National Marine Fisheries Service

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Sustainable Fisheries
1999 Information Bulletins

  154. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Sitka, Alaska. Text Only Version
  153. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Text Only Version
  152. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Seattle, Washington. Text Only Version
  151. NMFS Publishes a Proposed Rule to Establish an IFQ Cost Recovery Program. Text Only Version
  150. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the GOA. Text Only Version
  149. NMFS Closes Specified Fisheries in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  148. NMFS Establishes Permit Requirements for the BSAI Pollock Fishery Under the AFA. Text Only Version
  147. Bycatch Rate Standards for the First Half of 2000 for Purposes of the Vessel Incentive Program. Text Only Version
  146. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Kodiak, Alaska. Text Only Version
  145. NMFS Announces R&R Workshop at Homer, Alaska. Text Only Version
  144. NMFS Re-allocates Pacific Cod in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  143. NMFS Opens Fixed Gear Pacific Cod in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  142. NMFS Opens Trawl Pacific Cod in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  141. NMFS Announces Workshop on Permitting Requirements for 2000 Bering Sea Pollock Fisheries under the AFA. Text Only Version
  140. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing by Inshore Component in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  139. NMFS Opens Inshore Pollock in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  138. NMFS Re-Allocates Pollock in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  137. NMFS Closes Trawl Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  136. NMFS Closes Hook-and-Line and Pot Pacific Cod in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  135. NMFS Closes Trawl Pacific Cod in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  134. NMFS Closes Trawl Yellowfin Sole in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  133. NMFS Opens Pollock in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA for 36 Hours. Text Only Version
  132. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Sharpchin and Northern Rockfish in the Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  131. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Other Rockfish in the Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  130. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Other Rockfish in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  129. NMFS Closes Pollock D Season in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  128. NMFS Closes Inshore Component Pollock in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  127. NMFS Closes Offshore Component Pacific Cod in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  126. NMFS Closes Inshore Component Pacific Cod in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  125. NMFS is Modifying a Directed Fishing Closure for Inshore Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area Pollock. Text Only Version
  124. NMFS Closes Pollock C Season in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  123. NMFS Prohibits Retention Shortraker/Rougheye Rockfish in the Eastern GOA. Text Only Version
  122. NMFS Closes Inshore Component Pollock in the Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area. Text Only Version
  121. NMFS Re-Allocates Pacific Cod in the Bering Sea. Text Only Version
  120. NMFS Closes Pollock for the Mothership Component in the Bering Sea. Text Only Version
  119. NMFS Closes Pollock in Statistical Area 630 at Midnight. Text Only Version
  118. NMFS Opens Pacific Cod for Trawl Catcher Processors in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  117. NMFS Opens Pacific Cod for Trawl Catcher Vessels in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  116. NMFS Closes Atka Mackerel in the Central Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  115. NMFS Announces Recordkeeping and Reporting Workshop at FISH EXPO. Text Only Version
  114. NMFS Announces C Fishing Season for Pollock in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA is Open. Text Only Version
  113. NMFS Opens Pollock in Statistical Area 610 of the GOA for 12 Hours. Text Only Version
  112. NMFS Closes Pollock in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  111. NMFS Closes Pollock in Statistical Area 610 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  110. NMFS' Intent for Short-Term Adjustment to Observer Coverage Requirements. Text Only Version
  109. NMFS Closes Pollock in Statistical Area 630 in the GOA. Text Only Version
  108. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Pacific Ocean Perch in the Western Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  107. NMFS Closes Greenland Turbot in the Bering Sea. Text Only Version
  106. NMFS Opens Pollock in Statistical Area 630 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  105. NMFS Opens Pollock in Statistical Area 620 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  104. NMFS Closes the C Season and Opens the D Season for Pollock in Statistical Area 610 of the GOA. Text Only Version
