Subject: File No. S7-06-04
From: R John Badger Jr
Affiliation: CEO Chartered Financial Services, Ltd

April 1, 2005

Comments to the SEC regarding File number S7-06-04
Consider these comments as a complaint regarding the time for comments being too short and a request for extension of time for comments on said file.
I have only become aware today of the proposed regulations under file S7-06-04 and I find April 4 to be the end of the comment period. Obviously the ability to comment fully and accurately to the proposed regulations in this short a period of time is inadequate. I feel it only responsible by the SEC to allow comments adequately to completely evaluate the consequences of the file for all clients, and others who might be effected. Please consider and extension of at least 30 days for comments.It appears that substantial unintended consequences for independent broker/dealers and their registered representatives may ocur with some extremely burdensome and costly activity and restrictive sale capability to clients who deserve broader lattitude in purchases.
R John Badger
Chartered Financial Services, Ltd.