage includes:

  • Data reports of long-term and large-area studies.
  • Synthesis reports for major resources and habitats.
  • Annual reports of assessment and monitoring programs.
  • Analytical reports of environmental conditions or phenomena.
  • Manuals describing unprecedented field and lab techniques.
  • Literature surveys of major resource and habitat topics.
  • Proceedings and collected papers of scientific meetings.
  • Indexed and/or annotated bibliographies.
  • Through June 1994, the NEFSC issued two subseries of TMs: NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NEC (for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center), and NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NER  (for the Northeast Regional Operations Office).  In July 1994, both subseries were subsumed by the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE series.

    The CRD series began in 1989, and is also issued irregularly.  Its scope of coverage includes:

  • Data reports on field and lab observations and experiments.
  • Progress reports on continuing experiments, monitoring, and assessments.
  • Manuals describing routine surveying and sampling programs.
  • Background papers for, and summary reports of, scientific meetings.
  • Simple bibliographies.
  • Prior to the CRD series, the NEFSC issued fiveseries of laboratory-based, secondary scientific literature:
  • Woods Hole Laboratory Reference Document
  • Narragansett Laboratory Reference Document
  • Sandy Hook Laboratory Report
  • Sandy Hook Laboratory Technical Series Report
  • Oxford Laboratory Informal Report
  • In January 1989, all four laboratory-based series were subsumed by the CRD series.

    Jon A. Gibson