0ffice of Acquisition and PropertyManagement

Departmental Class Justification and Approval to Limit Competition and Waiver of Publication Requirements for Acquisitions in Response to the National Emergency Declared as a Result of the Recent Terrorist Attacks.

May 27, 2003

Department of the Interior Acquisition Policy Release (DIAPR) 2003-02

SUBJECT: Departmental Class Justification and Approval to Limit Competition and Waiver of Publication Requirements for Acquisitions in Response to the National Emergency Declared as a Result of the Recent Terrorist Attacks.

1. Purpose:

To transmit a copy of the subject Class Justification and Approval and Waiver document. This DIAPR will only be transmitted electronically; accordingly a copy should be printed and filed locally with copies of the DIAR.

2. Effective Date:


3. Expiration Date:

This DIAPR remains in effect until canceled or superseded.

4. Background:

On September 14, 2001, President George W. Bush signed a Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks. In that Proclamation, President Bush declared that a National Emergency has existed since September 11, 2001. This National Emergency has given rise to a continuing urgent need for supplies and services of an unusual and compelling nature since September 11, 2001. This Class Justification and Approval and Waiver document provides follow-on coverage to DIAPR 2002-2, which was issued in November 2001, and has expired. DIAPR 2002-2 was issued when it was found that in responding to this emergency, DOI contracting activities would need to act with appropriately accelerated procedures. In order to continue to empower and accelerate the acquisition process supporting this national emergency, DOI's Senior Procurement Executive has signed a class justification and approval for other than full and open competition per FAR Part 6 and a waiver to FAR Part 5 publication requirements which will cover the entire period of the National Emergency, unless amended or revoked. It available for use by any DOI contracting activity for DOI acquisitions meeting the criteria set forth in the document. For those contracting activities that do not have requirements related to the response to the national emergency, these authorities do not apply.

5. Action Required:

Bureau Procurement Chiefs shall ensure that the attached document is widely disseminated within their acquisition community and that the authority provided in the document is used appropriately by warranted contracting officers.

Please disseminate this guidance within your bureau. You may contact John Peterson of this office on (202) 208-7269 to designate your bureau’s sub group owner and/or if you have any questions regarding this policy issuance.

Debra E. Sonderman, Director
Office of Acquisition and Property Management