  103. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Shortraker and Rougheye Rockfish in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  102. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Pacific Ocean Perch in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  101. NMFS Closing the "Other Gear" Atka Mackerel Fishery in the Eastern Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea. Text Only Version
  100. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Pacific Ocean Perch in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  99. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Pelagic Shelf Rockfish in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  98. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Northern Rockfish in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  97. NMFS Closing Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/"Other Flatfish" for Trawl Gear in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  96. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 630 of the GOA After 24 Hours and Extends the C Season. Text Only Version
  95. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 620 of the GOA After 24 Hours and Extends the C Season. Text Only Version
  94. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 610 of the GOA After 6 Hours and Extends the C Season. Text Only Version
  93. NMFS Closing Inshore Pollock in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  92. NMFS Re-Apportionment of Halibut Bycatch Mortality Allowance in the BSAI. Text Only Version
  91. NMFS Closing Inshore Component Pollock in the Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area. Text Only Version
  90. NMFS Opening Inshore Component Pacific Cod in the Central GOA Text Only Version
  89. NMFS Closing Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA. Text Only Version
  88. NMFS issues Prohibited Species Donation Permit to Northwest Food Strategies. Text Only Version
  87. NMFS Closing Deep-Water Species Trawl Fishery in the GOA. Text Only Version
  86. NMFS Closing Pacific Ocean Perch in the West Yakutat District of the GOA. Text Only Version
  85.NMFS Closing Northern Rockfish in the Western Regulatory Area of the GOA. Text Only Version
  84. NMFS Opening Pacific Ocean Perch in the West Yakutat District of the GOA. Text Only Version
  83. NMFS Prohibiting Retention of Sablefish by Vessels Using Trawl Gear in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  82. NMFS Closing Northern Rockfish in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  81. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Other Rockfish in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  80. NMFS Closes Pacific Ocean Perch in the Central GOA Text Only Version
  79. Monitoring of Pollock CDQ inside the Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area for 1999. Text Only Version
  78. Crab interim Action Committee Meeting. Text Only Version
  77. NMFS Prohibits Retention of Thornyhead Rockfish in the Western GOA. Text Only Version
  76. NMFS Opens Northern Rockfish in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  75. NMFS Opens Pacific Ocean Perch in the Central GOA. Text Only Version
  74. NMFS Opens the Deep-Water Species Trawl Fishery in the GOA. Text Only Version
  73. NMFS Closes Pacific Ocean Perch in the Western Aleutian Islands.
  72. NMFS Closes Pacific Ocean Perch in the Central Aleutian Islands.
  71. NMFS Requests Multi-Species CDQ Participants to Work With Observer Procurement Contractors to Ensure Adequate Observer Coverage.
  70. NMFS Closes Trawling for Deep-Water Species in the GOA.
  69. NMFS Extends Emergency Steller Sea Lion Measures through December 31, 1999. (Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  68. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean Perch in the Western Regulatory Area of the GOA.
  67. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean Perch in the West Yakutat Region of the GOA.
  66. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Northern Rockfish in the Central Regulatory Area of the GOA.
  65. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing for Pacific Ocean Perch in the Central Regulatory Area of the GOA.
  64. NMFS Closes the Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery in the Eastern Aleutian District.
  63. NMFS Provides Advance Notice of Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for the Pollock B and C Season Fisheries Off Alaska.
  62. Incidental Take Limit for Short-Tailed Albatross in Alaska Hook-and-Line Fishery.
  61. NMFS Closing Trawling for Shallow-Water Species in the GOA.
  60. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 620.
  59. NMFS Clarifies Pollock CDQ Catch Accounting Requirements.
  58. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 630.
  57. Bycatch Rate Standards for the 2nd half of 1999.
  56. NMFS Closing Offshore Pacific Cod in the Western GOA.
  55. NMFS Closing Hook-and-Line, and Pot Pacific Cod in the BSAI.
  54. NMFS Closing Pollock in Area 610 of the GOA.
  53. Reward for Electronically Tagged Sablefish.
  52. 1999 NOAA/PMEL instrument Moorings in the FOCI Pollock Study Areas.
