Subject: File No. S7-06-04
From: Raymond P Bradley
Affiliation: Registered Representative, Chartered Financial Consultant

April 4, 2005

Enough is enough. While I agree with the need for regulation in the industry, no amount of regulation is going to deter some people from wanting to make the quick buck. However, for those of us trying to serve our clients and provide real financial planning and service to our clients, all these new regulations do is either force us to increase fees or cut back service to our clients because we are too busy trying to fulfill ever increasing and burdensome regulations. Within the past couple of year, I have been forced to: 1. Get signed paperwork from each client as required by my broker dealer for all mutual fund transactions. 2. Fulfill the requirements of the Patriot Act by getting copies of drivers licenses and submitting this information to my broker dealer. 3. Re-issue all business cards and letterhead because of changes required by the NASD. These are in addition to all of the prospectus and other requirements that have always been required. And now, another disclosure at point of sale. Since myself and other financial professionals have not had the opportunity to review the proposal, I feel that we should have an additional 30 days for the comment period.