From: Paul D. Christ
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: File No. S7-06-04

SEC Representative,

Disclosure is provided by the Fund Company ( Manufacturer ), by the Broker/Dealer ( Wholesaler or Middle Man ) and lastly by the Sales Representative ( Client Contact ). Oftentime, your "Meat Axe" approach hurts the American Public who you are trying to protect. If you must do something politically, why not just strengthen the Disclosure in the PROSPECTUS.


Paul D. Christ, MBA, CLU
Chartered Financial Consultant
Bus. phone: (248) 540-3863 / Mobile phone: (313) 942-6701 Fax: (248) 540-6992
Website: and

Securities products available through P. D. Christ Associates and The Financial Network Group"FNG" are offered by Royal Alliance Associates,. Inc., member of NASD/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through The Financial Network Group, Ltd., a Registered Investment Advisor.