  51. NMFS Closing Other Non-Trawl Gear in the BSAI.
  50. NMFS Closing Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA.
  49. NMFS Closing Pacific Cod for Trawl Catcher Processors in the BSAI.
  48. NMFS Implements a Final Rule Amending Regulations for Vessels Harvesting Halibut CDQ.
  47. NMFS Closing Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/"Other Flatfish" for Trawl Gear in the BSAI.
  46. NMFS Closing Deep-Water Species for Trawl Gear in the GOA.
  45. NMFS Closing Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA.
  44. Use of Flow Scales and Access to Observer Sampling Stations in Non-CDQ Fisheries.
  43. NMFS Closing Pacific Cod for Hook-and-Line and Pot Gear in the BSAI.
  42. NMFS Opening Offshore Pacific Cod in the Western GOA.
  41. NMFS Closing Trawl Catcher Vessel Pacific Cod in the BSAI.
  40. NMFS Apportion Reserves of Pacific Cod in the GOA.
  39. NMFS Closing Atka Mackerel in the Central Aleutian Islands and Opening Trawling in Critical Habitat.
  38. NMFS Closing Trawling for Shallow-Water Species in the GOA.
  37. NMFS Closing Trawling in Critical Habitat in the Central Aleutian Islands.
  36. NMFS Closing Trawling for Deep-Water Species in the GOA.
  35. NMFS Closing Trawling for Shallow-Water Species in the GOA.
  34. NMFS Closing Inshore Pacific Cod in the Central GOA.
  33. Alaska Region Selects New Protected Resources Division Chief.
  32. NMFS Closes Pacific Cod in the Western GOA.
  31. NMFS Opens IFQ Season.
  30. NMFS Closes Pollock in the Eastern GOA.
  29. NMFS Notifies Fishermen that Landing Tagged Sablefish is Allowed Under
Groundfish and IFQ Regulations.
  28. NMFS Opens Atka Mackerel in the Central Aleutian District.
  27. NMFS Closes Inshore Pollock in the Bering Sea at Midnight.
  26. NMFS Closes Atka Mackerel in the Central Aleutian Islands and Opens Trawl Gear in Critical Habitat.
  25. NMFS Closes Rock Sole/Flathead Sole/"Other Flatfish" for Trawl Gear in the BSAI.
  24. NMFS Announces 1999 Combined Groundfish/IFQ Logbooks.
  23. NMFS Closing Inshore Pollock A2 Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area of the BSAI Management Area.
  22. NMFS Opening Offshore Pacific Cod in the Central GOA.
  Coast Guard Proposes Boat Registration Fee increase for Alaska.
  Coast Guard Looking into Fishery Related Casualties.
  21. Closing Pollock for the Mothership Component in the Bering Sea at Midnight.
  20. Closing Fishing for Pollock in Area 620.
  19. Closing Fishing with Nonpelagic Trawl Gear in the Red King Crab Savings Subarea in the BSAI.
  18. Prohibit Trawling in Steller Sea Lion Critical Habitat in the Central Aleutian District.
  17. Closing Pollock for Certain Vessels Processing by the Inshore Component in the Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area.
  16. Closing Pollock for the Mothership Component in the Critical Habitat/Catcher Vessel Operation Area.
  15. NMFS Implements FR and ER for Pollock CDQ Allocation and Requirements of the AFA.
  14. NMFS Opens Red King Crab Savings Subarea to NPT.
  13. Clarification of Requirements for CDQ Pollock Catch in the Aleutian Islands.
  12. Closing Pollock in the Western GOA.
  11. Closing Atka Mackerel in the Eastern Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea.
  10. Closing Fishing for Pollock Area 630.
  09. Closing Fishing with Nonpelagic Trawl Gear in the Red King Crab Savings Subarea in the BSAI.
  08. North Pacific Fishery Management Council Will Not Consider 1999 Harvest Activity for Purposes of Future Limited Access Programs.
  07. NMFS Announces Closing Specified Fisheries for Catcher/Processors Listed Under the AFA in the BSAI.
  06. NMFS Announces Closing Offshore Pacific Cod and Pollock in the GOA.
  05. NMFS Announces Approval of Amendments to Extend the Vessel Moratorium.
  04. NMFS Implements Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for the BSAI Atka Mackerel Fishery.
  03. NMFS Implements Emergency interim Rule to Require Additional Observer Coverage on Pollock Catcher/Processor Vessels.
  02. NMFS Approves Amendments to the 1998-2000 Multispecies Community Development Plans.
  01. NMFS Provides Advance Notice of Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for the Pollock Fisheries off Alaska. (Adobe Acrobat .pdf file)
  128. 1999 Closures for Specified Fisheries in the BSAI.
  127. 1999 Closures for Specified Fisheries in theGOA.
  126 R & R Workshop at Kodiak.
  125. NMFS Notice of Bycatch Rate Standards for the First Half of 1999.
  124. NMFS Extends the Groundfish Observer Program through the Year 2000.
  123. NMFS Extension of the Incidental Take Limit for Short-Tailed Albatross.
  122. NMFS Announces Approval of Amendments to Extend the Vessel Moratorium.
  121. Catcher/Processors that Harvest Pollock CDQ Must Weigh Catch in all Groundfish Fisheries in 1999.
  116. NMFS Announces Juneau Workshop on Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements.
  115. NMFS Announces Seattle Workshop on Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements.
  112. NMFS Announces Workshops on Recordkeeping and Recording Requirements.
  108 NMFS Reports incidental Take of two Short-Tailed Albatrosses.

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